Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,530

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Mama, listen. Old Yeller just saved your life and Elizabeth's, too. And he saved mine and Arliss'. We can't. We don't know for certain. I'll pen him up where he can't get out. A-and then we'll wait. We could not shoot up like he was nothing. Don't you understand?

Alright, son. If you think there's a chance.

Old Yeller  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Agent Roma is the last Secret Service agent left alive in the White House. He crawls on his hands and knees.]

Agent Roma:
[weakly; into his radio microphone] Olympus has fallen! Olympus has fallen! Olympus has fallen!

[A terrorist prepares to shoot Roma. Roma flips to the supine position and kicks the terrorist behind the knee, causing him to stumble.]

Agent Roma:

[Roma shoots the terrorist though the head with his pistol. Another terrorist unloads his submachine gun into Roma, killing him. At the Command Post, an agent sees that the last active agent is dead.]

Command Post Agent:
[disbelieving] They've taken the White House...

Olympus Has Fallen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert Thorn:
Is she all right?

Father Spiletto:
She is resting.

Robert Thorn:
And the child?

Father Spiletto:
[beat] The child is dead. She doesn't know.

Robert Thorn:
[shaken] It was... everything to her. A child.

Father Spiletto:
Mr. Thorn... your wife, there was damage to the womb. She might not be able to...

Robert Thorn:
She might not be able to what? [pause; staggers back and cries]

Father Spiletto:
You love her very much. Then you must accept God's plan.

The Omen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert Thorn:
Very sorry. Send me the bill. I'll take care of it.

Keith Jennings:
That's all right, Mr. Ambassador. Let's just say that you owe me one.

The Omen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert Thorn:
Father Brennan. Robert Thorn. What can I do for you?

Father Brennan:
We haven't much time, Mr. Thorn.

Robert Thorn:
Time for what?

Father Brennan:
We must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour. Accept him now. Ask for his forgiveness. Take Holy Communion, Mr. Thorn. Drink of his blood, eat of his flesh. For only when he is within you can you defeat the Devil's Son.

Robert Thorn:
I'm sorry, Father. I--

Father Brennan:
Accept responsibility, Mr. Thorn. You did it. You let them do it.

Robert Thorn:
I think there's been some mistake, Father. If you'll excuse me...

Father Brennan:
He's killed before. He'll kill again. He'll kill until everything that's yours is his.

Robert Thorn:
Forgive me, Father, but I really should get back to work. Sorry. [Walks away]

Father Brennan:
I was at the hospital, Mr. Thorn. [Robert stops.] The night your son was born. [Robert walks back] I... participated. I witnessed the birth. I beg of you, please, Mr. Thorn.

Robert Thorn:
What do you want?

Father Brennan:
I want to save you, Mr. Thorn. So Christ will save me and rescue me from Eternal Damnation.

Robert Thorn:
What do you know about my son?

Father Brennan:
Everything. I saw its mother.

Robert Thorn:
You saw my wife.

Father Brennan:
No. I saw its mother.

Robert Thorn:
You're referring to my wife.

Father Brennan:
Its mother, Mr. Thorn. Its mother.

Robert Thorn:
Okay, that's enough. [to security guard] Sergeant!

Father Brennan:
Its mother is a jackal!

Security Guard:
Everything all right, Mr. Ambassador?

Robert Thorn:
[beat] Yes, Travis. Please escort this man out of the building.

Father Brennan:
[the guard leads him to the door] We must accept the Lord Jesus each and every day, Mr. Thorn! Drink his blood! It is the only way, Mr. Thorn.

The Omen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Robert Thorn:
You've got five minutes. Now tell me why I'm here.

Father Brennan:
"When the Jews return to Zion, When a comet rips the sky, When the Holy Roman Empire rises, Then you and I must die. From the Eternal Sea, He rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, till man exists no more."

Robert Thorn:
You said my wife is in danger.

Father Brennan:
Go to the town of Megiddo, in the walled city of Dezrahel, there lives an old man named Bugenhagen. He alone can describe how the child must die.

Robert Thorn:
What child? What are you talking about?

Father Brennan:
Your son, Mr. Thorn. The Son of the Devil.

Robert Thorn:
I came here because you said my wife was in danger.

Father Brennan:
She's pregnant.

Robert Thorn:
That's impossible.

Father Brennan:
That's what they told you, Mr. Thorn. He'll not allow the child to be born. He'll kill it while it slumbers in the womb. He'll kill the unborn child, and then he'll kill your wife. And then, when he is certain to inherit all that you have, then, Mr. Thorn, then... he'll kill you.

Robert Thorn:
That's enough.

Father Brennan:
He has to die, Mr. Thorn. You must act now or all will be lost. Go to the town of Megiddo. See Bugenhagen before it's too late.

