[Hay Lin is walking barefoot at Shell Beach. The camera zooms in on her bare feet as the tide comes in. The other girls join her.]
Hay Lin:
[she holds her hand out] Guys. Wait. If we're all here, who's protecting my Grandma?
But Hay Lin...
Hay Lin:
No buts, [she hops as she gets her trainers on] One of us has Wednesdays and it's not me. So it must be [she runs off] one of you!
Hay Lin, chill! Everything's...
[Hay Lin runs to a cavern, smoke is coming out]
Is that smoke?
[Hay Lin jumps over a rock to get to the entrance of the cave, the other girls follow]
That smell, it's, it's...
Yan Lin:
[Blunk is holding out a bowl] Lunch special number three. [She uses chopsticks to give Blunk the shrimps] Sizzling scallops and shrimp.
Yum! Smiley girl should try spicy noodles - she smile again.
[Hay Lin runs over to Yan Lin and hugs her]
Hay Lin:
I don't need noodles as long as you're alright. So, Caleb, Wednesday's your day?
Yeah, why?
Hay Lin:
[looking at the girls] Cause, I may have overreacted. But...
[Fire appears in her glasses] No buts.
Yan Lin:
Ah, granddaughter. You worry too much. Nerissa's crew never find me here. So, relax! [hands her a bowl] Have a number seventeen!
We'll take ours to go.
[A extreme close up of Yan Lin's eyes is placed over the ECU of Shagon. Blunk screams and drops his bowl and the girl turn around and gasp to see all the Knights of Destruction]
Oh, and...throw in a side of Grandma Lin. For Nerissa.
Let's make this quick and painless. Or better yet, just quick.
Couldn't agree more. [holding the Heart of Kandrakar] Guardians Unite!
[They transform]
Hay Lin:
[Shagon blasts around Yan Lin, but Hay Lin jumps and saves her. Will fires a lightning bolt at Shagon, electrocuting him. Kor punches at Caleb but he ducks and Kor hits the wall, Caleb kicks him. Cornelia places her palm flat out which creates an Earth Hand from the ground beneath Kor, which mimics her actions. Shen then closes her fist, and the Earth Hand does the same, trapping Kor. She flies down]
Remember, they feed on negative emotions. No feeding the animals.
[The shot has ECU's of the eyes of Will, Irma and Taranee, each with three sections of the screen with their eyes]
Will, Irma, Taranee:
Got it!
[Ember fires flames, which make the ground lava-like, Blunk runs and cries and trips over a rock]
Got it!
[He almost falls into the lava, but Irma summons a torrent of water in front of him. Tridart creates three ice versions of himself and notices Hay Lin guarding Yan Lin, but with an aura of fear around her, which himself and his duplicates feed on]
Please. There's enough fear in this cave to glut three of me.
[Tridart and his duplicates run toward Yan Lin and Hay Lin, but Taranee flies down in front of them and shoots fire at the right hand sided ice Tridart. The other two quicken their pace and the other ice Tridart strikes his axe but Taranee moves outof the way, but the real Tridart and the ice Tridart block her escape]
Hay Lin!
Hay Lin:
We have to protect my Grandma! Nerissa's gonna...
Yan Lin:
Channel that fear, kiddo. Right now, it's doing more harm than good.
[Hay Lin calms down and the aura of fear dissipates]
Hay Lin:
Got it!
[As Taranee ducks and dodges the attacks from the two Tridarts, Hay Lin flies up and releases a gust of air by pushing her hand forward, which smashes the ice Tridart. The real Tridart, distracted, is knocked back by Taranee throwing fire at him. All the other Knights fall to the ground and the Guardians fly down]
You won't be able to protect old Yanie forever.
Yan Lin:
Hey! Who you calling old?
[He creates a fold, which slowly covers the screen]
Nerissa has turned the other ex-Guardians to her side. [darkly] You will be next.
[The Knights disappear through the fold]
Hay Lin:
What if he's right? This cave is so no longer safe.
Yan Lin:
Ah, Shagon just having a permanent bad hair day. Now, who wants to eat?
Off the floor?
Blunk got it covered. [He licks the ground - where the spilled food is] Better than Sheffield Cafeteria. [He licks it again] Maybe even better than Sheffield Cafeteria Dumpster!
That's it! That's how we keep Yan Lin safe!
We hide her in the dumpster?!
No! We hide her in plain sight.