Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,567

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Lilo comes back to the lobby with Stitch]

Shelter Worker:
Oh, yes, all our dogs are adoptable... [jumps, startled] EXCEPT THAT ONE!!! [runs and takes Stitch away from Lilo as Nani pulls Lilo away from Stitch]

What is that thing?

Shelter Worker:
A dog...I think, but it was dead this morning.

It was dead this morning?!

Shelter Worker:
Well, we thought it was dead; it was hit by a truck!

I like him! Come here, boy.

[Stitch forcefully, against the shelter worker's grip, walks himself forward to get to Lilo as she so called him to her, climbing up onto Nani and Lilo's laps]

[screams and pushes Stitch away from her and Lilo; she composes herself and asks] Wouldn't you like a different dog?

Shelter Worker:
[a bit breathless] We have better dogs, dear.

Not better than him! He can talk. Say hello.

He... Hel...

Shelter Worker:
Dogs can't talk, dear.

[narrows his eyes and bares his teeth in frustration]

He did.

Does it have to be this dog?

[pants a few times before lolling his tongue out, sticking it up his nose and pulling out a big green bogie, eating it, smacking his lips]

Yes. He's good. I can tell.

Shelter Worker:
[filling out paperwork at the front desk] You'll have to think of a name for him.

His name is... Stitch.

Shelter Worker:
That's not a real name. [Nani shakes her head quickly and waves her hand as if saying 'No! Don't say that!'] But here it's a good name. Stitch, it is. And there's a $2.00 license fee.

I want to buy him! [whispers] Can I borrow $2?

[with a semi-irritated look, Nani takes the money from the shelter worker and hands it to Lilo. Lilo then taps the money on her shoulder and hands it back to her, handing it to the shelter worker]

Shelter Worker:
[stamps the adoption papers and hands the paper to Lilo with a friendly smile] He's all yours.

Lilo & Stitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

My friends!

[Mertle and her friends run away from Lilo]

What do you want?

I'm sorry I bit you and pulled your hair and punched you in the face.

Apology not accepted. Now get out of my way before I run you over. [Yelps in terror as Stitch startles her]

I got a new dog. His name is Stitch.

That is the ugliest thing I have ever saw.


Eww! Get it away from me! I'm gonna get a disease! [Stitch takes a bicycle off from Her, then she Starts Crying, Which Lilo Hops On With Stitch] Somebody do something!

Lilo, give the bicycle back.

Lilo & Stitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

This is a great home. You liked it a lot. See.


Uh, Lilo.


[grabs a pillow and began to rip it which pisses Nani off]


Be careful of the little angel.

He's not an angel, Lilo. I don't even think he's a dog. We just have to take him back.

He's just cranky 'cause it's his bedtime.

He's creepy, Lilo. I won't sleep while he's loose in the house.

You'll loose in the house all the time and I'll sleep just fine.

Bootiful ["Cool"] [turns on the blender and accidentally opens it which blasts in his face]

Hey, What are you doing? Stop that, Stitch. [That pisses Nani off even more]

[pissed off] Hey. [angrily grabs the blender from Stitch, turns it off and grabs Stitch by the head] Look at him, Lilo. He's obviously mutated from something else. We have to take him back.

He was an orphan, and we adopted him! What about 'ohana?

Lilo & Stitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Gantu:
Little savage! GET OFF MY SHIP! [Gantu's lasers point at Stitch and he falls down]


Lilo & Stitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Captain Gantu closes in on Stitch, who is on top of a tanker truck he drove into a volcano]

Captain Gantu:

Stupid-head... [He rips open the tanker, spilling gasoline into the magma; the resulting explosion launches him towards Gantu's ship] Yeehaw! [Crashes through the windshield into the cockpit] Aloha! [Laughs]

Captain Gantu:
[Furiously trying to pound Stitch with his fist] You're vile! You're FOUL! YOU'RE FLAWED!

