Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,374

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[At "The Red Lobster Inn", Honest John is telling the Coachman their success at fooling Pinocchio]

Honest John:
[Singing] Hi diddle dee-dee! An actor's life for me! A high silk hat and a silver cane! A watch of gold with a diamond chain! Hi diddle dee-day! An actor's life is gay! It's great to be a celebrity! An actor's life for me! [Laughs] And the dummy fell for it! Hook, line, and sinker! [Gideon takes the ring that he smoked from his cigar and dunks it in his beer like dunking a doughnut in coffee, bites into it, and hiccups] And he still thinks that we're his friends! And did Stromboli pay? Plenty! [He lays a small bag of money on the table and laughs as the Coachman grins wickedly] That shows you how low that Honest John will stoop. Eh, Giddy? [Gideon nods in agreement and hiccups, spilling his beer all over himself] Now, then, uh, Coachman, [takes a smoke from his cigar] What's your proposition?

Well... [He takes a few smokes from his pipe and reaches into his coat pocket] .... How would you blokes like to make some real money? [He drops an even larger bag of money on the table, making the smaller bag jump]

Honest John:
Well! And who do we have to, uh...? [Makes throat-slitting gesture]

No, no! Nothing like that. You see.... [He and Honest John look around the empty bar, whispering] I'm collecting stupid little boys.

Honest John:
Stupid little boys?

You know, the disobedient ones who play hooky from school.

Honest John:

And you see... [whispers inaudibly in Honest John's ear. Gideon puts his ear to Honest John's other ear and cleans it out for him, so he can listen as well]

And I takes 'em to Pleasure Island.

Honest John:
Ah, Pleasure Island. [suddenly shocked and horrified] Pleasure Island? But the law! Suppose they...

No, no. There's no risk. They never come back as BOYS!!! [Leans into the camera, red in the face with a huge evil smile, his eyes bugging out of his head, and his powdered wig forming devil horns. Honest John and Gideon cower in fear as he laughs maniacally before pulling them closer] Now, I got a coachload leavin' at midnight tonight. We'll meet at the crossroads. And no double-crossin'!

Honest John:
No, sir.

Scout around. And any good prospects you find, bring 'em to me!

Honest John:
Yes, chief.

I'll pay you well! I've got plenty o' gold!

Honest John:
Yes, yes.

Pinocchio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Pinocchio and Jiminy are walking home after escaping from Stromboli]

No, sir. Nothing can stop me now! I'll make good this time!

You'd better!

I will. I'm going to school!

That's the stuff, Pinoke!

I'd rather be smart than be an actor!

Now, you're talkin'! C'mon, slowpoke! I'll race you home!

[they race back to Geppetto's workshop until Honest John grabs Pinocchio by the back of his loincloth with his cane. Gideon still holds the back of Pinocchio's loincloth with Honest John's cane as Honest John runs in place alongside Pinocchio]

Honest John:
Well, well, Pinocchio! What's your rush?

I gotta beat Jiminy home. [tips his hat] Oh, hello.

Honest John:
Well, how was the great actor?

I don't wanna be an actor. Stromboli was terrible!

Honest John:
He was?

[Gideon hold still Pinocchio's loincloth with his cane] Yeah! He locked me in a birdcage!

Honest John:
He did?

Uh-huh, and I learned my lesson. I'm goin' ho--

Honest John:
Oh, you poor, poor boy! You must be a nervous wreck. That's it! You are a nervous wreck! We must diagnose this case at once! Quick, doctor! Your notebook! [Gideon pulls out a notepad and a pencil] Bless my soul. [looks at Pinocchio's arm to check his pulse] Mmm.... mm-hmm! [measures Pinocchio's pulse with a ruler] My, my.... Just as I thought. A slight touch of nolitary complications with bucolic semi-lunar contraptions of the flying trapezes. [Gideon writes down what he thinks he said; Honest John uses his glasses as a tongue depressor while he looks into Pinocchio's mouth] Mm-hmm.... say "hippopotamus".


Honest John:
I knew it! Compound transmission in the pandemonium custom in the span frantic disintegration. [Gideon writes in the middle of the air] Close your eyes. [Pinocchio closes his eyes hard] What do you see?


Honest John:
[holds a spotted handkerchief in front of Pinocchio] Open them up. [Pinocchio does so] Now, what do you see?


