Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,545

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Maria Cosway:
  Is your daughter here to learn French manners and morals?

Thomas jefferson:
  Manners, to some extent, but when it comes to morals, we should keep to our own.

Maria Cosway:
  Why?  Are your better than ours?

Thomas jefferson:
  They are better for us, that is, for us Americans.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Maria Cosway:
  Tell me about America.

Thomas jefferson:
  Madame, the subject is as large as the land itself.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marquis de Lafayette:
  [reading from the Dunlap Broadside of the Declaration of Independence, drafted by Thomas jefferson]  "WE hold the?e Truths to be ?elf-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights".

French man 1:
  Tous les hommes naissent-ils vraiment égaux, Monsieur Jefferson?

  Are all men created equal, Mister Jefferson?

French man 2:
  Ou serait-il plus légitime de dire, « tous les blancs naissent-ils égaux »?

  Or should this read, "all white men are created equal"?

Thomas jefferson:
  We allowed for certain differences that are not caused by the laws of men, but by those of nature.  And though the Negro may or may not be inferior, his status in no way alters the wrongness of slavery.  It is evil.

Marquis de Lafayette:
  Yet your first draft, I believe, contained a clause on the abolition of slavery.

Thomas jefferson:
  I considered it essential, but Congress struck it out of the final Declaration as being too particular.

French man 1:
  La question de l'esclavage reste donc ouverte et non resolve, chez vous?

  So the question remains open with you and unresolved.

French man 2:
  Votre révolution, Monsieur Jefferson, nous apparait comme incomplete.

  Your revolution, Mister Jefferson, appears to be incomplete.

Marquis de Lafayette:
  Why did you omit the notion of property as one of those rights?

Thomas jefferson:
  Well, while I hold the right of the individual to possess property as basic, I consider it as a means to human happiness, but not as an end in itself.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

See also:
French Revolution

Thomas jefferson:
  The people are making their voice heard.  There's nothing to fear in the triumph of the people.

Maria Cosway:
  Not even you are safe.  Come on.  Come away!

Thomas jefferson:
  All they want is their liberty, their right to freedom.

Maria Cosway:
  I've seen such horrible, horrible sights in the streets.  It makes me fear that men are not good, not kind by nature, but cruel.

Thomas jefferson:
  No.  No.  They have been warped by generations of tyranny, but they're naturally good.  If I were not sure of that, sure of the goodness inherent in the natural man, I would no longer want to be alive.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Thomas jefferson:
  You still scared of me, Sally?

Sally Hemings:
  I ain't scared of you, Massa.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Thomas jefferson:
  [places hand on Bible]  I swear by Almighty God that upon my return to the state of Virginia, I shall, within a period of not more than two years, give his freedom to James Hemings.  [removed hand from Bible]  Since, however, James was brought to Paris at great expense to me for the purpose of learning the art of French cookery, he shall continue to reside at Monticello in my service until he shall have taught the same art to such persons as I shall place under him.  [holds out Bible]  Do you swear?

James Hemings:
  [places hand on Bible]  I swear.

Thomas jefferson:
  [withdraws Bible from James Hemings; presumably places his own hand again upon Bible]  I also hereby promise and declare that Sally Hemings, sister of James, shall be freed upon my death.  Likewise all children born to her shall be freed from my ownership, or that of my heirs, upon reaching the age of twenty-one.  Do you swear it, Patsy?

Patsy jefferson:
  I swear.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[from the trailer]

Jerrica Benton:
  This is us?

Erica Raymond:
  No, it's Photoshop.

Jem and the Holograms  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Welcome, Devil's Lake!

Crowd Member:
[correcting Nikolai] Devil's Kettle!

Fucking A it is.

Jennifer's Body  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After being stabbed] My tit.

No, your heart.

Jennifer's Body  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jeremiah and Bear Claw hunt elk]

Jeremiah Johnson:
Wind's right, but he'll just run soon as we step out of these trees.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp:
Trick to it. Step out on this side of your horse.

Jeremiah Johnson:
What if he sees our feet?

Bear Claw Chris Lapp:
Elk don't know how many feet a horse has! No, you durn fool, slide it up over the saddle.

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jeremiah and Caleb find Del Gue buried to his neck in sand]

Jeremiah Johnson:
Are you all right?

Del Gue:
I got a fine horse under me! [sneezes] Got one of them feathers in my nose.

Jeremiah Johnson:
Keep sneezing, it'll come out all right. Haven't seen anyone pass by recent, have you?

Del Gue:
Nobody's gone in front of me. Can't say what's happened behind me, though.

