Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,340

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Tracy Freeland:
Mom, why are there four places tonight? Mom?

Melanie Freeland:
Honey, he just got back. He's only coming for dinner.

Tracy Freeland:
Yeah. Tomorrow he's just gonna tune up your car, right?

Melanie Freeland:
It needs it.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[during family dinner]

Tracy Freeland:
So Brady, how was the half way house?


Same as the last one, Trace.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Tracy finds Brady in the bathroom, learning that he spent the night]

Tracy Freeland:

Melanie Freeland:
What? I'm making your fave!

Tracy Freeland:
Mom, I have to go to the bathroom now!

Melaine Freeland:
Well, can't you hold it a minute?

Tracy Freeland:
That's how you get a bladder infection, you child abuser!

Melanie Freeland:
Well, that's dramatic.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
I have to ask you something.

Evie Zamora:

Tracy Freeland:
Ok, um... you never did anything with that crusty tattoo guy, right?

Evie Zamora:
Yeah, he ate my pussy.

Tracey Freeland:
Oh, my God! Are you s- [Evie laughs] Dude?

Evie Zamora:
I'm kidding, idiot.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melanie Freeland:
Evie, I'm sorry, but I think it's time for you to go home.

Evie Zamora:
I can't go home. Brooke had a convention in Bakersfield. She said she sent you an E-mail.

Melanie Freeland:
I guess I didn't check my E-mail.

Evie Zamora:
I'm sorry, Mel. I hope it's okay that I'm here.

Melanie Freeland:
Well... I guess it's gonna have to be, isn't it?

Evie Zamora:
[starting to cry] Her boyfriend hits me, Mel. He grabbed my throat and he threw me against his van.

Melanie Freeland:
Oh, Jesus. Where's your mother, baby?

Evie Zamora:
She- She passed away.

Melanie Freeland:
I didn't have a mother when I was your age either. I know how hard it is. I do.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after giving Javi oral sex]

Tracy Freeland:
[to Evie] We are so perfect for each other. If everybody married someone from a different race, then in one generation there would be no prejudice.

Evie Zamora:
So you had a good time?

Tracy Freeland:
Yeah... but it tasted kind of nasty.

Evie Zamora:
[laughs] What? We didn't go over that one.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Tracy and Evie run into Tracy's bedroom and shut the door]

Melaine Freeland:
Hey! Hey, open this door now!

Tracy Freeland:
[opens the door] What, Mother? What do you want?

Melanie Freeland:
This is not how I raised you. I want you to be civil to me.

Tracy Freeland:
[pushes Melaine out of the way as she walks out] I want you and your stupid boyfriend to be out of my fucking life for- what the fuck is he doing here?

Melanie Freeland:
Have you been drinking?

Tracy Freeland:

Mason Freeland:
Of course she's been drinking 'cause she's always fucking drinking! Isn't that right, Tracy?

Tracy Freeland:
Oh, like you never have!

Hey, hey, hey! Come on.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
Mom, no, I can't see that movie.

Melanie Freeland:

Tracy Freeland:
Because it's a bloody war movie. I'm a pacifist, like Gandhi.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Mason and his friend walk into a store]

Mason Freeland:
Oh, sweetie. Back that ass up!

I'd like to see that thong to my bedroom floor.

Tracy Freeland:
[turns around] Glad you'll never know.


Tracy Freeland:
[sees Mason with him] Oh, shit! God- fuck it!

Hey Tracy here your cokes!

Tracy Freeland:
I didn't pay for them anaway.

Probably didn't have to with your fine ass!

Tracy Freeland:
Fuck you!

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
Should we talk about how you get stoned every night with Rafa?

Mason Freeland:
She knows I smoke pot, Tracy. Look at your pupils. You're so fucking busted.

Tracy Freeland:
Fucking little...! [attacks Mason and pulls him off the couch]

Mason Freeland:
Jesus Christ, Tracy!

Tracy Freeland:
[picks up a pool stick] God damn, never touch me again!

Mason Freeland:
Go ahead, hit hit me, Tracy! Come on! You'll go to jail, you little fucking slut!

