Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,548

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[As Miss Spider makes a web for James to sleep in]

You keep to yourself, don't you?

Miss Spider:
I prefer to be alone.

I was alone for a long time once. I think it's much nicer to have friends, don't you?

Miss Spider:
I would not know.

They would be your friends too - the others, I mean - if you'd just let them.

Miss Spider:
No, it is in their nature to have fear of me. This I cannot change.

You're very kind to me.

Miss Spider:
Maybe this is because you are kind to me first.

[realizing] You were the spider in my window!

Miss Spider:
[nods] Mm-hmm.

You were my first friend. I mean, since I went to live with my aunts. They hated me!

Miss Spider:
Shh. Do not think of them now.

But what if they find us? What if we don't make it to New York? I'll die if I have to go back to the way I was! They can't make me!

Miss Spider:
Nobody can make you do anything, James, if you do not let them. You are a brave boy. [kisses his forehead] Now to sleep. You have had a very "tired-making" day.

James and the Giant Peach  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Grasshopper:
This is an outrage! You are a disgrace to your phylum, class, order, genus and species!

Mr. Centipede:
Say it in English!

Mr. Grasshopper:
You, sir, are an ass!

Where are we? What's going on?

Mr. Grasshoppper:
I found this dime-store timmy asleep at the helm! Now we're lost!

Mr. Centipede:
We are not lost!

Mr. Grasshopper:
Then where are we?

Mr. Centipede:
Somewhere north! Or possibly very, very far south.

Mr. Grasshopper:
What's your latitude? What's your longitude?

Mr. Centipede:
Hey, hey, hey! That's personal, bub!

James and the Giant Peach  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

That music!

Mr. Grasshopper:
Oh, Sir James! Did I disturb you? So sorry. [stammering as he puts his violin away] I'll put this away.

No, no. I like it. I used to hear it at my aunt's house before I went to sleep. That was you, wasn't it? Or do all grasshoppers play music?

Mr. Grasshopper:
All grasshoppers... try. I'm sure you've heard this. [rubs his legs together, making a chirping sound]


Mr. Grasshopper:
Ghastly, isn't it? Cricket stuff. Music should be the voice of the soul.

What does that mean?

Mr. Grasshopper:
It means that when I'm happy, my music sounds like this. [plays a cheerful, upbeat tune on his violin] And when I'm sad, it's like this. [plays a slow, mournful tune]

When I was sad, I used to climb in bed with my mom and dad. But that was a long time ago.

Mr. Grasshopper:
I'm sure they'd be very proud of you, James. I know we are.

James and the Giant Peach  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Aunt Sponge:
Hello, little angel.

Aunt Spiker:
So kind of you to look after our little lost lamb.

Who are you?

Aunt Spiker:
We are the boy's legal guardians.

Aunt Sponge:
We've missed him so much.

Aunt Spiker:
So we'll be taking him home now.

Aunt Sponge:
And the peach, of course. We're taking that as well.

Well, wait a minute. Back up. You mean to tell me that this thing is a peach?

Aunt Spiker:
It's not a peach. It's our peach.

Aunt Sponge:
Our peach.

Aunt Spiker:
Show him, Spongy.

Aunt Sponge:
Yes. [shows the cop a picture of her and Spiker with the giant peach]

Looks like it's their peach all right.

Aunt Spiker:
Yes! Yes. And we're very proud of it.

Aunt Sponge:
We're going to be in the record book.

It's not their peach. The old man gave the green things to me. That's what made it grow.

Aunt Sponge:
[Shocked and angry with what James had just said] How dare you disagree with us!

Aunt Spiker:
[Places her hand on Sponge's shoulder, holding Sponge back] Patience, sister. Remember his... condition.

His condition?

Aunt Sponge:
He's a chronic liar.

Aunt Spiker:
Sad, really. He needs his treatment.

Aunt Sponge:
Well, that's why we're here; to bring him home. So, you come here with us. Hey, Lovey!

[Sponge and Spiker maliciously try to get to James but he climbs up to the truck to get away.]

I'm not the one who's lying. They are!

Aunt Spiker:
As you can see, Officer, it is urgent that you release him to us immediately.

