Frankie :
In some cities, cars are status symbols, but out here in the middle, it's sensible people with sensible cars.
Axl :
Mike :
What is this? Your tired of getting eight miles a gallon, you wanted four?
Axl :
I'm a bus driver!
Frankie :
Wow. So, when did this happen?
Axl :
Well, you guys have been pressuring me to get a job, so I got a job
Frankie :
What do you mean? We didn't pressure you. We haven't said a word since you've been home from Europe
Axel :
I know, which is actually more annoying than when you say something. You guys are always sharing looks
Frankie :
We don't share looks [scoffs]
Axl :
Ok. I get it. I'm not an irresponsible college kid anymore, so now, I am a contributing member of society with a job and a salary, but I don't get paid for two more weeks, so I need you to spot me a $20. Oh, my god! You're doing it again!
Mike :
Look, Axl, we're very proud that you got a job and, frankly, more than a little relieved, but you worked hard to get yourself a business degree
Axl :
I know! That's the whole point of this sweet gig. I am free to go on interviews in the business world
Mike :
You're going on interviews with your little hairdo there?
Axl :
Oh, my god. Step into the twenty-teens, grandpa. They're not gonna judge me on my hair, but I wish they would. You know how much disciple it took... to grow this thing out