Stargate SG-1, Season 10

Stargate SG-1 is a science-fiction TV series that premiered on Showtime on 1997. After the fifth season, it moved to US Sci Fi Channel, where it was cancelled after its 10th season. The series has finished following the 10th season with two direct to DVD movies - Stargate: The Ark of Truth and Stargate: Continuum.

Dr. Jackson:
What happened to you?

Oh, I had a baby! You know, I never thought I'd agree with my father, but now I'm starting to remember about how he used to go about how you nurture them and then you raise them and you teach them that best that you can and then all they do is break your heart. I always assumed that his experience was tainted by me.

Dr. Jackson:
What are you talking about?

Well, she started off all sweet and innocent but now she's hellbent on domination of the galaxy.

Dr. Jackson:
How old is she?

A few hours. [Dr. Jackson gives her a confused look.] The Ori used me to sneak one of their own across the border. This child is their way of cheating the ascended rulebook. They couldn't exactly cross over into our galaxy without getting into a confrontation with the Ancients, right? So they created a human representative with their knowledge to lead their armies.

Dr. Jackson:
Sort of an uber-Prior, like the Doci?

Oh, but she's MUCH worse than that. The Priors are just pawns, but she knows the score. She's complicit with the Ori; you should have heard the propaganda that she just tried to feed me.

Dr. Jackson:
Wait, wait, waitaminute, we're talking about a baby here, right?

Oh. She's been genetically altered. She'll be a fully-grown figurehead in a day or so. If she takes after her mother, she'll have a pretty good figure too.

Dr. Jackson:
This is bad.

You're telling me! Origin is about to become a lot more appealing to the males of this galaxy.

Dr. Jackson:
Do you have any idea where we're going?

No, that she wouldn't tell me. She knows I'm not on her side; she's just hoping I'll see the light. But part of her can't help but feel tied to me. She wanted me to give her a name.

Dr. Jackson:

Adria. Told her it was my mother's.

Dr. Jackson:

Stepmother. Witch of a woman.

Dr. Jackson:
You know the more I get to know you, the more I'm starting to understand.


Dr. Jackson:

Dr. Jackson:
I got it! I made the connection! Sir Gawain to Gwalchmei. Culwhch and Olwen. Verus Gen Bree!

Lt. Colonel Carter:
[to Mitchell] And you say I'm hard to understand.

Dr. Jackson:
That's when it hit me: Sir Gawain.

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
Wasn't he one of the Knights who say "Ni"?

Dr. Jackson:
Look, I know she's no angel. She's-she's lied, she's stolen, she's cheated, she's misrepresented herself, she's… lied.

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
This place is deader than a Texas salad bar.

["Studying" for her Psych evaluation] You are in the desert, you see a tortoise lying on its back in the hot sand. You recognize its plight but do nothing to help. Why? [pauses] Hmm. Why? Oh. [starts writing] Because you are also a tortoise.

Dr. Hutchison:
So, how are you feeling?

[eagerly] Very well! Very well…well, you know, all things considered. Heh. I mean, you'd assume I'd be a prime candidate for acculturation difficulty, enduring feelings of…displacement and alienation. Perhaps even a little paranoid ideation. Hmm? But the truth is, I was able to adopt an abstract attitude which allowed me to…release some of my repressed feelings, ultimately providing me with a cathartic actualization. How are you feeling?

Dr. Hutchison:
I'm fine.

Perhaps we should rest.

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
[starts to sit down, then stands up again] No...that's a bad idea. And I'm starting regret staying up late to watch Deuce Biglaow: European Gigolo last night. Check that, I regretted it almost immediately.

[General Landry has just informed Vala that she has been accepted at the SGC]

I-I'm a little… overwhelmed. Heh. But, as my first… official act, I'd like to report a rather disagreeable little man.

Richard Woolsey:
[entering, smugly] That would be me.

General Landry:
Mr. Woolsey's offer was part of the test. We wanted to make sure we could trust you.

[recovering from surprise] I knew that. But were his sexual advances part of the test?

Richard Woolsey:
[horrified] What?! That's..ah…General, I-I can assure you…

Well, I would've even considered playing along, but some of his requests were…well, a little…unusual, even for me.

[General Landry walks off, while SG-1 tries not to laugh]

Richard Woolsey:
General, I would never…General!