[Grabs Gantu's hand...] Also cute and FLUFFY! [...and throws him through the windshield onto the wing of Jumba's ship below]

Lilo & Stitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Grand Councilwoman:
You?! You're the cause of all this! If it wasn't for your Experiment 6-2-6, none of this-

[interrupting] Stitch!

Grand Councilwoman:

My name Stitch.

Grand Councilwoman:
Stitch, then. If it wasn't for Stitch- [realizes what just happened, turns back to Stitch]

Does Stitch have to go in the ship?

Grand Councilwoman:
[shocked, hesitant] ...Yes.

Can Stitch say goodbye?

Grand Councilwoman:

Thank you. [walks over to Nani and Lilo]

Grand Councilwoman:
[looks at Nani and Lilo] Who are you?

This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little and broken, but still good. Yeah. Still good.

Lilo & Stitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cobra Bubbles:
[whispering] Lilo. Didn't you find that thing at a shelter?

Hey! Three days ago, I bought Stitch at the shelter. I paid two dollars for him. See this stamp? I own him. If you take him, you're stealing.

Cobra Bubbles:
Aliens are all about rules.

Great Councilwoman:
You look familiar.

Cobra Bubbles:
CIA. Roswell. 1973.

Great Councilwoman:
Ah, yes. You had hair then.

Lilo & Stitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Stitch grabs Jumba's plasma gun, but Jumba plugs it with a carrot]

You shouldn't play with guns.

[giving it to him] Oh, okay.

Thank you. [hears the gun beeping, realizes it's overloading and throws it back to Stitch] Oh, uh, I just remembered - it's your birthday! Happy birthday!

[throws it to him] Err, Merry Christmas!

[throws it back] It's not Christmas!

[throws it back] Happy Hanukah!

[as Jumba and Stitch play hot potato with the overloading gun, Pleakley grabs Lilo and runs out of the house]

[in background, overlapped by Lilo] It's not Hanukah!

We're leaving Stitch?!

Trust me, this is not gonna end well!

[back to Jumba and Stitch]

One potato!

Two potato!

Three potato!


Five potato!

Six potato!

Seven potato, more!








HA! I win!

[the gun explodes; destroying Lilo's house]

Lilo & Stitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Jumba Jookiba:
During his creation, Stitch was never fully charged. Now his circuits are going haywire.

Agent Pleakley:
That's why he was freaking out.

Dr. Jumba Jookiba:
He can't control it. lf it continues, his circuits will burn themselves out like supernova!

Agent Pleakley:
Can you...Can you fix him?

Dr. Jumba Jookiba:
I must? or my little Stitch will shut down......for good.

Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Leave me alone!

[pointing her finger at Stitch] I'm not touching you.

She's touching me. She's touching me!

I'm not touching you.


Not touching.


It's free air.

Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Pvt. Harold Green:
Some of us was in the 2nd Kansas Colored. We fought the rebs at Jenkins' Ferry last April, just after they'd killed every Negro soldier they captured at Poison Springs. So at Jenkins' Ferry, we decided weren't taking no reb prisoners. And we didn't leave a one of 'em alive. The ones of us that didn't die that day, we joined up with the 116th U.S. Colored, sir. From Camp Nelson Kentucky.

Abraham Lincoln:
What's your name, soldier?

Pvt. Harold Green:
Private Harold Green, sir.

Cpl. Ira Clark:
I'm Corporal Ira Clark, sir. Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry. We're waiting over there. We're leaving our horses behind, and shipping out with the 24th Infantry for the assault next week on Wilmington.

Abraham Lincoln:
How long have you been a soldier?

Cpl. Ira Clark:
Two year, sir.

Abraham Lincoln:
Second Kansas Colored Infantry, they fought bravely at Jenkins' Ferry.

Pvt. Harold Green:
That's right, sir.

Cpl. Ira Clark:
They killed a thousand rebel soldiers, sir. They were very brave. And making three dollars less each month than white soldiers.

