Adult Sheldon:
Fun fact: The first time I almost died was at the age of nine. The murder weapon: A Jimmy Dean sausage.
[In the flashback, Sheldon chokes and clutches his throat, his blue eyes wide with distress]
Mom, Sheldon's making faces at me.
[Mary sees Sheldon clutching his throat and struggling to breathe]
Sheldon?! Honey!
Adult Sheldon:
In fairness to Mr. Dean, this one morning I decided to forego my normal twenty chews per bite, as prescribed by the American Medical Association.
George, help!
[bending Sheldon over his knee] Come here, boy. We got it. We just got to smack it out. [He smacks Sheldon on the back]
Adult Sheldon:
To further complicate matters, in any real life crisis, my family's default mode is mindless panic.
[from the comfort of the breakfast table] Sheldon's gonna die! Sheldon's gonna die!
Adult Sheldon:
Or heartless apathy.
[Georgie bites into a slice of toast and watches. George picks Sheldon up by his legs and shakes him]
Here we go. This is how you do it. Here we go. And shake.
Adult Sheldon:
It's interesting, the things you think about when life is ebbing from your body. For instance, linoleum. What is it, really? Plastic? And if so, how is it from Formica?
I'm calling 911.
[While being shaken, Sheldon's gaze turns to the cereal box on the table]
Adult Sheldon:
And what about Count Chocula? How is he a count? Did the title come with land?
George, Heimlich! [George puts the boy on his feet and does a heimlich maneuver] Don't hurt his little ribs!
Adult Sheldon:
They say in the final moments, your life passes before your eyes. All I saw was my brother licking jelly off the knife, and putting it back in the jar.
[Sheldon's windpipe is freed from obstruction]
Okay, it's better now. Sheldon! Honey, are you okay? Can you breathe? Say something!
You have to... throw away... that jelly!