Wikidude's Quotes Page #39

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Why is he smiling, Father?

[about the beheaded man] He wants to die well, without fear, to atone for his sins.

Vikings, Season 1  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[to Bjorn] You have your father's eyes unfortunately.

Why unfortunately?

It means he will be like you, and therefore he will want to do better than you, and you will hate him for it.

Vikings, Season 1  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Don't sleep with lots of women in Kattegat.

I can do without it for a few days.

Is that another way of saying you love me?

Vikings, Season 1  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[last line of the series; the skit goes wrong as Jade is poked by an actor]

Come here!

[Jade chases the actor off-screen as the series comes to a close]

Victorious, Season 4  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Trina, are these your amigas?

No, this is my mean sister and her rude friend.

Hey! Do not call me her friend!

Victorious, Season 4  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

(Tori and her teammates check in to the show)

Male executive producer:
(pointing to Jade) That's Tori Vega.

I'm Tori Vega!

I'm Tori Vega.

I'm Tori Vega!

(everyone stares at Cat)

(laughs) I'm not Tori Vega.

Victorious, Season 4  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

So now that you have chosen your future, it is the time to live it.

×××HOLiC  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

What should the punishment be for these two dangerous criminals, the most wanted peas in Persia, who appeared before you uninvited and tried to drop a piano on your head?

King Xerxes:
Well... Uh, let's see. It probably should be pretty stiff, huh? What do you think?

I say, the punishment should be... Banishment to the Island of Perpetual Tickling!

[Markus (Larry), Mordecai, Esther, and Xerxes are all shocked.]

You don't mean...

...the island where you are tickled day and night?!

Night and day?!

Without stop?!

Not even if you say "pretty please"?!?

Bigthen and Teresh:

[The Grim Tickler enters the room, and tickles the Peaoni Brothers with his large feather as he takes them away to the Island of Perpetual Tickling.]

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

King Xerxes:
[after the cake gets smashed by a falling piano] Why is there a piano on my cake?

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 7 months ago


Nerissa, there is no place on Zamballa where you can hide from us!

And no way you can beat us. Two Hearts to one. Advantage, good guys!

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[The girls have folded back to Earth in the basement of The Silver Dragon, after Will has stated she wants to claim the Heart of Meridian]

We'll return to Zamballa tomorrow.

[sarcastically] Ooh, can't wait.

[starts to walk away] Me neither. No one wants to finish this more than I do.

Hay Lin:
Then...why'd you rush us home?

Can't say. Me to know only.

[She leaves the basement]

Gee, look who's suddenly ready to rule the universe.

[Will is listening to their conversation]

Yeah! I wonder if going power mad is a Keeper of the Heart automatic.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

We end this now! Once and for all!

[Nerissa flees inside the quarry, Will follows]

What part of "once and for all" didn't you understand?!

Finish the Knights! We will handle Nerissa!

[She follows Nerissa into the quarry]

Except that Nerissa has been handling you from day one.

[He blasts the quarry entrance]

They're trapped inside the tunnel.

Not for long they're not.

[Cassidy appears before Cornelia, distracting her]

Cornelia, look out!

[Halinor fires a vast purple/white lightened fireball at Cornelia, which explodes, trapping her in a bubble, which then proceeds to suffocate her. The bubble disappears and Cornelia collapses. Caleb catches her and Hay Lin and Taranee walk over]

She'll be ok, but she's down for the count.

Hay Lin:
But how are we supposed to save Will and Kadma without her?!

[Irma backs up to Hay Lin]

Uh, first thing's first, how do we save ourselves?!

[The Knights, Halinor and Cassidy surround them]

[Inside the tunnel, Will and Kadma chase Nerissa, Nerissa ends up in a cul-de-sac and breathless she fires lightning bolts at Will, who responds in the same way. An explosion results and Kadma uses the Heart of Zamballa to form Earth hands in the wall who trap Nerissa]

Now, Will!