Old Man:

[The crowd utters in agreement.]

Alright, alright, alright! Let's get to the bottom of this! This thing is a peach. Now, all right. I'll buy that. Now, does someone wanna tell me how it got here?

We attached it to a hundred seagulls.

Aunt Spiker:
Seagulls? [laughs with the crowd]

That's what happened! Me and Miss Spider and the Centipede and the Old Green Grasshopper.

Aunt Sponge:
[laughs with the crowd] I think he's gone mad.

Aunt Spiker:
This is all something he dreamed up.

Well, maybe it started that way, as a dream, but didn't everything? Those buildings, these lights, this whole city! Somebody had to dream about it first, and maybe that's what I did. I dreamed about coming here, but then I did it!

Aunt Spiker:
The poor boy needs his medicine. Yes. So, we'll just take him...

Aunt Sponge:
And the peach.

Aunt Spiker:
Back to our cozy little house on the hill. Come along. You're going home with us.

[firmly] No, I'm not.

[Aunt Spiker tilts her head back in a disturbing way and her smile melts into a scowl]

Aunt Spiker:
[through clenched teeth] What did you say?

I said: [enunciating] NO... I'M... NOT!! I hate that house, and that cold room, and how I was always hungry.

Aunt Spiker:
All right! That's enough!

And how you beat me!

Aunt Sponge:
[the crowd gasps] He's lying!

They beat him up?!

They beat him?!

And told me I was nothing!

Aunt Sponge:
Shut up!

Aunt Spiker:
Shut up!

Aunt Sponge:
Shut up!

NO! Not this time! I flew the peach across the ocean. I landed on top of the tallest building in the world. [turns to Spiker and Sponge] I MADE IT! I'M NOT THE ONE WHO'S NOTHING, YOU ARE! AND I'M NEVER GOING BACK WITH YOU! NOT ME AND NOT THE PEACH!!!!

Aunt Spiker:

[Sponge and Spiker grab fire axes and take swings at James. The officer repeatedly blows his whistle to keep the crowd under control]

Mr. Grasshopper:
James, up here!

Hello, we are here! [A green light shines down from above.]

Mr. Centipede:
Hey, buddy!

Aunt Sponge:
What are they?

Young James!

Mr. Centipede:
Hey, Jimmy!

Aunt Spiker:

Mr. Centipede:
Need a little help down there?

Aunt Sponge:
Giant bugs! [she and Spiker scream]

Mr. Centipede:
Hey, you old biddies! [blows raspberry]

Aunt Sponge:
Help! Help us! [but the crowd ignores them as they are too busy watching the sudden appearance of James' bug friends]

Mrs. Ladybug:
Whoo-ee! Here we are, dear!

Hello, James!

I told you they were real!

Mr. Grasshopper:
Hello, old boy!

Miss Spider:
Requesting clearance to land!

James and the Giant Peach  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Everyone, these are my friends; the ones I've been telling you about. Mr. Centipede!

Mr. Centipede:
Hi! [laughs]

Old Green Grasshopper!

Mr. Grasshopper:
My pleasure.

Earthworm! Mrs. Ladybug!

Mrs. Ladybug:

Miss Spider! And the Glowworm!

God bless the colonies! [Miss Spider turns her around] Oh.

Kid 1:
Could we eat some of your peach?

Mr. Centipede:
It won't keep forever.

Go ahead.

[The crowd cheers and throws down tons of confetti. All of the children in New York gather and start gobbling down the giant peach like no tomorrow.]

Kid 2:
Hey, what was your name?

It's James!

James and the Giant Peach  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

They ate that peach all the way down to the pit. And set it up in Central Park as a permanent home. And James Henry Trotter, who was once the saddest and loneliest little boy you could find, now had a loving new family, and all the friends in the world.

Miss Spider:
James, dinner is ready.

Hi, Miss Spider.

All right. Nearly finished. And -- And then -- And then the seagulls...