Honest John:
Aha! Now, that heart! [Peels up Pinocchio's shirt untucked, puts his ear to his belly and listens for his heartbeat, and makes a jazzy drumming solo on some bottles with his cane. Gideon dances while writing down the information] Ooh, my goodness! A palpitating syncopation of the killer-diller with a wicky-wacky stabbing of the floy joy! [bonks Gideon's head with his cane] Quick, doctor! That report! [Takes the notepad from a dizzy Gideon and looks at what he wrote, which was nothing but scribbles] Oh! This makes it perfectly clear! My boy, you are allergic!


Honest John:
Yes, and there is only one cure! A vacation! On Pleasure Island! [winks at Gideon]

Pleasure Island?

Honest John:
Yes! That happy land of carefree boys where everyday's a holiday!

But I can't go. I--

Honest John:
Why, of course you can go! I'm giving you my ticket! [produces a playing card as a "ticket" in his hand and gives it to Pinocchio] Here.

[takes the "ticket"] Thanks, but I'm goi...

Honest John:
Oh, tut, tut, tut! I insist! Your health comes first! Come! The coach departs at midnight! [He and Gideon take Pinocchio to the coach to Pleasure Island, singing] Hi diddle dee-dee! It's Pleasure Isle for me! Where every day is a holiday and kids have nothing to do but play. Hi diddle dee-doo! If what I hear is true. A land of pudding and marmalade. It's Pleasure Isle for me!

Pinoke! Oh, Pinoke! Now where do you suppose that he-- [Turns around to see Pinocchio, Honest John, and Gideon disappear around the corner, and runs after them] Huh? Pinocchio! Hey! Come back here!

Pinocchio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[On the coach to Pleasure Island, the boys are chatting and laughing. Pinocchio and Lampwick are riding up front with the Coachman]

[cracks his whip] Giddyap!

[Meanwhile, Jiminy hides under the coach, getting sick and coughing from the dust the donkeys pulling the coach are kicking up]

Well... [coughs] Here we go again.

Me name's Lampwick. What's yours?

[tips his hat] Pinocchio!

Ever been to Pleasure Island?

Uh-uh. [shows Lampwick his "ticket" from Honest John] But Mr. Honest John gave me...

Me, neither, but they say that it's a swell joint! No school, no cops. You can tear the joint apart, and nobody says a word! [the Coachman smiles evilly and cracks his whip again]

Honest John gave me...

Loaf around, plenty to eat, plenty to drink. And it's all free!

Honest John...

Boy, that's the place. I can hardly wait! [shoots his slingshot at the donkeys]

[They arrive at the docks and board a showboat. They arrive at Pleasure Island, which has various elements any amusement park has, including carnival rides. Balloons of clowns and policemen float above. The Coachman gestures the boys in]

Right here, boys! Right here! Get your cakes, pies, dill pickles, and ice cream! Eat all you can! Be a glutton! Stuff yourselves! It's all free, boys! It's all free! Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!

[inside a tent, the boys are pouncing on each other and punching each other]

Roughhouse Animatronic:
The Roughhouse! The Roughhouse! It's the roughest, toughest joint you've ever seen! Come in and pick a fight, boys!

[eats his roast chicken while Pinocchio takes a lick of his ice cream cone] Oh, boy! A scrap! [tosses away his chicken] C'mon! Let's go in and poke somebody in the nose!


Ah, just for the fun of it.

OK, Lampy! [tosses away his ice cream cone and pie and strolls into the Roughhouse with Lampwick; In another part of Pleasure Island, animatronic Indians are throwing handfuls of cigars to the boys]

Tobacco Row! Tobacco Row! Get your cigars, cigarettes, and chewing tobacco! Come in and smoke your heads off, there's nobody here to stop you!

[Meanwhile, Jiminy is trying to avoid the boys running around, trying to step on him]

Pinocchio! [coughs] Pinocchio! There's something phony about all of this. I gotta get him outta here.

[In a large luxurious house, the boys are knocking houseplants and statues over, breaking windows and furniture, and setting the entire house on fire]

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry! See the Model Home! It's open for destruction! And it's all yours, boys! She's all yours!

[he strikes a match on the Mona Lisa painting to light his cigar] What'd I tell ya? Ain't this a swell joint?

Yeah! [holds an axe] Bein' bad's a lot of fun, ain't it?

