Wikidude's Quotes Page #395

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I'm seeing myself from the inside out.

The Magic School Bus, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

At my old school we were only afraid of lunch meat!

The Magic School Bus, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[wearing a wrestling outfit with spikes everywhere; weakly] Too spiky. [now wearing a fairy costume] Not gonna happen. [now dressed as a clown] No way. [now wearing Lincoln's clothes] Who wears this? [gets back in her usual clothes] Look, guys, this isn't working. None of these feel, I don't know, authentic.

Hmm. Maybe we need to dig a little deeper. Like, my fave wrestler, Pixie Cuts, used to be an actual hairstylist. Her character feels supes authentic.

Yeah. What is Lynn Loud really passionate about?

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[dashes into Lincoln's room; frantically] Lincoln!

[yelps and fires a net out of his net cannon in midair and it lands on him] Dang it.

Need help. Big problem!

Lily, it's okay. Calm down. I'm sure whatever it is isn't that bad.

[grabs her brother by the face] I trade Eunice to Ingrid!

Well, it was nice knowing ya.

It was accident! They go to grocery store! Please help me get her back!

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Lynn Sr.:
[answers the door, finding Ingrid's mom, Candace there] Oh, hi, Candace. [calling out] Lily, Ingrid's mommy is here!

[Lily and Ingrid both come downstairs]

Thanks for having Ingrid over. Lily is welcome at our place anytime. [leaves and gets into their car; to her daughter] Did you have fun, sweetie?

Yep, yep! [as her mother puts her in the booster seat] Look, look, look! Look what I got! [pulls Eunice out her backpack] I'm gonna name her Princess Cotton Candy!

[Lily reacts in horror, realizing she accidentally traded Lola's beloved Eunice]

How about you take your new friend to the grocery store with us?

[frantically after the car drives off] No, no, no, no, no! She take Eunice! [fearfully imagines what would Lola find out if she returns home]

[with her face turning red of fury] LILY!!! [roars in rage with a blast of fire from her mouth, which strongly blasts the roof open]

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Lincoln & Ronnie Anne:
[shocked after Benny removes his Luan costume] Benny?!

Sorry, guys. Luan promise me half-off to wishing if I helped her. That class isn't cheap.

Your Luan was incredible.

Thanks. [impersonating Luan's voice] Voice mimicry is the only "A" I've gotten.

Ronnie Anne:
[groans] So where's Luan, now?!

[They see Luan in the distance, laughing sinisterly, and she then bikes away]

That was unnerving.

Ronnie Anne:
We can't let her get away, or we'll never prank her in time! There's only 23 minutes until sunset!

Learning to tell time by the sun is also part of--

Of the class. I get it.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Uh, what are you doing?

Ronnie Anne:
Prank meditating. It helps me focus. I need to think of something I haven't tried yet.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to the viewers] That's right. Ronnie Anne is about to get her pranking PHD, which is cool, but I'm just excited my buddy's in town, and we get to hang out. Plus, Dad made the appetizers, like mac 'n' cheese bites. [brings in a cart of appetizers and eats a mac 'n' cheese bite, then ends up spitting it out] Which of course, Luan filled with octopus ink. Real nice.

Benny, you may be stalled at level one whoopee cushion, but someday, if you work hard, you'll graduate too.

Aw, thanks, Luan. Until then, I'll just keep pouring my savings into this class.

Ronnie Anne, please accept this diploma.

[Mr. Coconuts gives Ronnie Anne her diploma as Benny applauds while shedding tears]

Woo-hoo! Yeah, Ronnie Anne!

Ronnie Anne:
[throwing her graduation cap in the air] I'd like to thank my brother, Bobby, for being the main target of my homework assignment. [suddenly notices that the printing on her diploma is starting to fade] Uh, what's happening?!

Ha, ha! Disappearing ink! You haven't graduated yet. There is a final test you must complete, and this test is the hardest. [laughs sinisterly]

I did not see this coming! [eats a piece of chocolate cake, which then burns him as he screams] AH! Or that ghost pepper! Classic Luan.

Ronnie Anne, you must prank the master: me. And it must be done before sundown, so tick-tock. Remember your mantra: Work with what you've got. [throws a fart bomb and disappears as Ronnie Anne coughs]

Ronnie Anne:
Fart cloud!