Robert Thorn:
Now you listen to me. I don't know who you are or what you want but you stay away from my family. Do you understand? I don't want to see or hear from you ever again. [Leaves]

Father Brennan:
You'll see me in hell, Mr. Thorn. We'll spend eternity together.

The Omen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jennings is showing Robert a picture from the party]

Keith Jennings:
You see anything unusual?

Robert Thorn:
[pause] No.

Keith Jennings:
Here, here. [points to a faint line behind the nanny's head that curves around her neck] There. I know. I didn't think much of anything of it either at first. Thought it was just a bad roll of film but then it happened again. [points to another picture of the nanny with the same line] You see? That's another roll. And the digital files. [brings up another picture of the nanny on a computer that has the same line] That's digital. That's another camera. [grabs another set of pictures] Our friend, Father Brennan. [shows a picture of Brennan with a blurry, pointed line aiming down at him] Here. And here's one of him I snapped ten days later.

Robert Thorn:
Same thing.

Keith Jennings:
Yeah. Only much more pronounced on this one. Actually making contact with the body. [picks up newspaper] The rest, as they say, is history. [pause] I know. I don't get it either. Which is why I started digging. [grabs folder] The coroner's report showed that Brennan was riddled with cancer. Said he was high on morphine most of the time, injected himself two or three times a day.

Robert Thorn:
He knew he was dying.

Keith Jennings:
Well, apparently.

Robert Thorn:
He said... he wanted to be forgiven by Christ.

Keith Jennings:
No atheists in foxholes, eh?

The Omen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

That little priest Brennan... is he dead yet?

Robert Thorn:

We have work to do. Come.

[Bugenhagen opens a cloth revealing seven daggers]

It must done on Hallowed Ground, in the grounds of a church. The blood must be spilt on the Altar of God. [takes one] Each knife must be buried up to the hilt and then set so as to form the sign of a cross. [hands it to Robert] The first knife is the most important, for it extinguishes physical life and sets the centre of a cross. The subsequent knives extinguish spiritual life and radiate outwards.

Robert Thorn:
This is a child we're talking about. A small boy who I've raised as my own son.

He's not your son! He's a beast! A beast! He's evil incarnate! Now don't you forget that!

Robert Thorn:
What if you're wrong? What if he isn't?

I'm not wrong!

Robert Thorn:
How do I know that?

Look. He... bears a birthmark. A sequence of sixes. So says the Bible, as do all the apostles of Satan.

Robert Thorn:
No. He doesn't have it.

He must have it!

Robert Thorn:
I've bathed him. I've gone over every inch of his body. He doesn't have it.

If the sign isn't visible, then it must be hidden, beneath the hair. Remove that, you'll find the number.

Keith Jennings:
What about the woman, the nanny?

Oh, she's an apostate of Hell. She'll die before permitting this.

Robert Thorn:
[pause] No. No. [sets the knife down] It's insane. All of you- oh, my God! [runs out]

Look, don't lose your nerve now, man! We'll all be in the cesspool if you do!

[Jennings takes the daggers and runs out]

The Omen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Keith Jennings:
Stop! Thorn, stop! We can't walk away from this. What the fuck did you think he was gonna say? Why else have we come here?

Robert Thorn:
He's a drunk. An insane, delusional drunk, and just like every other religious fanatic thinks that arcane scriptures justify killing!

Keith Jennings:
What about me?!

Robert Thorn:
What about you?

Keith Jennings:
What about the photographs?! What if I'm next?!

Robert Thorn:
[Stops, then walks over to Jennings] Listen to yourself. Do you have any idea what you're saying. Huh?

The Omen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Keith Jennings:
Well, if you won't, I will.

The Omen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Robert is holding Damien in a church]

Robert Thorn:
Our Father, who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread [cries]. And forgive us our trespasses, [Prepares the dagger] as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation...

Damien Thorn:
Please, Daddy, don't.

[Several police officers enter]

Stop! [shoots]

The Omen  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You like that word, don't you? Bullshit.

Billy Ray:

It's a good word.

On Golden Pond  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[as he heads out to the lake to go skinny-dipping with Ethel and Chelsea] Are there any bears around here?

Oh, sure. Black bears, grizzlies. One of 'em came along here and ate an old lesbian just last month.

On Golden Pond  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You want to know why I came back so fast? I got to the end of our lane. I couldn't remember where the old town road was. I went a little ways in the woods. There was nothing familiar. Not one damn tree. Scared me half to death. That's why I came running back here to you. So I could see your pretty face and I could feel safe and that I was still me.

You're safe, you old poop and you're definitely still you picking on poor old Charlie. After lunch, after we've gobbled up all those silly strawberries we'll take ourselves to the old town road. We've been there a thousand times. A thousand. And you'll remember it all. Listen to me, mister. You're my knight in shining armor. Don't you forget it. You're gonna get back up on that horse and I'm gonna be right behind you holding on tight and away we're gonna go, go, go.