And since James' visitors begged him again and again to hear the story of his adventure with the giant peach, he wished for a way to share it with everyone. [the narrator reveals his true self as the old man with the crocodile tongues]

Old Man:
And that is exactly what you had just seen. [catches a crocodile tongue and winks at the audience as the movie ends]

James and the Giant Peach  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Winton Dean:
That's a nice car.

James Dean:
Yeah, it's alluminum. They only made 30.

Winton Dean:
Must have cost a lot.

James Dean:
Well, I got a lot.

James Dean  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Martin Landau:
What's your name?

James Dean:
I can't decide.

Martin Landau:
What are your choices?

James Dean:
I've got James Dean, Jimmy Dean, Byron Dean.

Martin Landau:
Which one's your real name?

James Dean:
James. Byron's my middle name.

Martin Landau:
Go with your real name.

James Dean:
You think?

Martin Landau:
I know. Jimmy's an eight year old boy, and Byron's a dead poet with a crooked foot.

James Dean:
James is king. (laughs) What's your name?

Martin Landau:
Martin Landau.

(They shake hands)

James Dean:
Where are you from?

Martin Landau:
Why? Do you wanna come home and meet my mom?

James Dean  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Elia Kazan:
Have a seat.

(James sits down)

Elia Kazan:
Tell us about yourself, Jimmy.

James Dean:
Well, (pauses) you know, there's not much to tell. I was born in Indiana and moved out to California when I was five, till I was nine. My mother died, and then I was sent back to Indiana to live with my aunt and uncle.

Elia Kazan:
What was it like living on a farm?

(pauses, takes out a swiss army knife from his pocket, fiddles with it)

James Dean:
I wasn't much of a farmer. I rode on a motorcycle. (laughs) I used to chase the cows, they'd start running and others swinging from side to side.

(Kazan smiles)

Elia Kazan:
How about your father?

James Dean:
Well, we don't really talk much. We don't like each other. (starts jabbing the knife into his chair) In fact we hate each other. See I'm an actor cause it's the best way I know how to express myself, I'm not very good with talking. I think you can tell.

James Dean  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Warner:
[About the 50 Spyder race car] You know that uh...Car racing is for idiots. Well, your working for me and I say no racing cars. [Looks at Dean, who smiles] You find that funny huh? [Dean nods] I'm signing a deal that would pay you a million dollars and for a millions dollars I'm telling you, no more racing cars.

James Dean:
When I'm not shooting...

Jack Warner:
Beg your pardon?

James Dean:
When I'm not shooting, I'm on my own, Jack. If you don't like that, you can take...

Jack Warner:
[Stops Dean] You're gonna say something, you're gonna regret.

James Dean  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[first lines]

[voice-over] A story. A man fires a rifle for many years. And he goes to war. And afterward, he turns the rifle in at the Armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands-- love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper-- his hands remember the rifle.

Drill Instructor Fitch:
You are no longer black, or brown, or yellow, or red! You are now Green! You are Light Green or Dark Green! Do you understand?!

[loudly] SIR, YES, SIR!

Drill Instructor Fitch:

Sir, yes, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
You the maggot whose father served in Vietnam?

Sir, yes, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Outstanding! Did he have the balls to die there?

Sir, no, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Too fucking bad! Did he ever talk about it?

Sir, only once, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Good! Then he wasn't lying! [angrily] Are you eyeballing me with those baby blues? ARE YOU?!

Sir, no, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Are you in love with me, Swofford?

Sir, no, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Oh, you don't think I look good in my uniform, Swofford?

Sir, the Drill Sergeant looks fabulous in his uniform, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Oh, so you're gay then, and you love me, huh?

Sir, I'm not gay, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Do you have a girlfriend, Swofford?

Sir, yes, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Guess again, motherfucker! Jody's banging her right now. Get on your face and give me 25 for every time she gets fucked this month. Down on your face!

[voice-over while doing 25 push-ups] It was shortly after meeting Drill Instructor Fitch that I realized that joining the Marine Corps might have been a bad decision.

Drill Instructor Fitch:
[angrily] What in the fuck is this?

[scene cuts out to later in Swofford's training; he and Fitch are standing in front of a chalkboard with a diagram labeled "FOOTLOCKER CONTENTS", drawn by Swofford.]

