Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,568

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

  You see, sir, if you were to put a plant like this in the window, then maybe…

Mr. Mushnik:
  Maybe what?  Maybe what!  Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?  Just because you put a strange and interesting plant in the window, people don't suddenly…

  Excuse me.  I couldn't help noticing that strange and interesting plant.  What is it?

  It's an Audrey…II!

Little Shop of Horrors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Audrey II:
  Feed me.

  Under no circumstances.

Audrey II:
  Feed me.

  I will not, so stop asking.

Audrey II:
  Feed me!

  No!  No more!  I can't take living with the guilt.

Audrey II:
  Tough titty.

  Watch your language.

Audrey II:
  Ah, cut the crap!  Bring on the meat!

  I'll run to the corner, pick you up some nice ground round.  How about that?

Audrey II:
  Don't do me no favors!


Audrey II:

  It's my last offer.  Yes or no?

Audrey II:
  You sure do drive a hard bargain.

  Done!  Fine.  Great.  Don't think you're getting dessert!

Little Shop of Horrors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

  Every household in America.  Thousands of you, eating.  That's what you had planned all along, isn't it?!

Audrey II:
  [smugly]  Noooooooooo shit, Sherlock!

  We're not talking about one hungry plant here.  We're talking about world conquest!

Audrey II:
  And I wanna thank you!

  You won't get away with this! Your kind never does!  [Audrey II laughs maniacally]  I don't care what it takes, only one of us gets out of here alive!

Little Shop of Horrors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

  [singing] Poor! All my life I've been poor! I keep asking God what I'm for! [[Mushnik glares at him the moment he stops work so he hastily resumes] And he tells me "Gee, I'm not sure! Sweep that floor, kid!" Oh I started life as an orphan, child of the street, here on Skid Row. He took me in, gave me a shelter, a bed, a crust of bread and a job... treats me like dirt. Calls me a slob, which I am. [he walks dejectedly along the streets with the passers-by as his backup singers]] So I live... downtown... [all: "downtown"] That's my home address. So I live. [all: "Downtown."] Where my life's a mess. So I live [all: "Downtown."] Where depression's just status quo. Down on Skid Row.... [wanders into an alley] Someone show my the way to get outta here, [beggars slowly appear from nowhere and climb the gateway at the end of the alley] Cos I'm constantly praying I'll get out of here, someone give me one shot, or I'll rot here

Little Shop of Horrors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Audrey II:
Feed me!

I beg your pardon?

Audrey II:
Feed me!

Tuey! You talked! You opened up your - trap, your thing, you said--

Audrey II:
Feed me, Krelborn, feed me now!

I can't!

Audrey II:
I'm starvin'!

Look, maybe I can squeeze a little out of this one,

Audrey II:
More, more, more, more, more!

There isn't any more! Whaddya want me to do, slit my wrists?!

Audrey II:

Oh boy Look. I get ideas I run down to the corner, and pick you up some nice chopped sirloin?

Audrey II:
Must be blood!

Tuey, that's disgusting.

Audrey II:
Must be fresh!

I don't wanna hear this!

Feed me!

Does it have to be human?

Audrey II:
Feed me!

Does it have to be mine?

Audrey II:
Feeeed me!

Where am I supposed to get it?

Audrey II:
[singing] Feed me, Seymour / Feed me all night long - That's right, boy! - You can do it! Feed me, Seymour / Feed me all night long / Ha ha ha ha ha! / Cause if you feed me, Seymour / I can grow up big and strong.

Little Shop of Horrors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After McClane kills Mai, Farrell is counteracting the shutdown procedures Gabriel has initiated by sending an advertising bomb to Gabriel's computers. Gabriel rings Mai's cell phone, which McClane picks up]

Thomas Gabriel:
Mai, talk to me. What's going on?

John McClane:
Mai? Oh yeah, the scrawny little Asian chick, likes to kick people? I don't think she's going to be talking to anyone for a very long time. Last time I saw her, she was at the bottom of an elevator shaft with an SUV rammed up her ass. Listen, jackass; your fire sale is over. Just pack up your little circus, or I'm gonna come and I'm gonna kick your ass.

Thomas Gabriel:
[seethingly] You. Have no idea. Who I am, or what. I am capable of! When I'm finished here - and I promise it'll be soon! - I will focus. All my attention. On you! You want to make things personal, fine!

Live Free or Die Hard  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Looking at a funeral procession]

MI6 Agent:
Whose funeral is it?

Yours! [Stabs him]

Live and Let Die  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Big:
[to his men] Is this the stupid mother who tailed you uptown?

James Bond:
There seems to be some mistake. My name is...