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[laughs] You gotta get up pretty early in the morning to fool ole Flip. Nacho here overheard you dunderheads talking in the parking lot and clued me in. So while you were busy tearing each other apart, I had to move all the merchandise out. Call it a "restocking day." Oh, there is one thing left.

[gasps and sees a dusty bag of Flipeos] Flipeos? That's it?! [blows the dust off, getting some of it on Flip's face]

Be careful eating 'em. [Chandler opens the bag and a stink cloud emerges, making his hair all fuzzy] They're older than you are.

[throws the bag on the ground; enraged] This is so unfair! I'm the one who cheats people! You stink, Flip, and that's coming from someone whose dad works in the sewer! [storms out of the store]

[picks up the Flipeo bag and eats one] Eh, it's not bad.

[Lincoln and Clyde wince as Chandler angrily leaves the store, slamming the door shut]

Well, we may not have won, but we did get to see Chandler lose.

Small comfort in a cruel world.

[Lincoln sighs as he and Clyde head for the door]

[blocking their way, halting them] And where do you two bozos think you're going? I suppose I should say thank you. While you were trying to get to one million, you actually gave me the best day of business I ever had. And that includes the time the supermarket down the street flooded. [whispers to the boys] Suspiciously. [winks] I think that deserves a reward.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Audience Member:
[surprised as Luan tosses an umbrella and Amy catches it, left-handed] She's a lefty? I did not see that one coming.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Mrs. Bernardo:
So, Luan, our brilliant detective, did you crack the case, yet?

The trail went a little cold, but don't worry, I'm gonna figure it out!

[approaching to Amy while running up to the stage] Hey, Amy. Ready to go? [holds out his hand] Let me take your bag.

[notices a red mark on his hand] Rex, what happened to your hand? [takes a close look at it] It looks like… rope burns?

What? No. I… I… uh… scraped my hands in pottery class.

Our school doesn't offer pottery. [realizes] Wait a minute. You cut the rope!

[Mrs. Bernardo, Benny, and Luan all gasp in shock]

Mrs. Bernardo:
What a twist!

[guilty] I'm sorry, Amy. But ever since you got cast as Gertrude, you haven't had any time to hang out with me. I just thought I scared you, you'd quit the play.

[disgusted] Super selfish, Rex. You and I are through.

[leaves the stage, tearfully over their break up] Oh, no!

Mrs. Bernardo:
Well done, Amy! I had no idea you had such stellar investigative skills!

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[groaning impatiently] Where is Mrs. Bernardo? The cast list for "The Case of the Missing Corgi" should be up by now.

Mm, I can't wait to find out who gets to play the lead, Detective Agatha Mystery.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[As Dante pushes the "unknown" headstone away and heaves the bag out the ground…]

[off-screen] What are you doing?

[Dante reacts in surprise and accidentally launches the bag into the air and lands in front of the other Morticians; They gasp to see what was inside]

It's not Ernie Shovelgate.


Auntie Pam?!


[Lightning flashes and Boris plays a note on his keyboard; Inside the bag, was revealed to be not Auntie Pam herself, but just three tubs of ice cream and an ice cooler]

You buried Auntie Pam's ice cream?

[Dante groans in despair]

So, Ernie wasn't real?

[Dante sadly shakes his head in rejection, realizing his secret is revealed]

But why, Dante? Why did you deceive us?

[glances down at Virgil, and then confesses] Because… Because I wanted to hide my ice cream so none of you could have any. It's cookies and scream, my all-time favorite.

Ugh. It's the riding lawnmower all over again. I've said it before and I'll say it once more: Worst sharer ever.

[The other Morticians agree in disappointment]

Sad but true.

[upset] Sigh. I know. I'm really sorry. But, I'll try to be better, I swear. As a matter of fact… [lifts up one of the ice cream tub and inhales] Uh… Who wants some… [suddenly snatches it back, growling evilly in selfishness; then inhales deeply] You can do it, Dante. Who wants some of my ice cream?

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[The Morticians arrive the Cheaper Reaper store to buy a new headstone]

[pushing a shopping cart] Okay, everyone, I know the Cheaper Reaper is a veritable wonderland of bereavement in bulk, but we need to remain focused. Persephone, do you have the club money?

