Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,393

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Can you believe that? She's really got him by the balls.

Is that so bad?

Depends on the grip.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So, uh, Nick the Greek, what's with kiting my checks?

I'm on empty.

How much was the hooker?

Mike, please! "Relaxation therapist!"

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, you know what cheers me up when I'm feeling shitty?


Rolled-up aces over kings.

Is that right?

Check-raising stupid tourists and taking huge pots off of them.


Stacks and towers of checks I can't even see over. Playing all-night, high-limit hold'em at the Taj, "where the sand turns to gold."

Fuck it, let's go.

Don't tease me.

Let's play some fucking cards!


Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Fifteen grand in five days, I can do that. I've gone on rushes like that before.

Uh, under optimum conditions with a bank roll. Maybe, maybe. But... what do you got on you?

I got, like, 350.

Nah, that's only 1200 between us. We might as well play the fucking lotto.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh yeah, one more thing, I got a feelin'.

Yeah? What feeling is that?

I know you know this feeling. You know this feeling very well. I mean, you got your table all set up, your fork, your knife, your A1 sauce...

Mike and Worm:
All you need is the stake.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after getting thrown out of a game] What the fuck were you thinking?

I was trying to give us an edge.

I had them.

Look, I'm sorry we got banged up, I took a shot and missed. It happens.

Happens all the time around you.

And it doesn't happen to you? You're the one that flushed his whole bank roll on one hand.

Oh, fuck you, man, that was different.

How is that different? What makes you so fucking special? Why are all your moves so smart and noble and I'm always the idiot piece of shit? You act like you're only one with any ambition.

Then what's your ambition? I don't know, you tell me.

I don't know, I don't think like that.

No, you don't think.

No, I don't think like you, you always think you can beat the game straight up. That's not me, and I'm always going to look for that edge, always.

Alright, what's the edge now? We owe fifteen grand in a day and we're broke, what the fuck do we do?

That's easy, we get the fuck outta Dodge.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

For generations, men of my family have been rabbis in Israel; before that, in Europe. It was to be my calling. I was quite a prodigy, the pride of my yeshiva. The elders said I had a forty-year-old's understanding of the Midrash by the time I was twelve. But by the time I was thirteen, I knew I could never be a rabbi.

Why not?

Because, for all I understood of the Talmud, I never saw God there.

You couldn't lie to yourself.

I tried. I tried like crazy. I mean, people were counting on me.

But yours is a respectable profession.

Not to my family. My parents were destroyed, devastated by my decision. My father sent me away, to New York, to live with distant cousins. Eventually, I found my place, my life's work.

What then?

Well, I immersed myself fully, I studied the minutiae, I learned everything I could about the law. I mean, I felt deeply inside that it was what I was born to do.

And did your parents get over it?

No. I always hoped that I would find some way to change their minds, but they were inconsolable. My father never spoke to me again.

If you had to do it all over again, would you make the same choices?

What choice? The last thing I took away from the yeshiva is this: We can't run from who we are. Our destiny chooses us.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Uh, you know what? I got my five grand here. That's just fine by me. I'm going home.

Teddy KGB:
Fine. It's a fucking joke anyway. After all, I am paying you with your money.

What did you say?

Teddy KGB:
Your money... I am still up twenty grand... from this last time I stick it in you.

[Narrating] They're trying to goad me, trying to own me. But this isn't a gunfight. It's not about pride or ego. It's only about money. I can leave now, even with Grama and KGB... and halfway to paying Petrovsky back. That's the safe play. I told Worm you can't lose what you don't put in the middle. But you can't win much either.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Enough is enough, Teddy. Finish the fucking kid off.

Teddy KGB:
Hanging around, hanging around. Kid's got alligator blood. Can't get rid of him.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

All right, I'll call the two grand, I'll gamble. Don't splash the pot.

Teddy KGB:
You're on a draw, Mike? Throw away this one. It's not good for you. And in my club, I will splash the pot whenever the fuck I please.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Teddy KGB reveals the river card:
an ace.]