Mr. Big:
Names is for tombstones, baby! Y'all take this honky out and WASTE HIM! NOW!

Live and Let Die  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

James Bond:
I'm not in the habit of giving answers to... lackeys.

Mr. Big:
You damn lucky you got an ear left to hear the question with!

Live and Let Die  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bond has just explained the first two Lover's Lessons to Solitaire]

Is there time before we leave, for Lesson number 3?

James Bond:
[undressing] Of course. There's no sense going out half-cocked.

Live and Let Die  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff J.W. Pepper:
[to Bond] There's that son of a bitch. I got him. [to Felix] What are you? Some kinda doomsday machine boy? Well WE got a cage strong enough to hold an animal like you here!

Felix Leiter:
Captain, would you enlighten the Sheriff please?

State Police Captain:
Yessir. J.W., let me have a word with ya. J.W., now this fellow's from London England. He's a Englishman workin' in cooperation with our boys, a sorta... secret agent.

Sheriff J.W. Pepper:
Secret AGENT? On WHOSE side?

Live and Let Die  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bond and Solitaire are about to be lowered into Kananga's shark pool]

Whisper....laughs....the gate!!

[Whisper opens the gate to allow the sharks into the pool, but too quickly]

No, slowly Whisper, slowly..slowly. Let our diners assemble!

Live and Let Die  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after Kananga has been exploded by the compressed air pellet]

Where's Kananga?

James Bond:
He always did have an over-inflated opinion of himself.

Live and Let Die  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Isabella stands opposite Lizzie, and Gordo is freaked out by the resemblance]

Freaky, huh?

Way freaky!

[in her Italian accent] Way, way freaky!

The Lizzie McGuire Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Loner Leader:
Where were you? I was looking for you.

I was masturbating behind those trees over there.

The Lobster  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Loner Leader:
Can you imagine why I brought you to this quiet place today?


Loner Leader:
Because I think it's the perfect spot for your grave.

The Lobster  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[as the Biscuit Woman screams in pain in the distance] What happened?

Heartless Woman:
She jumped from the window from 180. There is blood and biscuits everywhere.

I hope she dies right away. [he pauses] On second thought, I hope she suffers quite a bit before she dies. I just hope her pathetic screams can't be heard from my room, because I was thinking about having a lie down, and I need peace and quiet. I was playing golf, and the last thing I need is some woman dying slowly and loudly.

The Lobster  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Loner Leader:
Do you love her?

Campari Man:
With all my heart.

Loner Leader:
How much do you love her? On a scale of 1 to 15.

Campari Man:

Loner Leader:
14 is a very impressive score. He loves her very much indeed. Who do you think we should kill? Who will be able to live on their own better? [pause] You. If this woman dies, do you think you will manage on your own or will you get involved with someone else?

Campari Man:
No. I can live alone, she cannot... I like sitting in the room. Relaxes me. Calms me. I like it a lot. I can definitely live on my own.

The Lobster  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hotel Manager:
We wish you every success and we hope, you will return to the city as a couple.

The Limping Man:
I'm very happy.

Nosebleed Woman:
Me, too.

Hotel Manager:
Congratulations The course of your relationship will be monitored our staff and by me personally. If you encounter any problems, any tensions, any arguing, that you cannot resolve yourselves, you will be assigned children. That usually helps, a lot.

The Lobster  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but Lorna's pregnant, you're gonna be a father!"

No, get going, get... what did you say!?

You're gonna be a FATHER!!

Lethal Weapon 4  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Yeah, there's something I'm not supposed to tell you, too.


Rianne's pregnant, you're gonna be a grandfather!

Rianne's WHAT?!

Lethal Weapon 4  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, are those little hearts?

Not now Riggs! Just shoot the damn valve!

Okay! Also, flap your arms and make noises like a bird!

I'm not gonna flap arms! Why!?

Lethal Weapon 4  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Uncle Benny:
Time! Time for Forefathers!

Riggs and Murtaugh:

Uh, Washington? Jefferson? Those guys?


Uncle Benny:
I'm sleeping with my wife's two sisters!

"You lucky son of a bitch!

That's a good one Uncle Benny!

Uncle Benny:
Not so good! When my wife finds out!

Lethal Weapon 4  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oooohhhh, my tooth!

Dr. Chen's Receptionist:
What's the matter with you, sir?

What's the matter?! My ass hurts! My tooth! What is this, a dentist's office or a proctologist?!

Lethal Weapon 4  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said: "Why don't you come up and see me sometime?"
A Betty Boop
B Lauren Bacall
C Sophie Loren
D Mae west