Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,565

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

You are ready! [inspects him] Nice, very nice. [chuckles wickedly] You have the same blackness in your soul that Scar had. What is your destiny?

Adult Kovu:
I will avenge Scar. Take his place in the Pride Lands.

Yes. What have I taught you?

Adult Kovu:
Simba is the enemy.

[evilly smiling] And what must you do?!

Adult Kovu:
I must kill him!

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Adult Kiara:
Father, how could you break your promise?

It's a good thing I did. I almost lost you. No more hunts for you; not ever!

Adult Kiara:
But I was doing just fine! Even before Kovu--


[Simba and Kovu roar at each other]

[surprised at his ferocity] Simba?

Hey! You! How dare you save the King's daughter?

You saved her? Why?

Adult Kovu:
I humbly ask to join your pride.

[immediately] No! You were banished with the other Outsiders.

Adult Kovu:
I have left the Outsiders. I'm a rogue. Judge me now, for what I am. Or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Kiara and Kovu are looking at constellations in the night sky]

Adult Kovu:
See that? See that? Look at that! It's really pretty.

Adult Kiara:
What? Oh yeah! Um-- look, there's one that looks like a baby rabbit. See the fluffy tail?

Adult Kovu:
Yeah... hey! There's one that looks like two lions killing each other for a scrap of meat. [Kiara grimaces] Ohh, I've never done this before.

Adult Kiara:
Really? My father and I used to do this all the time. He says all the great Kings of the past are up there.

Adult Kovu:
Do you think Scar is up there? [gets up and moves off] No one here thinks he's very great... do they?

Adult Kiara:
My father said there was a darkness in Scar that he couldn't escape.

Adult Kovu:
Maybe there's a darkness in me, too.

[Kiara puts her paw on Kovu's, and as they nuzzle, Simba is watching on a hill from distances away]

[calling out to Mufasa] Father... I am lost. Kovu is one of them. Scar's heir. How can I accept him?


I was seeking counsel from the great kings.

Did they help?

[sighs] Silent as stars. My father would never--

Oh, Simba. You want so much to walk the path expected of you. Perhaps Kovu does not.

[surprised] What? How do you know what--

I can see them down there just as easily as you can. Get to know them and see. [she nuzzles under Simba's head]

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Simba has been telling Kovu about Scar]

Scar couldn't let go of his hate, and in the end, it destroyed him.

Adult Kovu:
[deeply shocked] I've never heard the story of Scar that way. He truly was a killer.

[glances at the burnt plains around them] Fire is a killer. Sometimes, what's left behind can grow better than the generation before... [unearths a small plant from the dust] ...if given the chance.

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why have you come back?!

Adult Kovu:
Simba... I had nothing to do with--

[furious] You don't belong here.

Adult Kovu:
[desperately] Please. I ask your forgiveness.

Adult Kiara:
[actively protesting to Simba] Daddy, please! Listen to him!

[sternly to Kiara] SILENCE! [turns back to Kovu] When you first came here, you asked for judgment... and I pass it now: EXILE!

Kick him out! That's right! Judgment day is here! Exile him! Exile! Exile!

Adult Kiara:
Nooo!! No! Kovu!

[All the animals violently roar in approval]

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Adult Kiara:
Father, please, reconsider!

You will not go anywhere without an escort from now on.

Adult Kiara:
NO! That's not--

He used you to get to me!

Adult Kiara:
NO! He loves me... for me!

Because you are my daughter! You will not leave Pride Rock. You will stay where I can keep an eye on you, away from him!

Adult Kiara:
You don't know him!

I know he's following in Scar's pawprints! And I must follow in my father's.

Adult Kiara:
You will never be Mufasa! [runs off, sobbing]

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Kovu and Kiara wrestle briefly, then catch sight of themselves in a reflection]

Adult Kovu:
[smiles at Kiara] Hey, look, we are one. Let's get outta here. We'll run away together! And start a pride... all our own.

Adult Kiara:
Kovu, we have to go back.

Adult Kovu:
You're kidding. But we're finally together!

Adult Kiara:
Our place is with our pride. If we run away, they'll be divided forever.

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The Outsiders and Simba's pride face each other across the field. When all are assembled in a standoff, Timon and Pumbaa moon the Outsiders]

Timon and Pumbaa:

It's over, Simba! I have dreamed of nothing else for years!

Boy, does she need a hobby.

Last chance, Zira: go home.

I am home! [smirks and snarls as lightning flashes and thunder claps] ATTACK!!!!

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Just as Simba and Zira are about to fight, Kiara and Kovu leap in between them]


Kovu! [Kovu doesn't back down] Move.

Stand aside.

Adult Kiara:
Daddy, this has to stop.

You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way!

Adult Kovu:
You'll never hurt Kiara, or Simba! Not while I'm here.

[scoffs] Ha!

