Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,393

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[about Lloyd and Jean] I'll lay ya eight to five right now - that's kid's gonna move in on your gal.

I hope you know what you're talkin' about.

Sure I do. Listen Eddie, I'm tryin' to steer you right. Listen, gals like her go for guys like that, you know, with all that Joe College stuff. He's gonna take her to football games, fraternity dances, all that rah-rah stuff. A kid like him can't miss.

Calm down, Eddie. Maybe George is right. If he is, there's nothing you can do about it.

Shudd-up. I trust my friends. [Eddie leaves]

You know, he's a sucker. I don't trust mine.

It's mutual, chump. They don't trust you either.

The Roaring Twenties  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Lloyd] This guy's got enough on us to...

He won't talk.

He better not. [to Lloyd] Now listen, Harvard. You came into this racket with your eyes open. You learned a lot and you know a lot. If any of it gets out, you go out with your eyes open, only this time, they'll have pennies on them. All right, now scram, get out of here, go on home and chase ambulances.

The Roaring Twenties  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Eddie, I'm gonna tell you something you won't like. Jean's quit the club, gave her notice.

Quit, what for?

Do I have to draw you a diagram?

Now look, you're tryin' to say somethin'. Get it off your chest and say it.

Jean's in love.

Well, now you're bein' full of news. Sure she is, with me.

Eddie, this is gonna be kinda hard to take and I don't want ya to get mad. Jean was never in love with you. She went hook, line, and sinker for that Lloyd guy the minute she saw him. And she's been seeing him every time your back was turned. I tried to give you the steer, but I guess I didn't get it over. Everybody knew it but you. Now look, Eddie, as far as Jean is concerned, you've been...



The Roaring Twenties  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The days of the rackets are over.

Don't you kid yourself about that. They'll always be guys tryin' to get up there quick - and I'm one of 'em. Oh, I know you take your job very seriously and I want to give you some good advice. I see by the papers that the district attorney's office is building up a case against our old friend George.

It's already built up.

You remember what George said about what would happen if you talked?

I remember.

So does he.

The Roaring Twenties  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Yeah sure, it's his duty. It's George's duty to stop him. I'd do the same thing in George's place.

Eddie, please, for my sake...

The same old story, the same old story. Any time she wants anything, she comes to me. I suppose that's all I ever meant to you anyway...Maybe a patsy once but never twice.

Well, I don't see how it's gonna do any harm to talk to George.

Talk? There's only one language George understands. And do you think I'm gonna walk into an ambush just because that big, dumb, good-lookin' husband of hers doesn't know enough to keep his trap shut? You're crazy. No dice, Jean, no dice.

Look Eddie, you've got to do something for them. She's got something to look forward to.

So have I.


I'll be up there again.

Eddie, you're kidding yourself. The race is over. We're both finished out of the money.

Maybe for you, but not for me.

It's over for all of us: you, me, and George. Eddie, something new is happening, something you don't understand.

The Roaring Twenties  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I came up here to talk to you about Lloyd.

There ain't nothin' to talk about.

I think there is.

Get him out of here, Lefty....

Now wait a minute, George, you know that if you get rid of Lloyd, there'll always be somebody to take his place, you know that.

I'll worry about that when it happens.

But they got a kid.

Oh. Still carrying a torch for that dame, huh?

I suppose I am.

Then what are ya beefin' about? I'm doin' ya a favor by knockin' 'em off. I want him to keep his mouth shut.

But he can't. Look George, there's a new kind of setup you don't understand. Guys don't go around tearing things apart like we used to. People try to build things up and that's what Lloyd's tryin' to do. In this new setup, well, you and me just don't belong, that's all.

Maybe you don't. I do all right, anytime, anyplace.

The Roaring Twenties  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[identifying a body] This is Eddie Bartlett.

Well, how are you hooked up with him?

I could never figure it out.

What was his business?

He used to be a big shot.

The Roaring Twenties  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Duncan MacGregor:
Father, will the MacGregors ever be kings again?

Rob Roy MacGregor:
All men with honor are kings. But not all kings have honor.

Duncan MacGregor:
What is honor?

Rob Roy MacGregor:
Honor is what no man can give ya. And none can take away. Honor is a man's gift to himself.

Duncan MacGregor:
Do women have it?

Rob Roy MacGregor:
Women are the heart of honor. And we cherish and protect it in them. You must never mistreat a woman, or malign man. Or stand by and see another do so.