I don't like horses. You are a pretty old dame aren't you? What are you doing with a dotty old son of a bitch like me?

Well, I haven't the vaguest idea. Note: The bolded quote is ranked #88 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.

On Golden Pond  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why do you persist in rescuing me, Mr. Bond?

It's becoming quite a habit, isn't it, Contessa Teresa?

Teresa was a Saint; I'm known as Tracy.

Well, Tracy, next time play it safe and stand on 5.

People who want to stay alive play it safe.

Please, stay alive! At least for tonight.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bond finds Tracy in his hotel suite with his gun in her hand]

Suppose I were to kill you for a thrill?

I can think of something more sociable to do.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

My apologies for the way you were brought here. I wasn't sure you'd accept a formal invitation.

There's always something formal about the point of a pistol.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bond throws a knife and hits a calendar on a bookshelf, on the 14th day]

But today is the thirteenth, Commander.

I'm superstitious.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

May I introduce my daughter, Teresa.


Mr. Bond and I have already met.

But each time is a renewed pleasure. Madame always makes one feel so welcome!

[Tracy leaves]

She likes you! I can see it.

You must give me the name of your oculist.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Tracy] I find her fascinating. But she needs a psychiatrist, not me.

What she needs is a man... to dominate her! To make love to her enough to make her love him! A man like you!

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Merry Christmas, 007.

I'm Sir Hillary Bray.

No no no, Mr. Bond. Respectable baronets from the College of Heralds do not seduce female patients in clinics. On the other hand, they do get their professional details... right. The De Bleauchamps tombs are not in the Augsburg Cathedral as you said, but in the Ste. Anna Kirch. Sir Hillary Bray would have known! A small slip. It takes more than a few props to turn 007 into a Herald. [snaps Bond's disguise spectacles in half]

[normal voice] It'll take more than cutting off your earlobes, Blofeld, to turn you into a Count.

I may yet surprise you. But I'm afraid you have no more surprises left for me. I know all about your mission, Mr. Bond. [throws Bond's contact's climbing equipment to the ground] Your colleague! Such a keen climber, and a brilliant conversationalist... before he left us.

You realize that he reported where I am.

Oh, I doubt that. In any case, no one is coming to your rescue, Mr. Bond. In a few short hours, the United Nations will receive a Yultide greeting. The information that I now possess the scientific means to control... or to destroy, the economy of the whole world. People will have more important things to think about than you.

If they believe your threat.

[chuckles, sits] Oh, they will. In any case, I have prepared a demonstration. Remember that... disagreeable outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in England, last summer? [lights a cigarette] Well, I shall instruct them, in very convincing terms, exactly how I arranged that. And my capacity has improved, since.

Allergy vaccines? [pause] Bacteria. Bacteriological warfare.

With a difference. Our great breakthrough since last summer has been the confection of a certain "Virus Omega".


Total infertility, in plants and animals. Not just disease in a few herds, Mr Bond, or a single crop... but the destruction of a whole strain, forever, throughout an entire continent. If my demands are not met, I shall proceed with the systematic extinction of whole species of cereals and livestock all over the world.

Including, I suppose, the human race?

[smirks] I don't think, do you, Mr. Bond, that the United Nations will let it come to that? Not after their scientists analyze a small sample of Virus Omega they have received.

Epidemics of sterility. Nothing is born, no seed even begins to sprout. [pause] They'll find an antidote.

Of course! If I give them enough time. [stands]

They'll have time. Once they're warned, you'll have a problem dispensing the stuff.

That problem has already been solved. I have been training my own special... "Angels of Death."

Those girls.

Those girls. And many others like them.

But, exactly how?

Mm. [drags on his cigarette]... That will remain my secret.

[smirks] And how many hundred millions do you want for your services this time, Blofeld?

"This time?" [chuckles] This time, the price is of another kind. You'll be even more amused when you know what. In the meanwhile, I will keep you here as my guest. You'll be very useful in helping to convince the authorities... that I mean what I say. And I'll do what I claim.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[M refuses to authorize an attack on Blofeld]

And the girl who helped me escape? We just leave her there?

This department is not concerned with your personal problems.

This department owes her a debt. She saved my life.

Operation Bedlam is DEAD! Do you understand, 007?

Yes, Sir. I understand.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now, if you're very, very nice to me. I could make you my Countess.

But I'm already a Countess.

Whereas if you displease me, I can promise you a very different estate.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[wishing Bond luck on his wedding day] Look, James, I know that we haven't always exactly seen... well, anyway, don't forget, if there's anything you ever need...

Thank you, Q, but this time I've got the gadgets and I know how to use them.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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