Yeah, uh-huh. Get a load of that stained-glass window. [Picks up a brick and throws it at the stained glass window, shattering it. Meanwhile, back at the entrance, the Coachman turns to his henchmen]

Alright now! [cracks his whip] Hop to it, you blokes! Come on! Come on! Shut the doors and lock 'em tight! [The guards close the wooden doors] Now, get below and get them crates ready! [chuckles] Give a bad boy enough rope and he'll soon make a jackass of himself. [cackles evilly]

Pinocchio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jiminy is walking around the deserted fairgrounds, littered with half-smoked cigars, shut-down carnival rides, and food wrappers]

Pinocchio! Pinocchio! [whistles] Where is everybody? Look at this. This place is like a graveyard. I don't like the looks of this. Pinocchio! Hey! Where are you?

[meanwhile, in the pool hall, Lampwick is whistling "Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee" and playing pool while Pinocchio sits at a table, smoking his cigar]

Where do you suppose all the kids went to, Lampwick?

Oh, they're around here somewheres. Why do you care? You're havin' a good time, ain't ya? [hits a #3 ball into a hole]

Uh-huh. I sure am.

Oh, boy! This is the life, huh, Pinokey?

Yeah! [smokes lightly] It sure is! [smokes lightly again]

Ah, you smoke like me grandmother! [picks up his cigar] Come on. Take a big drag, like this! [inhales his cigar deeply]

OK, Lampy! [inhales his cigar deeply and his face turns red] GLY! [swallows the smoke instead of exhaling it] GLO! [turns pink in the face and his eyes begin to fill with water, which he closes them, releasing all of the water, and then turns green in the face and blows a smoke ring, which comes out of his mouth]

Heh, some fun, huh, kid? [Pinocchio nods drowsily] OK, slats. [adds a point in the score chart] Your shot.

[Pinocchio, dazed and disoriented, can barely focus on striking the #8 ball, which appears to wink its eye at Pinocchio; Pinocchio shakes his head, causing his eyes to shake as well] What's the matter, slats? Losin' your grip?

[Pinocchio is about to strike the ball at first, but is then startled by Jiminy and falls flat on his face]

PINOCCHIO! So, this is where I find you! How do you ever expect to be a real boy? Look at yourself! Smokin'! [pulls the flattened cigar out of Pinocchio's mouth] Playin' pool! [angrily kicks the #8 ball and stubs his toe] OWW! You're coming right home with me this minute!

Hey, who's the beetle? [picks up Jiminy]

Let go! Put me down! [voice becomes muffled as he gets wrapped around in his coat] Let me outta here! Let me out! Let me out! Put me down!

He's my conscience. He tells me what's right from wrong.

[drops Jiminy] What? You mean to tell me that you oughtta take orders from a grasshopper?

Grasshopper? Look here, you.... you impudent young pup! [climbs up and stands on the #8 ball] It wouldn't hurt you to take orders from your grasshopper.... um.... I mean, uh.... your conscience, if you have one.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. [strikes the #9 ball into the ball Jiminy is standing on] Screwball in the corner pocket.

[Jiminy is knocked into a hole by the #1 ball, the other ball goes in, too; when Jiminy lands in the ball pit, he runs out of the way of the #8 ball; Lampwick cracks up laughing]

[angrily climbs out of hole] Why, you.... you young hoodlum! [furiously takes off his coat] I'll.... I'll knock your block off! [punches the air; Lampwick laughs harder] Why, I'll take you apart and put you back together!

[holds Jiminy back by his vest] Oh, don't hurt him, Jiminy. He's my best friend.

Why, I'll oughtta let you... Huh? Your best friend? And what am I? Just your conscience! [angrily storms away] OK! That settles it! [picks up his suit and squashes his top hat real flat]

But, Jiminy....

You buttered your bread. Now, sleep in it! [puts his suit coat on backwards and falls down a pool hole again; Lampwick laughs even harder] [mocks Lampwick's laughter] Ha, ha, ha! Go on! Laugh! Make a jackass out of yourself! I'm through! This is the end! [storms out the bar]

But, Jiminy, Lampwick says a guy only lives once.

Lampwick! Ha!

