Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,549

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Balian of Ibelin:
What is Jerusalem worth?

[solemnly] Nothing. [He starts to walk away, then turns around and smiles] Everything!

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Richard Coeur de Lion:
We come by this road to find Balian, who was the defender of Jerusalem.

Balian of Ibelin:
I am the blacksmith.

Richard Coeur de Lion:
And I am the King of England.

Balian of Ibelin:
[pauses] I am the blacksmith.

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

King Baldwin IV:
Oh. Hello.

[mouths hello]

King Baldwin:
I was dreaming. I was back in that summer, when I defeated Saladin. Do you remember it?

[nods] You were a beautiful boy.


You've always been beautiful. In every way.

King Baldwin:
My beautiful sister. I've missed you. I'm sorry if I've caused you any pain. Remember me as I was.

I will. (leans down to kiss the brow of his mask. He dies)

Kingdom of Heaven  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I don't drink coffee.

Why not?

Because it's a stimulant.

What the hell do you think cigarettes are?

They are?

[Roy nods]

All right, make it an extra large, two sugars, lots of cream. Lots of cream.

Kingpin  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Can you get sick from drinking piss?

Yeah, I think you can.

Even if it's your own?

Kingpin  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

1979 Waitress:
Tanqueray and Tab.

Ernie McCracken:
Keep 'em comin', sweets, I got a long drive. Do me a favor, will you? Would you mind washing off that perfume before you come back to our table?

Kingpin  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

McCracken is throwing his final shot and does an awkward approach.

Chris Schenkel:
Look at that form! Left arm, way out there.

Kingpin  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh Wow. Woo. It's tiny. Is this real?

Gay Perry:
Yeah, it's a Derringer. It's loaded. I call it my faggot gun.


Gay Perry:
Because its only good for a couple shots, then you gotta drop it for something better. You asked, Chief.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gay Perry:
Merry Christmas, sorry I fucked you over.

No problem. Don't quit your gay job.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Perry confronts Harmony's sexually abusive father]

Harmony's Dad:
Do I know you?

Gay Perry:
No. Just in town for the funeral.

Harmony's Dad:
What do you want?

Gay Perry:
Well, I was going to go to the zoo, but it was closed, so I thought I'd come here and look at an animal.

Harmony's Dad:
Son of a... Who do you think you're talking to? I buried my daughter today!

Gay Perry:
No. You buried her twenty years ago. Harmony was right, her sister was murdered. You pulled the trigger. It just took this long for the bullet to hit.

Harmony's Dad:
Who are you? I loved my girl.

[Perry backhands him]

Harmony's Dad:
You fucker! If I could get out of this bed...

Gay Perry:
Yeah? Well, you can't.

[Perry backhands him again]

Harmony's Dad:
You bastard! Old man that can't defend himself. Big tough guy.

Gay Perry:
Yeah, that's right. Big tough guy.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

That's it. That's the true story of what happened last Christmas. [Lights a cigarette] That was some pretty harsh shit. The old guy back there, right? [Mimics the slapping] But, whatever, he's creepy, fuck him, don't worry 'bout him. Uh, anyhow, so, um, thanks for coming. Thanks for taking the trip to L.A. with me. Uh...I mean, if I have to-to sum it up, and I do, cause it's like, you know, the end, I would say this movie about friendship. Friendship sacred.

Gay Perry:
What are you doing?

I'm just trying to wrap up the movie, and leave the people a message.

Gay Perry:
Oh. Well, I got a message for ya. Get your feet off my fucking desk.

Sorry. I work for Perry now-

Gay Perry:
[Covers Harry's mouth] And stop narrating. [to the audience] That's it, please stay for the end credits. If you're wondering who the best boy is, it's somebody's nephew. Um, don't forget to validate your parking, and to all you good people in the Midwest, sorry we said "fuck" so much. Say "Good night". [Uncovers Harry's mouth]

Thanks, again.

Gay Perry:
Now go. Vanish. [Turns off the camera]

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're angry with me, aren't you? Sorry I nearly wrecked your pretty little car. I was just thinking how much you can tell about a person from such simple things. Your car, for instance.