See, I still think it's cause for celebration. So I say we go out, have lunch, and I'll pay.

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
Pay with what, exactly?

Well, Daniel will cover me until I get my share of the loot.

Dr. Jackson:
[exasperated] "Loot."

Yeah, from all the treasures we're going to bring back from our off-world travels. What, I have to wait until I'm off probation before I start collecting?

Lt. Colonel Carter:
[regarding McKay] You know, Cam, he's not wrong. As much as it pains me to say it, the data from our first attempt supports his argument.

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
Well, like my grandma used to say, "if at first you don't succeed…"

Lt. Colonel Carter:
[wryly] "…try a larger thermonuclear reaction?"

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
Her words exactly.

Dr. Jackson:
[to Morgan Le Fay] I believe you. I do. I mean, I understand the fine line you have to walk. I realize the risk you're taking just showing yourself. But I'm sorry, I want more. You can pass that on to your friends as well. [to the room] Yeah, I know you're listening, [to Le Fay, in full passionate-speech mode] Because I am getting sick of hidden clues and cryptic messages. And Merlin was right that the Ori are a threat. But not only to us "lowers," not only to the billions of humans throughout this galaxy, but to your own existence. Because when this war is over, and every soul that's left alive is praying to the Ori, feeding their need to be worshipped, you know who they're gonna come for next. I won't pretend to know what that war will look like, or in what battlefield it will take place, but then, I won't be alive to see it.

Morgan le Fay:
If we interfere, we are no better than the Ori.

Dr. Jackson:
I understand that is at the very core of what you are, of what you believe, but I'm talking about survival here. If you really are trying to help, then help yourself.

[regarding the Ascended] I think I understand why you came back, Daniel. I wouldn't have liked their company either.

You know what I think the problem is?

That I can't strangle you?

[Jackson is interrogating Weaver about Vala's whereabouts, but Weaver is afraid to say anything]

Dr. Jackson:
We can protect you.

No, you can't!

Dr. Jackson:
Okay. [to Teal'c, as he gets up to leave] He's all yours.

[panicked] Where're you going?

Dr. Jackson:
I'll be out in the hall; just yell loudly if you need me.

Dr. Jackson:
But we can protect him.

Lt. Colonel Carter:
Yeah, by locking him away for the rest of his life.

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
What can ya say? There's a downside to workin' for super-villains.

Saul, what am I doing? Working here, sleeping out the back, watching reruns of The X-Files in my spare time…

[The record for longest-running American sci-fi was previously held by The X-Files, which finished with 202 episodes. With "Memento Mori," Stargate SG-1 equaled that record.]

[reading a snack cake wrapper] "Disodium guanylate". That would make a great alien name, don't you think?

[SG-1 storms a cheap hotel room to find Mitchell lying on the bed, handcuffed to the headboard, watching TV while eating snack cakes, and pantsless.]

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
Um ..this isn't what it looks like

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:

Lt. Colonel Carter:
Nothin'. I just think it's funny how you're always losing your pants.

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
Y'know, I don't mind gettin' shot, but I pulled a hammie when I took out that last Trust operative.

Lt. Colonel Carter:
At least you didn't lose your pants.

[an alarm goes off in the shaky cargo ship Vala has secured for SG-1]

Life Support seems to be failing... can you take this [the helm] for a minute?

[alarm ceases]

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Great, now that you fixed that how 'bout looking at the inertial dampeners?

I didn't fix anything, I just disconnected that annoying alarm.

Our only chance is to take this ship back.

Lt. Col. Carter:
Well, I have an idea about that, but it's pretty risky.

Well, it's probably better than our plan.

Lt. Col. Carter:
Well, what's your plan?

Dr. Jackson:
We don't have one.

Lt. Col. Carter:

[In an attempt to save Carter from her captor Anateo, Vala uses the Odyssey's damaged beaming technology]

Dr. Jackson:
Uh, where is she?

Well, I couldn't be sure, so I just beamed out the only other lifesign in the room instead.

Dr. Jackson:
Okay. Where is he?

[Vala looks out the window, where Anateo is drifting in space]

Dr. Jackson:
[following Vala's gaze] Well, Sam did say it was risky.