Tracey Freeland:
Don't you fucking call me a slut! [attacks Mason again] Mom, Mason just called me a slut!

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melanie Freeland:
Have you had anything to eat today?

Tracey Freeland:

Melanie Freeland:
Fuck it! You don't want me to cook for you anymore? Fine! Then don't eat my food!

Tracey Freeland:

Melanie Freeland:

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melanie Freeland:
What is that?

Tracy Freeland:
[mumbles] It's a belly-button ring.

Melanie Freeland:
Speak up, I can't hear you.

Tracy Freeland:
ITS A BELLY-BUTTON RING! HOW ELSE CAN I SAY IT, I DON'T SPEAK NO OTHER LANGUAGES! Oh, and you wanna know what that is? [sticks her tounge out] That is a tongue ring.

Melanie Freeland:
Baby, when did you do all this?

Tracy Freeland:
Two thousand years ago! I'm a mummy, I was born two thousand years ago! Whoo!! [spins in a circle]

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Evie Zamora:
I hear this wah, wah, wah insie my head

Tracey Freeland:
[giggling] That's your brain cells popping

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You made F's on your last three tests and you haven't turned in any homework. On that basis alone, you're gonna fail. You'll be held back in seventh grade.

Tracy Freeland:
What? They can hold me back?

Yes, they can hold you back! Tracy, your name was brought up in impact group today. Evie Zamora turned in your fake ID. And there's the matter of cheating in your math class. You were one of my best students; Tracy, your poem at the beginning of the year was one of the most incredible I've ever read. I'm sorry.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melanie Freeland:
How do you explain $860 in your purse?

Tracy Freeland:
[crying] We jacked it, okay? It's not like your broke-ass has any money to give me! Mom, when Brady went to the halfway house, what happened to our phone? Cable? You didn't know how to pay the bills. It's no wonder Dad didn't want to stay with you! You didn't even finish high school!

Melanie Freeland:
We don't have extra stuff, but we're doing okay. You know we're doing okay. You don't have to steal.

Tracy Freeland:
Oh, Mom, you knew what was going on with all those clothes and shit! Christ, you're not that dumb are you?

Melanie Freeland:
I didn't know it went that far! [starts crying] Oh God!

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Brooke LaLaine:
We'll be moving up to Ojai so you won't be seeing Evie again... ever. You're really cruel, Tracey. I mean, I'm sure you can be a sweet kid when you want, but right now you are a really bad influence! I mean you cheat, you lie, you steal...

Tracy Freeland:
Oh, my God! Are you kidding me? Where do you think I learned all this shit from? [runs into the kitchen]

Melanie Freeland:
[follows Tracy] Tracy was playing with Barbies before she met Evie!

Brooke LaLaine:
[follows them] Oh what? Did she teach her to beat the crap out of her as well [grabs Tracey by the arm] Don't even start with me little one, I've seen the bruises!

Tracy Freeland:
What the hell did you tell her, Evie?!

Brooke LaLaine:
[turns to Evie] Come here... What about this?

[Brooke shows the scar by Evie's hairline that Tracey accidentally made when the two girls were play fighting]

Tracy Freeland:
What the fuck? We were just goofing!

Melanie Freeland:
Tracy didn't hit her!

Evie Zamora:
Yes, she did!

Tracy Freeland:
I don't believe this shit! She hit me too!

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
No, no, no, Mom! Get off of me. I hate you. Stop!

Melanie Freeland:
[holds Tracy's face] I love you. I love you and your brother more than anything in the world. And I'd die for you, but I won't leave you alone right now.

Tracy Freeland:
Mason said you want me to move in with Dad [pushes Melanie away] You don't want me here. You don't want me...

Melanie Freeland:
[hugs Tracy from behind] I want your Dad to be in your life more. I want you here with me. You're my heart. I'll make it right.

Tracy Freeland:
It can never be right.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melanie Freeland:
Have you been drinking?

Mason Freeland:

Tracy Freeland:

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melanie Freeland:
Evie, Brooke says you're not aloud on Melrose without adult supervision.

Evie Zamora:
[comes out of dressing room] Well you're here, aren't you Mel?

Melanie Freeland:
Yup, I am.

