Wikidude's Quotes Page #301

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[The next morning, Grizzly looks at the sunrise]

How much longer do we need to do this?

My contacts are dying out.

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear can't feel his butt.

[offscreen] Don't move!

[Warren and Faye are carving the statues of the bears]

You guys are doing great!

[chuckles] Yeah, just a few more hours, And I think we'll have all the carvings we need!

[Wooden Bear statues are laying on the ground]

We Bare Bears, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Ice Bear enters a room where he founds Yana, Yana wakes ups and looked worried]

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear got message. Ice Bear will save Yana.

[Ice Bear removes the tape from Yana's mouth]

[Mnh!] Aah! It's a trap!

[Barry appears from the darkness while he claps his hands]

I see you got my invitation. Good to see you again, my ursine friend. [flashback in "Icy Nights" where the hammer breaks Ice Bear's roomba] I'll always be one step ahead of you. [Barry laughs evilly as the flashback ends] You've fallen right into my trap, and now I finally got you where I want.

[Barry snaps his fingers where the robots wore business suits, One robot grabs Ice Bear]

Tipichno ["Typical" in Russian]

[laughs evilly] Outsmarted you again, Bear. You see, when I realized you and she had history, I knew I could use her as bait.

[off-screen] Blah, blah, blah. [on-screen while Ice Bear tries to get free] He's been taling about you all day, Snejni Mishka. I think he has a crush.

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Ice Bear and Darrell are in the mouse pad store searching for the latter's vows]

[digs through a box of mouse pads] Where could those vows be? I was writing them here at the store. [goes to the cashier] Ah, typical Darrell, losing the vows minutes before the wedding. What does Sofia even see in a bozo like me? OH, it's hopeless! [frustrated, he resigns to his desk in vain]

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear can get some vows at the black market.

There's no time.

Ice Bear:
[thinks for an idea, then turns back to Darrell] Darrell will make time. Sofia making time to spend life with Darrell.

[gets up] Huh?

Ice Bear:
Darrell will be there for Sofia. Darrell will care for Sofia. Darrell will sail to end of earth for... [gives him a pen]

Oh, thanks. [writes on a pad as Ice Bear continues]

Ice Bear:
...sail to end of earth for Sofia. Darrell and Sofia [looks up] are forever.

And got it. Thanks. You, sir, are a gift to this world.

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear knows.

[walks to Ice Bear] All right. Let's get out of here and [elated] GET TO MY WEDDING!

We Bare Bears, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

This is the third episode to reveal one of the bears' origins, after "Yuri and the Bear" and "Panda 2".

We Bare Bears, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Baby Grizz is cheered on after he emerges as the winner of the race through the studio]

Sick. [does a sign of the horns gesture on both hands] Grizz is in the house!

And cut! That was a hoot and a holler!

[The family pats Baby Grizz]

Tom Hortins:
Way to go, kiddo.

Victoria Taylor:
We're so proud of you. Great job, buddy. Grizz, that was so good. You got to share some of those acting tips.

Tom Hortins:
Ah, boy, what a race. I'm gonna grease up those wheels for you right away!

Barbara Jones:
That rewrite in the script was so refreshing. We need more of that in the show!

[steps into the set; to Barbara] Exactly my thinking! More Grizz! [to Baby Grizz] What do you think? We're going to bump you back up to star! And fire Lorenzo!

Baby Grizzly:
[in disbelief] Huh? Wait... W-What? [He steps back, while the director and onscreen family move to stage right] You're gonna fire him just like that?

Yeah! It's gonna be great! [to audience] What do you think, audience?

[The audience cheers and applauds]

[as Baby Grizz looks on to the audience and then to the director in dismay] You're the real star, kid. I should have known all along.

Baby Grizzly:
[to Lorenzo as he practices his scooter tricks at stage left] Lorenzo, are you okay with this?

Ehh, yeah sure. I don't care. It's not like any of this is real, anyway. [shakes his hair]

Come on, Grizz, what do ya say?

Barbara Jones:
Oh, Grizz.

Victoria Taylor:
Come on, join us. You're part of the family, Grizz, come on.

Tom Hortins:
We love you, Grizz.

Baby Grizzly:
[raises his paws in denial] No! No! [the rest steps back] You know what? I learned something today. [to the director and onscreen family] Having a family is a big responsibility. [walks towards Lorenzo] All this time I thought Lorenzo was getting in the way of us.


