Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,550

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Oh, you have gone soft on her, eh? I've got enough troubles without a love affair to complicate things. Better cut it out, Jack.

Love affair! You think I'm gonna fall for any dame?

I've never known it to fail: some big, hard-boiled egg gets a look at a pretty face and bang, he cracks up and goes sappy.

Now who's goin' sappy? Listen, I haven't run out on ya, have I?

No, you're a pretty tough guy, but if Beauty gets you, ya...Huh, I'm going right into a theme song here.

Say, what are you talkin' about?

It's the idea of my picture. The Beast was a tough guy too. He could lick the world. But when he saw Beauty, she got him. He went soft. He forgot his wisdom and the little fellas licked him. Think it over, Jack.

King Kong  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

A wall...built so long ago that the people who live there have slipped back, forgotten the higher civilization that built it. That wall is as strong today as it was centuries ago. The natives keep that wall in repair. They need it.


There's something on the other side of it, something they fear.

A hostile tribe.

Did you ever hear of...Kong?

Why, yes. Some native superstition isn't it? A god or a spirit or something?

Well anyway, neither Beast nor man. Something monstrous. All powerful. Still living. Still holding that island in a grip of deadly fear. Well, every legend has a basis of truth. I tell you, there's something on that island that no white man has ever seen.

And you expect to photograph it?

If it's there, you bet I'll photograph it.

Suppose it doesn't like having its picture taken?

Well, now you know why I brought along those cases of gas bombs.

King Kong  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now Ann, in this one, you're looking down. When I start to crank, you look up slowly. You're quite calm. You don't expect to see a thing. Then you just follow my directions. All right? Camera. [Denham starts cranking.] Look up slowly, Ann. That's it. You don't see anything. Now look higher. Still higher. Now you see it. You're amazed. You can't believe it. Your eyes open wider. It's horrible, Ann, but you can't look away. There's no chance for you, Ann. No escape. You're helpless, Ann, helpless. There's just one chance, if you can scream. But your throat's paralyzed. Try to scream, Ann. Try. Perhaps if you didn't see it, you could scream. Throw your arms across your eyes and scream Ann, scream for your life!!!

[Ann lets loose a blood-curdling, ear-piercing shrieking scream into the wind.]

What's he think she's really gonna see?

King Kong  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Wait a minute. What about Kong?

Well, what about him?

We came here to get a moving picture, and we've found something worth more than all the movies in the world.


We've got those gas bombs. If we can capture him alive.

Why, you're crazy! Besides that, he's on a cliff where a whole army couldn't get at him.

Yeah, if he stays there. But we've got something he wants [looking at Ann].

Yep, something he won't get again.

King Kong  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here tonight to tell you a very strange story — a story so strange that no one will believe it — but, ladies and gentlemen, seeing is believing. And we — my partners and I — have brought back the living proof of our adventure, an adventure in which twelve of our party met horrible death. And now, ladies and gentlemen, before I tell you any more, I'm going to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld. He was a king and a god in the world he knew, but now he comes to civilization merely a captive — a show to gratify your curiosity. Ladies and gentlemen, look at Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World.

King Kong  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

And now I want to introduce Miss Ann Darrow; the bravest girl I have ever known

[Ann comes on stage as the audience applauds wildly]

There the Beast. And here the Beauty. She has lived through an experience no other woman ever dreamed of. And she was saved from the very grasp of Kong by her future husband. I want you to meet a very brave gentleman, Mr. John Driscoll.

[Jack comes on stage, receiving cheers from the audience too.]

And now before I tell you the full story of our voyage, I'm going to ask the gentlemen of the press to come forward, so the audience can have the privilege of seeing them take the first photographs of Kong and his captors. [to the reporters] All right boys.

[The reporters join on stage and prepare their cameras. Kong watches and begins to grow more alert]

[To the reporters] Mrs. Darrow first alone. [To Ann] Please stand in front of Kong.

[Ann poses for the picture in front of Kong]

All set, Jack. Okay boys, make it a good one!

[The reporters begin to take pictures. Kong roars angrily as the flashbulbs blind his eyes, frightening and enraging the mighty ape. Ann and the audience watch nervously]

Don't be alarmed, ladies and gentlemen. Those chains are made of chrome steel.

It's alright, Ann.

Get them together, boys! They're going to be married tomorrow!

Put your arm around her Driscoll!

[The reporters resume to take pictures again. Kong roars furiously again, thinking that the flashbulbs are guns being fired at Ann]

Hey wait a minute! Wait a minute! Hold on! He thinks your attacking the girl!

Ah, let him roar! It's a swell picture!

[The reporters carelessly begins taking pictures again. Kong again roars enraged, reaching his breaking point after all that had happened to him since he was captured. He tugs at full strength until one of the chains snaps clean in half!! The audience screams and starts to run out of theater in panic as Kong breaks his other cuffs with his free arm]


[The terrified reporters, Ann, Jack, and Carl all flee from the stage as Kong breaks the last remaining cuffs and throws one into the panicking crowd. Within seconds, he is completely free. He smashes out of the theater's backstage door and into the city.]

King Kong  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[while Kong climbs the Empire State Building] That licks us.

There's one thing we haven't thought of.

Police Officer:

Airplanes. If he should put Ann down, and they could fly close enough to pick him off without hitting her...

Police Officer:
You're right, planes...

King Kong  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Let me through, officer, my name's Denham...Lieutenant, I'm Carl Denham.

Denham? He's the one that captured the monster!

Police Lieutenant:
Well, Denham, the airplanes got him.