Come on, come on! Let him go! [pours some beer into a couple steins]

[meanwhile, Jiminy is storming out of Pleasure Island]

Lampwick? Huh! Lampwick! [kicks a smoked cigar, making the ashes fly everywhere] Burns me up. After all I tried to do for him! [goes through the inside of an open book, and comes out by ripping and tearing some pages] Who's his conscience anyway? [gets tangled in the leg by a ribbon, and shakes it off] Me, or that...that hoodlum Lampwick? I've had enough of this! I'm takin' the next boat outta here! [raps on the door with his umbrella handle] Open up that door! Open up! I wanna go home!

[Jiminy hears donkeys braying on the other side of the door and slips under the door. There, he finds the Coachman and his henchman loading donkeys into crates and onto the boat]

C'mon, you blokes! Keep it moving. Lively there, now! We haven't got all night!

[scratches his head] Where'd all the donkeys come from?

Come on, come on! Let's have another! [one of his henchmen pulls a donkey dressed in a police uniform toward him] And what's your name?


Okay, you'll do! [he tears the police uniform off the donkey and kicks him in the rear end, throwing him into a crate with five others] In you go! You boys will bring a nice price. [chuckles evilly] Alright! Next! [another donkey, who is dressed in a sailor suit is thrown toward him] And what might your name be?


Hmm, so you can talk.

Y-Yes, sir. I wanna go home to my mama!

Take him back! He can still talk! [snatches Alexander and throws him into a pen with six other donkeys that can still talk]

Please, please. I don't wanna be a donkey. [the others protest by begging and pleading for mercy] Let me out of here!

[cracks his whip and scares the boys with major anger] QUIET!!! You boys have had your fun! Now pay for it!

Boys? So that's what...! Pinocchio! [he runs back to the pool hall to warn Pinocchio what has happened to the boys]

Heh! To hear that beetle talk.... [takes a sip of his beer] .... you'd think that something was going to happen to us. [Lampwick suddenly sprouts donkey ears. Unaware of this, Pinocchio pushes his beer away] Conscience. Ah, phooey! [strikes a ball and grows a donkey tail, as a shocked Pinocchio then throws away his cigar] Where does he get that stuff? [sarcastically] "How do you ever expect to be a real boy?" [leans over the pool table, but when his head turns into a fuzzy brown donkey muzzle, he grabs his cigar, turns around, shows Pinocchio that he now has that head of a donkey, and puts it in his mouth] What's he think I look like? A jackass?

You sure do! [laughs, but when he accidentally brays in the middle of his laughter, he covers his mouth in shock]

Hey, you laughed like a donkey. [laughs, then accidentally brays, and gasps and covers his mouth to stop] Did that come out of me? [Pinocchio nods in a horrified look; Lampwick feels his face, realizing he has a muzzle instead of a nose] Oh! [feels nothing but fur] Huh? [feels his donkey ears from bottom to top, then tugs at them] What the----? What's going on? [he looks in a mirror, but sees that he is only half a human and half a donkey, then screams in terror] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH! [runs around in panic for help] I've been double-crossed! Help! Help! Somebody, help! I've been framed! HELP!!!! [begs to Pinocchio for help, while Pinocchio ends up backing into a wall, as Lampwick crawls on all four feet, and grabs the straps on Pinocchio's overalls by Lampwick's hands, but shakes him up and down] Please, you've gotta help me. Oh, be a pal. Call that beetle. Call anybody. [lets go of Pinocchio, as his hands close up, morphing into hooves; Pinocchio gasps in shock and backs away, scared] Mama! MA-AA-A-MA-AA-A!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! [In the shadow, Lampwick is forced down on all fours, and having turned into a donkey completely, begins to run around the room, and starts braying wildly, while Pinocchio runs away and hides behind a chair, when Lampwick smashes the mirror with his back hooves, knocks tables over, kicks chairs all over the place, and flees, still braying uncontrollably; Pinocchio suddenly sprouts gray donkey ears]

[tugs at his ears] OOOOH!!!! What's happened?!

[races towards the pool hall] Oh, I hope I'm not too late.

What'll....? What'll I do?! [suddenly, he sprouts a gray donkey tail, grabs hold of its end, and gasps]

[Jiminy finally reaches the pool hall, and goes back in]


Jiminy! Jiminy, help!