Baby Grizzly:
[walks in front towards the audience] But then I realized, it wasn't Lorenzo. It was this family. Families don't care about high ratings, fancy scooter tricks, or giving someone more attention based on popularity.

Tom, Barbara and Victoria:

Tom Hortins:

Baby Grizzly:
[to the audience] No, that is not what family is aboot!

Crew Member:
Aww. [turns on the spotlight on Baby Grizz]

Baby Grizzly:
Family is aboot love, happiness, loyalty, [as the moose duo look on] friendship, or something like that. I'm actually not really sure. But I need to go out and discover it for myself.

Audience Member #1:
You go find that new family, Grizz!

Audience Member #2:
[The audience shouts words of encouragement to Baby Grizz] Find that family, boy!

Wait a minute! [the spotlight turns off, to Grizz] Kid, [scratches his head] what are you saying, eh?

Baby Grizzly:
I'm saying you're gonna have to find another star. Because I'm oot. [leaves along with his tricycle as the rest look on]

Hey, wait! If you walk out that door, I will pull all the episodes featuring baby Grizz. And most importantly, you'll be walking away from your fame and fortune.

Baby Grizzly:
That's not what I ordered. [leaves through the door]

Oh. [they look away in regret, but the director sees Baby Grizz returning from the door] Huh? Grizz!

Baby Grizzly:
[walks inside] Sorry. I forgot that wasn't a real door. [walks out of the set]

[takes a deep breath] Okay, people, [to the cast] we're going to stick to Plan B and focus on Lorenzo. Huh? [The assistant director approaches the director and whispers indistinctly to him] What? Cancelled?

We Bare Bears, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[A new episode is being filmed]

Baby Grizzly:
[to the family as he hops off the sofa] Hey, family, want to see how fast I can ride my bike around the living room?

Tom Hortins:
Sorry, son, but not right now.

Baby Grizzly:

[The doorbell rings.]

Barbara Jones:
Oh! That must be cousin Lorenzo!

Baby Grizzly:
[clueless] Huh? Who's that?

[A boy named Lorenzo scoots his way into the living room as upbeat music plays]

Lorenzo in the house! [stops before the family, to them] 'Sup.

[The audience cheers on as the family laughs and applauds]

Baby Grizzly:
Lorenzo? [greets Lorenzo] Uh, hi. I'm Grizz.

[As Baby Grizz walks to Lorenzo, the latter scoots over him and to stage left]

Barbara Jones:
[The family cheers for Lorenzo] Oh, fantastic!

[the audience cheers again] 'Sup.

Victoria Taylor:
Wow, Lorenzo! You're cooler than ice! [audience laughs]

Tom Hortins:
I love you, Lorenzo! [sniffs] Sorry.

Barbara Jones:
Welcome to the family, Lorenzo!


[The audience cheers and applauds]

Baby Grizzly:
Uh... yeah, good job, Lorenzo, but, uh... check out my sweet moves! [struggles to move his tricycle but couldn't] See?

Victoria Taylor:
[gasps] Everyone, look at Lorenzo!

[They all look up as Lorenzo jumps from above to scoot down the railing and back onto the floor upbeat music continues]

Lorenzo's... [removes his helmet and shakes his hair] in the house. [winks]

[The audience cheers and applauds]

Cut! [laughs as he makes he makes his way towards Lorzenzo] Lorenzo, baby, that was amazing! The audience loves you!

Victoria Taylor:
You're the best actor I've ever seen.

Tom Hortins:
You are a natural.

Baby Grizzly:
[walks off his tricycle] Uh, wait for me, guys! [tries to get Barbara's attention] Mom? I'll have that poutine now! [tries to get Tom's attention] Dad? Dad? It's your favorite son, me! [tries to get Victoria's attention] Uh, Sis? Uh, I don't know, hockey or something? Hmm. [to all] Uh... That's not what I ordered!

[they turn to Baby Grizz]

Ugh, we got to get rid of that line.

Barbara Jones:
Yeah. So cheesy! [they turn back to Lorenzo]

Baby Grizzly:
[taken aback, he walks backwards] What? No... this can't be! [falls off the set and onto the trash bin] Whoa! Ugh! [groans] [a crew member throws the tricycle into the bin] Hey, what are you doing with my bike?

