[Everyone, except Rack, Shack and Benny, bows down as the intro music to "The Bunny Song" plays]
Mr. Lunt:
[notices that Rack, Shack and Benny aren't bowing] Hey, boss? Those three guys, they don't look like they're bowing.
Mr. Nezzer:
[confused] Hmm... aren't those our new Junior Executives?
Mr. Lunt:
I think so. Maybe they're stuck.
Mr. Nezzer:
Let's find out. [moves the podium over to Rack, Shack and Benny] I said, it's time to sing "The Bunny Song."
[The factory's delivery girl, Laura Carrot, notices the situation]
Come on, guys, sing the song! Everybody's doing it.
Mr. Nezzer:
[with increasing frustration] Sing the song!
Mr. Lunt:
They ain't singing, boss.
Mr. Nezzer:
[finally on the brink of losing his temper] SING!
[Shack begins singing "Think Of Me"]
Mr. Nezzer:
Is that "The Bunny Song?"
Mr. Lunt:
[skeptical] No, I don't think so.
[worried] Are you crazy? That's the wrong song!
[Shack keeps singing. Rack and Benny join in on the last verse]
Mr. Nezzer:
[touched] Oh, that was wonderful. I'm gonna be singing that song myself... [suddenly angry] as I throw you into the furnace! GUARDS! [Rack, Shack and Benny are shocked] Seize them! Take them to the furnace.
[A band of carrot guards approach Rack, Shack and Benny]
I've gotta help them. But how?
[Laura sees her flying delivery truck and approaches it as the scene fades out]
Grandpa George:
[off-camera] Rack, Shack and Benny will be right back, after this short break.