Dr. Jackson:
Yeah, we swept the ship twice. Rounded up fourteen men in total, but not Solek. Vala had to beam him out of the hold where the crew was being held, so we have no way of knowing for sure where he ended up.

Did you check the sewage reservoir?

Dr. Jackson:
Yeah, no lifesigns. Ew.

Dr. Jackson:
Uh, you should probably prepare to fire.

Maj. Marks:
For the record, I'm always prepared to fire. I just have to press this button here.

Dr. Jackson:
Right..I just-I thought that's what you're supposed to say, so...

Maj. Marks:
I know.

[Vala has just powered up the hyperdrive by shoving a crystal into a hole that doesn't fit it]

Lt. Col. Carter:
How'd you do that?

Honestly, I don't know, that almost never normally works.

Dr. Jackson:
I'm sorry, aren't you the one who knows the dragon's secret name? It's time to earn your keep.

Ah, yes. I may have exaggerated about that, slightly. Anyway, you didn't think that just by calling out its name, you'd suddenly be able to control it?

Dr. Jackson:
I don't know. Name magic is common in most mythologies. To know something's secret name is to steal its power.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
So what are we supposed to do, start guessing?

Darrel, the dragon.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
How about Smokey?

Perhaps Puff?

Dr. Jackson:
[annoyed]: Will you just give me a minute?

[Merlin revives from stasis]

Where am I?

Lt. Col. Carter:
Good question.

[to Carter] You look familiar. [pauses as he scrutinizes Carter] Guinivere! [hugging Carter] Oh my dear, it's been too long.

Lt. Col. Carter:
Uh, good to see you too.

[to Mitchell] Percival! [to Jackson] And Galahad! Oh brave knights, fortune indeed does smile upon me to see your faces again.

Looks like Merlin's drawbridge no longer goes all the way across the moat, if you catch my meaning.

What's that? Mordred? I might have known it.

We're wasting our time with this old fool! We need to get back to the gate so I can start reprogramming-

Be silent!

[Merlin waves his hand, and Ba'al loses the ability to speak]

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Well how do you like that? The old boy still has some old tricks up his sleeve.

You have an extraordinary understanding of the ways of ascended beings.

Dr. Jackson:
That's because I used to be one.

The Human race cannot have evolved that far in only a thousand years.

Dr. Jackson:
That's because I had some help. Her name was Oma Desala.

[understanding] Oh, of course.

[Merlin has died, and the team is deciding what to do]

I told you, I could reprogram the dialing device.

[SG-1 looks at Ba'al]

His little trick with my vocal chords expired at the same time he did.

Yet another reason to mourn his passing.

[regarding Daniel] Hey, you have to tell him that he doesn't have to do this. He'll listen to you.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
What team have you been on?

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
[to Vala, after Daniel downloaded Merlin's consiousness into his mind] The hard part of this team is not risking your own life, it's watching your friends take chances with theirs. Congratulations, now you're really one of us.

Dr. Jackson:
I'm going to be fine...

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Look, you dont get fancy mindpowers unless there's been major redecorating going on inside your skull...

Lt. Col. Mitchell:

Lt. Col. Carter:
Oh, thank you!

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Don't get too excited, they packed us decaf by mistake.

Lt. Col. Carter:

[Ori fighters are approaching]

Teal'c [Over radio]:
Colonel Mitchell, do you read?

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Loud and clear, Teal'c. What's up?

Our time.

Lt. Col. Carter:
I spent my entire life dedicated to science. That's the last ten years, trying to convince people they believed in false gods. I don't feel like science is gonna help me. Right now, I'm just hoping somewhere one of those gods...

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
My grandma used to say, "God is like a prairie windstorm. If you look too hard, you get dust in your eyes, but there's still plenty of ways to know it's there."

Lt. Col. Carter:
Is that what you believe?

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Actually, I generally just nodded until she gave me a macaroon.

[Mitchell is shocked while connecting two wires to a control crystal]

Lt. Col. Carter:
That's a good sign.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
That's easy for you to say, you with that little flesh wound.

I have not begun to question the will of the Ori, but I have begun to question the interpretation of their words. No matter what you say, I will not believe the Book of Origin asks us to massacre innocent people! And I will not stand by while the Holy Doctrine of Good Will and Faith that I have sworn to uphold is twisted into a hammer and used to beat people down!

