ACME Chairman:
[to a miserable Wile E. Coyote] My God, young man, what am I going to do with you?! You've done nothing but screw up! You've walked off of mesas! You've been smashed by boulders! You've been run over by diesel trucks! And don't blame the equipment! The equipment is good; it's ACME equipment. You're a coyote! Be wily! [calms down] All right, now...buck up and let's see a little smile.
[Wile E. smiles, briefly and unenthusiastically]
ACME Chairman:
Little bigger.
[Wile E. gives a bigger one, this time holding it]
ACME Chairman:
Little bigger.
[Wile E.'s smile spreads to a disproportionate size]
ACME Chairman:
Oh, that's nice. Now, just go take a shower, and don't come back till you smell better!
[Wile E., now cheered up, heads upstairs]
ACME Chairman:
[calling to him] But be careful! There's some men moving a safe up there, and I don't want you to--
[A cartoonish jet-engine, followed by a "crash" sound, is heard]
ACME Chairman:
[pause] And be careful of the box of fireworks, because--
[Released fireworks are heard]
ACME Chairman:
[pause] I suppose I should mention the plate-glass window--
[Shattering glass is heard]
ACME Chairman:
[pause] It's tough being the boss.