Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,543

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Miramax Studios Security Guard Gordon:
Echo Base, I've got a 10-07: two unauthorized on the lot. Requesting backup.

Echo Base:
[on Gordon's walkie-talkie] I thought that was a 10-82.

Miramax Studios Security Guard Gordon:
No, sir. A 10-82 is disappearing a dead hooker from Ben Affleck's trailer.

Echo Base:
Oh, that Affleck!

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[A group of security guards run onto the set of "Good Will Hunting 2"]

Miramax Studios Security Guard Gordon:
Sorry, sirs. Looks like we've got a 10-07 on our hands.

Matt Damon:
Jesus, Ben. Again?

Ben Affleck:
No, 'cause I wasn't with a hooker today. Ah-ha!

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, great. This is the last thing I needed. A bunch of uppity homosexuals shooting their mouths off to liberal media that the Federal Wildlife Marshall office persecutes gays.

Are you fucking crazy? Now they may be gay, but that's not their son, that's the ape!

I think I would recognize an ape if I saw one, okay? And the only thing I do recognize right now, is a political fiasco here, that I'm about to avoid by letting this butt-fucking Brady Bunch go. [on bullhorn] You are free to leave, sirs! And might I add, that's a fine looking boy you're raising.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tricia Jones:
[on "Bluntman and Chronic: The Movie"] Well! That was just another paean to male adolescence and its refusal to grow up.

Alyssa Jones:
Yeah, sis. But it was better than "Mallrats". At least Holden had the good sense to leave his name off of it.

Tricia Jones:
Why didn't Miramax option his other comic instead. You know, the one about you and him and your "relationship"?

Alyssa Jones:
Oh, "Chasing Amy"? That would never work as a movie.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after being attacked] What the hell was that guy's problem?

For my 1st guess, INBREEDING?

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after being run off the road by the creeper] Sounds alright. What?

Like either of us would know.

I know a little.

A car makes a strange noise you just get new tape, Darry. You told me.

I told you? I learned it from you.

Jesus Christ.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait…Wait, I’m thinking past the point of my own selfish little existence now, okay? We’re both pretty damn sure what we saw him dump down that pipe, right?


What if it's someone still alive?

What if it was?

Someone who needs help!

We can get help just as fast by getting to a phone.

Do you have any idea how far we are from the nearest pay phone?

We were just attacked Darry!

And you don't even want to find out why? We look in the pipe, that's it.

Is this your idea of a little adventure or something? This is why girls are smarter, okay.

We look in the pipe; and if there's nothing there, nothing we can do we just drive on home and we call the cops. And you know that's what we should do?

Bullshit I do.

Bullshit you don't! Look me in the eye and tell me you can just drive away. Just drive off, leave whoever's back there, back there. Maybe find out later, they'd still be alive if you had just gone back.

Don't try and make this about the right thing to do. You just want to go back there and see if there's something nasty at the end of that pipe.

Okay, okay. What if it was you back there?

I am not getting out of this car!

You don't have to.

I am not!

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey! That’s your car out by the pumps it’d it? Bunch of folks saw him from the window. That man at your car. He was standing by your car, sniffin’ that laundry; holdin’ big handfuls of it under his nose. Looked like he was likin’ it too.

Still think I bumped by head? Now this guy is after us! He’s after us because he knows what we saw. And now he even knows my name!

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[as Darry speeds up behind a camper] Come on, Darry.

[trying to read the liscense plate that says 6A4EVR] ..."Gay-Gay Fever"--no, "Gay Forever." "Gay Forever," that's mine. That's three for little bro'.

That's a six, not a G, you idiot. That's "Sexy Forever." That's mine. That's five to two.


"Gay Fever?"

[as they speed up next to the camper and see an old couple] Woah...Sexy Forever, huh?

You know that is you in forty years.

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

There's usually a reason why you like the long way home.

Gee, like, maybe I like the country?

Mmmm, okay.

Just drive, brat.

Hey, I'm only thinking the same thing mom and dad are going to be thinking. "Trisha, Trisha why are you driving home for spring break with your brat brother, and not heading off somewhere with that nice 'Mr. Poli-Sci-Track-Team-Guy'?"

Ugh, I will tell them the same thing I'll tell you: None of your goddamn business.

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Trish turns off the radio] You wanted the back way home. Thats 10 hours of preachers, farm reports, and country music.

Could you possibly just shut up and drive, please?

"You broke my heart in two. Now I can't find the...Duct tape to put it together for you." Come on, girl, sing along now. "When I met you, I thought I would die. I wanted to cry. Didn't know you were evil, or that you would hurt me...'Mr. Poli-Sci-Track-Team-Guy'. Turns out you're a twit and a real--" [The Creeper's truck comes up behind them, horns blairing] Jesus?

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about his cellphone] Don't worry I have a power cord for that.

Yeah, and I have a cigarette lighter, THAT DOESN'T WORK!

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after running over the Creeper]

Is he dead?

They never are.

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[looking back at the road] That was a stop sign.

You're kidding, right?

In your car, I'd be kidding.