Crew Member:
That's showbiz, kid. [walks away]

Baby Grizzly:
What? What's going on? [sees the new script] Oh, this must be the new script pages. [reads through the new script, where Lorenzo has almost the same line "Lorenzo's in the house" but Baby Grizz doesn't have any] Wait a minute. "Lorenzo, Lorenzo, in the house, Lorenzo?" We're not even in the house in this scene! I need to go talk to the director.

[Baby Grizz walks towards the director and his assistant discussing about Lorenzo]

I'm telling you, this kid is a genius. If we keep this up, our ratings might even beat I Love Moosie!

Assistant Director:
What about Grizz?

[sighs] I think our best plan is to do some rewrites and slowly fade him out of the show. [they both walk away]

Baby Grizzly:
Write me out of the show? [looks down] But they're my family.

Victoria Taylor:
Oh, hey, Lorenzo. [Baby Grizz turns to see her chatting with Lorenzo while they're having a break] So... I was wondering if you could give me some acting tips one of these days?

Sure, no problem.

Baby Grizzly:
I thought she wanted my acting tips? [shakes his head] Eh, Sis was always easily swayed. But Mom and Dad would never — [finds Barbara and Tom joining Lorenzo as well] wha?!

Barbara Jones:
Oh, Lorenzo, you're such a breath of fresh air. It's so nice having you a part of the family.

Tom Hortins:
And you deliver your lines so well.

For sure.

Baby Grizzly:
[looks at the script] Hmm. [looking determined] If they want rewrites, I'm gonna do some myself. [tears away the script into half]

We Bare Bears, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[After the baby bears celebrate from being saved from the dog by a crow]

Baby Grizzly:
Listen guys, I'm sorry for fighting. We shouldn't let that dumb old job get in the way of us being bros.

Baby Panda:
You're right, Grizz. Let's never fight again.

[They will.]

We Bare Bears, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Grizzly and Ice Bear learn from Panda they are in space]

[screaming; as Ice Bear gasps] WHAAAT?! [Panda continues to fiddle with the console in hopes of steering the ship back to Earth] Wait. This is for real?! We're actually in space?! There's got to be some way to turn this thing around, right?

I'm trying!

[the ship steers to the direction of Earth...]


[...then to the direction of the Sun.]

[The bears scream as they prepare to crash into the Sun.]

[The bears run away from the console] D'oh. There's got to be another way out. Oh, geez, oh, geez, oh, geez. [covers his eyes] Guys, I'm so sorry for dragging you into this.

Yeah, no time, Panda, okay? [they find an escape pod] Look! The escape pod! Come on!

[Grizz and Ice Bear hop into the escape pod, but it can hold only the both of them]

Aw, nuts. [they both turn around] Uh, there's not enough room for all of us. [Panda closes the pod] Got to find a... Huh? [realizing Panda won't join them; muffled] Panda! Wait. What are you doing?

[Panda breaths heavily, and decides to launch the pod into space]

Panda, NO! [inside the pod] Panda! Panda! What have you done? [Panda turns on the monitor to communicate with Grizz and Ice Bear] Aah!

Hey. Hello? Bros, I-I don't know if this thing is on, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry it's ending like this... and for being selfish. You guys might mess stuff up sometimes, sure, but you're just being you.


And you know what? That's what I love about you. So I guess this is goodbye, bros. [touches the camera with his right paw, Grizz also touches the monitor where Panda's paw is] Take care of Miki-chan.

Panda? Panda? [monitor goes static, and soon there is no more signal.]

[both Grizz and Ice Bear crying] NO, PANDA!

[in the last moments, Panda looks up, and tearfully shuts his eyes as the ship crashes into the Sun...]

We Bare Bears, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[They enter the instant cloning pod zone] Over here is our instant cloning pod.

That's so cool, Schmorby.

I know! [Shmorby and Grizz move on, but...]

Ice Bear's clones:
[in the vast tank as they all appear] Ice Bear, Ice Bear, Ice Bear, Ice Bear, Ice Bear, Ice Bear...

[horrified] Huh? What? AAH! What? [finds Ice Bear in the pod, repeatedly pushing a button that produces his clone] No, no, no, no, no! [runs to Ice Bear lifts his paw] Come on, no, no, no, no, no. [pushes the buttons on the control pad to reverse the cloning process] Clones?! No, no, no, no, no.

[all of Ice Bear's clones disappear]

[sighs] You guys have to be good. We're gonna get in trouble.