I do. [takes out her purse] And thanks to our embalming fundraiser last weekend, it looks like we have enough to buy Ernie a most splendid tribute.

[to Virgil] Whatever we do, we cannot let them leave here with the headstone! [Virgil points up to a sign that reads…] "You break it, you buy it." [gasps] Virgil, that's it! You're one smart cemetery cat.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The spirit is within Dante! Please, tell us your name so we may honor you with a new gravestone.

[feigning a ghostly spirit] My name is… [blinks and notices an urn on a statue nearby] Urn-- [then notices a goblin statue's knee] Knee-- [then notices a shovel Hank is using to dig up dirt over a another grave] Shovel-- [then finally notices the cemetery's gate] Gate. Ernie Shovelgate. It's nice of you kids to want to get me a new headstone. But, don't go to all that trouble. I'm really shy, so "Unknown" totally works for me. Okay, well, I got to get back to the other side. [shakes himself and pretends to pass out as the smoke clears; then sits up, acting normal] Wow, I guess Ernie doesn't want a new headstone. Bummer, but what can you do? [realizes] That's a rhetorical question.

You know, whenever it's my mother's birthday, she says "Don't go to all that trouble", which means, "You'd better go to all that trouble."

That's a good point, Haiku. What if Ernie's just being modest? I say we buy him the headstone anyway. After he sees it, I'll bet he rolls over in his a happy way.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[The Morticians are all helping Hank with his groundskeeping duties at the cemetery]

[trimming a grim reaper-shaped hedge] Thanks for your help with all my groundskeeping duties, kids! Now, don't forget, make sure each and every resident gets some TLC.

[cleaning a gravestone as Haiku sets down a pair of orange chrysanthemums in front of one] Haiku, Caroline doesn't like mums. She's a lilac girl.

Thank you, Lucy. [switches the orange mums for lilac flowers] I almost made a grave mistake. [she and Lucy both laugh monotonously]

[driving around on a tractor mower] Hang on, Virgil! I'm gonna pop the wheelie! [speed pasts Morpheus]

[annoyed] Stop hogging the mower, Dante! Gah, worst sharer ever! [groans after Dante drives past him again, blowing grass blades at him]

[playing his keyboard] Boris is jamming on the keys. Any requests from the dead? [suddenly trips on a headstone and ends up getting four keys in his mouth like teeth]

Are you okay, Boris?

[gets up on his feet and spits out the keys] Boris will live, sadly. [glances down at the mysterious "unknown" headstone] Oh, I've never noticed that headstone before.

Hmm, neither have I. Hank, who's "Unknown"?

You got me. I know every inch of this graveyard and I don't remember that grave being here.

[gulps nervously, knowing that he was the one who placed it there before] Well, people do kick the bucket all the time, so...

How tragic that someone would pass and remain nameless for eternity.

As the Morticians Club, it's our duty to right such ghastly wrongs. I say we hold a séance to find out who rests here, then replace this headstone with one with their name.

[nervously rushes in front of the headstone] No! I don't think we should disturb their eternal slumber. You know how hard it is to go back to sleep when somebody wakes you up.

A valid point, Dante.

[Dante smiles and sighs in relief]

Boris can play him some nice, soothing bedtime music. [plays a daunting tune on his keyboard, making Dante facepalm and groan in despair]

Great idea, Boris. All those in favor? [the other members, except Dante, raise their hands and agree] Let the record show that the motion passes with much enthusiasm.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[As Leni, Fiona, and Miguel hide in the recycling room…]

[takes her phone out of her pocket as it rings and gasps to see who's calling] It's Ms. Carmichael! I'll just call her back later!

[takes his phone out of his pocket, shocked to see that Ms. Carmichael is also trying to call him] Sorry, Ms. C! Turn off phone. [turns off his phone] Watch out, Leni. She's probably gonna--

[answers her phone] Hello? Oh, hi, Ms. Carmichael! [gasps in horror] Ms. Carmichael?!

Ms. Carmichael:
Leni, where are the three of you?! The post-lunch rush is about to start!

[sighs] M-Ms. C, I can explain. See, we left the store to rescue Tanya and bring her back.

Ms. Carmichael:
[disbelieved] Rescue Tanya? Tanya the mannequin? Wha… Listen, if the three of you are not back at this store ASAP, you will all be fired!

