The show was created by J. Allen Griz. Executive Producers are: J. Allen Griz, Brayne Varner and Corby Tender.
– Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, Season 4 Show Quote
The episode opens to a typical 1980s sitcom format. Tim and Eric are singing the lyrics to the show. They are as follows: "Life is strange, You don't need a woman to tell you, And though we fly on the wings of change, You know we're together for good."
Tim Heidecker: ...Alright, you're comin'.
Eric Wareheim (Leans close to Tim's ear) : I'M NOT GONNA WEAR MY BIG AFRICAN HAT TO YOUR PARTY!
Eric Wareheim: Ihopeidon'twearthat bigafricannnhaaaiii?
Tim Heidecker: I hope you don't wear that bigafric'n haaaaaii.
Tim Heidecker: Rick Wareheimer wears a straw hat at home in his house - he goes outside without the hat, but if you seem in his house he does wear a small straw hat.
Tim Heidecker: Premium? More like CREAMULUM.
Eric Wareheim:"You know what, Tim, there's already a site'm sorry."
Dr. Steve Brule: (inebriated) That's our Show! (pulls cloth off the table, spilling all of the wine)
– Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, Season 2 Show Quote
Mr. Henderson: "Hear that Carol? No one wants to do ya, you're a waste."
Jeff Goldblum: (Advertising for the Jeffgoldbluman Group) It's a sizzler. Please watch.
Molly: This is magnificent, James.
David Cross : (as James, creator of PussyDoodles): Why thank you, Molly.
Molly: Love what you've done with the colors-
James [covering Molly's mouth with his hand]: SHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone. It's just my Pussy-Dooo'les.
Cinco Voiceover: If D'ump detects a Bear in the area, it just shuts down![Two young boys stare at their D'ump contraption for an estranged period of time. D'ump is entirely unresponsive.]Boy: DAD! BEAR!
Cinco Voiceover: If D'ump detects a Bear in the area, it just shuts down!
[Two young boys stare at their D'ump contraption for an estranged period of time. D'ump is entirely unresponsive.]
Eric Wareheim [pointing at a naked baby picture of Tim]: ..Hey, Who's this?Tim Heidecker [Blushing a bit]: Yeah, well that's my mom. So-Eric Wareheim: Yeah, but what's this. [Points at Tim's small wiener in the picture]Tim Heidecker [Glowing Red]: ...That's my Penis.
Eric Wareheim [pointing at a naked baby picture of Tim]: ..Hey, Who's this?
Tim Heidecker [Blushing a bit]: Yeah, well that's my mom. So-
Eric Wareheim: Yeah, but what's this. [Points at Tim's small wiener in the picture]
Tim Heidecker [Glowing Red]: ...That's my Penis.
Eric Wareheim: For one thing, Tim was an average sized man.
Eric: I do this every night with your son.
Eric: Because kids do not like jazz-Tim: Nor should theyTim: ONE TWO THREE FAYY
Eric: Because kids do not like jazz-
Tim: Nor should they
– Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, Season 3 Show Quote
Mr. Henderson: Ya blew it.
Jim Heckler: You've been bonged! Penis
Tim Heidecker [Driving van, talking via Phone]: Pack up your things, Buddy. We're goin' on a lil' road Trip.Eric Wareheim [Smiling]: Road Trip.Tim Heidecker: Mhm Heh heh, Road trip!Eric Wareheim: Road Trip!Tim Heidecker[Screaming]: ROAD TRIP!Eric Wareheim: Roooaadd trip! [Packs his Suitcase] Reewdtraap! Reewdtraaap! Rooooaaaaddd Triiiiip!
Tim Heidecker [Driving van, talking via Phone]: Pack up your things, Buddy. We're goin' on a lil' road Trip.
Eric Wareheim [Smiling]: Road Trip.
Tim Heidecker: Mhm Heh heh, Road trip!
Eric Wareheim: Road Trip!
Tim Heidecker[Screaming]: ROAD TRIP!
Eric Wareheim: Roooaadd trip! [Packs his Suitcase] Reewdtraap! Reewdtraaap! Rooooaaaaddd Triiiiip!