Quick, Pinoke! The kids! The boys! They're all donkeys! [gasps] You, too! [Pinocchio nods] C'mon, quick, before you get any worse! [they run across the fairgrounds] This way, Pinoke. It's the only way out. [they climb up the rocks and onto a cliff] Hurry up.... OOF! Before they see us. [they stop at the cliff leading down to the water] You gotta jump. [they dive into the water, and swim far away from Pleasure Island, and get up on the mainland, before heading back to the workshop]

Pinocchio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Pinocchio, having heard that Geppetto is alive after getting swallowed by Monstro, takes off to save him]

Jiminy Cricket:
[following after Pinocchio] Hey, where are ya goin'?

I'm going to find him!

Jiminy Cricket:
But, Pinoke, are you crazy? Do you not realize that he's inside a whale?

I gotta go to him!

Jiminy Cricket:
Hey, Pinoke! Wait! Listen here, Son!

[Pinocchio keeps going straight to a high cliff overlooking the ocean, with Jiminy following all the way] But this Monstro, I've heard o'him; he's a whale of a whale! [Pinocchio starts tying a rock to his donkey tail] Why, he swallows whole ships alive! [he then helps tie Pinocchio's tail to the rock completely] Tie it good and tight, now. And besides, it's dangerous! Why, I--

[extends a hand for a handshake from Jiminy] Good-bye, Jiminy.

Jiminy Cricket:
Good-bye? I may be live bait down there, but I'm with ya! C'mon, Pinoke. [hops onto the rock and holds his nose] Let's go. [screams as they jump down from high off the cliff] LOOK OUT BELO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OWW!!!! [they plunge into the ocean with a gigantic splash, and the rock attached to Pinocchio's tail drags them to the ocean floor] Gangway down there!

Pinocchio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Is that the last of them. Here's a big one. Only a few left. Gotta work fast. Here's another one!

Hey. Hey, Father! Father!

Don't bother me now, Pinocchio! I'm bus---- [surprised] Pinocchio?


[joyfully hugging one of the fish to think it's Pinocchio] Pinocchio, my son!

Hey, Father. Here I am.

Oh, yes. [drops the fish in the water, and Pinocchio leaps to his father for a big hug] Pinocchio, my boy. I'm so happy to see you.

Me, too, Father. [Figaro climbs on Geppetto's head, causing his glasses to fall off] Figaro. Aw, Figaro. Cleo. Oh, Cleo. You're here, too. [rubs Cleo's belly with his finger]

Yes. We're all together again.


Oh, You are soaking wet.

Yes, Father.

You mustn't catch cold.

But I came to save you.

You know that you shouldn't have come down here, but I'm awfully glad to see you. Let me take your hat off. [gasps in major shock as he notices Pinocchio has donkey ears] Pinocchio!

What's the matter?

[makes donkey's ears from his fingers] Those ears!

Huh, ears? Oh, these. Oh, that's nothing. [twirls his donkey tail] I got a tail, too! [laughs, then accidentally brays like a donkey and covers his mouth in shock which causes Figaro to jump backwards into Cleo's bowl]

Pinocchio! What's happened to you?

Well, I-- I--

Oh, never mind that. [hugs Pinocchio] Old Geppetto has his little wooden head. [they touch noses] Nothing else matters.

Pinocchio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ah, Carl. My favourite godson... Have we ever met?

Young Carl:
I don't think so.

Good. There was a lost decade in there somewhere. I always have to check. [fusses around the room] So... expelled?

Young Carl:
That's right.

What for?

Young Carl:
I suppose smoking was the clincher.

Drugs or cigarettes?

Young Carl:
Well, both.

Well done! Proud of you. So your mum sent you here in the hope that a little bracing sea air would sort you out?

Young Carl:
Something like that.

Spectacular mistake.

The Boat That Rocked  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Discussing their female visitors]

Doctor Dave:
And how are you set up, Angus?

Well, her name is Daphne.

Doctor Dave:
She likes the bearded man, does she?

She does indeed.

Doctor Dave:
With a tiny knob.


Thick Kevin:
I've got a tiny knob, actually, and I rather like it. Means I can wear smaller underpants.

[Stunned silence]

The Count:
Don't know what that means. I didn't understand any of that.

The Boat That Rocked  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Young Carl:
I think I might have had a little too much to drink last night.

Thick Kevin:
Actually, I find alcohol rather sharpens my mind.

Young Carl:
[amused] Really?

Thick Kevin:
Yes, and I was thinking...

Young Carl:

Thick Kevin:
...that it's a bit weird for your mum to send you here to get you on the straight and narrow when this is obviously the worst possible place in the world to do that. There's sex and drugs and alcohol.