Now, what kind of a message does it send ya?

You have only one real lasting love.

Now who could that be?

You. You're one of those self-indulgent males who thinks about nothing but his clothes, his car, himself. Bet you do push-ups every morning just to keep your belly hard.

You against good health or somethin'?

I could tolerate flabby muscles in a man who may be more friendly. You're the kind of a person who never gives in a relationship - who only takes. Ah, woman, the incomplete sex. And what does she need to complete her? Why, man, of course. A wonderful man.

All right, all right, let it go. That bus stop will be comin' up pretty soon and I don't even know your name.

You forget. I'm a loony from the laughing house. All loonies are dangerous. Ever read poetry? No, of course you wouldn't. Christina Rossetti wrote love sonnets. I was named after her.


Yes, Mike. I got your name from the registration certificate, Mr. Hammer. Get me to that bus stop and forget you ever saw me. If we don't make that bus stop...

[confidently] We will.

...if we don't, 'Remember me.'

Kiss Me Deadly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're never around when I need ya.

You never need me when I'm around.

Kiss Me Deadly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You could do it a lot better, is that it?

An ordinary little girl gets killed and it rings bells all the way to Washington. There's gotta be a pitch....I picked up a girl. If she hadn't gotten in my way, I wouldn't have stopped. She must be connected with somethin' big.

Too many people like you have contempt for anything that has to do with the law. You'd like to take it into your own hands. But when you do that, you might as well be living in a jungle. Mike, why don't you tell us what you know? Then step aside like a nice fella and let us do our job.

What's in it for me?

Kiss Me Deadly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[pointing a gun at Hammer] What do you want?

I was with Christina the night she was killed. They tried to kill me, too. If you'd like, I'll show you the scars.

How'd you find me?

I picked up the thread. Anybody could do it...

Christina was my friend.

The bird in the cage. What happened to it?

[She lowers the gun] It was a nice bird. Used to eat out of my hand.

You let it die. Why'd you let it die?

It reminded me of her every time it sang. She was a good kid. She was lots of fun. We worked together - a couple of jobs till she got sick. That's when I noticed that she started to change. You get on a merry-go-round. You think you can get off any old time. But then it starts going too fast. She was scared. She was more and more scared. She was afraid to go out. She'd go to the movies once in a while or out for groceries but never very far. And then the police came around. They asked questions, lots of questions. Then they took her away. After all, I had a feeling someone was watching the place. Then those men came.

What did they want?

I didn't stick around to find out.

Why was Christina so afraid? [Lily shrugs] It's all right, you can trust me.

I don't know.

You want to get even for what happened to Christina, don't ya? I'll see what I can do.

Kiss Me Deadly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We're gonna steer away from these penny-ante divorce cases for a while. I've got a line on something better. That girl I picked up was mixed up in something big.

And a cut of something big could be something big.

I want you to find out all you can about her.

First, you find a little thread, the little thread leads you to a string, and the string leads you to a rope, and from the rope you hang by the neck. What kind of a girl was she, this friend of yours, Christina?

Kiss Me Deadly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How do you do, ma'am?

How do I do? Cra-zy. [They kiss]

Don't be afraid. I won't bite.

You don't taste like anybody I know. That's all right. In fact, it's wonderful. Come on, Crazy. Seconds?

OK. [They kiss again]

You sure we haven't met before?


Who are you?

Who am I? Who are you?

I'm Friday. I'd have been named Tuesday if I'd been born on Tuesday. I'm Carl's sister, half-sister. Same mother, different father. You know, you're not like the others - Carl's friends, I mean.

Maybe that's because I'm not his friend.

Oh, wonderful. Then you can be my friend, all my nothing-to-do-with-Carl.


Will you be my friend?

What do I have to do?

I want to be a close friend. Ask me something.

And no matter what it is, the answer's 'yes', isn't it?


Let's see how good you are at spelling. Can you spell the word 'no'?

N - O spells 'no.'

That's a good girl. Now you practice saying that. Because one of the best ways to be friendly is to know when to say no.

