Johnny Utah:
I'm not armed.
[lifts up his shirt to Bodhi]
But, you're not alone.
Johnny Utah:
Good guess. There is a gun on you now.
Johnny Utah:
Where is Roach?
He's around somewhere. Listen Johnny, we're in a kind of a hurry is there anything you need?
Johnny Utah:
You gotta tell me where she is.
Oh yeah, and let my insurance policy expire. Good idea.
Johnny Utah:
Look Bodhi, people are dead, the ride is over.
Oh no no no. I say when it's over.
Johnny Utah:
The guy you killed was an off duty cop--They'll nail you wherever you land. There's a new thing it's called radar, maybe you've heard of it?
What is your...
Johnny Utah:
Bodhi, I know you man. When they fall on you, you won't back down and they'll have to burn your ass to the ground.
Shit happens.
Johnny Utah:
You got a death wish. You want to ride to glory, fine. But don't take Tyler with you. I'm begging you. Tell me where she is, and I walk away.
You walk away?
Johnny Utah:
I walk away.
That's beautiful Johnny.