Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,526

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Quick! To the Orgazmobile!


My Buick Century!

Orgazmo  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bonny Castle:
What are your plans for me?

Luis Vargas:
My plans? I just came here to kill you.

Bonny Castle:
My God. All right. Do it.

[Bonny held his gun to point her heart]

Bonny Castle:
There. There is my heart. Don't hesitate. Your money has gone. Do it.

Original Sin  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bonny Castle:
I told him that night. I didn't want to go through with it. I couldn't.

Luis Vargas:
Why not?

Bonny Castle:
Because! Because I was... Damn it. I was falling in love with my own husband!

Original Sin  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Luis Vargas:
Shall we play the game or just speak the truth?

Bonny Castle:
The truth is best.

Luis Vargas:
All right. Is he here?

Bonny Castle:

Luis Vargas:

Bonny Castle:
Outside. Waiting. When I turn the lights off.

Luis Vargas:
When I am dead?

Bonny Castle:

Luis Vargas:
I led him to you in Havana, didn't I?

Bonny Castle:

Luis Vargas:
How'd he know I would not kill you?

Bonny Castle:
He put blank cartridges in your gun.

Luis Vargas:
Ah. Like a play. All of it. Lies. From the moment I met you.

Bonny Castle:
Not all of it, no.

Luis Vargas:
You laughed me at behind my back, the two of you. You laughed me for how stupid I have been. How blind.

Bonny Castle:

Luis Vargas:
Laugh now when I tell you this. I love you , Julia.

Bonny Castle:
Julia is not here. Julia is dead.

Luis Vargas:
Laugh when I tell you that I still love you.

Bonny Castle:
No, not me. You don't love me.

Luis Vargas:
Yes. Yes, you. Not Julia Russell. Not Bonny Castle. You. I love you as I know you. Because I know you. As you are. Good and bad. Better and worse. I told you this already, but you didn't believe me.

Luis Vargas:
Tonight, you will. To us. A short life but an exciting life.

Bonny Castle:
Don't do this.

Luis Vargas:
No other one. No other love but you. From first to last. Start to finish.

Luis Vargas:
Don't change, Julia. Don't ever change.

[Luis took a cup of poisoned coffee. He collapsed.]

Bonny Castle:

Original Sin  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[while Kate is preparing the food, Esther remain silent while John and Max are looking at her.]

[while signing] Brenda's father says... that you pushed her.

That's not true, We were just playing. I swear.

[Kate serves the dinner while John pauses; Kate turns to Max.]


[to Max] And did you see what happened?

[signing] She slipped.

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[As Esther walks to the door, she opens it and see Sister Abigail waiting.]

Sister Abigail:
Oh, Hello Esther.

What are you doing here?

Sister Abigail:
[smiles] May I come in?

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sister Abigail:
I'm afraid I may have made a mistake. There could be something wrong with Esther.

What? What do you mean? You told us that you'd never had any trouble with her.

Sister Abigail:
I didn't. But trouble does have a way of finding her.

What kind of trouble?

Sister Abigail:
Two girls get into a fight, there she is. Someone gets caught stealing, there she is again.

So, does that mean-?

[to John] John, just let her finish.

Sister Abigail:
After you told me about the girl in the playground, I called her old school. While she was there, there was a boy who fell with a pair of scissors in his hand and accidentally stabbed himself through the jaw. And Esther was there again.

I don't understand. He accidentally stabbed himself.

Sister Abigail:
But the most troubling thing is the Sullivan house fire. I checked into it further, it was arson. They have never found the person who did it.

[While Sister Abigail are talking to Kate and John, Esther looks]

What are you suggesting here? That she had anything to do with any of this? It's ridiculous.

Sister Abigail:
That a child could commit such crimes. It just flies in the face of everything I believe.

Oh... well, Yeah.

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[while Max is drawing, Esther enters her room.; Max turns to Esther.]

[while signing] There's a mean lady here. She's come to take me away. Will you help me?

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We've had some behavioral problems, but...

Yeah, nothing like that. I mean, right?

Yes, we have.

Really, hon, think about it.

[Esther looks at the living room, while Kate, John and Sister Abigail are talking.]

Sister Abigail:
I've tried to reach the Russian orphanage where she was raised. I think we need to know what we're dealing with.

