Wikidude's Quotes Page #192

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

"No safe is not the word I used. Women Xena starts to move nothing is safe."

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

She (Xena) never gives up. Even when it's hopeless.

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

"So how about it. I scratch your back you stab mine."

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What is it like to kill someone?

It changes everything. Everything.

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Xena... Since I met you I've been on this spiritual quest.I've been looking for the meaning to it all.Why don't you ever ask those questions?

As a matter of fact I have been thinking a lot about reincarnation since we came to India.

You see maybe being a warrior is not the right karma for you. Maybe you should look to peace.

Maybe violence isn't the answer to anything. (stabs a guy-demon with the stick) Why are you following us?... (in the battle Xena hesitates due to overthinking and gets a wound)

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Master Fung:
It is your most solemn duty as Xiaolin Warriors to find all the Shen Gong Wu before Wuya does.

[raises hand] I have a question.

Master Fung:
Yes, Raimundo?

I saw my room, and no bed. Just a mat. What the dealy? [Everyone stares at him] Um, we can talk later...

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Brunhilde] What are you doing??

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You were ready to let me kill you just so that I could see I was headed down the wrong path.

I knew the truth was inside you. You just needed the chance to decide what was right.

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

In the third act, you had your hero throw himself over the cliff with no fear of dying. All for her. Do you really believe that kind of love exists?

That's what we all dream about, isn't it? Someone who looks so deeply into our soul that they'd find something worth dying for.

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Thousands of years ago, a furious battle was waged between the great and noble Xiaolin Dragon Dashi and the evil Heylin witch Wuya. This was the first Xiaolin Showdown. Wuya pitted her dark magic against Dashi and his mystical power objects, the Shen Gong Wu. In the end, Dashi triumphed, and Wuya was forever imprisoned in a simple wooden puzzle box. The threat averted, Dashi spread his Shen Gong Wu around the earth. For generations, they have secretly maintained the balance of good and evil. And a long line of Xiaolin Dragons has stood ready to face evil, should that balance ever shift.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[at the Xiaolin Temple, must deal with the new recruits, Raimundo Pedrosa, Kimiko Tohomiko, and Clay Bailey]

Master Fung:
Omi, I would like you to meet Raimundo.


Master Fung:

He said that? [gasped] Hey. No way!

Master Fung:
And Clay.


Master, where are the new students?

Master Fung:
Right in front of you, Omi.

They are not what I expected.

Master Fung:
The best things in life rarely are.

You are right, master. Welcome, my new and strangely-attired friends.

Master Fung:
I must be going, young ones. I can see there is much teaching to be done here.

Yes, master. Much teaching indeed.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What is that? Is it magic?

It's a PDA. I'm sending a message to a friend in Tokyo.

A secret message?

Nah. I'm just telling her I met a very strange kid who apparently doesn't know about personal space issues.

Really? Who? [Points at Clay] Is it that guy?

Not me, partner.

It's you, chrome dome.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Meanwhile, meet the evil boy genius, Jack Spicer]

I want to rule the whole world! All of it! Not some of it. Not just Iceland or Fiji. I wanna rule the whole world!

Pardon me, sir.

What? Can’t you see I’m on an evil rant here?

Yes, sir, but your father sent you a gift from Hong Kong.

[Handing Jack a puzzle box]

Oh, a puzzle box. Oh, let’s see. And my prize is...[Opens up the puzzle box revealing to be a mask] a mask? Lame. [Throws the box away] All right, back to world conquest. My favorite pastime. Now, let’s see. Europe might not be a bad place to start. Or is that too obvious? Could go in for the unexpected, like Paraguay. But is that enough of an attention grabber? Could go down through Africa, over to South America and...

Onward to Asia.

[screamed in shock] Spooky ghost lady! Attack!

[Squad of Jackbots draw their chest blaster and fires at Wuya. Unfortunately, the projectiles ended up passing through Wuya's translucent ghostly form]

Plans for world conquest? My dear boy, we have much in common. What’s your name?

Jack Spicer. Who are you? What are you?

Me? I’m your new best friend.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Right. Like we're gonna take directions from a gecko.

Gecko!? Don't ever call me gecko!

Eh, my mistakes.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Wuya! Wow, the years have not been kind to you.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

It’s a what now?

A Xiaolin Showdown. It’s what happens when two warriors reach a stalemate over a Shen Gong Wu. Two words: Freak-y.

Jack Spicer, I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown! I wager my Two-Ton Tunic against your Mantis Flip Coin. Whoever reaches the last stone first wins the Eye of Dashi. And the other Shen Gong Wu as well.

Accept the challenge. Accept it!

I accept your challenge, Omi.

Let’s go! Xiaolin Showdown!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I foolishly and shamefully lost a quarter second on the sandbags. As you might say, I smell bad.

I stink, not I smell bad.

I stink?

Yeah, and you smell bad, too. [laughs]

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You knew you couldn't beat us with your old man kung fu.

[laughing hysterically] Raimundo mocks Clay's Tai Chi by calling it "old man kung fu!" He implies Clay is like an old man doing kung fu!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Master Fung:
You have all done exceptionally well. Wouldn’t you agree, Dojo?

Not bad, for amateurs.

Master Fung:
The journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step.

Where do you get this stuff?

Master Fung:
I have a desk calendar.

Master Fung, there are so many Shen Gong Wu left to be found.

Master Fung:
Your new friends will help.

Oh, yes, master. I have already taught much to Kimiko, Raimundo, and Clay.

Master Fung:
But, Omi, they are here to teach you.

But I am the chosen one.

Master Fung:
You aren’t the only chosen one, Omi. Someday your new friends may become Dragons, as well. Kimiko, the Dragon of Fire. Clay, the Dragon of Earth. And Raimundo, the Dragon of the Wind.

Is this true, master?

Master Fung:
Yes, but I didn’t want to tell you until you were ready.

[Omi groans]

I don’t think he was ready.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

That’s a Xiaolin Showdown for ya. Always keeps you guessing. Gong Yi Tanpai! That means “go”.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

And so our grand quest begins. Follow me, TO VICTORY! [From off-screen] I have no idea where I'm going.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Can't believe I went from Temple Guardian to babysitter in less than a day!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

For once Xena, I'd like to be the Roman noble and you be the slave.

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Raimundo turns off the game Omi is playing and Omi starts crying]

YAAH! MY LITTLE FRIEND HAS BEEN TAKEN BY THE DARK FORCES OF EVIL! [to the game] Po-chi are you in there?!Can you hear the sound of my voice?!

[Raimundo laughs and Kimiko punches him]

Don't mess with the monk!

[Grimacing] Girl, you hit hard!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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C Michael Jackson
D Vincent van Gogh