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear good. More Ice Bear, more good. [Panda grunts]

We Bare Bears, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Baby Grizz is taken to the principal's office]

Baby Panda:
[to Baby Ice Bear] Oh, man, maybe Grizz did so well that he's getting some sort of prize.

No way, you guys. Going to the principal's office is like practically a death sentence.

[Moby draws a hangman with the letters "GRIZZ" on a piece of paper, and does a death expression. Baby Panda gasps]

Yeah, he takes you into his dungeon of an office, a dark, old place where you can't hear the laughter of another kid for miles. [in another scene, Baby Grizz writes lines on chalkboards under the principal's supervision, until the former turns into chalk himself] He makes you write lines and lines on four giant chalkboards while he just sits there on his throne, watching you, making you write in chalk until you become the chalk. [The principal laughs evilly in the room of children that were turned into chalk, one of which breaks after it falls onto the floor.]

Baby Panda:
[back in the classroom] Oh, my gosh! [to Baby Ice Bear] Bro, we have to rescue Grizz before it's too late. You have any plans in mind?

[Baby Ice Bear shows Baby Panda a mini-mine made from pencils and glue.]

Baby Panda:
Maybe something a little less harmful. [puts down the mini-mine]

Hey, we want to help you guys.

Baby Panda:
You don't still think we're lame?

No way. You guys are cool. Besides, the principal has tortured one too many students. It's time to take down that tyrant once and for all.

Baby Panda:
Yay! Ooh. But how are we gonna get to the principal's office?

Oh, we got a plan.

We Bare Bears, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

This episode is also a parody to the episode Nit-Witty Kitty from the classic Tom and Jerry since the circumstance of Ice Bear and the method of hitting his head to restore his personality quite similar of how Jerry tries to smack Tom's head to make him revert back to his cat's personality.

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[The screen is black]

[echoing] Is he alive?

[Ice Bear opens his eyes]

[echoing] Shh. He's waking up.

[Ice Bear closes his eyes]

Bro? [Ice Bear opens his eyes again] Little bro? You okay?

[Ice Bear got a red lump on his head]

Ice Bear:
Ice... [Grizzly and Panda lean in closer to Ice Bear] Ice... [clamps both paws on his head] Oh, man, I need some ice for my head.

[Grizzly and Panda gasp and back away, shocked to hear Ice Bear talking in first person]

Ice Bear:
[stands up while rubbing the lump on his head] Oh, jeez, that really did a number on me. Boy, I sure hate it when that happens. Hey, am I right? You know, like, sometimes you can just be walking. "I'm going here, I'm going there, I'm minding my own business." Then, Bam! Unconscious. You guys know what I mean, right? [Grizzly and Panda stare in disbelief at Ice Bear, look at each other and then back at Ice Bear] No? Hey, maybe it's just me. Boy, nothing like almost dying to get your appetite going, though. [pat Grizzly's right shoulder] Cool. All right, I'm gonna go grab some lunch. Stay cool, bros. [steps over the hammer] Oh, whoa, shouldn't leave tools around. Someone could get hurt - again. [winks his eye] Ha.

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Brody Brogan:
Now, let's get to know our bros. Bears, tell us about yourselves.

Well, I'm happily self-unemployed, taking care of my two baby bros.

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear likes to cook.

And I am single and ready to mingle.

[Silent; a guy in the audience coughs]

Brody Brogan:
[chuckles] How about our next group of guys?

Hey, what's up? I'm Griff. I'm a renegade cop who protects the streets and keeps them clean.

Issac is a five-star chef.

And I have a girlfriend!

[The audience cheers and applause]


We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

This is the second episode to reveal one of the bears' origins. The first being "Yuri and the Bear".

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[That night]

Young Panda:
Panda Two, I'm glad you're here with me lookin' up at this beautiful sky together!

[The glow-in-the-dark star sticker falls off]

Young Panda:
Oh! A falling star! Quick, let's make a wish! I wish I wish we could go play in the magic box!

[Panda 2 cannot talk]

Young Panda:
What?! But we can't actually do that.

[Panda 2 still cannot talk]

Young Panda:
You have a plan?! Well, I dunno That sounds dangerous! [The camera zooms over to Panda 2] Oh. Well said, Panda Two! You can't argue when you put it like that! Okay, magic box, here we come! [yawns] After I get my eight hours of beauty rest.