Oh no, it wasn't the airplanes.It was beauty killed the beast.

King Kong  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Frank White:
How's the family?

Pete Hamill:
Better then when you left. They're all working. My son is back from college. What about you?

Frank White:
Back from the dead!

King of New York  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What can we expect from the "reformed" Frank White?

Frank White:
I'm gonna run for mayor!

King of New York  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I thought people like you didn't believe in the legal process.

Frank White:
I thought people like me were the legal process.

King of New York  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Godfrey of Ibelin:
God has made us man. We must suffer all. I also have lost. Some say Jerusalem is the very center of the world for asking forgiveness. For myself, I call it here. Now. I knew your namesake. I knew your mother. To be courteous, I should say that it was against her objections. But I was the lord's brother and she had no choice. But I did not force her. I have forgiveness to ask of you. I am Godfrey, the Baron of Ibelin. I have one hundred men at arms in Jerusalem. If you come with me, you will have a living... and... you will have my thanks. There it is.

Balian of Ibelin:
Whoever you are, my lord... my place is here.

Godfrey of Ibelin:
What made it your place is now dead. You will never see me again. If you want anything of me, take it now.

Balian of Ibelin:
I want nothing.

Godfrey of Ibelin:
I am sorry for your troubles. God protect you.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Balian of Ibelin:
What could a king ask of a man like me?

Godfrey of Ibelin:
A new world. A better world than has ever been seen. There, you are not what you are born but what you have it in yourself to be. A kingdom of conscience, of peace instead of war, love instead of hate. That is what lies in the end of a crusade. A kingdom of heaven.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Guy de Lusignan:
If I had fought you when you were still capable of making bastards...

Godfrey of Ibelin:
I knew your mother when she was making hers. Fortunately you're too old to be one of mine.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Balian of Ibelin:
[Sees Saracens praying on the shores of Messina] Who are those men?

English Sergeant:
Muslims [Looks at Balian] Saracens.

Balian of Ibelin:
And they are allowed their prayers?

English Sergeant:
If they pay the tax. Subhaana-rabbialadhim. Praise be to God. It is proper to praise Him.

Balian of Ibelin:
Sounds like our prayers.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani:
[to Balian] You there, he says that is his horse.

Balian of Ibelin:
Why would it be his horse?

Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani:
Because it is on his land.

Balian of Ibelin:
I took this horse from the sea.

Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani:
[Says to the Cavalier in Arabic] Wajdi al-his?nu min-bahr ("he found the horse from sea").

Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani:
[Saracen Cavalier speak to him in Arabic and Imad interpretes for Balian] He says you are a great liar, and he will fight you because you are a liar.

Balian of Ibelin:
I have no desire to fight.

Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani:
Then you must give him the horse!

Balian of Ibelin:

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Balian of Ibelin:
[Saracen Cavalier starts fighting him, but on horseback] Fight me fairly!

Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani:
[Saracen Cavalier says in Arabic why he should] Why? Why should he? He is a Knight.

Balian of Ibelin:
And I am the Baron of Ibelin.

Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani:
[Says to the Cavalier in Arabic] Inna-h? hak?mu [pauses] iblin ("he is Baron of Ibelin").

Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani:
[Saracen Cavalier speaks in Arabic and Imad interpretes for Balian] He says that the Baron of Ibelin is old. He knew him, in Damascus.

Balian of Ibelin:
I am the new one.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

That I would rather live among men than kill them, is certainly why YOU are still alive.

Guy de Lusignan:
[Chuckles] That sort of Christianity has its uses, I suppose...

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Are you sorry for your sins?

Godfrey of Ibelin:
[Looking at Balian, his illegitimate son] For all but one.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So, how find you Jerusalem?

Balian of Ibelin:
God does not speak to me. Not even on the hill where Christ died. I am outside God's grace.

I have not heard that.

Balian of Ibelin:
At any rate, it seems I have lost my religion.

I put no stock in religion. By the word religion, I've seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the "Will of God". I've seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. And goodness - what God desires - [pointing at his head then heart] is here and here. And what you decide to do every day, you will be a good man, [smiles] or not.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[walking] Do you fear being with me?

Balian of Ibelin:
No. [stops] And yes.

[laughs] A woman in my place has two faces, one for the world and one which she wears in private. With you I'll be only Sybilla. [hears a noise and turns her head. A servant hides behind a wall] Tiberias thinks me unpredictable. I am unpredictable.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why do you think I'm here?

Balian of Ibelin:
I know that Ibelin is not on the way to Cana.

What else do you know, my lord?

Balian of Ibelin:
I know you are a princess. And I am no lord.

You're a knight.

Balian of Ibelin:
Neither earned nor proved.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After the Saracen army withdraws from its attack on Kerak]

Why did you retire? Why? God did not favour him. God alone determines the results of battles.

The results of battles are determined by God...but also by preparation, numbers, the absence of disease and the availability of water. One cannot maintain a siege with the enemy behind. How many battles did God win for the Muslims before I came? That is, before God determined I should come.

Few enough. That's because we were sinful

[scoffs] It is because you were unprepared.

If you think that way, you shall not be king for long.

When I'm not king, I quake for Islam.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Guy goes to see Reynald in Prison, Reynald is dancing] The King is in heaven?

Guy de Lusignan:

You had the Templars kill Balian?

Guy de Lusignan:
Yes, and now, give me a war.

That is what I do.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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"Cat's in the bag, and the bag's in the river!"
A Johnny Belinda
B Sweet Smell of Success
C Kiss me Deadly
D Shadow of a Doubt