[John gets irritated.]

Oh-uh, I'll tell you what we're dealing with. We're dealing with...

N-no, you know what?

[turns to Kate.] Stop. Listen. [turns back to Sister Abigail.] We're dealing with a 9-year-old girl who's an orphan,---

Y-yeah, that's it...

[to Sister Abigail] ...okay?

We're taking her to Dr. Browning.

[John turns to Kate]

We can take her to Dr. Browning.

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[as Daniel looks for the evidence through his treehouse, Esther suddenly enters behind him.; Daniel turns to Esther.]

Are you looking for this? [she pulls out the hammer from Max's backpack] Poor Sister Abigail. I couldn't have done it myself, you know. [pulls out her bloody clothes.] Max is just as guilty as I am.

Whatever Max did, you made her do it!

Think about it. [she pulls out Max's drawings from her pocket.] How did she even know what was up here? [puts the drawing on the pile.] It's always better to burn the evidence. [pulls out the lighter fluid.] If they find these things, [begins spraying lighter fluid on the pile] they won't just be coming for me. They'll be coming for Max, too. [lights a match.] Is it really what you want?

Wait! [Esther drops the match and sprays more lighter fluid all over the treehouse.] What are you doing? [Esther keeps spraying the fluid all over the tree house.] Are you crazy?! [The fire ignites the fluid, setting the treehouse on fire.; Esther climbs down the lighthouse and closes the door as Daniel rushes through the door.] Let me out! [Esther locks the door from the treehouse.] Let me out of here!

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Kate's cell phone is ringing, Kate wakes up and answers it.]


Dr. Varava:
Is this Kate Coleman?... Hello?

Yeah, this is she.

Dr. Varava:
My name is Dr. Varava. I'm calling from the Saarne Institute. I've just seen the picture you e-mailed.

And do you recognize her?

Dr. Varava:
Where is she right now? Is she someplace where she can hear you?

No, she's not with me. She's with my husband at home.---

Dr. Varava:
Call your husband right now, and tell him to get your family out of the house. Then call the police.

He won't listen to me. Why?

Dr. Varava:
Then tell him the little girl in the picture, is not really a little girl. She is a grown woman.

What? What are you talking about? The picture I sent you is of our adopted daughter, and she's 9 years old.

Dr. Varava:
No, she's not. She has a rare hormone disorder. It's called hypopituitarism, it causes proportional dwarfism. She only looks like a child. [checks on the records] According to our records, Leena Klammer was born in 1976. She's 33 years old.

[Kate gets up and dresses up in her normal clothing]

This can't be. This is a mistake.

Dr. Varava:
I hope so, for your sake. Does she have the scars?

Kate Coleman:
What? I don't know. What scars?

Dr. Varava:
Leena was one of our most violent patients. When she was here, she was kept in a straitjacket to stop her from hurting our staff. She was constantly fighting to get out. It cut into her skin and left her with scars around her wrists and neck. There is no way you could not have seen them.

[Kate rushes through the hospital.]

Why was she at your hospital?

Dr. Varava:
She's dangerously ill, violent. She killed seven people that we know of.

Oh, my God. How could she fool us?

Dr. Varava:
She has been passing herself off as a little girl for most of her life. She tricked a family here in Estonia into adopting her. When she couldn't seduce the father, she killed him and his whole family.

Then she burned the house down?

Dr. Varava:
Yes. How did you know? She disappeared a year ago, and we lost track of her. If it's really Leena, you don't have much time.

[Kate uses the stairs and gets out of the hospital.]

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Please... don't let me die, Mommy.

I'm not your fucking mommy! [kicks Esther in the face and sends her back into the pond to drown, her neck broken]

Orphan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[deleted scene]

The eye? What are we doing here? Do I have to remind you that I am on a strict twelve hour time release program? First the throat, then the nose, then the aches and pains.

Osmosis Jones:
Yeah, I got it. Real important stuff. Now, get your butt out of my car!

Oh! I don't even have a butt. Officer, if I don't get to the sinuses, my entire relief mission could be jeopardized.

Osmosis Jones:
Yo, it's time we take a look at the big picture. See? The Big F. He's the one we're here to protect and serve. I mean, just look at him. Doesn't he make you want to be a better cell?

