[inside the kitchen, Blu is making the kids pancakes]
Did you know that these whole wheat pancakes have twice the vitamins and minerals of regular pancakes?
And with the blueberries, it's 4 times as tasty. [flies over to the fridge, opens the door and looks inside] Hey, where are the blueberries?
Oh, Dad! Looking for this? [Blu turns to see Tiago standing next to the basket of blueberries on the counter holding one blueberry on his beak]
Bring it. [Tiago head butts the blueberry to Blu, he then plays with it like it's a soccer ball] It's down to the final minutes. He's got magic in his feet! He shoots! [shoots the blueberry up and it lands on top of the whipped cream on the pancakes] He scores!
Bia and Carla:
Goal! Oh, yeah, I got it. I'm good.
Heads up, Dad! [starts shooting blueberries at Blu]
No! [one of them hits him in the head which causes Blu to trip over the frying pan when then flips the pancake in it to toss over in the air and land straight onto Tiago smacking him against the wall]
Awesome. [hovers to the window with a pancake draped over him to find Jewel glaring at them] Hi, Mom.