Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,243

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Detective Lieutenant Elliot:
That... was the dumbest car chase of all time.

Knives Out  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Detective Lieutenant Elliot:
OK, don't answer that if you're going to puke. Please.

Knives Out  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Meg Thrombey:
(being questioned, about Jacob) He's an alt-right dipstick troll.

Knives Out  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Master Tang:
I remember, a long time ago, when a good friend of mine told me that there would be a chosen one.

Master Doe [in flashback] There will be a chosen one.

Master Tang:
Then he told me, of the significance.

Master Doe [in flashback] It will be significant.

Master Tang:
And then he killed the dog.

[Doe groans and closes his eyes; he then farts and a dog is heard whimpering and falling to the ground]

Chosen One:
I now officially know too much. And why are you in bed?

Master Tang:
Oh, you won't even believe what happened next.

Chosen One:
[interrupts beginning flashback] no, please.

Master Tang:
If you insist.

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Four peasants are beating the Chosen One until they receive his signal]

Peasant 1:
Should we keep going?

Peasant 2:
He said we should keep going until he gives the signal to stop.

Peasant 3:
Did anyone see the signal?

Peasant 2:
He was whining for a while.

Peasant 1:
Do you think whining was the signal?

[peasant 3 starts hitting Chosen One again]

Peasant 1:
Hey, easy.

[peasants 2, 3, and 4 begin beating the Chosen One's limp body]

Peasant 1:
Hey guys, come on! ... Oh, well.

[Peasant 1 joins in the beating]

Peasant 1:
Wait. Didn't he say something about dramatically throwing us off his body?

Peasants 2-4:

[they pile onto the Chosen One's fallen body]

Peasant 1:
Okay. Go ahead. Throw us off.

[Chosen One does nothing and they get off]

Peasant 3:
He isn't moving.

Peasant 2:

Peasant 4:
Maybe we should leave.

[they all leave]

Peasant 1:
Don't say anything to Mom.

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Chosen One:
But I don't understand. Who are the evil council?

The answer you seek resides in the stars above.

Chosen One:
I don't understand.

Of course you don't. I'm speaking in riddles. That's kind of the point, like a clue, so when you figure it out you'll say "Oh, that's what he meant! Stars above!"

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

But Chosen One, I'd like to help you, but I-I-I-I-I-I, I just can't. I won't. Wee-ooh, wee-ooh.

Chosen One He wasn't at the restaurant, do you know where he is?

No, I won't tell. Stay, stay and live, live a life with me. Wee-ooh.

Chosen One:
Look, Ling, those curlicues in your hair make me so hot, I can't think straight.

You'll never make it. Never make it. Never make it. Never make it, never. Don't you see you can't make it?

[Chosen One grabs her shoulders and is clearly shouting, but...]

Chosen One:
[calmly] I implore you to reconsider.

Hmm. Okay. He spends his time on top of a waterfall swinging a chain around. There. You got what you wanted. Now go. [walks off while sobbing uncontrollably]

[in a flashback] Remember, avoid the meadow

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Master Tang walking and singing]

Master Tang:
Chicken go cluck-cluck, cow go moo. Piggy go oink-oink, how 'bout you? Gonna be an animal just like you.

[breaks off and looks around]

[in bushes] Cuckoo, cuckoo.

Mmm, I'm just a birdie, too.

Master Tang:
[is confused for a while, but then resumes singing] Lemurs go pff-pff, ostrich go baah. Koalas go... (smacks lips, then spins suddenly to face Betty)

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

I am a great magician. Your clothes are red!

[the Mayor is wearing red robes]

Wow! Please, do it again! Wait, who's that?

[a henchman runs in]

Betty- he-he's alive, Betty. He's still alive, Betty.

Still alive? How can that be? Oh this is bad, this is very bad. Your clothes are black. The Council will not be pleased.

[the Mayor's robes are now black]

But Betty, do they have to know?

He's supposed to be dead! I am responsible. He alone can disrupt the Evil Council's plan. Him and that infernal Toungey! Red clothes!

[The Mayor's robes change back to being red]

Master Betty, might I inquire- what is the Evil Council's plan?

It is evil. Meheh, it is so evil. It is a bad, bad plan that will hurt many people that are good. I think it's great, because it's so bad.

I see. I think.

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Chosen One kicks Wimp Lo in the face; Wimp Lo does a pose]

Wimp Lo:
Ha! Face-to-foot style. How do you like it?