[Carter is trying some of Mitchell's homemade macaroons]

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Pretty good, huh?

Lt. Col. Carter:
Actually, they are pretty good

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
[looking at Carter's face] You hate it.

Lt. Col. Carter:
Yup, sorry.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Well, to each their own.

Are you saying this Prior's claims are false?

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
We're saying that book's got about as much truth in it as The Da Vinci Code.

[conspiratorially] Hey, that's what they want you to think.

[Prior-Daniel is beamed aboard the Odyssey]

Hey! What took you guys so long?!

[O'Neill takes a moment to look over Prior-Daniel]

Gen. O'Neill:
[brightly] This is new.

[casual] Yeah, it's always something, isn't it?

Gen. O'Neill:
I gotta tell you though, not your look.

Jack, you have to believe me.

Gen. O'Neill:

"Why." Well because, oh I don't know, the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance?

Gen. O'Neill:
You know, that old chestnut is getting a little... old.

No, no, that part never gets old. Now, you have to shut down that Supergate, and you have to let me go!

Gen. O'Neill:
[jokingly] You know I hate being told what to do.

Jack, it's me!

Gen. O'Neill:
[shouting] What, that's supposed to convince me?! Look at you!

Have I ever let you down? No, don't answer that, have I ever let you down when it really mattered?

Gen. O'Neill:
You know, there's a bottom line here: Carter doesn't think it can be done.

Yes, it can. A Mk-9 beamed directly behind the gate in the Pegasus galaxy will destroy that gate, the wormhole connection will be broken.

Gen. O'Neill:
How do you know that?

Hello!? Merlin!

Gen. O'Neill:
[mockingly] Oh yes. [in "spooky" voice] Merlin!

[frustrated] Jack, I wish I had proof. I wish I had a way to convince you, but I don't. Now this was the only choice I had and I took it. It's a good plan, it-it just happens to hinge on you guys believing in me, having a little faith. Now, I thought you of all people might!

Gen. O'Neill:
Why!? You of all people should know that, I don't believe anything anybody says, even if I understand what they're talking about!

[Daniel still restrained, Vala on his lap]

So... What the hell is going on?

This and that. You know, the usual. [excitedly] You'll never believe what's happening on One Life to Live!

You know, I really hate to press the issue here, but I do have a deadline.

Oooh, so do we.

Oh yes I know, before I figure out how to overcome the effects of the anti-Prior device, oooooh. I thought Teal'c believed me!

Oh, he does.


No, he's on your side too. That... little weasel man, who somehow represents your government...


I-I can't be certain, but... I think he might not like you...

He wants to have me killed, doesn't he?

Well... I'm not sure how serious he is, he seems quite the prankster to me.


... Not to worry. If it comes down to it, [leaving]I have a plan.

Oh, you have a plan... Great. What is it?

Well... when I said that I had a plan, I meant that I have to plan... the plan. So when, o-or rather, if it comes down to it, I will have a plan. I've, uh, cleared my whole afternoon... for planning.

Dr. Jackson was the one who suggested that we should kill Khalek.

General O'Neill:
He was the demon-spawn of Anubis.

[after meeting with Woolsey]

Lt. Col. Carter:
How's it going sir?

Gen. O'Neill:
Longing for the days when I actually carried a weapon. What do you got?

Lt. Col. Carter:
A crazy idea.

Gen. O'Neill:
I'm down with crazy. I like crazy. Crazy and I are like... that.

Lt. Col. Carter:
Cam likes crazy too.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Listen, if what Jackson is saying is true, there is an Ori ship out there with a near-complete weapon on it that could prove useful against the Ori. I think we should go after it.

Gen. O'Neill:
You're right. That's crazy!

[Woolsey walks into the room Daniel is being hold in aboard the Odyssey]

No gun. Hm. Did you bring lethal injection, high voltage, or you're just gonna have them beam me out into space?

[O'Neill and Landry are walking through the conference room in the SGC, chatting. Suddenly, a startled Woolsey is beamed into the SGC briefing room. O'Neill and Landry consider him briefly, then O'Neill turns to Landry]

Gen. O'Neill:
I thought we fixed it so that wouldn't happen again. [he is beamed out]

[Daniel beams O'Neill onto Odyssey's bridge]

Gen. O'Neill:
... Daniel?