Young Carl:
Without the sex.

Thick Kevin:
And so I think you're here because it's exactly the right time for a young man, like you, to get to know his dad.

Young Carl:
[pause] And?

Thick Kevin:
I therefore think your dad is somewhere on this boat. And since it's definitely not me, I think it's probably Quentin. Sometimes, just sometimes, I think I should have been called Clever Kevin. What do you think about that? [rolls over and rolls off the bed]

The Boat That Rocked  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Young Carl:
Oh, by the way, our late night DJ Bob? He just wanted to tell you, "Muddy Waters rocks".

Oh my God, he didn't... He didn't tell you, did he?

Young Carl:
Tell me what?


Young Carl:
Oh no, you didn't... You didn't sleep with him, did you?

Well, of course I slept with him. Everyone did. He was absolutely gorgeous.

Young Carl:
[confused] You're talking about Bob? Bearded, beasty Bob?

Well, I can't speak to the beast part but I can tell you that back then, he was clean shaven.

Young Carl:

Oh I don't know. Quit badgering me. [pause] How old are you?

Young Carl:
Eighteen and a half.

Well, I guess it would have been nineteen and a quarter years ago. Give or take. [Carl is silent as he realises Bob is his father] There's my boat. That poor man must have been waiting for ages. I'm so glad we got that sorted out, aren't you? [gets on the boat to shore] And tell Mark... you know... that it was a lovely, lovely night.

Young Carl:
[appalled] No! No!

The Boat That Rocked  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hector Barbossa:
I see my ship. Right there! [pointing to the Black Pearl]

Jack Sparrow:
Can't spot it. Must be a tiny little thing hiding behind the Pearl!

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Davy Jones:
[Sees Dead Man's Chest being loaded onto the Flying Dutchman] Go! All of you! And take that infernal thing with you. I will not have it on my ship!

Lord Beckett:
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Because I will. Because it seems to be the only way to ensure that this ship do as directed by the company. We need prisoners to interrogate, which tends to work best when they're alive.

Davy Jones:
The Dutchman sails as it's captain commands …

Lord Beckett:
… and it's captain is to sail it as commanded! I would have thought you'd had learned that when I ordered you to kill your pet. [Davy Jones bows head in shame] This is no longer your world, Jones. The immaterial has become … immaterial.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Prepare every vessel that floats. At dawn, we're at war.

Sri Sumbhajee:
[high pitched voice] And so...we shall go to war! [Jack looks at him in surprise as the brethren cheers]

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Pintel and Ragetti are rowing a boat after escaping from prison with the jailhouse dog that carries the keys; Ragetti reads a Bible upside down]

Well, I say it was Divine Providence what helped us escape from jail.

And I say it was me being clever. Ain't that right, poochy?

How do you know it wasn't Divine Providence that inspired you to be clever? Anyways, I ain't stealing no ship.

It ain't stealing, it's salvaging. And since when did you care?

Since we're not immortal no more. We've got to take care of our immortal souls.

You know you can't read.

It's the Bible, you get credit for trying.

Pretending to the Bible's a lie! That's a mark against... [points upwards]

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tia Dalma:
Davy Jones cannot make port. Cannot step on land but once every ten years. Land is where you are safe, Jack Sparrow, and so you will carry land with you.

[she hands Jack a jar; he examines its contents]

Dirt. This is a jar of dirt.

Tia Dalma:

Is the jar of dirt going to help?

Tia Dalma:
If you don't want it, give it back.

(clutches the jar; childishly) No!

Tia Dalma:
Then it helps.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Davy Jones:
[watches Black Pearl sink] Jack Sparrow, our debt is settled.

The captain goes down with his ship.

Looks like even Jack Sparrow can't best the devil!

Davy Jones:
[turns to Maccus] Open the chest.

[Maccus stares at him.]

Davy Jones:
Open the chest. I need to see it!

[His crew bring out the chest. Davy Jones looks inside and sees that it is empty.]

Davy Jones:
Damn you, Jack Sparrow!

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[watches the tattoo on Barbossa's arm] Who am I to you?

Captain Hector Barbossa:

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Sparrow:
You've stolen me and I'm here to take meself back. [fight with "the other" captain Jack Sparrow]

Jack Sparrow:
Only one person alive knows that move. [kissing "the other" captain Jack Sparrow] Always wanted to do that. [takes away the fake beard of "the other" captain Jack Sparrow] Hello Angelica.