Chosen One:
I'm sure on some planet your style is impressive, but your weak link is: This is Earth.

Wimp Lo:
Oh, yeah? Then try my-nuts-to-your-fist style!

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[the intermission begins]

Go get some snacks. Perhaps a carbonated soda.

I hope they have Icees.

Chosen One:
I have chosen the large tub.

Wimp Lo:
My nipples look like Milk Duds.

Master Tang:
I've got some yellow liquid for your popcorn, and it's non-dairy.

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[two students are walking; both of them have their mouths closed, but voice is dubbed in]

[singing] We are both ventriloquists, ventriloquists, ventriloquists/We are both ventriloquists and we practice every day.

Student 1:
He carries the baskets.

Student 2:
He carries the paper roll.

And we don't have cysts/But one thing is for sure my friends/We are ventriloquists.

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[the Council appears out of the air]

That's right. The Evil Council are aliens.

[speaker comes out of Council ship and plays French music]

Chosen One:
They're French.

Ha-ha. Stinky pits and all, baby!

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Chosen One:
His powers are greater than mine.

Mu Shu Fasa:
Yes. Plus, when you got hit with his iron claw, you did scream like a wussy.

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Master Tang:
[dying] Chosen One, do I look all right?

Chosen One:
Yeah. Sure.

Master Tang:
On a scale of one to ten?

Chosen One:

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[the Chosen One is preparing to fight Master Betty. A man comes up to him]

Master Doe:
Wait! You mustn't. You are not ready.

Chosen One:
Who are you?

Master Doe:
Ling's father. Wee-ooh, wee-ooh.

Chosen One:
Oh, dear.

Master Doe:
No one man can defeat Betty.

When you girls are done kissing, I've got some ass kicking for you!

Chosen One:
I have to avenge my family!

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Chosen One:
I have traveled many years and miles to find you.

Master Tang:
How many miles? Would you say...ten million?

Chosen One:
...No, I don't think ten million.

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[Chosen One is attacked by Betty and his iron claws]

Master Tang:
[Narrating] At that moment, the Chosen one learned a valuable lesson about iron claws. They hurt like crap man!

Master Tang:
[Narrating] Chosen One was clearly not ready. he should've listened to that one-boobed chick.

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Master Tang fights Betty the second time in the outskirts of the city; but before Master Tang is killed, the scene freezes up with Master Tang narrating his options

Master Tang:
Okay. So here were my options: A, quickly duck sideways, dodge the claw, then take him out with a spinning back-kick or B, take the claw in the face, then roll on the ground and die. [Hit in the face a few seconds later] Hmm! Shoulda gone with A!

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Captain James T. Kirk:
  It could be dangerous—we may be killed—but that's why we're out here.  The landing party will consist of myself, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, and Ensign Skippy.

Ensign Skippy:
  Oh, shit.

The Life of Larry and Larry & Steve  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Man in underwear:
  You have any Cheez-Its?

The Life of Larry and Larry & Steve  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Alex Trebek:
For eight-hundred dollars, this chemical dye's found in ninety-five percent of all cosmetic products.

Larry Cummings:
  Diarrhœa.  [audience laughs]  What?  Oh, oh, oh, sorry!  Sorry.  What is diarrhœa?

The Life of Larry and Larry & Steve  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Larry Cummings:
  It says here there's another state that's goin'a abolish the death penalty.

Lois Cummings:
  Oh, is that right?

Larry Cummings:
  Yeah, instead they make ya share a popsicle with Tom Waits.

The Life of Larry and Larry & Steve  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Larry Cummings:
  [to Lois Cummings]  But, it's a miracle when you think about it.  Idn't it, y'know?  This, this whole, this-this "birth" thing.  Like, I mean, y'know, wha-what happens?  I unload, uh-uh-uh—a whole batch of this—these, uh, these little reproductive apostrophes in-in-into your, uh, y'know, uh-uh-uh "miracle bucket," and then, nine months later, Milt comes out, y'know?  I mean, it's-it's—it's-it's-uh, for me, it's got the same kind of, uh, uh, y'know, awe-inspiring mystique as-as-as, like, Shrinky Dinks.

  For God sakes, people are trying to sleep around here.

The Life of Larry and Larry & Steve  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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"Cat's in the bag, and the bag's in the river!"
A Shadow of a Doubt
B Johnny Belinda
C Sweet Smell of Success
D Kiss me Deadly