Duncan MacGregor:
How do you know if you have it?

Rob Roy MacGregor:
Never worry on the getting of it. It grows in you, and speaks to you. All you need do is listen.

Rob Roy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Argyll refuses Mary's initial pleas for help]

Mary MacGregor:
Your Grace, Robert finds himself in this position for taking Your Grace's part.

Duke of Argyll:
My part? What cause had he to do that? And in what manner?

Mary MacGregor:
He refused to bear false witness against you, when the Marquis asked him to say that you were a Jacobite, to slander your name at court.

Duke of Argyll:
Montrose asked this of him?

Mary MacGregor:
In remission of this debt. But Robert refused.

Duke of Argyll:
I did not know your husband bore me such goodwill.

Mary MacGregor:
Indeed, Your Grace, I think he favors you no more than any other great man. "As wolves at lambing," that is his word for you all. Robert refused, not for Your Grace, but for his own honor, which he values above his own family, his kin and his clan, and for which I have oft chided him. But were he otherwise, he would not be Robert Roy MacGregor. Robert would not approve of my coming here to ask you for help, nor come himself if he were here. [stands] But I have no choice, unless I give him up entire to his enemies. And though I love his honor, it is but a moon-cast shadow to the love I bear him. By the grace of God, I have his child inside me and I will have a father for it.

Duke of Argyll:
You do your man no dishonor, Mary. Faith, he is a man much blessed by fortune.

Rob Roy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Duke of Argyll:
You promised MacGregor amnesty from his debts if he would lay charges against me.

So! That is how he cozened you into giving him shelter.

Duke of Argyll:
Oh, I know the truth when I hear it.

Oh! And here was me, thinking that was God's gift alone.

Duke of Argyll:
Do not think that all sins go unpaid in this life, Montrose.

Well... I see one set soon to be paid for.

Rob Roy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Will you not take my odds, Argyll? I give you five on the fop.

Duke of Argyll:
I will wager you but this: if MacGregor lives, you will acquit him of all he owes you.

[laughs airily] And if he loses?

Duke of Argyll:
I will pay his bill.

[deathly serious] ...My factor will call upon Your Grace's factor.

Rob Roy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rob Roy MacGregor:
You should have told me, Mary.

Mary MacGregor:
Oh Robert, I should have but I could not. You were right.

Rob Roy MacGregor:
No, you were right. I must have my own way too often. I should have packed my pride and given Montrose his way!

Mary MacGregor:
No, Robert!

Rob Roy MacGregor:
And all this has come on us. Craigrostan would still be ours, Alasdair and Coll would be alive...

Mary MacGregor:
And wrong would have been done you!

Rob Roy MacGregor:
And what about the wrong done you? Wrong past bearing.

Mary MacGregor:
No, not past bearing! Not past bearing. Not if I have my Robert, and he has himself. And you would not, not if you had done a lesser man's bidding.

[Robert is silent]

Mary MacGregor:
"Honor is the gift a man gives himself." You told our boys that. Would you have stolen from yourself that which makes you Robert Roy MacGregor?

Rob Roy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Little John:
Aw, how about that for luck? It's only a circus! A peanut operation!

Robin Hood:
Peanuts? Why, you dunce, that's the royal coach! It's Prince John himself!

Little John:
The prince? Wait a minute, there's a law against robbing royalty. I'll catch you later.

Robin Hood:
What? And miss this chance to perform before royalty?

Little John:
[groan] Well - here we go again...

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mother Rabbit:
Oh, you have made his birthday a wonderful one. How can I ever thank you?

Robin Hood:
I only wish I could do more. [hands her a small bag of gold] Here. And keep your chin up. Soon there'll be happiness in Nottingham again, you'll see.

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Prince John:
One more hiss out of you, eh, er, uh, Hiss, and you are walking to Nottingham.

[mutters] Snakes don't walk, they slither. Hmph. So there.

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Prince John raises his mirror to hit Hiss on the head]

Ah, ah, ah! 7 years bad...[the prince hits him, smashing the mirror] Luck. That's what it is. Besides, you broke your mother's mirror.

Prince John:
[screams] Mummy! [sucks thumb] I've got a dirty thumb.

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

And you...who might you be, sssir?