Pvt. Harold Green:
Us 2nd Kansas boys, whenever we fight now we-

Cpl. Ira Clark:
Another three dollars subtracted from our pay for our uniforms.

Pvt. Harold Green:
That was true, yessir, but that's changed-

Cpl. Ira Clark:
Equal pay now. Still no commissioned Negro officers.

Abraham Lincoln:
I am aware of it, Corporal Clark.

Cpl. Ira Clark:
Yes, sir, that's good you're aware, sir. It's only that-

Pvt. Harold Green:
You think the Wilmington attack is gonna be-

Cpl. Ira Clark:
Now that white people have accustomed themselves to seeing Negro men with guns, fighting on their behalf, and now that they can tolerate Negro soldiers getting the same pay - in a few years perhaps they can abide the idea of Negro lieutenants and captains. In fifty years, maybe a Negro colonel. In a hundred years...the vote.

Abraham Lincoln:
[short pause] What will you do after the war, Corporal Clark?

Cpl. Ira Clark:
Work, sir. Perhaps you'll hire me.

Abraham Lincoln:
Perhaps I will.

Cpl. Ira Clark:
But you should know, sir, that I get sick at the smell of boot-black, and I cannot cut hair.

Abraham Lincoln:
I've yet to find a man who could cut mine so's it'd make any difference.

Pvt. Harold Green:
You've got springy hair for a white man.

Abraham Lincoln:
[chuckling] I do. My last barber hanged himself. [Green laughs] And the one before that. Left me his scissors in his will.

Lincoln  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Abraham Lincoln:
Well, Mr. Representative Ashley! Tell us the news from the Hill.

James Ashley:
Ah! Well, news...

Abraham Lincoln:
Why for instance is this thus, and what is the reason for this thusness?

William Seward:
James, we want you to bring the anti-slavery amendment to the floor for debate...

James Ashley:
Excuse me? What?

William Seward:
...immediately, and... you are the amendment's manager, are you not?

James Ashley:
I am, of course, but... immediately?

William Seward:
And we're counting on robust radical support, so tell Mr. Stevens we expect him to put his back into it, it's not going to be easy, but we trust...

James Ashley:
It's impossible. No, I am sorry, no, we can't organize anything immediately in the House. I have been canvassing the Democrats since the election, in case any of them softened after they got walloped. But they have stiffened if anything, Mr. Secretary. There aren't nearly enough votes—

Abraham Lincoln:
We're whalers, Mr. Ashley!

James Ashley:
Whalers? As in, uh, whales?

Abraham Lincoln:
We've been chasing this whale for a long time. We've finally placed a harpoon in the monster's back. It's in, James, it's in! We finish the deed now, we can't wait! Or with one flop of his tail, [slaps Ashley's shoulder] he'll smash the boat and send us all to eternity!

William Seward:
On the 31st of this month, of this year, put the amendment up for a vote.

Lincoln  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ulysses S. Grant:
Gentlemen, I suggest you work some changes to your proposal before you give it to the President.

R.M.T. Hunter:
We're eager to be on our way to Washington.

Alexander H. Stephens:
Did Mr. Lincoln tell you to tell us this?

Ulysses S. Grant:
It says, 'securing peace for our two countries'. And it goes on like that.

Alexander H. Stephens:
I don't know what you–

Ulysses S. Grant:
There's just one country. You and I, we're citizens of that country. I'm fighting to protect it from armed rebels. From you.

Alexander H. Stephens:
But Mr. Blair told us, he, he told President Jefferson Davis we were–

Ulysses S. Grant:
A private citizen like Preston Blair can say what he pleases, since he has no authority over anything. If you want to discuss peace with President Lincoln, consider revisions.

Alexander H. Stephens:
If we're not to discuss a truce between warring nations, what in heaven's name can we discuss?

Ulysses S. Grant:
Terms of surrender.

Lincoln  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Elizabeth Keckley:
I know the vote is only four days away; I know you're concerned. Thank you for your concern over this, and I want you to know: They'll approve it. God will see to it.