Jeremiah Johnson:
Indians put you here?

Del Gue:
T'weren't Mormons! A chief, name of Mad Wolf. Nice fella, don't talk a hell of a lot. Say, you wouldn't have an extra hat on you, would you? Shade's getting' scarce in these parts.

Jeremiah Johnson:
What'd you shave your head for?

Del Gue:
Mad Wolf figures like every other Indian I know, says this scalp ain't fit for no decent man's lodgepole. Ain't the first time I've protected my head in such a way. Name's Del Gue, with an "e".

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bear Claw and Jeremiah Johnson meet again after not seeing each other for a long time.]

Bear Claw:
What's on the spit?

Jeremiah Johnson:
Grown particular?

Bear Claw:
Not about feedin' just the company I keep. [Jeremiah tosses him a rabbits leg] Thank you, kindly.

Bear Claw:
You've come far, pilgrim.

Jeremiah Johnson:
Feels like far.

Bear Claw:
Were it worth the trouble?

Jeremiah Johnson:
[painfully] Ah, what trouble?

Bear Claw:
You cook good rabbit pilgrim. Cold up here.

Jeremiah Johnson:
What brings you up so high?

Bear Claw:

Jeremiah Johnson:
Uh, Grizz.

Bear Claw:
Avalanche took the cabin, lost my mule. We swum out of it. No matter, there weren't no Grizz left anyway.

Jeremiah Johnson:
You wouldn't happen to know what month of the year it is?

Bear Claw:
Why no, I truly wouldn't. I'm sorry, pilgrim. Winter's a long time going?

Jeremiah Johnson:
[exhausted] Ah.

Bear Claw:
Stays long this high.

Jeremiah Johnson:
March. Maybe, April.

Bear Claw:
March maybe. I don't believe April. [rising to depart] March is a green muddy month down below, some folks like it, FARMERS mostly. You've done well to keep so much hair when so many's after it. I hope that you fare well.

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Del Gue:
I ain't never seen 'em, but my common sense tells me the Andes is foothills, and the Alps is for children to climb! Keep good care of your hair! These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here! And there ain't no priests excepting the birds. By God, I are a mountain man, and I'll live 'til an arrow or a bullet finds me. And then I'll leave my bones on this great map of the magnificent . . .

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jeremiah Johnson:
Who are they?

Bear Claw Chris Lapp:
Probably Crow. If'n they catch us, they'll steal our horses.

Jeremiah Johnson:

Bear Claw Chris Lapp:
It's their territory, they figure we're tresspassin'.

[an arrow flies by Bear Claw's head and sticks in a tree]

Bear Claw Chris Lapp:
Yep, Crow. A fella by the name of Paints-His-Shirt-Red. That's his sign. Just stand still.

[Paints His Shirt Red approaches. Bear Claw pulls arrow from tree and hands it back]

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jeremiah and Del have killed the Indians that stole Del's horse and gear]

Del Gue:
Don't you want any of these?

Jeremiah Johnson:

Del Gue:

Jeremiah Johnson:
[Shaken by the incident] No.

Del Gue:
Well, Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child!

[Pulls his knife and begins scalping the Indians]

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Del and Jeremiah have run into a Flathead scouting party]

Del Gue:
He wants to know if you are the great warrior who avenges the crazy women that lives in the Wolf Tail Valley. She's big medicine. You are too, if you be that man.

Jeremiah Johnson:
[the Indian begins talking in a very loud voice] What's he shoutin' for?

Del Gue:
Scared of ya.

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bear Claw Chris Lapp:
Can you skin Griz, pilgrim?

Jeremiah Johnson:
I can skin most anything.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp:
You sure are cocky for a starvin' pilgrim.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp:
Well there she be. Go inside get yourself warm, get yourself something to eat. I've got a chore to finish. Now boy, are you sure that you can skin Griz?

Jeremiah Johnson:
I can skin'em as fast as you can catch'em.

[Bear Claw runs through the cabin with a huge Grizzly Bear close behind and jumps out the back window.]

Bear Claw Chris Lapp:
Skin that pilgrim, and I'll get you another!

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jeremiah has just killed a Crow warrior who has been stalking him]

Del Gue:
Is it always like this? One at the time?

Jeremiah Johnson:

Del Gue:
Lucky they were Crow. Apache would have sent fifty at once.

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jeremiah is being forced by the Flathead chief to marry an Indian girl]

Jeremiah Johnson:
Del Gue, I don't think this is a good idea.