Teddy KGB:
It hurts, doesn't it? You can't believe what fell. All your dreams... dashed. Hopes down the fucking drain. [motioning to Grama] Your fate is sitting right beside you. That ace could not have helped you. [splashing the pot repeatedly, with a flourish] I bet it all.

You're right that the ace didn't help me. [revealing his hand] I flopped the nut straight.

Teddy KGB:
[throwing cards and chips] Motherfucker! ?? ???? ????! Motherfucker! That is it!

That's it? What the fuck you talkin' about, "that's it"? Take him out, Teddy!

Teddy KGB:
Nyet! Nyet! No more! No, not tonight! This son of bitch, all night he check, check, check! He trapped me!

Well, you feelin' satisfied now, Teddy? 'Cause I can go on bustin' you up all night.

[Teddy's henchmen begin to move in on Mike.]

Teddy KGB:
Nyet, nyet. He beat me. Straight up. Pay him. Pay that man his money.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines of the movie]

Taxi Driver:
Vegas, huh?


Taxi Driver:
Good luck, man.

[narrating] People insist on calling it luck. [to taxi driver] Thanks. [narrating] First prize at the World Series of Poker is a million dollars. Does it have my name on it? I don't know. But I'm going to find out.

Rounders  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert Franklin:
There are lives at stake here. These, these are animals with personalities, with attachments.

Steven Jacobs:

Robert Franklin:

Steven Jacobs:
I run a business, not a petting zoo.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Caroline Aranha:
I know it has been hard for you, but you are trying to control things that were never meant to be controlled.

Will Rodman:
The 112 works!

Caroline Aranha:
Do you realize how you sound?

Will Rodman:
All I'm saying is this is a good thing. Caesar's proof of that. So's my father.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dodge Landon:
Take your stinking paw off me, you damn dirty ape!


Rise of the Planet of the Apes  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Connor:
Have you negotiated with the Japanese?

Web Smith:

John Connor:
Mm. Perhaps I can suggest the strategy.

Web Smith:
Well, this is hardly a negotiation.

John Connor:
Oh? What is it, then?

Web Smith:
What is it? It's a homicide.

John Connor:
When we arrive, you take charge of the negotiations. Don't introduce me or refer to me. Don't even look in my direction. Keep your jacket buttoned at all times. If they bow, you bow back.

Web Smith:
Believe it or not, I have done this before. You know, I do know these things.

John Connor:
Do keep your hands at your sides. The Japanese find big arm movements threatening. Keep your voice calm and even. You'll probably find them irritating tonight. But whatever happens, don't lose your temper.

Web Smith:
I don't lose my temper.

John Connor:
That's good to know. When you start to get into trouble...

Web Smith:
I won't get into trouble.

John Connor:
When you start to get into trouble, I will say, "Perhaps I can be of assistance?" From then on, I do the talking. You stand behind me. And don't appear distracted. We may come from a fragmented, MTV rap-video culture, but they do not. Every aspect of your appearance and behavior will reflect on you, the Department, and me as your sempai.

Web Smith:
My sempai?

John Connor:

Web Smith:
That wouldn't be massa, would it?

John Connor:
No. The sempai is the senior man who guides the junior man, the kohai. In Japan, the sempai-kohai relationship is presumed to exist when the younger man and the older man work together. Hopefully, they will presume that of us.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Web Smith:
Isn't it bad form to lose your temper?

John Connor:
It is. But I had to, to assist Ishihara.

Web Smith:
Assist Ishihara? Now why would you wanna do that?

John Connor:
He wasn't the most important man in the room.

Web Smith:
Oh, he wasn't?

John Connor:
No. It was the older man. His juyaku, his superior. But I wanted to get the investigation going so I played the out-of-control gaijin. So Ishihara wouldn't lose face. So now, Ishihara owes me a favour.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tom Graham:
These little guys eat shit in Tokyo. Crammed into subways, working for big companies. They come here and they're rich and free. They all want to fuck a Rose Bowl queen.

John Connor:
And then kill the Rose Bowl queen on the Nakamoto boardroom table? Call the police and create a scandal? Is that your theory?

Tom Graham:
My theory? My theory is that these guys are known world class perversion freaks. I got a nose for these things.