Stay out of this.

Adult Kiara:
A wise king once told me, "We are one." I didn't understand him then. [smiles] Now I do.

But-- they--

Adult Kiara: Look at them...they are us. What differences do you see? (Aren't we all part of the Circle of Life?)

[As both prides stand stunned in realization, the rain stops and the clouds clear; Simba smiles and nuzzles Kiara]

Vitani! Now!

Adult Vitani:
No, mother! [faces Kiara then back to Zira] Kiara's right. [walks to join Simba's pride] Enough.

If you will not fight... then you will die as well. [the other Outsiders, disgusted by Zira's words, also go to stand with Simba, leaving Zira standing alone] Wh-- wha-- where are you going?! Get back here!

Let it go, Zira. It's time to put the past behind us.

[now alone] I'll never let it go! This is for you, Scar!

[Zira snarls and leaps at Simba, but Kiara pushes her away, and both start rolling down towards the river]

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Crabb:
You don't know when you're licked!

Allardyce T. Meriweather:
Licked? I'm not licked. I'm tarred and feathered, that's all.

Little Big Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Crabb:
[trying to be intimidating, as a gunfighter] Might I ask who I are addressin'?

Wild Bill Hickok:
I'm Wild Bill Hickok.

Jack Crabb:
[suddenly docile] Well, I'm . . . I'm pleased to meet you, I'm sure.

Little Big Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Crabb:
What are you so nervous about?

Wild Bill Hickock:
Gettin' shot.

Little Big Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

General Custer:
You came up here to kill me, didn't you? And you lost your nerve. Well, I was correct, in a sense, you are a renegade, but you are no Cheyenne Brave.

Jack Crabb:
[voice-over] Custer was right. I was a total failure an injun.

General Custer:
Do I hang you? I think not Get out of here.

Jack Crabb:
You're not going to hang me?

General Custer:
Your miserable life is not worth the reversal of a Custer decision.

Little Big Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Louise Pendrake:
Well, Jack. Now you know. This is a house of ill fame. And I'm a fallen flower.

Jack Crabb:
[voice-over] That widow hadn't lost her style one bit. A fallen flower. Chokes me up to think about it.

Lousie Pendrake:
This life is not only wicked and sinful. It isn't even any fun.

Little Big Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Old Lodge Skins:
Am I still in this world?

Jack Crabb:
Yes, Grandfather.

Old Lodge Skins:
[groans] I was afraid of that. Well, sometimes the magic works. Sometimes, it doesn't.

Little Big Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rico Bandello:
[reading newspaper] "Underworld pays respects to Diamond Pete Montana."

Joe Massara:
Ah, what's that gotta do with the price of eggs?

Rico Bandello:
Plenty. Diamond Pete Montana. He doesn't have to waste his time on cheap gas stations. He's somebody. He's in the big town, doing things in a big way. And look at us, just a couple of nobodies, nothin'.

Joe Massara:
Is that what you want, Rico? A party like that for you? "Caesar Enrico Bandello. Honored by his friends."

Rico Bandello:
I could do all the things that fella does, and more, only I never got my chance. Why, what's there to be afraid of? And when I get in a tight spot, I shoot my way out of it. Why sure. Shoot first and argue afterwards. You know, this game ain't for guys that's soft!

Joe Massara:
Yeah, there's money in the big town, all right. And the women. Good times, something doing all the time. Exciting things, you know. The clothes I could wear. And then I'd quit, Rico. I'd go back to dancing, like I used to before I met you. I don't know. I ain't made for this sort of thing. Dancing. That's what I wanna do.

Rico Bandello:
Dancing? Women? And where do they get you? I don't want no dancing. I'm figuring on making other people dance. Oh, I ain't forgetting about the money. Money's okay, but it ain't everything. Be somebody. Look hard at guys and know they'll do anything you tell them. Have your own way or nothing. Be somebody.

Joe Massara:
You'll get there, Rico.

Rico Bandello:

Joe Massara:
You'll show them.

Rico Bandello:
You know, this was our last stand in this burg. We're pulling out.

Joe Massara:
Where are we going?

Rico Bandello:
East. [gestures to the newspaper] Where things break big.

Little Caesar  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Joe Massara:
[after Olga sees his gun] Once in the gang, you know the rest.

Olga Stassoff:
I don't want to know. Only maybe, maybe it could be different this time, if we try.

Joe Massara:
I've never seen a guy that could get away with it yet.

Little Caesar  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Pete Montana:
Now, listen, boys. Watch this guy McClure, what's head of the new crime commission. He's putting the screws on, and make no mistake about him. Now, the Big Boy wants me to tell you guys to put the chains on your gorillas for the next few months. Because if any of them go too far, it'll be just too bad.