Kiss Me Deadly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm always glad when you're in trouble because then you always come to me. What is it, Mike?

Nick's dead...The jack slipped and the car came down on him.

Is that what really happened?

He was doing a couple of jobs for me.

And he got it? Mike, all your friends are gonna get it one of these days. What is it you're after, Mike?

Something Nicholas Raymondo had and the girl knew about. Something very valuable.

Is it worth Nick's life or, or Christina's or Raymondo's or Kawolsky's or mine?

Or Lily Carver's, Christina's roommate? She's up in my apartment. They tried to get her last night.

They? A wonderful word. And who are they? They're the nameless ones who kill people for the great whatzit. Does it exist? Who cares? Everyone everywhere is so involved in the fruitless search for what? Why don't you turn her over to Pat? It's his job to protect her, if she needs protection. Or to question her if that's what's needed. Why are you always tryin' to make a noise like a cop?

Kiss Me Deadly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Soberin:
There is something sad and melancholy about trips. I always hate to go away. But one has to find some new place or it would be impossible to be sad and melancholy again. [Lily tries to break open the box] Curiosity killed a cat and it certainly would have you if you'd followed your impulse to open it. You did very well to call me when you did.

Yes, I know. But what's in it?

Dr. Soberin:
You have been misnamed, Gabrielle. You should have been called Pandora. She had a curiosity about a box and opened it and let loose all the evil in the world.

Never mind about the evil. What's in it?

Dr. Soberin:
Did you ever hear of Lot's wife?


Dr. Soberin:
No. Well, she was told not to look back. But she disobeyed and she was changed into a pillar of salt.

Well, I just want to know what it is.

Dr. Soberin:
Would you believe me if I told you? Would you be satisfied?


Dr. Soberin:
The head of the Medusa. That's what's in the box. And whoever looks on her will be changed, not into stone, but into brimstone and ashes. Well, of course, you wouldn't believe me. You'd have to see for yourself, wouldn't you?

Where are we going?

Dr. Soberin:
Where I am going, it is not possible for you to go. I had no illusion about deceiving you. You have the feline perceptions that all women have...

Whatever is in that box - it must be very precious. So many people have died for it.

Dr. Soberin:
Yes, it is very precious.

I want half.

Dr. Soberin:
I agree with you. You should have at least half. You deserve it, for all the creature comforts you've given me. But unfortunately, the object in this box cannot be divided.

[She points a gun at him[;; Then I'll take it all...if you don't mind.

Dr. Soberin:
Listen to me, as if I were Cerberus barking with all his heads at the gates of Hell, I will tell you where to take it. But don't, don't open the box.

Kiss Me Deadly  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ralph Cotter:
Why, I thought you were the law-abiding type.

Holiday Carleton:
I guess I'm just whatever you make me.

Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Talking about a story Amir wrote] Why did he kill his wife?

Because he would cry and his tears would turn into pearls.

But why didn't he smell an onion?

[long pause]

Would you eat dirt if I asked you to do that?

If you would ask it I would.

But you would not ask that, would you?

Of course not.

The Kite Runner  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rahim Khan:
You should come home.

Home? I don't think now's such a good time.

Rahim Khan:
It is a very bad time, but you should come. There is a way to be good again, Amir agha.

The Kite Runner  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You want my advice? Run away. That's what you do best.

Not without Sohrab.

You want him? Take him. [shoves Sohrab at him] Of course, I did not say you could have him for free. [hits Amir]

The Kite Runner  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Klute:
Miss Daniels, can I ask you some questions now?

Bree Daniel:
[notices Klute's surveillance gear] You bastard! Is this a shakedown, hon'? 'Cause you picked a loser, I don't have it.

John Klute:
I'm looking for Tom Gr...

Bree Daniel:
[interrupts him] Jesus, do you think I'd still be living in this kip if I was still in the line fulltime? I'd be back on Park Avenue.

John Klute:
Can I ask you some questions?

Bree Daniel:
Or you'll have me thrown back in the brig, you mean.

Klute  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."?
A Voltaire
B S. G. Tallentyre
C Mark Twain
D Mahatma Gandhi