Franz Liebkind:
[Making Max and Leo take the Siegfried Oath] Raise Your right forefingers! I solemnly svear...
Leo and Max:
[holding up their right forefingers] I solemnly svear...
Franz Liebkind:
To obey ze Zacred Siegfried Oas...
Leo and Max:
To obey the Sacred Siegfried Oath...
Franz Liebkind:
[Switching to his middle finger] Und!
[Switching to his middle finger] Und!
Franz Liebkind:
[Wagging his finger] Never, Never, Never!
Leo and Max:
[Flipping Franz off] Never, Never, Never.
Franz Liebkind:
Dishoner ze spirit und ze memory of Adolf Elizabeth Hitler.
Leo and Max:
Dishonor the spirit and the... Elizabeth?
Franz Liebkind:
Jah. Dat vas his middle name. Not many people know it, but der Führer vas descended from a long line of English qveens.
[long pause]
Is that right?
Leo and Max:
[shrugging] Adolf ELIZABETH Hitler.