Shane Walsh:
He knows where the farm is, Rick. Where we are-- he knows. Say he finds his way back to his people... (pulls out his glock)
Rick Grimes:
Shane, no! [pushes him] Not now. Just not now!
Shane Walsh:
Well, when, Rick? When?
Rick Grimes:
When I've had a chance to think about it.
Don't let him kill me. Please don't.
Shut up! We're going back. It's a man's life. I need a night to think it through.
Shane Walsh:
You're gonna bring this piece of garbage... this piece of garbage who - he shot at you, Rick. He ran with men who tried to kill you. You gonna bring him back to where Lori sleeps? To where Carl sleeps?
Rick Grimes:
He'll be locked up in the barn, unless you bust it open.
Shane Walsh:
Oh, don't start that shit.
Rick Grimes:
I'm taking the night.
Shane Walsh:
Man, you take that... you think on it, Rick. Keep struggling with it. It ain't hard, man. The right choice is the one that keeps us alive. It's always the same with you. It's like the first moment - it's whenever you're put to the test.
Rick Grimes:
Stop acting like you know the way ahead, like you know the rules. There are no rules, man. We're lost.
Shane Walsh:
No-no-no, man. I know exactly where I am.
Rick Grimes:
You don't know shit anymore.
Shane Walsh:
I don't think you can do it, Rick.
Rick Grimes:
It's my call, man.
Shane Walsh:
I don't think you can keep them safe.