Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,361

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Is anyone at home?


Who is? There's somebody sitting up in the window.

No, no, no there isn't.

Oh sure, go ahead, take a look.

Oh, oh, that, that must be my mother. She's, she's uh, an inv-invalid. Uh, it's, ah, practically like living alone.

Oh, I see. Well, now if this, uh girl, Marion Crane were here, you wouldn't be hiding her, would ya?


Not even if she paid you well?

No, ha, ha.

Let's just say for the uh, just for the sake of argument that she wanted you to, uh, gallantly protect her. You'd know that you were being used. You wouldn't be made a fool of, would ya?

[angrily] But, I'm, I'm not a fool. And I'm not capable of being fooled. Not even by a woman.

Well, this is not a slur on your manhood. I'm sorry...

Let's put it this way. She might have fooled me, but she didn't fool my mother.

Oh, then your mother met her. Could I, could I talk to your mother?

No, as I told you, she's, she's confined.

Yes, well, just for a few minutes, that's all. There might be some hint that you missed out on. You know, sick old women are usually pretty sharp.

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Chambers:
This detective was there. Norman told him about the girl. The detective thanked him and he went away.

And he didn't come back? He didn't see the Mother?

Sheriff Chambers:
Your detective told you he couldn't come right back because he was goin' to question Norman Bates' mother. Right?


Sheriff Chambers:
Norman Bates' mother has been dead and buried in Greenlawn Cemetery for the past ten years!

Mrs. Chambers:
I helped Norman pick out the dress she was buried in - periwinkle blue.

Sheriff Chambers:
It ain't only local history, Sam. It's the only case of murder and suicide on Fairvale ledgers. Mrs. Bates poisoned this guy she was involved with when she found out he was married. Then took a helping of the same stuff herself. Strychnine. Ugly way to die.

Mrs. Chambers:
Norman found them dead together - [whispering] in bed.

You mean that old woman I saw sittin' in the window out there wasn't Bates' mother?

Sheriff Chambers:
Now wait a minute, Sam. Are you sure you saw an old woman?

Yes! In the house behind the motel. I called and pounded but she just ignored me.

Sheriff Chambers:
You want to tell me you saw Norman Bates' mother?

But it had to be, because Arbogast said so, too. And the young man wouldn't let him see her because she was too ill.

Sheriff Chambers:
Well, if the woman up there is Mrs. Bates, who's that woman buried out in Greenlawn Cemetery?

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I've been doing all the talking so far, haven't I? I thought it was the people who were all alone all the time who did most of the talking when they got the chance. Here you are doing all the listening. You're alone here, aren't you? It would drive me crazy.

I think that would be a rather extreme reaction, don't you?

Just an expression. What I meant was, I'd do just about anything to get away, wouldn't you?


Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm not saying that you shouldn't be contented here, I'm just doubting that you are. I think if you saw the chance to get out from under you would unload this place.

This place? This place happens to be my only world. I grew up in that house up there. I had a very happy childhood. My mother and I were more than happy!

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You look frightened. Have I been saying something frightening?

I-I-I don't know what you've been saying.

I've been talking about your mother. About your motel. How you're gonna do it?

Do what?

Buy a new one in a new town where you won't have to hide your mother.

Why don't you just get in your car and drive away from here, OK?

Where will you get the money to do that, Bates? Or do you already have it, socked away?

Shut up!

A lot of it, $40,000. I bet your mother knows where the money is and what you did to get it. I think she'll tell us.

