[approaches Jack in Antarctica]: I thought this might happen. They never really believed in you. I was just trying to show you that. [As he spoke, Jack got angry] But I understand.
[wheels around and shoots ice at him with his staff, but Pitch blocks it with his black sand]: You don't understand anything!
[he shoots more ice at him, but Pitch also blocks it]
No?! [he shoots black sand at Jack, but he avoids it. Jack leaps into the air and shoots ice at Pitch and their powers collide, causing snow to fly all over, then it clears]
I don't know what it's like to be cast out? To not be believed in. [a rage-filled Jack aims his staff at Pitch] To long for a family. [Jack lowers his staff] All those years in the shadows I thought, no one else knows what this feels like. But now I see I was wrong. We don't have to be alone, Jack. I believe in you. And I know children will too.
In me?
Yes! Just look at what we can do! [gestures to the sculpture of ice and black sand during their fight] What goes better together than cold and dark? We can make them believe! We'll give them a world where everything, everything is--!
Pitch black?
[beat] And Jack Frost, too. They'll believe in both us.
No, they'll fear both of us. And that's not what I want. Now, for the last time, leave me alone.
[He walks away from him]
[confused and hurt] Very well. You want to be left alone? Done! But first... [Jack turns and sees Pitch holding Baby Tooth]
Baby Tooth! [he aims his staff at Pitch]
The staff, Jack! You have a bad habit of interfering. Now hand it over, and I'll let her go. [Baby Tooth desperately shakes her head as Jack kept his staff aimed at Pitch until he lowers it, then gives it to Pitch, who takes it from him]
[holds out her hand] Alright, now let her go.
[smirks] No. You said you wanted to be alone. So be alone! [Baby Tooth pecks his thumb with her beak, causing him to yell in pain and throw her into a chasm]
[Pitch breaks the staff. With a strangled cry, Jack feels pain in his chest, but before he could do anything, Pitch blasts him with black sand and Jack hits the wall of the chasm then falls into the hole. Pitch laughs evilly as he drops the broken staff into the hole]