Abraham Lincoln:
I don't envy Him His task. He may wish He'd chosen an instrument for His purpose more wieldy than the House of Representatives.

Elizabeth Keckley:
Then you'll see to it.

Abraham Lincoln:
Are you afraid of what lies ahead? For your people? If we succeed?

Elizabeth Keckley:
White people don't want us here.

Abraham Lincoln:
Many don't.

Elizabeth Keckley:
What about you?

Abraham Lincoln:
I... I don't know you, Mrs. Keckley. Any of you. You're... familiar to me, as all people are. Un-accommodated, poor, bare, forked creatures such as we all are. You have a right to expect what I expect, and likely our expectations are not incomprehensible to each other. I assume I'll get used to you. But what you are to the nation, what'll become of you once slavery's day is done, I don't know.

Elizabeth Keckley:
What my people are to be, I can't say. Negroes have been fighting and dying for freedom since the first of us was a slave. I never heard any ask what freedom will bring. Freedom's first. As for me: My son died, fighting for the Union, wearing the Union blue. For freedom he died. I'm his mother. That's what I am to the nation, Mr. Lincoln. What else must I be?

Lincoln  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

George Yeaman:
I can't vote for the amendment, Mr. Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln:
I saw a barge once, Mr. Yeaman, filled with colored men in chains, heading down the Mississippi to the New Orleans slave markets. It sickened me, 'n more than that, it brought a shadow down, a pall around my eyes. Slavery troubled me, as long as I can remember, in a way it never troubled my father, though he hated it. In his own fashion. He knew no smallholding dirt farmer could compete with slave plantations. He took us out from Kentucky to get away from 'em. He wanted Indiana kept free. He wasn't a kind man, but there was a rough moral urge for fairness, for freedom in him. I learnt that from him, I suppose, if little else from him. We didn't care for one another, Mr. Yeaman.

George Yeaman:
I... well, I'm sorry to hear that...

Abraham Lincoln:
Loving kindness, that most ordinary thing, came to me from other sources. I'm grateful for that.

George Yeaman:
I hate it, too, sir, slavery, but - but we’re entirely unready for emancipation. There's too many questions-

Abraham Lincoln:
[laughs] We're unready for peace too, ain't we? When it comes, it'll present us with conundrums and dangers greater than any we've faced during the war, bloody as it's been. We'll have to extemporize and experiment with what it is when it is. I read your speech, George. Negroes and the vote, that's a puzzle.

George Yeaman:
No, no, but, but, but... But Negroes can't, um, vote, Mr. Lincoln. You're not suggesting that we enfranchise colored people.

Abraham Lincoln:
I'm asking only that you disenthrall yourself from the slave powers. I'll let you know when there's an offer on my desk for surrender. There's none before us now. What's before us now, that's the vote on the Thirteenth Amendment. It's going to be so very close. You see what you can do.

Lincoln  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Abraham Lincoln:
I did say some colored men, the intelligent, the educated, and veterans, I qualified it.

James Ashley:
Mr. Stevens is furious, he wants to know why you qualified it.

Schuyler Colfax:
No one heard the intelligent or the educated part. All they heard was the first time any president has ever made mention of Negro voting.

Abraham Lincoln:
Still, I wish I'd mentioned it in a better speech.

James Ashley:
Mr. Stevens also wants to know why you didn't make a better speech.

[There's a knock on the door; John Nicolay enters.]

John Nicolay:
Mrs. Lincoln's waiting in the carriage. She wants me to remind you of the hour, and that you'll have to pick up Miss Harris and Major Rathbone.

Abraham Lincoln:
Am I in trouble?

William Slade:
No, sir.

[Slade hands Lincoln his gloves as Colfax and Ashley drain their drinks and rise.]

Abraham Lincoln:
I suppose it's time to go though I would rather stay.