You were the only Pirate I thought I would pass for.

Jack Sparrow:
That is not a compliment.

Don't worry Jack. I forgave you a long time ago.

Jack Sparrow:
For what? For leaving you?

Recall that I left you.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[When Jack points his sword at her on instinct] How is it we can never meet without you pointing something at me?

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[when Angelica and Blackbeard lie dying]

[to Angelica, handing her the "de Vida" Chalice] Drink this. It'll give you life. [to Blackbeard, handing him the "Aqua" chalice] You must drink the other.


[She pushes the "de Vida" chalice containing the tear away]

I cannot save you both. One of you must sacrifice.

[offering him the chalice with the tear] You take it, father. For your soul.

Captain Teach, she is dying. You must save your daughter. [offering Blackbeard the "Aqua" chalice again]

[points to the "Aqua" chalice] This one takes life. [eyeing the "de Vida" chalice] This one has the tear and gives life.

Aye. Hurry.

[Blackbeard greedily takes the "de Vida" chalice and drinks from it to Jack's dismay. He then turns his attention to Angelica.]

Angelica, save me, my child.


[Despite being shocked by Blackbeard's actions, Angelica agrees and drinks from the "Aqua" chalice. As the two prepare for the ritual to happen in near death, Jack stands up and turns around for a brief moment. Soon he shows his cunning side again and turns around to face both Blackbeard and Angelica.]

Wait a minute. In fact it may have been the other way around. [pointing to the "Aqua chalice] This cup had the tear. The other one had the one without it.

[finding out Jack had tricked him and is being surrounded by the fountain's water] Trickster! Devil!

Father. [finding out her wound on her hand has healed and she is immortal. She faces Jack with anger in her eyes] You Bastard! How could you?!

Your father saved you! Perhaps his soul is redeemed, aye.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jack is rowing Angelica to be marooned on an abandoned island. She is tied up and angry at him]

I hate you!

The bloke who saved your life.

The years I possess, stolen from my own father.

I was only helping Blackbeard do what any father should've done.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

James Norrington:
Well, well. Jack Sparrow, isn't it?

Jack Sparrow:
Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir.

I don't see your ship, Captain.

Jack Sparrow:
I'm in the market, as it were.

He said he's come to commandeer one.

Told you he was telling the truth! [hands Norrington Jack's effects] These are his, sir.

[examines Jack's pistol] No additional shot, nor powder. [opens Jack's compass] A compass that doesn't point north. [partially draws Jack's sword] And I half expected it to be made of wood. You are, without doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of.

But you have heard of me.

Elizabeth Swann:
Commodore, I really must protest! Pirate or not, this man saved my life.

One good deed is not enough to save a man from a lifetime of wickedness.

Though it seems enough to condemn him.


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Barbossa, I am here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal.

There are a lot of long words in there, Miss; we're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you want?

I want you to leave and never come back.

I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means "no".

Very well. I'll drop it. [dangles medallion over the sea]

Me holds are burstin' with swag. That bit of shine matters to us? Why?

It's what you've been searching for. I recognize this ship! I saw it eight years ago on the crossing from England!

Did ya, now?

Fine. Well, I suppose if it is worthless then there's no point in me keeping it.

[she releases the medallion chain briefly, the pirates lunge forward.]

No! Ah...

You have a name, Missy?

Elizabeth... Turner. I'm a maid in the Governor's household.

Miss Turner...?

[to Raggetti] Bootstrap.

And how does a maid come to own a trinket such as that? Family heirloom, perhaps?

I didn't steal it, if that's what you mean.

Very well, you hand it over and we'll put your town to our rudder and ne'er return.

[she hands it over] Our bargain?

[after a nod from Barbossa] Still the guns and stow 'em. Signal the men, set the flags and make good to clear port.

Wait! You have to take me to shore. According to the Code of the Order of the Brethren-

First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner!

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

There be the chest. Inside be the gold. And we took 'em all. We spent 'em and traded 'em and frittered 'em away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave 'em away, the more we came to realize, the drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men, Miss Turner. Compelled by greed, we were, but now we are consumed by it. There is one way we can end our curse. All the scattered pieces of the Aztec gold must be restored and the blood repaid. Thanks to ye, we have the final piece.

And the blood to be repaid?

That's why there's no sense to be killin' ya, yet. Apple?

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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