Sir, it's the recruit's drawing of a footlocker, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Jesus, Joseph, and doggy-style Mary! That is a pile of dogshit!

Sir, the recruit's never been good at drawing, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Why the fuck are you my scribe, then?! Isn't my scribe supposed to know how to draw?!

Sir, the recruit doesn't know; the recruit thought the scribe was supposed to write, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
[strangles Swofford, and Swofford drops to his knees] 'Course the recruit doesn't know! The recruit doesn't know because I haven't told him! [slapping Swofford's head repeatedly] All right, cum-for-brains, show me exactly...


Drill Instructor Fitch:
...where your Skivvies and running shoes go!

Sir, the recruit can't think while the Drill Instructor is hitting him on his head, sir!

Drill Instructor Fitch:
You can't think while I'm giving you a few love taps?! How the fuck are you going to fire your rifle when grenades are going off in your face?! What the fuck are you even doing here?!

[bellowing in rage] SIR, I GOT LOST ON THE WAY TO COLLEGE, SIR!

[Drill Instructor Fitch furiously grabs Swofford's head and bangs it on the chalkboard. He is knocked unconscious as a result to this impact.]

Drill Instructor Fitch:
Insolent child--for a joke like you, you ain't nothing but a fraud. [to the other recruits] Take him away and dump him back into school--he's going to start his life all over again. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Two of the recruits:
Sir, yes, sir.

[Two of the recruits advance on Swofford, grab him by the arms, and show him out the door as the movie freeze-frames, and Don't Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin plays.]

So now, my hands... were dick-skinners. A flashlight was a moon-beam. A pen was an ink stick. My mouth was a cum receptacle. A bed was a rack. A wall was a bulkhead. A shirt was a blouse. A tie was still a tie, and a belt a belt. But many other things would never be the same.

Jarhead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cpl Alan Troy:
[wearing a gas mask, mimicking Darth Vader.] Luke.

[Swofford looks up at Troy]

Cpl Alan Troy:
Come over to the dark side, Luke.

Jarhead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mayor Vaughn:
We're really a little anxious that you're, ah, you're rushing into something serious here. It's your first summer, you know.

Chief Brody:
What does that mean?

Mayor Vaughn:
I'm only trying to say that Amity is a summer town. We need summer dollars. If people can't swim here, they'll be glad to swim in the beaches of Cape Cod, the Hamptons, Long Island.

Chief Brody:
That doesn't mean we have to serve them up as smorgasbord.

Harry Meadows:
We've never had that kind of trouble in these waters.

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Martin and the Medical Examiner walk Matt Hooper into the morgue]

Chief Brody:
Why don't we show Mr. Hooper our accident?

[Martin gets the remains out of a locker while Hooper reads aloud the paper report]

Uh, victim's name is Christine Watkins, female caucasian...probable boating accident. The height and weight of the victim can only be estimated from the partial remains.

[Hooper uncovers the tray of the remains, panting in nausea and shock]

The torso has been severed in mid-thorax. There are no major organs remaining. May I have a glass of water please?

Medical Examiner:

Right arm has been severed with massive tissue loss in the upper musculature. Thank you very much.

[Hooper sips his water]

Partially denuded bone remaining. [to inspector] This was no boating accident. [to Brody] Did you notify the Coast Guard about this?

Chief Brody:
No. It was only local jurisdiction.

The left arm, head, shoulder, sternum, and portions of the rib cage are intact. [to Brody] Do not smoke in here! Thank you very much. [Holds up arm] This is what happens. It indicates the non-frenzy feeding of a large squalus, possibly longimonus, or Isurus Glaucus. Now, the enormous amount of tissue loss prevents any detailed analysis. However the attacking squalus must be considerably larger than any normal squalus found in these waters. Did you get on a boat and check these waters?

Chief Brody:

[to Inspector] Well, this is not a boating accident! It wasn't any propeller, it wasn't any coral reef, and it wasn't Jack the Ripper! It was a shark.

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Martin, there's all kinds of sharks in the water, you know? Hammerheads, whitetips, blues, makos, and the possibility that these bozos caught the exact shark that-

Chief Brody:
Oh, there's no other shark like this in these waters!