[Will fires lightning bolts at Nerissa, who becomes unconscious]

She'll recover soon. Quickly, Will. [Will walks over to Nerissa] Absorb the Heart of Meridian [Will summons the Heart of Kandrakar] into the Heart of Kandrakar. [The Heart of Kandrakar almost touches the Heart of Meridian and starts to make the electrical connection but Will stops]



The others were right. It's too much power for any one person. We don't need to absorb one Heart into the other. We just need to save Elyon.

We can free Elyon [she pushes past Will to get to Nerissa] once the power is secure!


[Kadma absorbs the Heart of Meridian into the Heart of Zamballa]

Have no fear. We have harnessed these Hearts. In our hands, they will be an unstoppable force...for good.

Impressive. Your pride that is.

[She teletransports the Heart of Zamballa to herself and breaks from her restraints]

And arrogance that convinced you that no power, no matter how awesome was bey-ond your control. It is the chink in the armour of your soul, Kadma. [An aura of arrogance surrounds Kadma]


[darkly] And all I need to make you mine! [Kadma's eyes are closed. The aura turns dark purple but Kadma creates rock armour] I promise you more power than you've ever known, Kadma! But you will use that power... [The armour starts to crack]... for me! [The armour breaks and Kadma opens her eyes, which reveal she is being mind controlled by Nerissa]

Behold, the Seal of Nerissa! Two Hearts to one. Advantage, Mine!

[She fires lightning bolts at Will. Will hears a rumbling - Irma has summoned water which floods everyone. Will swims to the surface, Irma swims to her]

Come on! Let's get you out of here. But where's Kadma?

She's lost. Go! Swim!

[They swim underwater and arrive outside of the inside of the quarry. Taranee and Hay Lin are fighting the Knights - Taranee has summoned a vast fire wheel. Will runs over to Cornelia. Nerissa teletransports herself and Kadma]

Uh, what hit me?

A thing like what's about to. Taranee, Hay Lin! Get over here!

[They land]

There's a plan, right? Tell me there's a plan!

The plan...I'm going to teletransport for the first time! Hang on!

[She teletransports facing a wall]

Uh, guys?

Hay Lin:
Uh, yeah?

Oh my gosh! [The others walk around the entrance to Will] I put you in the wall.

No. But you came close.

[Will sighs]

Ok, not trying that again, any time soon.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Hold that thought, babe. Will! Hello, Will! What a surprise, Will!

Yeah, Dad, smooth. Hey, can I talk to Sarina?

Hello, Will.

Hi. Look, I think maybe I was blind-sided. Dad marrying a total stranger, but all that matters is you make each other happy, right?

Tony and Sarina:

And that means you’re not the evil witch I thought you were. Literally!

Thanks, I think.

So, welcome to the family!

I think this is the start of something great. Sarina has a lot to offer, Will. And an extra heart caring about you can't hurt either.

An extra heart? Advantage: me.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[Hay Lin is walking barefoot at Shell Beach. The camera zooms in on her bare feet as the tide comes in. The other girls join her.]

Hay Lin:
[she holds her hand out] Guys. Wait. If we're all here, who's protecting my Grandma?

But Hay Lin...

Hay Lin:
No buts, [she hops as she gets her trainers on] One of us has Wednesdays and it's not me. So it must be [she runs off] one of you!

Hay Lin, chill! Everything's...

[Hay Lin runs to a cavern, smoke is coming out]

Is that smoke?

[Hay Lin jumps over a rock to get to the entrance of the cave, the other girls follow]

That smell, it's, it's...

Yan Lin:
[Blunk is holding out a bowl] Lunch special number three. [She uses chopsticks to give Blunk the shrimps] Sizzling scallops and shrimp.

Yum! Smiley girl should try spicy noodles - she smile again.

[Hay Lin runs over to Yan Lin and hugs her]

Hay Lin:
I don't need noodles as long as you're alright. So, Caleb, Wednesday's your day?

Yeah, why?

Hay Lin:
[looking at the girls] Cause, I may have overreacted. But...

[Fire appears in her glasses] No buts.