Del Gue:
He may be a Christian and read the bible, but he's still an Indian and his rules is his rules. If you value your hair, you will get married! Now, when this is over you can take her to Fort Hawley and sell her, but you best take her my friend. Besides, maybe she ain't near bad.

[after Jeremiah is introduced to The Swan by Two Tongues Lebeaux] Maybe you need her?

Del Gue:
You turn this down, and they'll slit you, me, Caleb and the horses from crotch to eyeball with a dull deer antler.

Jeremiah Johnson  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Navin R Johnson is a complex individual

The Jerk  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[while having sex] Don't ever stop fucking me!

Sooner or later, we'll have to stop.

Never been better. Never better! Never better! Open your eyes. If you ever want me to be with another woman with you, I would do it. I'm not interested in it. There was a time, yes, it felt normal for me. But it was a phase. A college thing. Like torn Levis or law school for you.

Jerry Maguire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now to recap, I want to stay in Arizona. I want my new contract. I like you, you're nice to my wife.

That's that's great. I'm really... happy.

Are you listenin'?


This is what I'm gonna do for you: God bless you, Jerry. But this is what you gonna do for me, Jerry?

Yeah, what can I do for you, Rod? You just tell me what can I do for you?

It's something very personal, a very important thing. Hell! It's a family motto. Are you ready Jerry? I wanna make sure you're ready, brother. Here it is: Show me the money. Show! Me! The! Money! Jerry, it is such a pleasure to say that! Say it with me one time, Jerry.

Show you the money.

No, no. You can do better than that! I want you to say it brother with meaning! Hey, I got Bob Sugar on the other line I bet you he can say it!

Yeah, yeah, no, no, no. Show you the money.

No! Not show you! Show me the money!

Show me the money!

Yeah! Louder!

Show me the money!

I need to feel you Jerry!

Show me the money! Show me the money!

I love black people.

I love black people!

Who's your motherfucker, Jerry?

You're my motherfucker! Show me the money!

Uh! Congratulations, you're still my agent.

Jerry Maguire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Well, don't worry. Don't worry. I'm not gonna do what you all think I'm gonna do, which is just flip out! But let me just, let me just say, as I ease out of the office I helped build - I'm sorry, but it's a fact! - that there is such a thing as manners, a way of treating people. [pointing to an aquarium in the office] These fish have manners. These fish have manners. In fact, they're coming with me. I'm starting a new company, and the fish will come with me. You can call me sentimental. The fish - they're coming with me. [nets one of the gold fishes and places it inside a baggie] Okay. If anybody else wants to come with me, this moment will be the moment of something real and fun and inspiring in this God-forsaken business, and we will do it together. Who's comin' with me? Who's coming with me? Who's coming with me besides 'Flipper' here? This is embarrassing.

[stands] I will go with you. [whispers to Jerry] Right now?

Jerry Maguire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I started talking with Dennis Wilburn about your renegotiation.

Talking. Jerry Rice, Andre Reed, Cris Carter... I smoke all these fools. They are making the big sweet dollars. They are making the... kwan, and you are talking.

Kwan. That's your word?

Yeah, man, it means love, respect, community... and the dollars too. The whole package. The kwan.

Great word. Tao?

No, I air-dry.

Rod, I say this with great respect, but those players you mentioned are marquee players...


Here's what I'm saying. This is a renegotiation. We want more from them, so let's show them more from us. Let's show them your pure joy of the game, let's bury the attitude a little, let's show them --

You're telling me to dance.

No, I'm saying to be --

"Love me love me love me... put me on t.v." That's the iconography of racism, man!

Rod, I'm not a racist. I'm telling you to be the best version of you, to get back to the guy who first started playing this game. Way back when you were a kid. It wasn't just about the money, was it?...Was it?

Do your job, man, don't tell me to dance.

Fine. Fine. Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine.

I'm an athlete, not an entertainer. These are the ABC's of ME. Get it? I do not dance. Breathe! Breathe, Jerry.

I am out here for you. You don't know what it's like to be me. It is an up-at-dawn, pride-swallowing siege that I will never fully tell you about, okay?! God. Help me! Help me, Rod. Help me help you. Help me help you. Help me help you. I'm sorry.

You are hanging on by a very thin thread. And I dig that about you! No contract? I'll help me, I'll help you, help everybody! That's my man.

Hey, I'm happy to entertain you.

Help me! Help me!

See you in Los Angeles.

Jerry. Come on, man. See, that's the difference between us. You think we're fighting. I think we're talking. Unless you love everybody, you can't sell anybody.

Jerry Maguire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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