Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,397

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Tiago! Stop fooling around.

I didn't do anything.

Tiago Gunderson, listen to your mother.

Aw, man!

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

No way! A bird bath... Wahooo... ha! [slides down a vine into the water while laughing]

Tiago, caref... Ah!

[water splashes onto Blu]

[sexily, he lets out a big and stinky fart which then stinks up the pool with fart bubbles] Jacuzzi...

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, no, he didn't.

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Not again! No more crackers!


[Blu brings Roberto back to his senses by slapping him in the face and then grabs his beak]

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ah, game over! It's over! Humans! The lights The Lights!!! It's over.

Male Spix's Macaw:
He's been blabbering like this since we found him.

We're all doomed! The loggers are coming and Blu is with them!


No! No, Blu is trying to help us.

What? by himself!?!

Lets Evacuate! We're leaving. Let's go. Everyone move out. Go go go!

[on learning Blu is facing the loggers solo] Dad, no, not this time. I'm not going with you!

You have to go with me. I will not put my family in danger again.

Blu is my family and I'm not leaving him behind!

[from off-screen] You don't have too!

[touches her beak with his while hugging] Are you okay?

[looks to his father-in-law] Look, Eduardo, I may not be the birdy-lest bird in the flock… but for once, that's a good thing! You know the jungle, I know humans, and I know that together we can stop them. We can't let them take our home. Sure it's hot, loud and filled with creepy bugs, but it's ours. Let's fight for it! Who's with me?

Old Bird:
I'm with you! [screams; falls off the branch he was on and lands on the ground with a thud]

Anybody else?

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[before swooping onto the loggers] Lead the way, Blu.

[overjoyed at his father-in-law saying his correct name] Ha! That's my name... Yes! You called me Blu... Yes... I am Blu! [Eduardo clears his throat at him] Oh... right... Birds of blue feather...

[joined by the entire flock] ...Have to stock together! [all the blue spix macaws dive bomb the loggers]

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[During the attack on loggers Tiago and Bia have hijacked a crane]

[using a crane to pick up one of the loggers] Got him!

[impressed] Wow... Precise!

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[during the attack on loggers; Blu chucks a Swiss army knife with it's screwdriver attachment to Tiago]


Now we're talking [begins opening up a machine panel]

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines as she holds Blu who's been surprised by a spider]

Maybe we can do summer's in Rio! [last lines smiling at her]

[repeating what she said to him at the start] You're my one and only Jewel!

[They press their beaks together while hugging] Awww!

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines climaxing a song and dance number]

[squawking to Nico] That's the end? [Nico tilts his bottle cap]

Rio 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tom Ripley:
You're not planning on singing me through the door, are you?

I've got the Carregio in here.

Tom Ripley:
Well, you're not coming in.

I'm fucking coming in.

Tom Ripley:
No, because it's not a Carr-egg-io, it's a Correggio. Just like it's not tacco but ta-a-cco. Not pasto but pasta, see? Your entire education comes from classic car magazines and you dress like you're on a condom run for the mob. By the way, it isn't a Correggio, it's a fake Rembrandt, and until you know that, you're not coming in with me.

Don't fuck me over here, prat!

Tom Ripley:
Don't threaten me. I'm not the one wearing an earring.

Ripley's Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Luisa Harari:
[about Jonathan] He's got leukaemia.

Tom Ripley:
Is drunken pomposity a symptom?

Luisa Harari:
No. He's just English.

Ripley's Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sarah Trevanny:
I don't know how much you...

Tom Ripley:
How much I...drink? Bathe? Work out?

Sarah Trevanny:
How much you know about Jonathan's condition.

Tom Ripley:
Nothing. I'm an innocent.

Sarah Trevanny:
Jonathan has chronic myeloid leukemia.

Tom Ripley:
[ingenuously] My God, you're kidding! I'm so sorry.

Sarah Trevanny:
Thank you. So, this opportunity came up for him to get a second opinion at this research foundation. [quietly] He doesn't talk about it much, but I know he's angry. He's angry because... he'll probably die soon, while the rest of us go on living. And he's angry to be so young. And he's angry that he might not see Matthew grow up.