[Drix sees Frank clean his tongue] Ew! I see why you feel such a strong connection.

Osmosis Jones:
Hey, watch it! Show the man some respect! He's the reason all of us are here.

Take me to the nose!

Osmosis Jones:
Dude, just wait in the car. I got police work to do.

Osmosis Jones  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Osmosis Jones:
Baby, I always knew you and me were gonna hook up. I know this little spot right behind the eye, has the perfect view - perfect for a little rendezvous between me and you. You know what I'm sayin'? Do you know what I'm sayin'? 'Cause I been sayin' it a long time.

Jones, what in the world makes you think I would ever go out with you?

Osmosis Jones:
Whatcha talkin' about? I'm a legend, girl! The chicks line up to divide with me.

Oh, really? 'Cause to me you look like the kind of cell who most likely divides with himself.

Osmosis Jones  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So, where you from, tough stuff?

I was developed at the University of Chicago, where I graduated Phi Beta Capsule.

Great, got me a college boy...

Where did you study?

Study? When you grow up on the wrong side of the digestive track, you ain't got no money for no fancy schools.


I'm not kiddin', man. My school was Crack Central.


No, it was in the crack. [Drix whimpers] Right in the stanky, puckered center. We were so poor, we lived off of peanut butter and cellulite sandwiches! You ever try to blow-dry your hair with a fart?

OK, I get it. You were poor.

You bet I was! You ever try to make a snowman out of toilet paper cling-ons? Now that's poor!

OK, please, you're going to make me vomit!

Vomit? We couldn't afford no vomit; that's for rich folk.

Excuse me while I wipe my eyes.

Oh, you wanna talk about wiping?


Osmosis Jones  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Did the Foot Fungus pay up yet?

Joe Cramp:
Nah. That guy's getting flaky on us.

Well, you ain't gonna collect nothin' from him up here in the pit! Now get down there, send him a message.

[Thrax strolls into the sweat gland spa, humming]

So, this is where the scum of Frank comes to fester.

Hey, you lost, pal? This is a private sweat-gland. Now beat it!

I'm looking for volunteers, yo. Some nasty germs who want in on a big score.

Yo, Red, we run the rackets around here. Take your little hustle someplace else.

Oh, baby, this ain't about no hustle. This is about the baddest illness any of y'all have ever seen.

Look who thinks he's the ebola virus, huh? [he and his thugs laugh]

[angrily] ...Ebola? [shoves past Bruiser and Joe Cramp] Let me tell you about ebola, baby: ebola is a case of DANDRUFF compared to me!

All right, pal, you're outta here. Bruiser, take this punk up to the face and bury him in a blackhead. When we're done with you, it'll take a Swedish facialist and six steaming washcloths to get you out!

Hmm, sounds like a gas, baby. Bring it on.

Osmosis Jones  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Osmosis Jones:
I bet Johnny Streptoccocus and the Melanoma family would be very interested to hear about your flu shot work.

You can't jack me on that, brother! I'm in the Virus Protection Program.

Osmosis Jones  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[over radio] Suspect is headed toward the uvula - repeat, headed toward the uvula.

Osmosis Jones:
What the heck is a u-va-la?

It's that little dangly thing that hangs down in Frank's--

Osmosis Jones:
[interrupting] Boxer shorts! Okay, here we go!

Not that little dangly thing! The one in his throat!


Osmosis Jones:
I knew that. I knew that.

Osmosis Jones  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm not going.

You're not going where, hon?

To Buffalo. I'm not going.

Honey, I'm- we're all packed. Buffalo's gonna be a blast.

I'm going camping with my friends. You're welcome to join us.

Well, I don't think-

I'd really like you to come.

No. No, no. No, no, no, I- You don't want me huffing and puffing after you. If you want to go camping, Okay, I'll-- I know I can get uncle Bob to go with me in Buffalo. [lays down on couch]

[frustrated] I'm tired of this! It's not fair! I go where you want to go, I eat what you want to eat. Don't you ever think of anyone other than yourself?

I think about you all the time.

Were you thinking about me when you packed me a fried Slim Jim sandwich for lunch?

Yeah, it was a turkey Slim Jim!

