Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,563

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Driving alongside the good guys, Nasty Canasta lights a stick of dynamite to throw into their car.]

Dynamite?! Who has dynamite?!

[scoffs] Welcome to my world.

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The good guys take off, leaving the bad guys with the lit dynamite.]

Yosemite Sam:
Throw it out the window! Throw it out! THROW IT OUT!

But innocent people could be hurt.

Yosemite Sam:

It'll send the wrong message to children!

Yosemite Sam:

[dynamite explodes]

Yosemite Sam:

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[just before the heroes' flying car crashes, it stops a few feet above the desert ground]

Ha! Outta gas.

[fade to black]

What?! It doesn't work like that!

[Cut back to car, which smashes into the ground; fade to black again]

Thanks, Toots.

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[In the desert, D.J. spots a Wal-Mart store, rippling in the heat]

Hey, look at that!

Is it a mirage, or just product placement?

Who cares? With shopping convenience at such low prices!

[Daffy runs toward the image.]

Water! Fresca! Mountain Dew! Your product name here! Woo-hoo-hoo!

[to Kate] Is this your idea?

[She opens her mouth to object, then gets defensive.]

The audience expects it. They don't even notice this kind of thing anymore.

[D.J. shares his disappointed look with the audience; later, the intrepid adventurers depart the desert Wal-Mart with beverages]

Nice of Wal-Mart to provide these Wal-Mart beverages in retoin for us saying "Wal-Mart" so many times.

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Wile E. Coyote observes the heroes trudging through the desert.]

I told ya we shoulda made that left toin at Albuqwirky.

Don't start that again!

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Inside the Area 52 lab, chief spy-scientist Mother talks to the DJ et al.]

This isn't about the giant ants, is it?

Giant... ants?

'Cause they're not really ants... anymore.

[Mother drinks from a flask of blue liquid.]

Tell me about the Blue Monkey.

[She spews her beverage on D.J.]

How do you know about that thing that I've never heard of in my entire life?

My dad told me.

What is the point of making them pinky-swear?!

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[At the Louvre, as Daffy grabs the playing-card lens, Elmer Fudd jams his shotgun into the back of Daffy's head.]

I'll take that!

Em, what gives, Doc? We made thoity-five pictures together.

Well, as it tuwns out, I'm secwetwy evil.

[snorts] That's showbiz for ya!

Now, make with the card, so I can pwease my dark masters!

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bugs and Daffy enter the Persistence of Memory painting to evade Elmer Fudd. Elmer follows, enters, and takes aim, until his gun melts, remaining true to the theme of the painting. Bugs and Daffy laugh at him and run off, but they too start melting; their voices are slow and toned to a low key]

Well, this is surreal.

[Producing icons that represent each word he says] Stop, or I'll fire! [Attempts to take aim again]

Bugs and Daffy:

[Elmer fires, but the bullets are only propelled a few inches away. Elmer starts to melt completely out of shape. Bugs and Daffy make their way to the next painting through the wallpaper]

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Elmer Fudd leaps out of La Grande Jatte (by pointillist Georges Seurat), Bugs reads to him from a museum guide.]

Pointillism. A technique using individual dots of pigment, which, taken together... [whips out a pocket electric fan] ...make an image. [turns on the fan.]

Aw, crud! [Elmer's dots start to disperse, until only his shoes are left.]

Bugs (to audience):
I think, when you go to the movies, you should learn somethin'.

[Daffy is busy redrawing himself.]

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[As Granny's elephant progresses through the jungle, a flock of multicolored Tweety birds fly around]

I've discovered my woots!

I've discovered my lunch!

[The birds attack Sylvester. Cut to Tweety, in African garb]

Cry freedom!

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[From behind, we see the elephant come upon a picturesque lost city in the jungle.]

What a fantastic view!

Unless you're in the audience, in which case you've been staring at an elephant's behind for thoity seconds.

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Outside the ACME satellite, Marvin the Martian (who Bugs and Daffy previously almost got rid of) holds an ACME Bubble Gun on Bugs.]

You tricked me!

Eh, what's up, Darth?

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

ACME Chairman:
[to a miserable Wile E. Coyote] My God, young man, what am I going to do with you?! You've done nothing but screw up! You've walked off of mesas! You've been smashed by boulders! You've been run over by diesel trucks! And don't blame the equipment! The equipment is good; it's ACME equipment. You're a coyote! Be wily! [calms down] All right, now...buck up and let's see a little smile.

[Wile E. smiles, briefly and unenthusiastically]

ACME Chairman:
Little bigger.

[Wile E. gives a bigger one, this time holding it]

ACME Chairman:
Little bigger.

[Wile E.'s smile spreads to a disproportionate size]

ACME Chairman:
Oh, that's nice. Now, just go take a shower, and don't come back till you smell better!

