[After Round 14 against Ivan Drago]
What round is it?
15. One more round. There's no stoppin' us now. This is our round.
[As the crowd chants "Rocky! Rocky!", Nicoli Koloff leaves his seat at the Soviet Poliburo to go to ringside]
No stoppin' now! You start and you don't stop! All your strength! All your power! All your love! Everything you've got!
[Nicoli Koloff goes to Drago's corner to speak to Rimsky]
Nicoli Koloff:
[in Russian] You trained this fool. He's a disgrace. [?? ??????? ????? ??????. ?? ?????.] [to Drago] Listen to them.... [???????? ?? ....] Our people cheer for HIM!... You idiot! [???? ???? ?????? ?? ????! ... ?? ?????.] [shoves Drago's head] WIN! [????????!]
[Drago turns, glares at Koloff, and grabs him by the throat]
Ludmilla Drago:
[shouts to Drago, in Russian] No! [???!!]
[Drago drops Koloff]
Ivan Drago:
[to Koloff, in Russian] I fight to win! For me! [? ??????, ????? ????????! ??? ????!] [turns to the Soviet Poliburo] FOR ME!! [??? ????!!]
[Meanwhile, at Rocky's corner...]
To win, you gotta knock him out! Punch and punch, till you can't punch no more! This is your whole life here!
Yeah, knock him out, Rocko.
[Bell rings]
Do it now! Now!!