Old Man:
Quiet! You act like a pack of hounds.
We're just having fun.
Old Man:
You think this is a party?
[to Old Man] Please, help me. You can make them stop...
He can't.
Old Man:
Shut your mouth! [to Sally] Can't be helped, young lady. [The Hitchhiker starts to giggle] Shut up! Don't pay him no mind.
Please...you can't let them kill me.
Old Man:
Can't be helped.
[to Leatherface] You like that face?
[Leatherface gibbers]
They're crazy. You have to help!
He can't do anything. He's just a cook.
Old Man:
Shut up, you bitch hog!
Me and Leatherface do all the work. He don't like it. Isn't that right? You ain't nothing but a cook.
Old Man:
Shut your mouth! You don't understand nothing.
I understand you're nothing. Me and him do all the work.
Old Man:
I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it.
Oh, please! You can't... [to the Hitchhiker] Why do you want to kill me? I never hurt you. [he giggles] Please...I'll do anything you want. [starts crying, then the others begin mocking her tears]
Old Man:
No need to torture the poor girl.
You just the cook, remember. Me and him take care of this.
Old Man:
You get on with it. I won't have this.
We in no hurry. You ain't going nowhere.