[Wile E., now cheered up, heads upstairs]

ACME Chairman:
[calling to him] But be careful! There's some men moving a safe up there, and I don't want you to--

[A cartoonish jet-engine, followed by a "crash" sound, is heard]

ACME Chairman:
[pause] And be careful of the box of fireworks, because--

[Released fireworks are heard]

ACME Chairman:
[pause] I suppose I should mention the plate-glass window--

[Shattering glass is heard]

ACME Chairman:
[pause] It's tough being the boss.

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[while Bugs fights Marvin outside a spaceship, Daffy cowers inside, sucking his thumb]

What am I gonna do? What would Damian Drake do? What would Duck Dodgers do? [pause] Wait a minute, I am Duck Dodgers!

[he spins and changes into his Duck Dodgers outfit.]

A-ha! I'm going to be the hero of this picture! [straps on a rocket] Duck Dodgers to the rescue!

[the rocket explodes; Daffy straps on a second rocket]

[dazed] Duck Dodgers to the rescue!

[another explosion; Daffy straps on a third]

[dazed] Duck Dodgers--

[yet another explosion; Daffy angrily glares at a fourth rocket]


[yet another explosion; cut to Daffy, now outside with working rocket strapped on]

It's You-Know-Who to the rescue! [to the camera] It helps if ya don't say the name.

Looney Tunes: Back in Action  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Ted gets pulled up by a rope and pulley to the second floor window where the Once-ler confronts him angrily.]

Who are you?! Who are you and what are you doing here?!

I'm Ted! I'm Ted. I can't breathe. Are you the Once-ler? Oh, man.

Didn't you read the signs? No one is supposed to come here. Get out of here and leave me alone! And don't let the boot hit you on the way out.

The boot? [gets kicked by said boot from behind] Hello! Ow! Listen! People say that if someone brings you this stuff that you will tell them about trees. [gets grabbed again] No, no, no!


Yeah, real ones. You know, that grow out of the ground? [pause] Hello?

Sorry, it's just... Well, I didn't think anyone still cared about trees.

Well, that's me. The guy who still cares. I'm here. [gets put back down] Hey! What?

The Once-ler:
You wanna know about trees, about what happened to them, (and) why they're all gone? [softly] It's because of me.

Wait, what? [A Whisper-ma-Phone chutes down to him. He leans in to hear.]

(shouts) IT'S BECAUSE OF ME! [Ted coughs] And my invention, the Thneed. It was an amazing product that could do the job of a thousand.

All right. Sounds ridiculous, but I mean, that's cool.

You're darn right it was cool! [starting to explain what happened to the trees] It all started a long time ago.

Can we start not so long ago, maybe?

Do you want a tree?

Yes, yes.

Then it all started a long, LONG time ago. [scene flashes back to the Once-ler as a young man] I was a young man leaving home.

The Lorax  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Lorax:
[first meets Once-ler] Hey!

[Once-ler shrieks and falls backwards]

The Lorax:
Did you chop down this tree?

Uhh... No. Who did it?? [gasps] What's that? [the Lorax looks back and Once-ler drops his axe on Pipsqueak the Bar-ba-loot] I think he did it.

[growls] Leave! Vacate the premises! Take your axe and get out!

And who are you? [pokes the Lorax]

Hey, hey! I-I'm the Lorax, guardian of the forest. I speak for the trees. [The Once-ler stares at him] So, you're telling me, that you didn't see me magically appear out of that stump? With all the lightning and thunder and stuff. You didn't see any of that?

No, but that sounds amazing. Can I see some of that?

Uhh, yeah, I could show you. But that's not how it works.

[condescending] Okay, um... Didn’t really happen. Oh, I know what you want! [pokes Lorax’s nose, He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Marshmallow. Holds it out.] [baby talk] I’ve got one of these for the cutest little guy I ever saw. Yummy-yummy-yummy... [The Lorax stares at the marshmallow]

How dare you! Give me that! [He grabs the marshmallow. Sniffs it. It smells good] Mmm. I'm going to eat this, but I am highly offended by it.

[He plops it into his mouth. Then makes his way over to the Once-ler’s tent-house which is being supported by stakes and ropes. Kick out a STAKE. The canvas starts to sag]

Whoa! What are you... Hey, Mustache! Will you stop that? [The Lorax continues circling around the tent-house pulling up stakes. He grabs his HAMMER and follows, pounding them back in.] What's your deal, man?

[They circle faster and faster around the tent-house, He pulling up stakes and the Once-ler pounding them back in.] Time for you to go, Beanpole!

Pull them right out. Just going to put them right back in. We can do this all day.