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Richmond:
I got the whole story, but not from Norman. I got it from his "mother". Norman Bates no longer exists. He only half-existed to begin with. And now, the other half has taken over, probably for all time...Now to understand it the way I understood it, hearing it from the mother... that is, from the "mother half" of Norman's mind... you have to go back ten years, to the time when Norman murdered his mother and her lover. Now he was already dangerously disturbed, had been ever since his father died. His mother was a clinging, demanding woman, and for years the two of them lived as if there was no one else in the world. Then she met a man... and it seemed to Norman that she threw him over for this man. Now that pushed him over the line and he killed them both. Matricide is probably the most unbearable crime of all... most unbearable to the son who commits it. So he had to erase the crime, at least in his own mind. He stole her corpse. A weighted coffin was buried. He hid the body in the fruit cellar. Even treated it to keep it as well as it would keep. And that still wasn't enough. She was there, but she was a corpse. So he began to think and speak for her, give her half his life, so to speak. At times, he could be both personalities, carry on conversations. At other times, the mother half took over completely. Now he was never all Norman, but he was often only mother. And because he was so pathologically jealous of her, he assumed that she was as jealous of him. Therefore, if he felt a strong attraction to any other woman, the mother side of him would go wild. [to Lila] When he met your sister, he was touched by her, aroused by her... he wanted her. That set off the "jealous mother" and "mother" killed the girl. Now after the murder, Norman returned as if from a deep sleep, and like a dutiful son, covered up all traces of the crime he was convinced his mother had committed!

Why was he... dressed like that?

District Attorney:
He's a transvestite!

Dr. Richmond:
Ah, not exactly. A man who dresses in women's clothing in order to achieve a sexual change or satisfaction is a transvestite. But in Norman's case, he was simply doing everything possible to keep alive the illusion of his mother being alive. And when reality came too close, when danger or desire threatened that illusion... he dressed up, even to a cheap wig he bought. He'd walk about the house, sit in her chair, speak in her voice. He tried to be his mother. And, uh, now he is. Now that's what I meant when I said I got the story from the mother. You see, when the mind houses two personalities, there's always a conflict, a battle. In Norman's case, the battle is over; and the dominant personality has won.

Sheriff Chambers:
And the $40,000? Who got that?

Dr. Richmond:
The swamp. These were crimes of passion, not profit.

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last words]

[voice-over] It's sad when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son, but I couldn't allow them to believe that I would commit murder. They'll put him away now as I should have years ago. He was always bad, and in the end he intended to tell them I killed those girls, and that man, as if I could do anything, except just sit and stare, like one of his stuffed birds. Oh, they know I can't even move a finger and I won't. I'll just sit here and be quiet just in case they do.... suspect me. [3-second pause] They're probably watching me. Well, let them. Let them see what kind of a person I am. I'm not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching. They'll see. They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, "Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly." [Norman Bates smiles creepily.]

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lila Loomis:
Are you satisfied, Doctor? Turning a murderer loose on an innocent public!

Dr. Bill Raymond:
Mrs. Loomis, Norman was not convicted of murder, he was found not guilty by reasons of insanity. And since he is no longer insane, he has the right to live a normal life like you and I.

Lila Loomis:
That is legal hocus pocus! And when he murders again, you will be directly responsible!

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mary Loomis:
Can I use your phone again?

Norman Bates:
Sure. Who you're gonna call?

Mary Loomis:
Uh, I just remembered of a girl friend I have in town, well, she's sort of a girl friend, but maybe she'll let me spend the night at her place.

Norman Bates:
I thought you were going to stay here. You're more than welcome stay, there's a free room upstairs.

Mary Loomis:
I don't think that's a good idea.

Norman Bates:

Mary Loomis:
Look, I don't wanna hurt your feelings or anything, but Myrna talked about you on the diner today. Mrs. Spool told her to shut up but she didn't. She said you've been locked up.

Norman Bates:
[upset] Did she tell you why? [Mary nods no] Well, I'll tell you. When I was little, I had a fight with my mother, so I put some poison in her tea, you know. But I'm all right now.

Mary Loomis:
You sure?

Norman Bates:
Sure! Otherwise, they wouldn't give me a job on a diner, would they?

Mary Loomis:
I don't know, it takes a nut to work there.

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mary Loomis:
Do you have any idea what it's like trying to sleep with a couple making love five feet away from you?

Norman Bates:

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Mary fishes out a blood-soaked towel from the toilet that overflows with blood]

Mary Loomis:
Jesus! How'd that get in there!

Norman Bates:
After I killed that kid, I used that towel to clean up the mess, and then I stuffed it down there.

Mary Loomis:
Norman, you couldn't have killed that kid. You were locked in the attic.

Norman Bates:
It wasn't locked! You said so yourself.

Mary Loomis:
Norman, stop talking nonsense! I'm telling you, you did not kill anyone.

Norman Bates:
Then how do you explain all this blood?

