Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,396

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Don't you come in here preaching to me about hours when you're standing over there, and you're standing over there, and I don't know which way is up!

Role Models  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Princess Ann:
Can I sleep here?

Joe Bradley:
Well, that's the general idea.

Princess Ann:
Can I have a silk nightgown with rosebuds on it?

Joe Bradley:
I'm afraid you'll have to rough it tonight - in these. [He presents her with his own oversized pajamas]

Princess Ann:

Joe Bradley:
Sorry honey, but I haven't worn a nightgown in years.

Princess Ann:
Will you help me get undressed, please?

Joe Bradley:
[pause] Uh, OK. [He removes her necktie] There you are, you can handle the rest.

Roman Holiday  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Princess Ann:
This is very unusual. I've never been alone with a man before - even with my dress on. [She begins unbuttoning and removing her blouse] With my dress off, it's most unusual. I don't seem to mind. Do you?

Joe Bradley:
[pause] I think I'll go out for a cup of coffee. You'd better get to sleep. [She flops on his bed] No, no, no. [He leads her toward the couch] On this one.

Princess Ann:
How terribly nice.

Joe Bradley:
Hey - these are pajamas. They're to sleep in. You're to climb into them, you understand?...Then you do your sleeping on the couch, see. Not on the bed, not on the chair, on the couch. Is that clear?

Roman Holiday  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Princess Ann:
Now, I'd better get a taxi and go back.

Joe Bradley:
Well look, before you do, why don't you take a little time for yourself?

Princess Ann:
Maybe another hour.

Joe Bradley:
Live dangerously. Take the whole day.

Princess Ann:
I could do some of the things I've always wanted to.

Joe Bradley:
Like what?

Princess Ann:
Oh, you can't imagine. I-I'd do just whatever I liked all day long.

Roman Holiday  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Princess Ann:
I'm a good liar too, aren't I, Mr. Bradley?

Joe Bradley:
The best I ever met.

Roman Holiday  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Princess Ann:
We spent the whole day doing things I've always wanted to. Why?

Joe Bradley:
I don't know. It seemed the thing to do.

Princess Ann:
I never heard of anybody so kind.

Joe Bradley:
It wasn't any trouble.

Princess Ann:
Also, completely unselfish.

Roman Holiday  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

And what, in the opinion of Your Highness, is the outlook for friendship among nations?

Princess Ann:
I have every faith in it... as I have faith in relations between people.

Joe Bradley:
May I say, speaking for my own... press service: we believe Your Highness's faith will not be unjustified.

Princess Ann:
I am so glad to hear you say it.

Another reporter:
Which of the cities visited did Your Highness enjoy the most?

General Provno:
[prompting] Each, in its own way...

Princess Ann:
Each, in its own way, was unforgettable. It would be difficult to — Rome! By all means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory as long as I live.

Roman Holiday  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

To me, fashion is just like... everything. [looks at a customer looking into a mirror] By the way... Hi! That blouse looks great on you!

Irate Customer:
[looking pleased] Thank you!

And see? I have this really believable way of telling people they look really good, even though I'm just, you know... [does masturbating gesture]

[Irate Customer looks embarrassed and leaves]

I think she heard me.

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I don't believe it!



They're ba-aaack!

Nice outfits. Post-it's must be really lucrative!

Romy, are you sure you wanna do this?

Oh yeah, Michele. I am so sure!

What the hell is your problem, Christie. Why are you always such a nasty bitch? I mean, okay, so Michele and I did make up some stupid lie! We only did it because we wanted you to treat us like human beings. But you know what I realized? I don't care if you like us, 'cause we don't like you. You're a bad person with an ugly heart, and we don't give a flying fuck what you think!

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Come on Michele.

Okay, and...yeah!

Unbelievable! They're as deluded about their lives as they are about those hideous clothes

Actually, Christie. They have nice lines. A fun, frisky use of color. All in all, I'd have to say they're really...not bad!

Well, we still think they're ridiculous. Don't we girls?

Why don't you just let them think for themselves for once?

You're just jealous. Because unlike a certain ball-busting dried up career woman, I might mention, we're all happily married!

That's right, Christie...keep telling yourself that.

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[attempting to light a cigarette, turns and sees the cowboy offering her a light] Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what do you want?

You were right, I was a brain dead redneck asshole. Though I never screwed a sheep or my sister.

Why not, couldn't catch 'em?

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're right. It's not my fault. [She puts on her glasses and lashes out at Tulio] It's your fault...


...with your little bird talk and that whole "saves the species". Well you know what? SQUAWK, SQUAWKETY, SQUAWK, SQUAWK!!! [realizes what she said; gasps; covers her mouth] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to curse.