Tom Ripley:
And what about you? Are you angry?

Sarah Trevanny:
[sadly] Sometimes. I love him completely, but... I feel there's a part of me that will be glad when it's all over...and that's a terrible thing to say.

Tom Ripley:
I don't think you could say anything that terrible, or think it. I don't think what you're feeling is terrible at all. I think Jonathan is very, very fortunate to have someone like you, and I imagine he knows it.

Ripley's Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Ripley has just helped Jonathan kill three mobsters]

Jonathan Trevanny:
[crying] I know I should thank you, because I wouldn't be alive now if you hadn't helped me.... but I can't. I can't say thank you. I don't know anything about you. Who are you?

Tom Ripley:
I'm a creation. A gifted improviser. I lack your conscience and, when I was young, that troubled me. It no longer does. I don't worry about being caught because I don't think anyone is watching. The world is not a poorer place because those people are dead — it's not. It's one less car on the road, a little less noise and menace. You were brave today. You'll go home and put some money away for your family. That's all.

Jonathan Trevanny:
If you "lack my conscience," then why did you help me on the train?

Tom Ripley:
[smiles] I don't know, but it doesn't surprise me. If there's one thing I know, it's that we're constantly being born.

Jonathan Trevanny:
But why me? Why did you pick me?

Tom Ripley:
Partly because you could. Partly because you insulted me. But mostly because that's the game. [checks watch] We need to catch this flight. Shall we?

Ripley's Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jonathan Trevanny:
One of them's still alive.

Tom Ripley:
How do you know?

Jonathan Trevanny:
Well, I heard it on the world news.

Tom Ripley:
Jesus. I always figured you for a talk radio man. Okay, well, I guess I didn't strangle him long enough. It's not like a garrote comes with a manual.

Jonathan Trevanny:
Ah, one of them got a very, very good look at me.

Tom Ripley:
Jonathan, that's the first rule of the game. Don't ever worry about anything you can't control, ever. Anyway, I don't think they can trace us here and if they get close, I'll let you know.

Jonathan Trevanny:
What about my family? I'm just worried about my family.

Tom Ripley:
Well, don't worry. If they come for anyone, they'll come for me. I think these Balkan types tend to take strangling quite personally.

Ripley's Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jonathan Trevanny:
Are we going to get away with it?

Tom Ripley:
Why not?

Jonathan Trevanny:
I've just never been the sort of person to get away with things. At school, other kids got away with all sorts. But not me. I always got caught.

Tom Ripley:
You know why you got caught?

Jonathan Trevanny:

Tom Ripley:
Because you didn't think of just killing your teachers.

Ripley's Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jonathan Trevanny:
Jesus, this waiting! I can't stand this waiting.

Tom Ripley:
When I was a little boy, I waited on the beach for hours for my parents to come back from a boat ride. They drowned. [pause] I waited forever.

Ripley's Game  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[approaches Jack in Antarctica]: I thought this might happen. They never really believed in you. I was just trying to show you that. [As he spoke, Jack got angry] But I understand.

[wheels around and shoots ice at him with his staff, but Pitch blocks it with his black sand]: You don't understand anything!

[he shoots more ice at him, but Pitch also blocks it]

No?! [he shoots black sand at Jack, but he avoids it. Jack leaps into the air and shoots ice at Pitch and their powers collide, causing snow to fly all over, then it clears]

I don't know what it's like to be cast out? To not be believed in. [a rage-filled Jack aims his staff at Pitch] To long for a family. [Jack lowers his staff] All those years in the shadows I thought, no one else knows what this feels like. But now I see I was wrong. We don't have to be alone, Jack. I believe in you. And I know children will too.

In me?

Yes! Just look at what we can do! [gestures to the sculpture of ice and black sand during their fight] What goes better together than cold and dark? We can make them believe! We'll give them a world where everything, everything is--!

Pitch black?

[beat] And Jack Frost, too. They'll believe in both us.

No, they'll fear both of us. And that's not what I want. Now, for the last time, leave me alone.