Martin, Martin, it's a hundred to one. A hundred to one. Now, I'm not saying it's not the shark. It probably is, Martin, it probably is! It's a man-eater, it's extremely rare for these waters. But the fact is, the bite radius on this animal is different than the wounds on the victim. I just- I wanna be sure. You wanna be sure, we all wanna be sure, okay? Now, what I wanna do is very simple; the digestive system on this animal is very, very slow. Let's cut it open, whatever it's eaten in the past 24 hours is bound to still be in there, and then we'll be sure.

Chief Brody:
...well, I guess it would be the only way to confirm it, huh?

Mayor Vaughn:
Look, fellas, let's be reasonable. This is not the time or the place, to perform some half-assed autopsy on a fish. And I am not going to stand here and see that thing cut open, and see that little Kintner boy spill out all over the dock!

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Kintner:
Chief Brody?

Chief Brody:

[Mrs. Kintner slaps Brody and sobs]

Mrs. Kintner:
I just found out, that a girl got killed here last week, and you knew it! You knew there was a shark out there! You knew it was dangerous! But you let people go swimming anyway? You knew all those things! But still my boy is dead now. And there's nothing you can do about it. My boy is dead. I wanted you to know that.

[Mrs. Kintner walks away]

Mayor Vaughn:
I'm sorry, Martin. She's wrong.

Chief Brody:
(heartbroken) No, she's not.

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Martin hates boats. Martin hates water. Martin - Martin sits in his car when we go on the ferry to the mainland. I guess it's a childhood thing. It's a - there's a clinical name for it, isn't there?

Chief Brody:
Drowning! Isn't it true that most people are attacked by sharks in three feet of water and about ten feet from the beach.

Yes, that's true.

Chief Brody:
And that... and that before people started to swim for recreation - I mean before sharks knew what they were missing - that a lot of these attacks weren't reported?

That's right.

Chief Brody:
Now this shark that, that swims alone...

A rogue.

Chief Brody:
Rogue, yeah, now this guy, he - he keeps swimming around in a place where the feeding is good until the food supply is gone, right?

It's called "territoriality". It's just a theory that I happen to... agree with.

Chief Brody:
Then why don't we have one more drink and go down and cut that shark open.

Martin? Can you do that?

Chief Brody:
I can do anything, I'm the chief of police.

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[he and Martin have just taken the recently caught tiger shark to a boathouse for an autopsy] We start in the alimentary canal, and open the digestive tract. [stomach fluid pours out as Hooper cuts the shark open, and throws out 2 dead fish and a can] Ah! Just like I thought.

Chief Brody:

Came up in the Gulf stream, from southern waters. [throws out a Louisiana license plate; Chief Brody picks it up and examines it]

Chief Brody:
He didn't eat a car, did he?

No. [laughs] Tiger shark's like a garbage can, it'll eat anything. Someone probably threw that in the river. [slides over to Chief Brody] Hoo, that's it.

Chief Brody:
[now knowing the crisis hasn't been resolved yet] I've got to close the beach, call the mayor.

You've got a bigger problem than that, Martin. You still got a hell of a fish out there, with a mouth about this big. [gestures with his hands demonstrating the width of a big mouth]

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Chief Brody:
This is a great white, Larry. A big one. Any shark expert in the world will tell you it's a killer, it's a man-eater!

Look, the situation is that apparently a great white shark has staked a claim in the waters off Amity island. And he is going to continue to feed here as long as there is food in the water.

Chief Brody:
And there's no limit of what he's going to do. I mean we've already had three incidents. Two people were killed in a week and it's gonna happen again. It happened before, The Jersey Beach, 1916. Five people were killed.

In one week.

Chief Brody:
Tell him about the swimmers!

A shark is attracted to the exact kind of splashing and activity that occurs whenever human beings go swimming. You cannot avoid it.

Chief Brody:
You open the beaches on the Fourth of July, it's is like ringing the dinner bell for Christ's sake!

Look Mr. Vaughn, I pulled a tooth the size of a shot glass out of the wrecked hull of a boat out there and it was the tooth of a great white.