[firmly] Don't be mad at Miguel and Fiona, this was all my idea. But you said it yourself: we're a family at Reininger's. And nowhere does it say that mannequins are excluded. Tanya's like the sister I never had.

Uh, Leni? You have nine sisters.

[annoyed] You know what I mean. [to Ms. Carmichael] Fire me if you have to, but I have to save my friend. [hangs up and sadly groans] You guys need to go back. You can't lose your jobs because of me.

[hugs Leni] As if!

[joins them] Yeah! No mannequin left behind!

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I'm sorry, Leni. Hey, maybe you'll meet a new Tanya?

I don't want a new Tanya! I have a Tanya! We have to save her! It's like, Miguel, imagine if Ms. C. wanted to throw away your favorite Italian leather belt.

[gasps in horror] Beltissimo!? Over my dead-but-still-very-moisturized body! Okay, I am in! [holds out his hand]

[rolls her eyes, lightly] Eh, why not? [adds her hand]

Leni, Miguel & Fiona:
Save Tanya!

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Royal Woods Mall; Fiona and Miguel are preparing unmotivated for the morning run at Reininger's when Leni enters]

[cheerfully holding a pink box; off-screen] Morning, fam!

[over intercom] Attention, everyone! It's manager extraordinaire and fashion icon, Leni Loud! She dazzles in a chique-!

[cutting him off] Like I said yesterday, it's too early for this, Miguel.

Look what I brought! [opens the box, revealing four decorated muffins] Ta-da!

Fiona & Miguel:

They're Fuffins. [Fiona and Miguel both react confusingly] Like, muffins, but fun.

Miguel & Fiona:

[hands each of her friends a muffin; walks over to Tanya with a happy gasp] Hi, Tanya! [hands her a muffin] I can't wait to hear about your date with Bradley from the sports department. [cut to Bradley, another mannequin dressed in tennis gear; gasps] Ooooh! It was a tennis date? LOVE that for you!

[eating her muffin; delighted] Leni, you are the best!

Ms. Carmichael:
[walks in] Couldn't have said it better myself, Fiona! [takes Miguel's muffin and takes a bite] I just love my Reninger's family. [chuckles, then more serious] Sometimes more than my own. [eats the rest of Miguel's muffin after a pause] Alright, team! Time for pre-opening announcements. First things first, I want to freshen up the store, so, get ready for some big changes around here.

[gasps] Are we finally addressing the employee breakroom smell? I have some theories. [takes out his notepad and flicks through]

Ms. Carmichael:
[bluntly] No.

[closes his notepad and takes out a recorder; suspicious] Suspect #2 suspiciously changes the subject. Will monitor.

Ms. Carmichael:
I want to start with the mannequins. The store's current stock are… [takes hold of a nearby mannequin's arm, which breaks off, its head immediately falls to the ground, as a swarm of spiders scuttle out; the rest of the mannequin collapses] Well, that just about says it all. I think it's time we retire them.

[Miguel and Fiona gasp and groan in apprehension; then cut to Leni, who doesn't understand]

[squeals in delight; excitedly] Tanya is going to LOVE retirement! [hugs Tanya] She TOTES deserves it! Oh I hope she goes to Florida! I can visit her on my spring break!

Leni, I think Ms. Carmichael meant that she is getting rid of the old mannequins, including Tanya.

[gasps in horror and clutches her mannequin friend] You can't just get rid of her! Sure, she's a little quiet and sometimes her limbs fall off. [Tanya's head dislodges, readjusts it] But she's my friend!

Ms. Carmichael:
Sorry, Leni. I know you've formed an attachment, but it's just a mannequin.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Royal Woods Middle School; Lynn is driving around the hallways in her golf cart and all the students shoot spitballs at her, causing her to lose control and crash into the lockers]

[as Meryl approaches her; weakly] Little help here, Meryl?

[disgusted] For the Brawl Monitor? No way! [shoots more spitballs at her and leaves]

Wow. Even Meryl hates me?

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Rosa and Carl pull up in front of the Loud House in their family mercado van and hop out with Sergio in his birdcage]

[squawks] This is embarrassing! I don't need a babysitter! I'm a big bird!