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melanie Freeland:
[goes into Tracy's room and picks up a thong] I wanna bone. Nice. What's the occasion?

Tracy Freeland:
Brooke bought it for us, mom.

Evie Zamora:
She wanted to say thanks, for taking care of me. [hands Melanie a shirt]

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tracy Freeland:
Oh my God. Wait, today's the due date? You guys could've called to remind me that today was the due date!

We left you a bunch of messages.

Not to mention the note on your locker!

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Brooke Lalaine:
And look at this Mel. You're gonna love this... [grabs Tracy's arm and struggles to pull up her sleeve]

Tracy Freeland:
Don't you dare! No don't please...

Melaine Freeland:
Get your hands off her!

Brooke Lalaine:
She cuts!

Tracy Freeland:
[crying] It's none of your business you fucking frankenstein!

Brooke Lalaine:
Oh no. This child IS my business, you little cunt!

Melanie Freenand:
That's it. You need to get out. Get out!

Evie Zamora:
[crying] Who would want to live in this shit hole anyway? It fucking stinks in here Mel!

Thirteen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

President Kennedy:
Okay - let's have it.

NPIC Photo Interpreter:
Gentlemen, as most of you now know, a U-2 over Cuba Sunday morning took a series of disturbing photographs. Our analysis at NPIC indicates that the Soviet Union has followed up its conventional weapons build-up in Cuba with the introduction of surface-to-surface, medium-range ballistic missiles, or MRBMs. Our official estimate at this time is that the missile system is the SS-4 'Sandal'. We do not believe that the missiles are as yet operational. Iron Bark reports that the SS-4 can deliver a three-megaton nuclear weapon 1,000 miles. So far we've identified 32 missiles serviced by about 3,400 men, undoubtedly all Soviet personnel. Our cities and military installations in the southeast as far north as Washington, D.C., are in range of these weapons, and in the event of a launch would have only five minutes warning.

General Marshall Carter:
Five minutes, gentlemen.

Gen. Maxwell Taylor:
In those five minutes, they could kill 80 million Americans - and destroy a significant percentage of our bomber bases, degrading our retaliatory options. The Joint Chiefs' consensus, Mr. President, is that this signals a major doctrinal shift in Soviet thinking - to a first-strike policy. It is a massively destabilizing move.

Robert Kennedy:
How long until they're operational?

NPIC Photo Interpreter:
General Carter can answer that question better than I can.

GMAC - Guided Missiles Intelligence Committee - estimates 10-14 days. A crash program could limit that time. However, I must stress that there may be more missiles - that we don't know about. We'll need more U-2 coverage.

President Kennedy:
Gentlemen, I want first reactions here. Assuming for the moment that Khruschev has NOT gone off the deep end - and intends to start World War Three - what are we looking at?

Dean Rusk:
Mr. President, I believe my team is in agreement. If we permit the introduction of nuclear missiles to a Soviet satellite nation in our hemisphere, the diplomatic consequences will be too terrible to contemplate. The Russians are trying to show the world they can do whatever they want, wherever they want, and we're powerless to stop them. If they succeed...

Robert Kennedy:
It'll be Munich all over again.

Yes. Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive. And the Soviets will be emboldened to push us even harder. Now we must remove the missiles one way or another. Now it seems to me the options are either some combination of international pressure & action on our part, until they give in - or - we hit them. An air strike.

Thirteen Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[O'Donnell and Kennedy meet in the Oval Office after the above discussion. They pause for a moment, then softly laugh]

Kenny O'Donnell:
You know, call me Irish, but I don't believe in "cooler heads prevailing."

President Kennedy:
You know, I think I froze in there.

You didn't freeze...You did what you were supposed to do, you stayed out of the corner.

Acheson's scenario is unacceptable, and he's got more experience than anybody.

There is no expert on the subject, there is no wise old man. There's... shit, there's just us.

The thing is that Acheson's right. Talk alone's not gonna accomplish anything.

Well, let's bomb the shit out of 'em! Everybody wants to. Even you, I mean, even me, right? It sure would feel good.

Thirteen Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A Al Capone
B Alexander The Great
C Martin Luther King, Jr.
D Vincent Van Gogh