[He walks away from him]

[confused and hurt] Very well. You want to be left alone? Done! But first... [Jack turns and sees Pitch holding Baby Tooth]

Baby Tooth! [he aims his staff at Pitch]

The staff, Jack! You have a bad habit of interfering. Now hand it over, and I'll let her go. [Baby Tooth desperately shakes her head as Jack kept his staff aimed at Pitch until he lowers it, then gives it to Pitch, who takes it from him]

[holds out her hand] Alright, now let her go.

[smirks] No. You said you wanted to be alone. So be alone! [Baby Tooth pecks his thumb with her beak, causing him to yell in pain and throw her into a chasm]


[Pitch breaks the staff. With a strangled cry, Jack feels pain in his chest, but before he could do anything, Pitch blasts him with black sand and Jack hits the wall of the chasm then falls into the hole. Pitch laughs evilly as he drops the broken staff into the hole]

Rise of the Guardians  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert Franklin:
There are lives at stake here. These, these are animals with personalities, with attachments.

Steven Jacobs:

Robert Franklin:

Steven Jacobs:
I run a business, not a petting zoo.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Caroline Aranha:
I know it has been hard for you, but you are trying to control things that were never meant to be controlled.

Will Rodman:
The 112 works!

Caroline Aranha:
Do you realize how you sound?

Will Rodman:
All I'm saying is this is a good thing. Caesar's proof of that. So's my father.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dodge Landon:
Take your stinking paw off me, you damn dirty ape!


Rise of the Planet of the Apes  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Connor:
Have you negotiated with the Japanese?

Web Smith:

John Connor:
Mm. Perhaps I can suggest the strategy.

Web Smith:
Well, this is hardly a negotiation.

John Connor:
Oh? What is it, then?

Web Smith:
What is it? It's a homicide.

John Connor:
When we arrive, you take charge of the negotiations. Don't introduce me or refer to me. Don't even look in my direction. Keep your jacket buttoned at all times. If they bow, you bow back.

Web Smith:
Believe it or not, I have done this before. You know, I do know these things.

John Connor:
Do keep your hands at your sides. The Japanese find big arm movements threatening. Keep your voice calm and even. You'll probably find them irritating tonight. But whatever happens, don't lose your temper.

Web Smith:
I don't lose my temper.

John Connor:
That's good to know. When you start to get into trouble...

Web Smith:
I won't get into trouble.

John Connor:
When you start to get into trouble, I will say, "Perhaps I can be of assistance?" From then on, I do the talking. You stand behind me. And don't appear distracted. We may come from a fragmented, MTV rap-video culture, but they do not. Every aspect of your appearance and behavior will reflect on you, the Department, and me as your sempai.

Web Smith:
My sempai?

John Connor:

Web Smith:
That wouldn't be massa, would it?

John Connor:
No. The sempai is the senior man who guides the junior man, the kohai. In Japan, the sempai-kohai relationship is presumed to exist when the younger man and the older man work together. Hopefully, they will presume that of us.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Web Smith:
Isn't it bad form to lose your temper?

John Connor:
It is. But I had to, to assist Ishihara.

Web Smith:
Assist Ishihara? Now why would you wanna do that?

John Connor:
He wasn't the most important man in the room.

Web Smith:
Oh, he wasn't?

John Connor:
No. It was the older man. His juyaku, his superior. But I wanted to get the investigation going so I played the out-of-control gaijin. So Ishihara wouldn't lose face. So now, Ishihara owes me a favour.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tom Graham:
These little guys eat shit in Tokyo. Crammed into subways, working for big companies. They come here and they're rich and free. They all want to fuck a Rose Bowl queen.

John Connor:
And then kill the Rose Bowl queen on the Nakamoto boardroom table? Call the police and create a scandal? Is that your theory?

Tom Graham:
My theory? My theory is that these guys are known world class perversion freaks. I got a nose for these things.

John Connor:
I'm sure.

Rising Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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"Who steals my purse steals trash; But he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him and makes me poor indeed."
A Julius Caesar
B lincoln
C Marcus Aurelius
D Othello