A big bird who gets into big trouble. I'm sorry, but we can't take you to Carlos' lecture today and have you behave like you did at the last one.

[Flashback to Carlos' previous lecture]

And now, a rare Mesoamerican bowl that dates back to 1519. It's the only one of its kind left in the world.

[The curtains pull back, revealing Sergio bathing in the bowl]

A little privacy, please?!

[gasps in shock] Sergio, what are you doing?! Shoo! [Sergio flies out of the auditorium, causing the bowl to wobble and splash water and soap into his face] AH! Soap in my eye! [accidentally knocks over the bowl and gasps]

[Back to present]

[laughing about the incident before Rosa glares at him as they walk up to the front door] What? It was funny when Dad started crying. [Rosa continues glaring at him] Uh, I mean, shame on you, Sergio!

Lynn Sr.:
[opens the door; happily] Rosa, Carl, Sergio! Please, come in!

Gracias, and thank you for watching Sergio tonight.

Oh, it's our pleasure.

[sees Lola sitting on the sofa] Lola! My favorite Loud. Is that a new crown? It really brings out…

[cutting him off] Cut to the chase, Casagrande.

[groans] My dad's lectures are dullsville, and I can't sit through another if Sergio isn't gonna be there to wreck it.

Hmm. Sounds like a you problem… [Carl offers her some cash] that, I might be able to help with.

[sternly] Okay, Sergio, you'd better be on your best behavior with the Louds. If you pull any of your usual stunts, I'm sending you to bird boot camp. [Sergio gulps and whimpers worriedly; later, back in the van, waves goodbye] Thanks again! We'll pick him up tomorrow morning. [drives off as Rita (holding Sergio in his cage) and Lynn Sr. wave farewell… only to come to a stop and come back, holding out Lola, disguised as Carl] Nice try, Lola. Carl would never call the van seats "tacky." He doesn't even know what that means.

Carl, it didn't work!

[comes out, disguised as Lola] Worth a shot. [as they walk up to each other, he demands her a refund]

Sorry. No refunds or exchanges.

[Carl grumbles annoyingly, takes off his Lola getup and gives it back to her as she heads back into the house]

Hey, Sergio. [lets him out of his cage] The other pets are waiting for you out by Charles' doghouse.

[flies over to the backyard, finding the Loud pets hanging out just by Charles' doghouse; squawks] Sergio has arrived! So, what's the plan? What are we doing for fun today? [the Loud pets take out some cards and play a game of Old Maid] Ugh, Old Maid? [squawks] You call that fun? Ugh, no thank you.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[While Lynn, Margo, and Maddie are stretching out their bodies, preparing for the championship…]

Coach Keck:
[scrubbing herself with a loofah, still purple] Okay, folks, circle up. For anyone keeping count, this is my ninth loofah and I'm still purple, which is unfortunate because this game is televised and my mom's in the stands.

Coach Keck's Mom:
Whoo-hoo-hoo! That purple gal's my daughter! Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Coach Keck:
So, do me a favor and save me any further embarrassment by playing your hearts out and winning this championship!

[approaches Lynn, for the first time not wearing the burger costume, but rather carrying it] Lynn! Good luck out there. I brought you the Burpin' Burger suit to wear during the big game. [plops the burger costume on her]

Seriously?! But I'm already wearing the logo.

The logo's fine for regular games, but this is the championship game, which means more eyes are on you, which means it's a huge PR opportunity for the Burpin' Burger. So if you wanna keep those perks, you'll have to wear the buns. It's all in your contract.

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[During halftime as Lynn and her friends enter the locker room…]

Okay, team, huddle up. This isn't working. I love the sponsorship perks, but they're not worth this humiliation! [takes a gherkin off her head]

[Margo, Maddie, and Carla all agree]

[agreeing] Here, here.

[showing up with the other sponsors] Hey, Kangaroos. We got some more merch for you to wear on the second half.

Sorry, but we're out.

We were obsessed by all the free stuff, but we're ready to get back to what's really important.

Playing like champions!

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[interviewing Paula] You really played your heart out today. Any words for the Action News audience?

[speaks into the microphone and to the camera] Head to Duds for Dudes, where satisfaction is guaranteed! 'Cause they know what a dude wants, and what a dude needs!

The Loud House, Season 7  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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