Sam Vettori:
I've never seen nobody the Big Boy couldn't get to. He can fix anything. That's why he's the Big Boy. This bird McClure will be pie for him. He'll twist him around his little finger.

Pete Montana:
Don't kid yourself. Nobody's squaring nothing with McClure. Not even the Big Boy. Small jobs, that's different. We could spring guys for them. But shooting? No, sir. It's guys like this torpedo of yours that cause all the trouble.

Sam Vettori:
Who, Rico? He's all right. He's a little quick on the trigger, but that's because he's new.

Pete Montana:
Yeah? Well, it's us that'll swing for him if he shoots at the wrong time.

Little Caesar  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rico Bandello:
Now, listen, Sam, Joe's all right. He's the best front man in the world. Why, he can go to a swell hotel and order a suite, a suite, and it's all right. Without Joe, we can't pull the job, and you know it.

Sam Vettori:
What's that paper?

Rico Bandello:
It's this layout I've been figuring out with Scabby.

Sam Vettori:
What, this nightclub job?

Rico Bandello:

Sam Vettori:
Well, let me see it. And until I say different, nobody's gonna plan for this mob but me. You get me?

Little Caesar  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Joe Massara:
Say, what's the big idea of the rush anyway?

Rico Bandello:
It's a little job we need you for. A little job at the Bronze Peacock.

Joe Massara:
What do you mean? Are you trying to kid me or something? How can I take the chance? They're all my friends, they all know me.

Rico Bandello:
That's why, they'll never suspect you. Now, don't stall, Joe.

Joe Massara:
I ain't stalling. You gotta get me out of this, Rico. You gotta. I don't want to...Well, don't you see, I'm working steady now, and...Can't a guy ever say he's through?

Rico Bandello:
You're gonna be in on this, and you'll like it.

Little Caesar  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Olga Stassoff:
Why, Joe...Joey.

Joe Massara:
What is it? What's the matter?

Olga Stassoff:
Nothing. It's all right. The joint's been held up, that's all.

Joe Massara:
Held up?

Olga Stassoff:
They...They shot McClure. Joe.

Joe Massara:
Now you know.

Olga Stassoff:
It was you.

Joe Massara:
No. No, it's a lie! I...

Olga Stassoff:
You shot McClure.

Joe Massara:
No, I didn't, I swear. It wasn't me that shot him. It was...I don't know who. But it's our hips for this job, all right.

Olga Stassoff:
Maybe... Maybe everything will be all right, Joey. Maybe he wasn't hurt badly. But you're through with that bunch. You don't belong, Joe. You're not that kind. You'll never go near them again.

Joe Massara: can't go back on the gang.

Little Caesar  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sam Vettori:
Well, everything come off all right? Tell me.

Rico Bandello:
Everything was all right. Only I had to take care of a guy.

Sam Vettori:
Who was it?

Rico Bandello:

Sam Vettori:
McClure. You shot McClure. A million guys in this town, and you had to pick the crime commissioner. What did I tell you, Rico? Didn't I say to make it clean? Didn't I say no gunplay?

Rico Bandello:
Think I'm going to let a guy pull a gat on me? Any more of these cracks, and this is my last job.

Sam Vettori:
The head of the crime commission. The Big Boy can't do us no good this trip. They'll get us dead sure now.

Rico Bandello:
What am I gonna do?

Sam Vettori:
Why don't you go and give yourself up?

Rico Bandello:
You're slipping, Sam.

Sam Vettori:
And Tony, what about him? Where is he?

Rico Bandello:
Getting rid of the car. Tony got nervous. He's like a big baby.

Sam Vettori:
What a fine pickle we're in. You and that rod of yours.

Little Caesar  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rico Bandello:
I've taken orders from you too long.

Sam Vettori:
You'll keep on taking orders too or you'll get out of here so fast...

Rico Bandello:
Maybe it won't be me that gets out.

Sam Vettori:
No? Well, maybe the boys have got something to say about that. What about it? [No one moves or speaks up] So, that's it, huh?

Rico Bandello:
Yeah, that's it, all right. You can dish it out, but you're getting so you can't take it no more. You're through. Well?

Sam Vettori:
Well, the split's okay with me, Rico.

Rico Bandello:
How about you boys? No hard feelings, Sam? We gotta stick together. [to the gang] There's a rope around my neck right now, and they only hang you once. If anybody turns yellow and squeals, my gun's gonna speak its piece.

Little Caesar  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rico Bandello:
What does that bull want in here? I'll show him where he gets off... [To Flaherty] Who invited you here?

Sgt. Flaherty:
You're getting up in the world, aren't you, Rico?

Rico Bandello:
The downstairs is open to anybody, even cops, but the upstairs is private.

Sgt. Flaherty:
Thanks, but I like to keep my eye on you, Rico. You see, I'm your friend. I like to see a young fellow getting up in the world. That's all. So long.

Little Caesar  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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