Yan Lin:
Ah, granddaughter. You worry too much. Nerissa's crew never find me here. So, relax! [hands her a bowl] Have a number seventeen!

We'll take ours to go.

[A extreme close up of Yan Lin's eyes is placed over the ECU of Shagon. Blunk screams and drops his bowl and the girl turn around and gasp to see all the Knights of Destruction]

Oh, and...throw in a side of Grandma Lin. For Nerissa.


Let's make this quick and painless. Or better yet, just quick.

Couldn't agree more. [holding the Heart of Kandrakar] Guardians Unite!

[They transform]




Hay Lin:


[Shagon blasts around Yan Lin, but Hay Lin jumps and saves her. Will fires a lightning bolt at Shagon, electrocuting him. Kor punches at Caleb but he ducks and Kor hits the wall, Caleb kicks him. Cornelia places her palm flat out which creates an Earth Hand from the ground beneath Kor, which mimics her actions. Shen then closes her fist, and the Earth Hand does the same, trapping Kor. She flies down]

Remember, they feed on negative emotions. No feeding the animals.

[The shot has ECU's of the eyes of Will, Irma and Taranee, each with three sections of the screen with their eyes]

Will, Irma, Taranee:
Got it!

[Ember fires flames, which make the ground lava-like, Blunk runs and cries and trips over a rock]

Got it!

[He almost falls into the lava, but Irma summons a torrent of water in front of him. Tridart creates three ice versions of himself and notices Hay Lin guarding Yan Lin, but with an aura of fear around her, which himself and his duplicates feed on]

Please. There's enough fear in this cave to glut three of me.

[Tridart and his duplicates run toward Yan Lin and Hay Lin, but Taranee flies down in front of them and shoots fire at the right hand sided ice Tridart. The other two quicken their pace and the other ice Tridart strikes his axe but Taranee moves outof the way, but the real Tridart and the ice Tridart block her escape]

Hay Lin!

Hay Lin:
We have to protect my Grandma! Nerissa's gonna...

Yan Lin:
Channel that fear, kiddo. Right now, it's doing more harm than good.

[Hay Lin calms down and the aura of fear dissipates]

Hay Lin:
Got it!

[As Taranee ducks and dodges the attacks from the two Tridarts, Hay Lin flies up and releases a gust of air by pushing her hand forward, which smashes the ice Tridart. The real Tridart, distracted, is knocked back by Taranee throwing fire at him. All the other Knights fall to the ground and the Guardians fly down]

You won't be able to protect old Yanie forever.

Yan Lin:
Hey! Who you calling old?

[He creates a fold, which slowly covers the screen]

Nerissa has turned the other ex-Guardians to her side. [darkly] You will be next.

[The Knights disappear through the fold]

Hay Lin:
What if he's right? This cave is so no longer safe.

Yan Lin:
Ah, Shagon just having a permanent bad hair day. Now, who wants to eat?

Off the floor?

Blunk got it covered. [He licks the ground - where the spilled food is] Better than Sheffield Cafeteria. [He licks it again] Maybe even better than Sheffield Cafeteria Dumpster!

That's it! That's how we keep Yan Lin safe!

We hide her in the dumpster?!

No! We hide her in plain sight.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Your concern for your grandmother is quite touching, Hay Lin. But also quite pointless. I had Blunk's tooth in my posession for weeks. The spell I placed on it traces every fold he makes!

You cannot hide...any longer.

Yan Lin:
Maybe a little longer. [She turns invisible]

Maybe no...

[He tries to grab her but she walks away. Tridart groans in frustration]

Hay Lin:
Great idea, Grandma!

[She turns invisible and runs after Yan Lin]

Hay Lin:
Hey, over here!

[Shagon and Ember look around]

Hay Lin:
No! Over here!

[Kor and Tridart look around. Blunk is trying to get the Tooth which has landed on the "arm" of Ironwood]

I am getting very FRUSTRATED!

[Hay Lin runs into Tridart and Ember]

[to Ember] Watch it, Hothead!