On this road? I haven't seen a car in fifty miles.

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

He dumped something down that pipe.

Wrapped in a sheet.

Wrapped in rope and a sheet.

Wrapped in rope and a sheet with red stains on it... just get us out of here!

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Cat Lady:
You got ten seconds to get your ass out of my yard, and don't think I'm gonna tell ya twice!

Get the hell away from him.

What are you doing, Trish?

Get the hell away from him!

Jeepers Creepers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cook's helper:
  Venez prendre un verre avec nous à la taverne ce soir. Come have a drink with us at the tavern tonight.

James Hemings:
  Uh…pas money.  Non money. Uh…no money.  Not money.

Cook's helper:
  Ici, les gens sont payés pour travailler! People here get paid for working!

  Demandez le maître pour les salaires! Ask the master for wages!

Cook's helper:
  Vous devriez être payé comme nous. You should be paid like us.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

James Hemings:
  I was wantin' to say, Master—

Thomas jefferson:
  Wanting to say what, James?  I like finished sentences.

James Hemings:
  Yes, Master.  And what it is I was wantin' to finish is, I wants to get paid.  Master, I wants money.

Thomas jefferson:
  In our present circumstances, your request is not unreasonable.  I shall tell Monsieur Petit that on the first of each month, you are to receive twenty-four francs by the way of salary.  You realise that this arrangement holds good only in Paris, and that in Monticello, we shall revert to our own system.

James Hemings:
  Yes, Master.  Thank you.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Maria Cosway:
  Is your daughter here to learn French manners and morals?

Thomas jefferson:
  Manners, to some extent, but when it comes to morals, we should keep to our own.

Maria Cosway:
  Why?  Are your better than ours?

Thomas jefferson:
  They are better for us, that is, for us Americans.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Maria Cosway:
  Tell me about America.

Thomas jefferson:
  Madame, the subject is as large as the land itself.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marquis de Lafayette:
  [reading from the Dunlap Broadside of the Declaration of Independence, drafted by Thomas jefferson]  "WE hold the?e Truths to be ?elf-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights".

French man 1:
  Tous les hommes naissent-ils vraiment égaux, Monsieur Jefferson?

  Are all men created equal, Mister Jefferson?

French man 2:
  Ou serait-il plus légitime de dire, « tous les blancs naissent-ils égaux »?

  Or should this read, "all white men are created equal"?

Thomas jefferson:
  We allowed for certain differences that are not caused by the laws of men, but by those of nature.  And though the Negro may or may not be inferior, his status in no way alters the wrongness of slavery.  It is evil.

Marquis de Lafayette:
  Yet your first draft, I believe, contained a clause on the abolition of slavery.

Thomas jefferson:
  I considered it essential, but Congress struck it out of the final Declaration as being too particular.

French man 1:
  La question de l'esclavage reste donc ouverte et non resolve, chez vous?

  So the question remains open with you and unresolved.

French man 2:
  Votre révolution, Monsieur Jefferson, nous apparait comme incomplete.

  Your revolution, Mister Jefferson, appears to be incomplete.

Marquis de Lafayette:
  Why did you omit the notion of property as one of those rights?

Thomas jefferson:
  Well, while I hold the right of the individual to possess property as basic, I consider it as a means to human happiness, but not as an end in itself.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

See also:
French Revolution

Thomas jefferson:
  The people are making their voice heard.  There's nothing to fear in the triumph of the people.

Maria Cosway:
  Not even you are safe.  Come on.  Come away!

Thomas jefferson:
  All they want is their liberty, their right to freedom.

Maria Cosway:
  I've seen such horrible, horrible sights in the streets.  It makes me fear that men are not good, not kind by nature, but cruel.

Thomas jefferson:
  No.  No.  They have been warped by generations of tyranny, but they're naturally good.  If I were not sure of that, sure of the goodness inherent in the natural man, I would no longer want to be alive.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Thomas jefferson:
  You still scared of me, Sally?

Sally Hemings:
  I ain't scared of you, Massa.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Thomas jefferson:
  [places hand on Bible]  I swear by Almighty God that upon my return to the state of Virginia, I shall, within a period of not more than two years, give his freedom to James Hemings.  [removed hand from Bible]  Since, however, James was brought to Paris at great expense to me for the purpose of learning the art of French cookery, he shall continue to reside at Monticello in my service until he shall have taught the same art to such persons as I shall place under him.  [holds out Bible]  Do you swear?

James Hemings:
  [places hand on Bible]  I swear.

Thomas jefferson:
  [withdraws Bible from James Hemings; presumably places his own hand again upon Bible]  I also hereby promise and declare that Sally Hemings, sister of James, shall be freed upon my death.  Likewise all children born to her shall be freed from my ownership, or that of my heirs, upon reaching the age of twenty-one.  Do you swear it, Patsy?

Patsy jefferson:
  I swear.

Jefferson in Paris  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[from the trailer]

Jerrica Benton:
  This is us?

Erica Raymond:
  No, it's Photoshop.

Jem and the Holograms  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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