Chief Brody:
It was Ben Gardner's boat, it was all chewed up. I helped tow it in, you should've seen it!

Mayor Vaughn:
Where is that tooth? Did you see it, Brody?

Chief Brody:
No, I didn't see it. He dropped it on the way in.

I had an accident.

Mayor Vaughn:
And what did you say the name of this shark is?

It's a Carcharodon carcharias. It's a great white.

Mayor Vaughn:
And you don't have the tooth? Look, we depend on the summer people here for our very lives-

You're not gonna have a summer unless you deal with this problem!

Chief Brody:
We're not only going to have to close the beach, we're going to have to hire somebody to kill the shark! I mean we're going to have to tell the Coast Guard!

Mr. Vaughn, you'll have to contact the Shark Research Panel. You'll have to ring this entire harbor!

Mayor Vaughn:
I don't think either one of you are familiar with our problems!

I think that I am familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and bites you IN THE ASS! Now wait a second, wait a second. There are two ways to deal with this problem: you either kill this animal, or you're gonna cut off his food supply!

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Vaughn, what we are dealing with here is a perfect engine, an eating machine. It's really a miracle of evolution. All this machine does is swim and eat and make little sharks, and that's all. Now, why don't you take a long, close look at this sign. [refers to billboard graffiti] Those proportions are correct.

Mayor Vaughn:
Love to prove that, wouldn't ya? Get your name into the National Geographic.

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[In the hospital, Martin walks over to Larry]

Mayor Vaughn:
I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry.

[Martin pulls Larry aside]

Chief Brody:
You got a pen, Larry?

Mayor Vaughn:
A pen?

Chief Brody:
Yeah, a pen! You know. 'Cause you're gonna do what you do best: you're gonna sign this voucher so I can hire a contractor.

Mayor Vaughn:
I don't think I can do that without-

Chief Brody:
I'm gonna hire Quint to kill the shark!

[Larry nods, and starts to think]

Mayor Vaughn:
August, August...

Chief Brody:
August? What are you talking about? Larry, summer's over. You're the mayor of "Shark City!" These people think you want the beaches open!

Mayor Vaughn:
I was-I was acting-in the town's best interest-

Chief Brody:
That's right! You were! You were acting in the town's best interest, and that's why you're gonna do the right thing! That's why you're gonna sign this, and we're gonna pay that guy what he wants!

Mayor Vaughn:
Martin...Martin, my kids were on that beach too.

Chief Brody:
Sign it, Larry.

[Larry signs it, and Martin walks out]

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm not talkin' about pleasure boatin' or day sailin'. I'm talkin' about workin' for a livin'. I'm talkin' about sharkin'.

Well I'm not talkin' about hookin' some poor dogfish or sand shark. I'm talkin' about findin' a Great White.

Porkers? Ya talkin' about Porkers, Mr. Hooper? [stares at Hooper] Tie me a sheep shank. [gives Hooper some rope]

I haven't had to pass basic seamanship in a long time. [ties the knot expertly] You didn't say how short you wanted it. [tosses rope back to Quint]

Gimme your hands... [Quint grabs Hooper's wrists and looks at his hands and examines them] Dogfish? [contemptuously] You've got city boy hands, Hooper. You been countin' money all your life.

[pulls away] All right, hey, I don't need this! I don't need this working-class-hero crap!

Maybe I should go alone.

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[seeing Hooper's equipment] What are you? Some kind of half-assed astronaut? [examining the shark cage] Jesus H. Christ, when I was a boy, every little squirt wanted to be a harpooner or a sword fisherman. What d'ya have there - a portable shower or a monkey cage?

Anti-shark cage.

Anti-shark cage. You go inside the cage? Cage goes in the water? You go in the water? Shark's in the water? Our shark? [singing] "Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again."

Jaws  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[at a fundraiser benefit] Where the hell have you been?


That I figured. Honey, this is a big deal for me

Well, Hendricks had the keys to the jeep, and I couldn't find the spares.

Terrific. Listen, do me a favor and act as if you've been here the whole time.

How do I do that?

Just look bored.

Jaws 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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