[Yan Lin is behind Nerissa]

Yan Lin cannot stay invisible long. [Yan Lin reappears] It will drain her life force.

[Nerissa turns around]

Yan Lin:
No one likes a know it all.

[Nerissa is about to attack but Ironwood picks up Yan Lin]

Yan Lin:

[Ironwood places her by Blunk and Hay Lin]

You dare interfere!?

I want no part of your conflict, sorceress, but I will not [Blunk creates a fold] take root while you attack innocents.

Hay Lin:
Thank you, Ironwood! Sorry to leave you holding that bag.

[Yan Lin goes through the fold]

Smiley girl? [Hay Lin,still invisible, runs into Blunk, pushing him onto the fold] Argh!

[Hay Lin follows. The fold appears in the gym of Sheffield Institute]

Yan Lin:
Hay Lin?

Hay Lin:
I'm staying invisible. We need the edge! Nerissa is relentless.

Yan Lin:
You think?

[A fold appears and Taranee comes through. Yan Lin goes to greet her]

Yan Lin:
Ugh, Taranee. Thank goodness.

Thank goodness back! We were so worried, but where's Hay Lin?

[Hay Lin tackles Taranee and pins her to the floor]

Hay Lin:
Where's your psychic power?! If you were really Taranee you'd have sensed I was here, Nerissa.

Oh, aren't we the clever one.

[Taranee laughs and unleashes lightning bolts, which pushes her back. Taranee stands up]

But perhaps a little too clever... [She transforms into Nerissa]

...for your own good.

[Hay Lin transorms into a whirlwind and strikes Nerissa]

Hay Lin:
Leave us alone!

[Nerissa counteracts by raising her staff which acts as a shield and unleashes lightning bolts which pushes Hay Lin back. Principal Knickerbocker storms in]

Principal Knickerbocker:
What is going on?!

[She only sees Nerissa, with staff raised, which unleashes lightning bolts around her]

Principal Knickerbocker:
[quietly] here?

[Yan Lin and Blunk try to move away from the lightning bolts]

Principal Knickerbocker:
What?! What is this?! [notices Blunk] What is that?

[While pushing Nerissa, Hay Lin reappears]

Hay Lin:
Ugh! Principal Knickerbocker!

Principal Knickerbocker:
Hay Lin! Uh... [Yan Lin and Blunk run over to Principal Knickerbocker] ...I don't understand!

[Hay Lin is flipped over by Nerissa as the former grabs the latter's foot, but Hay Lin stops herself from falling]

Hay Lin:
My grandmother! [Nerissa fires a lightning bolt at her from her Seal of Nerissa and she jumps out of the way] Get her out of here!

[Yan Lin and Blunk walk over to Principal Knickerbocker and she takes them]

Principal Knickerbocker:
Yes! Yes! Of course! Everyone [she grabs Yan Lin by the arm and walks off with her] [hysterically] JUST REMAIN CALM!

[As they walk, Principal Knickerbocker tranforms into the still controlled Halinor]

Yan Lin:

[Hay Lin is jumping and rolling, dodging Nerissa's lightning bolts]

Hay Lin:

[Nerissa takes the opportunity of Hay Lin's distraction to hit her with another lightning bolt and is flung/skid back]

Hay Lin:

[she crashes]

Hay Lin:

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[Nerissa has teletransported Yan Lin into her old cell in Mount Thanos, and walks up to it with the still controlled Halinor, Kadma and Cassidy]

Finally! All my old friends together again. The Original Guardians Reunited. What do you say, Yan Lin? Ready to join tour?

Yan Lin:

Oh, well. We'll see.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Turning invisible was once effortless. It never drained you like this. Wouldn't you like that power again? In endless supply?

[Yan Lin holds her hand up and shakes her head and hand]

Yan Lin:
I've got a different request - you sit in this cell and let me gloat a while.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[Nerissa has used Quintessence to transform Yan Lin to her youthful Guardian self]

Join me. And I will give you back your youth. [whispered strongly] Your beauty.