[Young Panda falls asleep with Panda 2]

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Young Panda:
[laughs] I'm having so much fun with you, Two! I'm so glad you're here! Oh, hey, I have something for you! It's a friendship necklace! I made it myself. [puts the necklace on Panda 2] There! Now we match! Best friends forever! Mm! Okay, so what do you wanna do now?! We could eat or play in the water or take a nap or eat some more or nap again.

[Panda 2 is wearing a necklace that says "Panda 2"]

Young Panda:
What?! How could you say that?! We've got everything we need here. It's paradise! It is not boring.

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Young Panda:
[yawns] Good morning, chute. [the chute opens] Hello?! Hey, don't ignore me, chute! Rude! [a black shadow rols down the chute and hits Young Panda]

Young Panda:
Aaaah! [hides in the bushes and peeks out] What the? [walks toward a stuff Panda bear] Am I supposed to eat this?! [licks the stuff Panda] Bleech! Gross! [picks up a stick and move the stuff Panda; gasp] Hey, quit laughing! You scared me! Plus, I almost ate you! Hmph! :[pause and Young Panda starts laughing]

Young Panda:
I guess it was a little bit funny. [grunts] My name is Panda 1. [puts on his collar] See?

[The collar says "Panda 1"]

Young Panda:
So that must make you Panda Two! Nice to meet you! Wanna hang out?

[The camera zooms over to Panda 2]

Young Panda:
Great! Let's go!

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Brenda crosses off the day. The camera zooms over to the crossed days]



You got a visitor, Brenda. All right, you got 15 minutes! [storms off] Guarding birds for a living I hate my job.

[Grizzly arrives]

[as he holds a bowl of spaghetti] Hey, Brenda. [chuckles] Sorry you're in prison. Um we still cool?


Oh, uh, here, I got this for you. I know how much you like spaghetti, so I went back to good ol' Luigi's for your favorite. [Brenda cooing agreeably] Aw, don't worry about it. That's what friends are for! And you and I we're friends forever, Brenda. No matter what. Even jail. Try this. [Brenda slurps the spaghetti] Yeah, you like that, right? Oh, I'll be here every Tuesday.


Okay, I'll be here tomorrow.

[The camera zooms out of state prison]

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Okay, so, what's on your minds, friends? Y'all know you can tell me anything.

[Brenda looks at the pigeons. The Pigeons nod and Brenda holds a piece of paper]

Huh? What's this, now? Aww! More of your friends? [The camera zooms in to the Pigeon Cartel] W-Wait a second, they're trapped? Unbelievable! Ahh! Why does everyone have a thing against pigeons, huh?! [he crosses his arms] I mean, if they only knew you like I do, they'd know how cool you are. [sighs] Is there anything I can do to help?

[Brenda smiles at Grizzly. Three Pigeons pushes the laptop and turn it on]


[Brenda types on the keyboards with her feet]

Man, you guys type faster than I do. [The printer is heard off-screen] Huh?

[The printer prints a picture of the map, Brenda picks up the map with her beak]

When did I get a printer? [Brenda gives Grizzly the map] Oh! A map! All right, that settles it. Let's go save your friends!

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[The Bears hear a soft growl and Ice Bear stops walking. Their eyes grow bigger and they turn their heads towards the log the Kitty is hiding in]

Huh? What was that?

[The Bears are looking inside the log for the purring Kitty]

Panda, stick your paw in there and see what it is.

What? No, you do it!

[The Kitty is lying down in log]

Um, hey, there! [Grizz and panda look inside log while Ice Bear is looking at it on top of the log] You okay? [The Kitty wakes up] Oh my gosh! It's coming out!

[Panda and Grizz look inside the log]

What is that thing?

[The Kitty makes it's way out of the log]


[Grizz and Panda show large eyes]

Grizz and Panda:
[gasp] Aww!

[Kitty tilts head as it looks up at the two bears]

It's a little kitty!


[picks Kitty up] Oh, look at that face! OH! [Grizz stands up, and so does Panda. Ice Bear walks over to Panda, smiling] We have an Internet celebrity in the making! [Eyes turn back to normal, and so does Ice Bear's. Kitty climbs around Grizz and jumps into Panda's arms. Ice Bear tilts his head to get a better look at the Kitty touching Panda's fur]

[laughs] It tickles! [Panda puts the Kitty on his head. Eyes go back to normal] Ahh. My body feels like fresh dough. [Kitty jumps on to Ice Bear's head and Ice Bear's eyes grow bigger]

Meow! [He purrs and lies down]

Ice Bear:
[Closing his eyes] Ice Bear's cold heart is melting.