Little John:
I am Sir Reginald, Duke of Chutney. [stuffs Hiss' hat over his mouth] And don't stick your tongue out at me, kid. [to the prince] And now, your mightiness, allow me to lay some protocol on you. [stoops to kiss Prince John's hand]

Prince John:
No, no, no, forgive me, but I lose more jewels that way. Please sit down.

Little John:
[sits on Hiss] Thanks, PJ, you can't get a better seat than this, the royal box...hey...what...who? [Pulling out Hiss] Oh, uh, excuse me, Buster.

Buster?! You, sir, have taken my seat!

Prince John:
[laughs] Hiss, with you around, who needs a court jester?

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Little John:
You heard his mightiness! Move it, Creepy, get lost. Begone, long one.

What cheek. Creepy, Buster, Long One? Who does that dopey duke think he is?

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robin Hood:
[dressed as gypsy] Oo-de-lally! Oo-de-lally! Fortune tellers!

Little John:
[also dressed as gypsy] Fortunes forecast, lucky charms!

Robin Hood:
Catch the dope, with your horoscope!

Prince John:
Fortune tellers, how droll. Stop the coach!

Sssire, sire, they may be bandits.

Prince John:
Oh, poppycock! Female bandits? What next...rubbish... [to Robin Hood and Little John] My dear ladies, you have my permission to kiss the royal hands, whichever you like... first.

Robin Hood:
Oh, how gracious - [kisses hand and removes large ring] - and generous.

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robin Hood:
And for our honeymoon? England?

Maid Marian:

Robin Hood:

Maid Marian:

Robin Hood:
Sunny Spain?

Maid Marian:
Oh, why not?

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lady Cluck:
Down with that scurrrrvy Prince John!

Little John:
Yeah!!! [sings] Oh, the world will sing

Of an English king

A thousand years from now,

And not because

He passed some laws

Or had that lofty brow.

While bonny good King Richard leads the great crusade he's on,

We'll all have to slave away for that good-for-nothing John!

Incredible as he is inept,

Whenever the history books are kept

They'll call him the Phony King of England!

Friar Tuck:
A pox on the Phony King of England!

Little John:
He stands alone

On a giant throne,

Pretending he's the King.

A little tyke

Who's rather like

A puppet on a string!

And he throws an angry tantrum if he cannot have his way,

And then he calls for Mom,

While he's sucking his thumb

You see, he doesn't wanna play.

Too late to be known as John the First,

He's sure to be known as John the Worst.

A pox on that Phony King of England!

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Little John:
While he taxes us to pieces and he robs us of our bread

King Richard's crown

Keeps slipping down

Around that pointed head

Ah, but while there is a merry man in Robin's wily pack

We'll find a way

To make him pay

And steal our money back.

A minute before he knows we're there,

Old Rob'll snatch his underwear...

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[the Sheriff of Nottingham has just taken the only coin out of the church's Poor Box]

Friar Tuck:
Now, just a minute, Sheriff! Th-th-th-that's the Poor Box!

It sure is, and I'll take it for poor Prince John. [chuckles] Every little bit helps.

Female Church Mouse:
Ooh, you put that back!

And His Majesty also blesses you, little sister.

Friar Tuck:
You thieving scoundrel!

[reasonably] Now, take it easy, Friar, I'm just doing my duty.

Friar Tuck:
Collecting taxes for that arrogant, greedy, ruthless, no-good Prince John?!

[starting to lose patience] Listen, Friar, you're mighty preachy and you're gonna preach your neck right into a hangman's noose.

Friar Tuck:
GET OUTTA MY CHURCH!! [pushes the Sheriff out] Out! Out! Out! Out! [Attacking the Sheriff with a stick] You want taxes? I'll give you taxes!

Male Church Mouse:
Give it to him! Give it to him, Friar!

[Trigger blinds Friar Tuck with the hood of his coat and the Sheriff puts his head in a shackle]

You're under arrest for high treason to the crown!

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sssire...taxes are pouring in, the jails are full, and - OH! I have good news, sire... Friar Tuck is in jail!

Prince John:
[throwing money everywhere] FRIAR TUCK?! It's ROBIN HOOD I want, you idiot! Oh, I would give all my gold if I could just get my hands on that - [pauses, turning to Hiss] Did you say Friar Tuck?

Did I? Y-y-yes, I did.

Prince John:
Ah. Hiss - I have it. I'll use that fat friar as bait to trap Robin Hood!

Robin Hood  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "May the Force be with you."?
A E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
B Toy Story
C Star Wars
D Rocky