[Yan Lin stands up]

Yan Lin:
Youth overrated and I'm still one hot old broad.

[Nerissa transforms her back]

[sighs] You try my patience, old friend! [quieter] Know that I will let nothing stand in my way. Including your precious granddaughter. [louder] Hay Lin's only hope is for you to join the Old Guardians!

Yan Lin:
Eh! Old Guardians are so over. My money's on the New ones.

[Nerissa gives a frustrated groan, walks away from the cell then walks back]

You seem to be incorruptible and I'm running out of time.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Hay Lin:


[She fires a lightning bolt from the Seal of Nerissa at Hay Lin, but the Guardians fly out of the way. Hay Lin flies back down]

Hay Lin:
I took relentless lessons from you!

[Nerissa continues to fire at her and Hay Lin carries on dodging. The other Guardians fire their powers against Nerissa and the Old Guardians. Hay Lin unleashes a whirlwind at the rock wall of the cell, freeing Yan Lin. Blunk goes to her]

Granny safe now.

[Hay Lin walks over]

Yan Lin:
Never doubted it for a minute.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Well, maybe you and your grandmother and me and my gramps, can, all of us could, sometime...

[Yan Lin appears]

Yan Lin:
Why not now? We can double date. Your grandpa...he's a real hottie.

W.I.T.C.H., Season 2 (2006)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Bob the Tomato:
Boy, I sure am glad they got that straightened out.

Larry the Cucumber:
Yep, the grapes were really sorry this time, so once again, Junior forgave them.

[The scenes cuts back to the story]

Junior Asparagus:
[angrily] What?!

Larry (voice-over):
I said, "once again, Junior forgave them."

Are you serious?!?

[The scene cuts back to the Countertop]

Well, I think so. Bob am I serious?

Oh yeah, Larry. Yeah, y-you're serious. Mmm-hmm.

[The scene cuts back to the story]

I'm supposed to forgive them again? After what they just did to me?!

[The scene cuts back to the Countertop]

Well, uh... yeah.

[The scene cuts back to the story]

Sure, I forgave them for calling me "Bean Boy" and saying I had cheese on my head. But now they're making fun of my name and they laughed when the hoe almost smacked my face CLEEEEAAAAN off, and then the truck picked me up and threw me in the sand! And you're telling me, I'm supposed to forgive them AGAIN!?!

Um, well, are you guys really sorry?

Tom and Rosie:
We're sorry, and we'll never do it again!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[Tom and Rosie begin slinging nonsensical insults at each other]

Tom Grape:
Hey! What'd you do that for?

Rosie Grape:
I didn't do it! You did, ya big possum head!

I did not, you taco salad rabbit nose!

You did too, casserole-head, pimento-loaf, iguana boy!


Pa Grape:
[gets out of the car] Now, Rose, apologize to your brother.

Huh? What for?

Well, you know he just turned 18 years old.

Yeah, so?

So that would make him a casserole-head, pimento-loaf, iguana man!

Oh, yeah, sorry about that, [under breath] cabbage-nosed Elvis puppy.

Yeah, and don't you forget it!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Bob the Tomato:
God made you special, and He loves you very much. [closing line of most episodes]

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[last lines of "Daniel and the Lion's Den"]

Darius (Archibald):
I've got it, a new law! From this day forth, everyone will pray only to Daniel's God, no more of this silly praying to me business. But who's idea was that anyway? Oh, yes, I remember.

Scallion #1:
[whispers to Scallion #2] I hear they're looking for wisemen down in Egypt. Been fun, got to go now!

Scallion #2:
Yeah, see ya! [The Scallions runs off]

Darius (Archibald):
[angrily; he and Daniel start chasing The Scallions] Where do you think you're going?! Come back here, you scoundrels! You scallywags! Not so fast! Stop! I'm the King, you must stop now! Come back here! Stop it!

Daniel (Larry):
Hey guys, come back! There's some pizza left!

VeggieTales  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

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