[As his eyes go large and he gasps] Wait a minute, I'm allergic to cats, and yet I don't feel any different. This cat is magical! Can we keep it?

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear thinks we need more roommates.

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Young Grizzly:
♪ Aww yeah! ♪ ♪ Coming straight from the fair. ♪ ♪ Playing games and taking names. ♪ ♪ You wanna be next? Tell 'em Pan. ♪

Young Grizzly/Young Panda:
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Young Panda:
♪ It's Pan Pan coming up first, You should win the game by the end of this verse. ♪ ♪ Kickin' mad rhymes, never ever rehearsed. ♪ ♪ It's time to get to work. ♪ ♪ Take your best shot, try hard, win the prize take us home to your backyard. ♪ ♪ You like bears? Everybody does. ♪ ♪ Take a look at my little bro, covered in fuzz. ♪

[Throughout the song people are playing the game, trying to knock down the bottles, but failing]

Young Grizzly:
[Faintly] So cute!

[Young Ice Bear squishes his cheeks]

Young Panda:
♪ Three bears barely breaking a sweat. ♪ ♪ Everybody's jocking us 'cause we're the best. ♪ ♪ But I'm already talking too much. ♪ ♪ Let me let my bro get some of this flavor. ♪

Young Grizzly:
Yeah, boyyyyyyy! Okay, okay, nobody's won yet, but you're looking super lucky today. Let's see if you can give it a try!

Young Panda:
♪ Play the game. ♪ ♪ Three balls, three tries, three bears, your prize. ♪ ♪ You could take us home right now, come on Grizz, get on the mic and tell 'em how. ♪

Young Grizzly:
♪ Anyone could play this game, just watch now. ♪ ♪ Take a throw and the balls get knocked down. ♪ ♪ It's easy as 1, 2, 3, step 3 being taking bears home, you see. ♪ Come on! ♪ Step right up, just take a chance, you could win big time, cancel all plans. ♪ ♪ There's nothing more important you gotta do than pay the man, throw the ball, and win too. When it comes to prizes bears are the best ones, not stuffed, but the kind that can have fun. ♪ ♪ You know, let's show these nice people what real fun looks like! ♪

Young Grizzly/Young Panda:
♪ Play the game. ♪ Bust it, Grizz, bust it, Grizz, bust it! Kick it, Pan, kick it, Pan, kick it! Go little bro, go little bro, go! Go little bro, go little bro, go! Bust it, Grizz, bust it, Grizz, bust it! Kick it, Pan, kick it, Pan, kick it! Go little bro, go little bro, go! Go little bro, go little bro, go!

[The Bear cubs have finish their song]

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Uh-oh. Guys, we have a problem. [holds a box of star cakes] We're already out of Star Cakes. We got to stop to refuel.

And I got to use the little panda's room, please.

Ooh! Let's stop there! [The car drives past the sign that says, "Dinostore & Gas"] They'll have snacks and bathroom stuff and dinosaurs!

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear does not want to make stops unless emergency.

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Back at the cave]

C-minus! [Panda hits his head on the table, He groans]

Come on, it's not that bad.

I'm mediocre, guys. She said my passion outweighs my talent.

I don't know, man. [picks up the drawing of himself] This is pretty awesome. I mean, so rendered.

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear appreciates chiseled abs.

I look hot.

Hot isn't enough. She wants my work to also be "wow"-worthy. [takes out a mini picture frame] She gave me this thingy to help me find that special subject.

[Grizzly licks the plate]

Paint us again.

Ice Bear:
Ice Bear has many poses.

[Ice Bear does some poses]

No, she said she wanted something new, - so no brothers and no anime.

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Grizz is in living room with The Bears]

Welcome to your new home, roomie! This is where we spend most of our time. You know, just chilling. [Grizz walks by his room and stands in the doorway] Now, this is my room, A.K.A. the coolest room in the whole cave.


[They are now in Panda's room]

This is my room! Sometimes, this room is off limits, [pointing to The Kitty] but you're V.I.P., [gesturing to whole room as Grizz and Ice bear walk off] so the door is always open to you.

And here's the bathroom. Ha, this is where the magic happens.

We Bare Bears, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
A Casablanca
B Django Unchained
C Doctor Zhivago
D Gone with the Wind