[On the way out, Lincoln tosses the gloves on a side table. Slade grabs them, considers chasing after Lincoln, then walks back towards the office. Slade turns and watches till Lincoln turns the corner and is gone.]

Lincoln  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[at Lincoln's deathbed]

Dr. Joseph Barnes:
It's 7:22 in the morning, Saturday the 15th of April. It's all over. The President is no more.

Edwin Stanton:
Now he belongs to the ages.

Lincoln  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I know what I have to do. But going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been running from it for so long.

[Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick]

Ow! Jeez, what was that for?

It doesn't matter. It's in the past. [laughs]

Yeah, but it still hurts.

Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it. [swings his stick again at Simba, who ducks out of the way] Ha. You see? So what are you going to do?

First, I'm gonna take your stick.

[Simba snatches Rafiki's stick and throws it and Rafiki runs to grab it]

No, no, no, no, not the stick! Hey, where you going?

I'm going back!

Good! Go on! Get out of here!

[Rafiki begins laughing and screeching loudly]

The Lion King  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death!

[pause] I am.

[whispering] It's not true. Tell me it's not true.

It's true.

You see? He admits it. Murderer!

No! It was an accident!

If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive. It's your fault he's dead. Do you deny it?


Then you're guilty.

No, I'm not a murderer!

Oh, Simba, you're in trouble again. But this time Daddy isn't here to save you. And now everyone knows WHY!

[Simba falls at the edge of a cliff while a fire burns below.]


[looking at Simba who is clinging to the edge of the cliff] Now this looks familiar. Where have I seen this before? Hm, let me think. Oh, yes, I remember! This is just the way your father looked before he died.

[He claws Simba's paws the same way he did to Mufasa]

And here's 'my' little secret... [whispering] I killed Mufasa!

Young Simba:
[In a flashback] Nooooo!

[leaps back up and pounces on him] Nooo! Murderer!

No, Simba! Please!

Tell them the truth.

Truth? But truth is in the eye of the behold...

[Simba chokes him, he whispers] All right. All right. I did it.

So they can hear you.

I killed Mufasa!

The Lion King  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago


Simba, Simba, please. Please have mercy, I beg you.

You don't deserve to live.

But, Simba, I... am... family. It's the hyenas who are the real enemy. It was their fault. It was their idea!

Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.

What are you going to do? You wouldn't kill your old uncle...?

No, Scar. I'm not like you.

Oh, Simba, thank you. You are truly noble. I'll make it up to you, I promise. How can I, ah, prove myself to you? Tell me anything, anything.

Run. Run away, Scar. And never return.

The Lion King  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Scar] What am I going to do with him?

Come on, we both know he should've been expelled from the Pride Lands long ago.

He is my brother, Zazu. This is his home. As long as I am king, that'll never change.

Well, there is one in every family, sire. I had a cousin who thought he was a woodpecker. He slammed his head into trees and beaks aren't built for it, he was concussed regularly. Oh, you've gone. Uh, sire, coming back!

The Lion King  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures; from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.

Young Simba:
But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?

Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so, we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.

The Lion King  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

If you wish to kill something, you might want to stay downwind.

Young Simba:
I know how to hunt, Uncle Scar.

Then let's hope we're never attacked by a beetle. Go back to your den, Simba. I don't babysit.

Young Simba:
Babysit? I'm gonna king of Pride Rock. My dad showed me the whole kingdom. Said I'm gonna rule it all.

Is that so?

Young Simba:
Think about it. When I'm king, I'll have to give you orders. Tell you what to do. How weird is that?

You've no idea. So your dad showed you the whole kingdom? Did he show you the shadows beyond the northern border?

No he said I can't go there ever

And he's absolutely right An elephant graveyard's no place for a young prince

The Lion King  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Rafiki, elated by the sight of Simba, follows him]

Go away.

Going away will not answer the question.

What question? Who are you?

I know exactly who I am. The question is: who are you?

I'm nobody. So leave me alone. All right?

Everybody is somebody. Even a nobody.

The Lion King  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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