John Connor:
I'm sure.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Web Smith:
Sempai, apple pie, whatever I have to call you,... we have a murder here.

John Connor:
I want to solve it, not listen to true confessions. You know what's true? When something looks too good to be true, then it's not true.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Sakamura is not available.

John Connor:
Mr. Sakamura is a good friend of mine. I'm sure he's available for me.

Gentlemen, you're trespassing. Now, unless you have a search warrant, you'll have to leave. You should know I'm a black belt.

John Connor:
But of course you are, dear.

Need help, Perry?

So is Jeff. OK, fellas. You're leaving. [places his hand on Connor's shoulder]

John Connor:
That's assault.

I don't wanna hurt you.

[Connor hits Perry in the throat]

John Connor:
They say if you must resort to violence, you've already lost. What do you think, Jeff?

I think I'll go get Mr Sakamura.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Web Smith:
He's guilty as hell.

John Connor:
Well, my dairokkan says he's not.

Web Smith:
I hope your intuition is right. Look, sempai, my dairokkan tells me your dairokkan wasn't why you let Eddie go.

John Connor:
In Japan, his father saved my life.

Web Smith:
And Eddie reminded you of that?

John Connor:
He would never remind me. It's my responsibility to remember.

Web Smith:
So what is all this bullshit about his father's keiretsu?

John Connor:
Bullshit? There's a keiretsu war going on. A Japanese corporation never stands alone. A keiretsu is a united front of hundreds of powerful companies, all acting in partnership to win.

Web Smith:
To win what?

John Connor:
Whatever's there. You ever hear "business is war"? The war is never over.

Web Smith:
Maybe you heard "All's fair in love and war"?

John Connor:

Web Smith:
So where does that leave us?

John Connor:
Us? We're in the war zone.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Connor:
So... what do we know now?

Web Smith:
Well, we know the disk was doctored here.

John Connor:
And we know that they know that we know. We're beating the grass to startle the snakes.

Web Smith:
What? Look, where are you from, sempai? Scotland Yard?

John Connor:
No. Scotland back yard. So how did you become the special liaison officer for Los Angeles? And uh... who is what's her name?

John Connor:
What you should be asking is why you and I were put together last night.

Web Smith:
I was on duty. Nakamoto requested you.

John Connor:
No, they didn't. Nakamoto is formally protesting the fact that I'm on the case.

Web Smith:
You're saying someone else called you in. Someone who...

John Connor:
Has been manipulating things. We're playing that most American of games.

Web Smith:
Which is what?

John Connor:
Catch up.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Web Smith:
We're safe around here.

John Connor:
You call this safe?

Web Smith:
Rough neighborhoods may be America's last advantage. Perhaps I may suggest a strategy. Don't stare at these guys. Keep your hands down. These guys don't like big arm movements. They might shoot you. Keep your voice calm...Better still, don't say shit. If you hear me say "Can I be of any assistance?" it's too late. You can kiss your little ass goodbye.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Web Smith:
Look, are you on the take?

Tom Graham:
Fuck you, the take.

Web Smith:
Are you on the fuckin' take?!

Tom Graham:
Who the fuck are you to ask me about that? You started me off. You remember that? Now, play ball. You get to keep your kid, your job, and your buddies. We're a team, Web.

Web Smith:
A team? What team are we on, huh?

Tom Graham:
We know who you've got in there. You're harboring a murderer in there.

Web Smith:
How did you know Eddie was still alive?

Tom Graham:
He's not! He's dead. He just forgot to lay down.

Web Smith:
He didn't do it.

Tom Graham:
Who did it?

Web Smith:
We don't know who did it!

Tom Graham:
Send him out, Spider-san, with the disk too. I'll protect the guy.

Web Smith:
And what if I don't?

Tom Graham:
If you don't?! If you don't, you're obstructing justice. You're harboring, baby. If you don't, we're coming in after a murderer. What are you doing to your life? You know me, Web. I get my man.

Web Smith:
Yeah. Even if he's the wrong man.

Tom Graham:
Who the fuck are you? The Supreme Court?

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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