You know, dad, maybe if you and mom listened to me a little more and took better care of yourselves, maybe she'd still be here.

Will you knock off that hamburger talk? Come here, honey. Hey... [Shane sits next to him] your mom died... because she got sick.

And how do you think you get sick?


It's the way you eat. [Shane rolls her eyes and sighs frustratingly; leaves room]

Osmosis Jones  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hoitz and Gamble after interrogating Ershon]

Look, I'm really sorry about that. I just... I saw how aggressive you were being, and I thought "Wow, I gotta go even bigger than that since we're doing 'Bad cop, bad cop'".

What? No, I said "Good cop, bad cop". I'm the bad cop, you're the good cop.

Okay, then there it is. That's it. I thought you said "Bad cop, bad cop".

The Other Guys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hoitz and Gamble get attacked by masked figures on motorbikes]

Watch out! Columbian drug lords!

Where are you getting this from?

[Hoitz takes them all out single-handedly]

Wow. Imagine where you'd be if you hadn't shot Jeter.

The Other Guys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Foley:
[in the prison library] Hey! Sign says "shut the fuck up," or can't you fellas read? [points to a sign that says "Quiet Please"]

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
The fuck you talkin' to man? You got a problem over there, Foley?

Jack Foley:
Yeah, I got a problem: this is the dumbest fuckin' shakedown in the history of dumb shakedowns. Five hundred bucks for a pillow?


Jack Foley:
If you're smart, Ripley, you'll tell this guy to fuck off.

Richard Ripley:

[Maurice gives him a threatening stare]

Richard Ripley:
Well, I - I - I don't know.

Jack Foley:
First of all, if he kills you, then he's gonna get nothin'.

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
Well, uh, the man don't just have to die, Foley. I mean, he could accidentally hurt himself falling down on something real hard, you know. Like a shiv, or my dick.

Richard Ripley:
[whispers to Foley] I'll pay. I'll pay it. Don't worry.

Jack Foley:
If he falls on anything, Snoop, then they're transfer his ass outta here faster than you can throw a fight, and you're still gonna get nothin'.

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
You know, last time I checked, man, this shit over here ain't got nothin' to do with you, Foley. Why don't you go outside man? Smoke a cigarette or some shit?

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Foley:
You sure are easy to talk to. I was thinkin', if we met under different circumstances...if you were in a bar and I came up and we started talkin'...I wonder what would happen.

Karen Sisco:

Jack Foley:
If you didn't know who I was.

Karen Sisco:
You'd probably tell me.

Jack Foley:
Just saying if we met under different circumstances...

Karen Sisco:
You have got to be kidding.

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Karen Sisco:
[at the hotel bar] So tell me, Gary, what do you do for a living?

Jack Foley:
How far do you want to go with this?

Karen Sisco:
Not yet. Don't say anything yet.

Jack Foley:
I don't think it works if we're somebody else. I mean, Gary and Celeste, what do they know about anything?

Karen Sisco:
Well, this is your game, I've never played before.

Jack Foley:
It's not a game. It's not something you play.

Karen Sisco:
Well, does this make any sense to you?

Jack Foley:
It doesn't have to. It's something that happens. It's like seeing someone for the first time... like you could be passing on the street, and you look at each other and for a few seconds... there's this kind of a recognition... like you both know something. The next moment, the person's gone, and it's too late to do anything about it. And you always remember it, because it was there, and you let it go, and you think to yourself, "What if I had stopped? If I had said something?"

Jack Foley:
"What if, what if?" And it may only happen a few times in your life.

Jack Foley:
Or once.

Karen Sisco:
Or once. [pause] How'd you find me?

Jack Foley:
Uh...Called your room from downstairs.

Karen Sisco:
Oh. And if I had answered, what were you gonna say?

Jack Foley:
I would say who I was, and do you remember me, and want to meet for a drink?

Karen Sisco:
If I remembered you. I came here looking for you. All right, so then I would have said yes, but for all you know, I could have had a SWAT team waiting for you... why would you trust me?

Jack Foley:
It'd be worth the risk.

Karen Sisco:
You like taking risks.

Jack Foley:
So do you.

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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B Carol Burnett
C Abraham Lincoln
D Tobias Wolff