[Rosa and Carl pull up in front of the Loud House in their family mercado van and hop out with Sergio in his birdcage]
[squawks] This is embarrassing! I don't need a babysitter! I'm a big bird!
A big bird who gets into big trouble. I'm sorry, but we can't take you to Carlos' lecture today and have you behave like you did at the last one.
[Flashback to Carlos' previous lecture]
And now, a rare Mesoamerican bowl that dates back to 1519. It's the only one of its kind left in the world.
[The curtains pull back, revealing Sergio bathing in the bowl]
A little privacy, please?!
[gasps in shock] Sergio, what are you doing?! Shoo! [Sergio flies out of the auditorium, causing the bowl to wobble and splash water and soap into his face] AH! Soap in my eye! [accidentally knocks over the bowl and gasps]
[Back to present]
[laughing about the incident before Rosa glares at him as they walk up to the front door] What? It was funny when Dad started crying. [Rosa continues glaring at him] Uh, I mean, shame on you, Sergio!
Lynn Sr.:
[opens the door; happily] Rosa, Carl, Sergio! Please, come in!
Gracias, and thank you for watching Sergio tonight.
Oh, it's our pleasure.
[sees Lola sitting on the sofa] Lola! My favorite Loud. Is that a new crown? It really brings out…
[cutting him off] Cut to the chase, Casagrande.
[groans] My dad's lectures are dullsville, and I can't sit through another if Sergio isn't gonna be there to wreck it.
Hmm. Sounds like a you problem… [Carl offers her some cash] that, I might be able to help with.
[sternly] Okay, Sergio, you'd better be on your best behavior with the Louds. If you pull any of your usual stunts, I'm sending you to bird boot camp. [Sergio gulps and whimpers worriedly; later, back in the van, waves goodbye] Thanks again! We'll pick him up tomorrow morning. [drives off as Rita (holding Sergio in his cage) and Lynn Sr. wave farewell… only to come to a stop and come back, holding out Lola, disguised as Carl] Nice try, Lola. Carl would never call the van seats "tacky." He doesn't even know what that means.
Carl, it didn't work!
[comes out, disguised as Lola] Worth a shot. [as they walk up to each other, he demands her a refund]
Sorry. No refunds or exchanges.
[Carl grumbles annoyingly, takes off his Lola getup and gives it back to her as she heads back into the house]
Hey, Sergio. [lets him out of his cage] The other pets are waiting for you out by Charles' doghouse.
[flies over to the backyard, finding the Loud pets hanging out just by Charles' doghouse; squawks] Sergio has arrived! So, what's the plan? What are we doing for fun today? [the Loud pets take out some cards and play a game of Old Maid] Ugh, Old Maid? [squawks] You call that fun? Ugh, no thank you.