Rio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[she and Blu are running away from Nigel] Aw, this is great. I'm chained to the only bird in the world who can't fly!

Actually, there are 40 species of flightless birds.

[notices a crate] Duck!

No, ducks can fly.

No, duck! [Blu notices a crate]

Rio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Blu and Linda have just noticed each other at the carnival] Blu! Blu! We found her!

She's on some, like, weird chicken float.

Come on!

Let's go get Jewel.

Rio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago



Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm a grandpa? Look at me, I'm a grandpa!

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[looks up and sees Jewel flying by] Good morning, Jewel!

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[he and Jewel notice Luiz dancing on the dance floor] Luiz, where are the kids?

What? I don't have any kids!

Our kids!

Oh, right. I left them with Tiny.


What? She's an excellent babysitter.

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Linda and Túlio stop by the side of the river]

We're nearing the nesting grounds of the Amazonian Wood Quail. Odontophorus gujanensis. 6 months ago, we rescued this little bird from smugglers. [Linda jumps onto the shore and then unveils the cage in the boat which is holding a little bird] It was sick, malnourished with a broken leg, but now my trusty assistant... [as Tulio points the camera at Linda she gives him a cold look] I mean, loving wife and colleague, will release her back to her natural habitat.

[opens the cage but the bird backs away in fear] It's okay, you can go now. Just like this. [flaps her hands to indicate to the bird to fly off]

Let me talk to her. [looks at the bird and starts squawking like a bird]

[the bird rushes out of the cage in fear, she stops looks back at Túlio and Linda for a moment then squawks at them and rushes off towards the jungle]

[subtitled] Freaks!

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[inside the kitchen, Blu is making the kids pancakes]

Did you know that these whole wheat pancakes have twice the vitamins and minerals of regular pancakes?

And with the blueberries, it's 4 times as tasty. [flies over to the fridge, opens the door and looks inside] Hey, where are the blueberries?

Oh, Dad! Looking for this? [Blu turns to see Tiago standing next to the basket of blueberries on the counter holding one blueberry on his beak]

Bring it. [Tiago head butts the blueberry to Blu, he then plays with it like it's a soccer ball] It's down to the final minutes. He's got magic in his feet! He shoots! [shoots the blueberry up and it lands on top of the whipped cream on the pancakes] He scores!

Bia and Carla:

Goal! Oh, yeah, I got it. I'm good.

Heads up, Dad! [starts shooting blueberries at Blu]

No! [one of them hits him in the head which causes Blu to trip over the frying pan when then flips the pancake in it to toss over in the air and land straight onto Tiago smacking him against the wall]

Awesome. [hovers to the window with a pancake draped over him to find Jewel glaring at them] Hi, Mom.

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[the leader of an illegal logging group known as Big Boss watches the news on TV about Túlio and Linda discovering more blue macaws]

The Amazon is one of Earth's most endangered ecosystems, due to illegal logging and farming. Let's hope Dr. Monteiro and his team can find these rare birds so their home can be saved.

There may be a whole flock out there, and if there is, we will find them and protect them. [Throws a remote control at the TV, smashing the screen]

Big Boss:
Ugh! Tree-huggers. [presses a button on his phone] Get my boat ready. I need to deal with this personally.

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[flocks of all kinds of different birds are waiting in line to audition for Nico and Pedro for their Carnival show]


That would be me. Okay, everybody can go home now. You're looking at the next King of Carnival! [flies down to enter the audition]

Hey, big bird! Break a leg! [Spoonbill slips on Luiz's dribbling saliva and crashes across the room] Ooh. Walk it off, buddy!

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[flies in reads from her book] Hey, Dad, look at this. Did you know the Amazon has snakes that can swallow you whole?

Actually, Bia, all those stories are highly exaggerated.

No, really. Look. [shows Blu her book with the pop-out picture of a snake swallowing something]


Oh, that's sick! [grabs the book from Bia]

Alright, are we ready to go? [notices what Blu is wearing] A fanny pack?

Yeah. Linda gave it to me. I need it for the GPS. Oh, where's the GPS? [pokes his head inside]

Hey! [takes her book back from Tiago]

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Death, Gabi. It's about death.

Oh, Nigel, I love it when you get all dark and brooding.

Man's Voice:
Hey, bird. It's show time!

My audience awaits. [steps out onto a small stage which is set in market]

Carnival Barker:
From the streets of Rio to the Amazon jungle, the Bird of Mystery! Gather round! Don't be shy! Learn your destiny!

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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"Cat's in the bag, and the bag's in the river!"
A Kiss me Deadly
B Sweet Smell of Success
C Shadow of a Doubt
D Johnny Belinda