[Until the Once-ler turns a corner and is about to bring his hammer down on Pipsqueak. The Lorax has placed him right where the stake would have been. The Lorax holds up his hand to stop the Once-ler]

Stop right there! Stop it! So you would hammer one of nature's innocent creatures?

[The Lorax pats Pipsqueak on the head and he happily runs offscreen]

[After the Lorax accuses him of harming Pipsqueak after almost hitting him with a hammer] What? No! I would never hit this little guy. You, on the other hand, I would gladly pound you and your mustache into the ground!

[The Lorax turns to all of the watching animals]

Behold! The intruder and his violent ways. [To Once-Ler] Shame on you. For shame!

[Once-ler drops the hammer and hides it behind his feet. Then he sees all of the animals nodding their heads in agreement. He’s had it.

All right, you know what? That's it! [Points at Lorax] You listen to me, you furry meatloaf. I'm going to chop down as many trees as I need. Okay? Newsflash! Not going anywhere! End of story. [He turns and enters his cottage. His sticks his tongue out and does Raspberries to the Lorax before slamming the door behind him! He sighs heavily, shaking his head]

Then you leave me no choice. [Startled, the Once-ler turns and sees that the Lorax is somehow inside with him. He points a threatening finger at the Once-ler and speaks in a spooky voice as if he’s casting a spell] If you're not gone by the time the sun sets on this valley, all the forces of nature will be unleashed upon you and curse you until the end of your days! You have been warned. [Lorax turns to make a dramatic exit, but can’t reach the doorknob of Once-ler’s door. He hops a couple of times. Finally, the Once-ler lets him out.] Thanks.

Yeah, okay.

You have been warned.

[The Lorax storms out and slams the door, leaving the Once-ler alone in his cottage.]

The Lorax  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[has just been revived by the Lorax] I-I was heading into the light, and you pulled me right back, and here I am! [hugs the Lorax] You saved my life!

Yeah, I did, but you know, it's not that big a deal.

It is a big deal! Look, I almost went over that waterfall! [realizes] Wait... On my bed. How did my bed get in the river?

Uh, about that, uh... actually, um... [mumbles] I put your bed in the water. [The Once-ler drops him in shock] I didn't mean you any harm. I just wanted to calmly float you away. Look, everyone here needs the trees and you're chopping them down! So, we've got a big problem,

[Pipsqueak nuzzling at Once-Ler's feet, to the Lorax] All right, look. I hereby swear that I will never chop down another tree. I promise.

[To the Once-ler] Thank you. But I'm going to keep my eye on you.

[After surviving the waterfall incident] Now, I've got a big day tomorrow, and I'm gonna get some sleep. [walks away, then comes back] Right after I find my bed.

The Lorax  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[screams and wakes up, a screaming Lorax also screams and wakes up, punching his nose] Ow! Okay, what are you...? Question, what are they doing here? And follow up, if I may, what are YOU doing here?!

The Lorax:
Well, after the incident last night, we found one of your socks and came here to return it. But when we got here, you were asleep.

What? Exactly. And sleeping is the body's way of telling other people to go away.

I know, but you looked so cozy. And it was cold outside, and we just fell asleep. No harm done.

"No harm done"? "No harm done"? Okay. [sees fish bathing in soap] Okay, I put my lips on those. Well, I used to, anyway. [sees a bird laying an egg] Ew. Did you just...In my bowl?!

[uses the Once-ler's toothbrush to comb his mustache] Why do you even own this? You don't have a mustache.

Okay, that's it!

What? I thought we made a deal last night.

Yes, we did. And I said I wouldn't chop down any more trees.

And I said I was going to keep an eye on you. I'm starving! What's for breakfast? [looks into the fridge to find the big Bar-ba-loot eating entire cubes of butter] Breakfast is overrated. [closes the fridge door]

[strains] You know what? I got work to do. [quickly changes outfit] Yep! I got to go into town and sell my Thneed!

[when the Once-ler shows the Thneed to him; laughs] You chopped down one of my trees to make that piece of garbage?

"Garbage"? Oh, no. Oh, no! You do not get it. This is a revolutionary product that will change the world as we know it. [He walks over to the Bar-ba-loots sleeping on the table and brushes them all off] It has a million uses! [He reaches under the table and pulls up Lou who is now wearing the Thneed as underwear] Look at this. It's a swimsuit! [Then he points to the muddy animal tracks on the floor.] Mud tracked all over your floor by uninvited guests? Well, the Thneed sure comes in handy for that! [He uses it to wipe up the mud tracks] But wait, there's more! Thanks to its all-natural microfibers, the Thneed is super-absorbent! [Then he goes to the fish swimming a glass filled with water. Shoves the Thneed into the glass. SLUUUURP! It instantly soaks up all the water, leaving the irritated fish standing in the dry glass.] It also works as a hat. [He plops the Thneed onto Lorax’s head. SPLURCH! It’s sopping wet and drips all over him. The Lorax gives the Once- ler a look] Of course, you probably want to wring it out first.