Gen. O'Neill:
What's up?

Oh, I'm taking the ship.

Gen. O'Neill:
[looking around] Oh I see that.

Yeah I, I beamed the crew safely to the surface.

Gen. O'Neill:
Nice for them.

But as you probably figured out by now, I'm going to need you.

Gen. O'Neill:
You know, I was just thinking how much I missed being needed.

[SG-1 is under fire from Ori soldiers]

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
All right fellas, here's the deal! We are commandeering this ship! We'd like for you to throw down your weapons and surrender, please! [Mitchell barely dodges a staff blast] That's a no.

Gen. O'Neill:
[sighing] Yep, just like old times. Except I'm here against my will, and you look like Marcel Marceau.

Yeah, you know, some things change, but others stay the same.

Gen. O'Neill:
Very good. Why'd you bother giving me the intel if you were going to bust out anyway?

Well, obviously I'm improvising at this point. I had no idea when or even if I was going to be able to overcome the effects of the anti-Prior device. Time was running out. Adria's gonna notice my absence and become suspicious. So sending the rest of SG-1 to get the device was my only choice at the time.

Gen. O'Neill:
Then why do this now?

Because I'm afraid the rest of the team won't be able to complete the mission without me.

Gen. O'Neill [snidely]:
Oh, aren't we full of ourselves?

That, and I wasn't about to let Woolsey freeze me.

Gen. O'Neill:
That I understand.


[assembling the weapon] Okay, I think that's about it.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Hang on. What's this?

[dismissively] Oh, I'm not sure about that one.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
See! There is always a widget left over.

I thought you were always one short?

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Well you'd think both was impossible, but it's not.

Right... Actually, I'm pretty sure that's the timing crystal that sets the detonation of the weapon five minutes after it's inserted.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Right. Hold on that. [into radio] Carter, status?

Lt. Col. Carter:
[into radio] Vala, Cam, we're moments from exiting hyperspace.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Roger that. We're almost done here...Check that, uh, Vala's almost done. I still have my doubts.

[Daniel is back to normal]

Dr. Jackson:
No, it's me. Merlin's gone. He sacrificed himself for this to work.

Gen. O'Neill:
Yeah? Prove it.

[Daniel makes a motion like a Jedi Mind Trick]

Gen. O'Neill:
What the hell was that?

Dr. Jackson:
If I was Merlin, you would know.

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
[into intercom] Carter, Sunshine [Daniel] is awake.

Lt. Col. Carter:
That's good, is he okay?

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
Well, he's grumpy.

Lt. Col. Carter:
Can you ask him how he managed to cloak this ship?

[Mitchell looks at Daniel, and Daniel shrugs]

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
He says magicians don't reveal their secrets.

Dr. Jackson:
We're stuck.

No we're not!

[Everyone looks at Vala]

Well, when we fail to make the scheduled check-in, General Landry will dial in, at which point we'll ask him to send a naquadah generator and a laptop with a dialing program and that's that!

Dr. Jackson:
We knew that! I-I-I thought that when I said that we're stuck, that you would know that I meant "until then."

Well, then you should say what you mean.

Dr. Jackson:
I don't think you want me to start doing that.

I don't think you want to start thinking what I think.

Dr. Jackson:
[checking his watch] So, therefore, next check-in is in just under six hours.

Good. Muscles, that means that we have time to go to the party.

[She starts to walk away until Mitchell's voice stops her.]

Lt. Col. Mitchell:
No, it does not! It means we stay here out of sight and remain as inconspicuous as possible. With a bit of luck, the people on this planet will never even know we were here.

[The couple who had left the party before arrive in the gate room and are now just a few feet away from the team. They begin kissing intensely.]

[pushing him away for a moment] Don't. tell Hesellven, she is like a sister to me.


[They resume kissing. They stop and begin to walk toward the gate, where they finally see the team. Mitchell waves casually.]

Lt. Colonel Mitchell:
Hi. There's nothing to be alarmed about. We um-

[The woman begins screaming then turns and runs out of the room, the man following her. She is still screaming. Teal'c and Mitchell head out after them, and Vala tries to follow, but Daniel holds her back.]

How come they get to go?

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