Uncle Dudley:
Well, sport, how'd it go?
Captain Marvel:
Oh, it was so cool. The Team's way more fun to hang out with than the League! They go on these secret covert-ops missions that rock! And I got nabbed by the Brain, and I met this tiger, and...
Uncle Dudley:
Okay, I'm glad you had fun sport, but it's getting pretty late. Brush your teeth and hit the hay.
Captain Marvel:
Okay, okay, I'm going.
Uncle Dudley:
Ahem. Aren't you... forgetting something?
Captain Marvel:
Nah, just seeing if you were paying attention. SHAZAM! (Get struck by lightning, and turns into a kid)
Billy Batson:
Good night, Uncle Dudley.
Uncle Dudley:
Good night, Billy.