Alan Grant:
[entering his trailer to find a man rummaging through his refrigerator] What the hell do you think you're doing in here? [The man turns holding a champagne bottle and popping the cork] Hey, we were saving that!
John Hammond:
[smiling] For today. I guarantee it.
Alan Grant:
[Angrily approaches Hammond pointing at him] Who is God's name do you think you are?
John Hammond:
John Hammond, [shakes Alan Grant's finger before blowing the dust off his hands] and I'm delighted to to meet you finally in person, Dr. Grant!
Alan Grant:
[awed] Mr Hammond…
John Hammond:
Well, I can see that my, uh fifty - thousand a year has been well spent.
Ellie Sattler:
[Entering the trailer angrily] OK, who's the jerk!
Alan Grant:
Uh, this is our paleobotanist, Dr…
Ellie Sattler:
Alan Grant:
Sattler…Ellie this is, uh, Mr Hammond.
John Hammond:
Aha! [Approaches happily shaking Ellie's hand] I'm sorry about the dramatic entrance Dr. Sattler, but we are in a wee bit of a hurry.
Ellie Sattler:
[Timidly] Did I say "jerk"?
John Hammond:
[Brandishes the Champagne bottle] Will you have a drink? We won't let it get warm. Come along, sit down.
Ellie Sattler:
Here, let me… [reaches for several glasses]
John Hammond:
I'll get a glass or two, no, no, no, no, I can manage this. I know my way around the kitchen. [Begins to pour champagne into the glasses] Now, I'll get right to the point. Um, I like ya, both of ya. I can tell instantly about people, it's a gift. I own an island of the coast of Costa Rica, I've leased it from the government and I've spent the last five years setting up a kind of biological preserve. Really spectacular, spared no expense. Make the one I've got down in Kenya look like a petting zoo. And there's no doubt our attraction will drive kids out of their minds.
Alan Grant:
[Sarcastically] And what are those?
Ellie Sattler:
[Teasingly] Small versions of adults, honey.
John Hammond:
And not just kids, everyone. We're going to open next year. That is, if the lawyers don't kill me first. I don't care for lawyers, do you?
Ellie Sattler & Alan Grant:
[Together] We don't really know any.
John Hammond; Well, I do, I'm afraid. There's a particular pebble in my shoe, represents my investors. Says that they insist on outside opinions.
Ellie Satller:
What kinds of opinions?
John Hammond:
Well, your kind, not to put a too fine a point on it. I mean, let's face it. In you particular field, you are the top minds. And if i could just persuade you to sign off one the park, you know, to give it you endorsement, maybe even pen a wee testimonial, I could get back on "shedual' uh, Schedule.
Ellie Satller:
Why would they care what we think?
Alan Grant:
What kind of park is this
John Hammond:
It's right up your alley. [passes of the glasses of champagne] I'll tell you what, why don't you come down, just the pair of ya, for the weekend? I'd love to have the opinion of a paleobotanist as well, I've got a jet standing by at Choteau.
Alan Grant:
Look, I'm sorry this is impossible.
Ellie Sattler:
Yeah, we…
Alan Grant:
We just dug up a new skeleton.
John Hammond:
I could compensate you by fully funding your dig.
Alan Grant:
This is a very unusual time…
John Hammond:
For a further three years.
[Sattler and Grant share a "Sure, why not?" look]
Ellie Sattler:
Well, uh, where's the plane?