[Mary does not reply]

Norman Bates:
[shouts] Well?!

Mary Loomis:
I can't. I mean... I don't know.

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mary Loomis:
You could stop stuffing bloody towels in toilets and peering through peep-holes in the wall.

Lila Loomis:
What are you talking about?

Mary Loomis:
The things you're doing to Norman.

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Norman Bates:
Mary, I'm becoming confused again, aren't I?

Mary Loomis:
Of course not.

Norman Bates:
[holding the knife] Don't lie to me! Not you!

Mary Loomis:
Yes, Norman... you are becoming confused again.

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Norman Bates:
Where did you get that gun?

Mary Loomis:
Uh... my mother gave it to me.

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mary Loomis:
I think there's someone else in the house.

Lila Loomis:
Don't be stupid. It's just Bates up to his old tricks again.

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Norman Bates:
Would you care to share my toasted cheese sandwich?

Mrs. Emma Spool:
No, thank you. You were expecting me.

Norman Bates:
I was expecting someone. I just wasn't sure who.

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm not sleepy. Put in me in my chair.

Norman Bates:
Yes, Mother.

Put me closer to the window, I want to keep my eyes on you. Make sure you don't start playing with filthy girls again.

Norman Bates:
Yes, Mother.

Good. Well what are you gawking at? Go down stairs and open the motel! What do you expect us to live on, hope?!

Norman Bates:
No, Mother.

Remember, Norman. I'm the only one who loves you. Only your mother truly loves you.

Psycho II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Norman Bates:
I just want my mother back.

Duane Duke:
Take her. But you know what I want in return, and you know what i'll do if I don't get it.

Norman Bates:
I know what you'll do...

Psycho III  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You were down there, weren't you mother? Weren't you? I'm glad she didn't die! I'm glad!

She will.

Psycho III  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff John Hurt:
Jesus, Norman. I wanted to believe it wasn't you. This time, they'll lock you up forever!

Norman Bates:
But I'll be free. I'll finally be free.

Psycho III  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[first lines]

Sam Loomis:
You never did eat your lunch, did you?

Marion Crane:
I better get back to the office. These extended lunch hours give my boss excess acid.

Sam Loomis:
Why don't you call your boss and tell him you're taking the rest of the afternoon off? It's Friday, anyway - and hot.

Marion Crane:
What do I do with my free afternoon? Walk you to the airport?

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marion Crane:
Oh, we can see each other. We can even have dinner but respectably in my house with my mother's picture on the mantel and my sister helping me broil a big steak for three.

Sam Loomis:
And after the steak, do we send Sister to the movies? Turn Mama's picture to the wall?

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Norman Bates' Mother:
No! I tell you no! I won't have you bringing in some young girl in for supper! By candlelight, I suppose, in the cheap erotic fashion of young men with cheap erotic minds!

Norman Bates:
Mother, please...!

Norman Bates' Mother:
And then what? After supper? Music? Whispers?

Norman Bates:
Mother, she's a stranger. She's hungry, and it's raining out!

Norman Bates' Mother:
[mockingly] "Mother, she's just a stranger"! As if men don't desire strangers! As if.. ooh, I refuse to speak of disgusting things, because they disgust me! You understand, boy? Go on, go tell her she'll not be appeasing her ugly appetite with my food or my son! Or do I have to tell you because you don't have the guts?

Norman Bates:
[shouts] Mother, shut up! Shut up!

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marion Crane:
Wouldn't it be better if you... if you... put her someplace?

Norman Bates:
Do you mean an institution? A madhouse? People always call a madhouse "someplace", don't they? "Put her in someplace."

Marion Crane:
I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to sound uncaring. I...

Norman Bates:
What do you know about caring? Have you ever seen the inside of one those places? The laughing and the tears, and the cruel eyes studying you. My mother in there? But she's harmless. She's as harmless as one of these stuffed birds.

Marion Crane:
I am sorry. I only felt... I...

Norman Bates:
You felt what?

Marion Crane:
It seems that she was... she's hurting you. I meant well.

Norman Bates:
People always mean well. They cluck their thick tongues and they shake their heads and they suggest, oh, so very delicately... [calms down] Of course, I've suggested it myself.

Psycho  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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