[He takes the Thneed off his head and throws it at the Once-ler.] Go ahead, knock yourself out. But nobody is going to buy that thing.

Good to know. Well, fortunately, you are not the target market, weirdo.

[Once-ler strums his guitar.]

You're bringing a guitar?

Oh, yeah. I got a little jingle. I'm gonna blow some minds, gonna sell some Thneeds! [He holds up the Thneed defiantly.] Yeah. [He slams the door, waking up a Swommee-Swan, who HONKS.]

The Lorax  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[In deleted scene, The Man tosses the Thneed which lands on a nerdy teen girl's head, knocking her glasses off and letting her hair down. She slowly flips her hair with the Thneed on her head as if there was supposed to be a dramatic change to her appearance.]

Teen Boy:
Hey. Cool hat.

Teen Girl 1:
Oh, my gosh. I totally want one.

Teen Girl 2:
That thing makes me like you more.

The Lorax  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[To the Lorax] You know what? You can just shut your mustache! My conscience is clear. I have done nothing illegal. I have my rights, and I intend to keep on biggering and biggering, and turning more Truffula trees into Thneeds! [The Lorax falls backwards and hits the ground.] And nothing is going to stop me!

[Just then, in the distance, we hear a THWACK! The Once-ler and Lorax both look...and see the VERY LAST TRUFFULA TREE chopped down by a Super Axe-Hacker.]

[when the last Truffula tree is chopped down] Well, that's it-- the very last one. That may stop you.

The Lorax  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Wiggins:
Ted, I would like you to meet Mr. O'Hare, the most powerful man in town.

Aloysius O'Hare:
[Ted shocked in surprise.] There he is! Hello, Ted.

Uh... Hi.

Mrs. Wiggins:
Isn't he clever, Mr. O'Hare? He knows his own name and everything.

Aloysius O'Hare:
You know what I would love right now, Mrs. Wiggins? A delicious cookie. Wonderful. Teddy and I'll stay here and talk.

Mrs. Wiggins:
Sure, why don't you go ahead and adopt him? I'm just kidding. That was a joke. I was just joking. I'll get your cookie.

Aloysius O'Hare:
I know you have it, Ted. So, let's put an end to this nonsense, shall we? [Ted angrily facing Mr. O'Hare] Hand it over.

I'm sorry... I don't know what you're talking about.

Aloysius O'Hare:
Really? Well, then... I guess you wouldn't mind us checking your room.

No, no, no!

Aloysius O'Hare:
Morty! McGurk! Find the seed!

No, you can't go up there! Guys, this is ridiculous. Stop! Hey! No, you can't come in my room!

Aloysius O'Hare:
Find it! [O'Hare barging into Ted's room trying to find and destroy the Truffula seed.] Find it!

Mrs. Wiggins:
What is going on here?

Aloysius O'Hare:
[to Mrs. Wiggins, after she comes up stairs and what's going on] THIS DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU! Get back downstairs!

Mrs. Wiggins:
[to O’Hare] Excuse me, down there! I don't care who you are, you little crazy baby-man! Get out of my house now. This is outrageous.

Aloysius O'Hare:
Fine. Sorry. Must have been a misunderstanding. We'll be leaving now. And my apologies, Ted. You be safe. [O’Hare takes the plate of cookies with Mrs. Wiggins Holding him.]

Mrs. Wiggins:
Mind telling me what's going on here?

The seed! Where is it?

Mrs. Wiggins:

Where's Grammy?

The Lorax  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Gandalf arrives at Bag End, goes through the gate, and knocks on the door with his staff]

[from inside] No thank you! We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers, or distant relations!

And what about very old friends?

[Bilbo opens the door]


Bilbo Baggins.

My dear Gandalf! [hugs Gandalf]

It's good to see you. One hundred and eleven years old; who would believe it? You haven't aged a day. [they both laugh]

Come on, come in! Welcome, welcome.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Shards of Narsil. [picks up hiltpiece]. The blade that cut the ring from Sauron's hand. [cuts himself with the sword]. It's still sharp. [looks at Aragorn] But nothing less than a broken heirloom. [drops hiltpiece in an almost-disrespectful manner].

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Jumba Jookiba:
During his creation, Stitch was never fully charged. Now his circuits are going haywire.

Agent Pleakley:
That's why he was freaking out.

Dr. Jumba Jookiba:
He can't control it. lf it continues, his circuits will burn themselves out like supernova!

Agent Pleakley:
Can you...Can you fix him?

Dr. Jumba Jookiba:
I must? or my little Stitch will shut down......for good.

Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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