Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,599

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Ray "Bones":
Momo is dead, which means that everything that he had now belongs to Jimmy Capp, including you, which also means when I speak, I'm speaking for Jimmy — e.g. from now on you start showing me the proper fucking respect.

"e.g." means "for example." I think what you want to say is "i.e."

Ray "Bones":
Bullshit. That's short for "ergo."

Ask your man.

Mob Guy:
To best of my knowledge, "e.g." means "for example."

Ray "Bones":
e.g., i.e., fuck you! The point is this, is that when I say jump, you say "okay." Okay?

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What is this?

An Oldsmobile Silhouette.

I reserved a Cadillac.

Yeah, well, this one's the Cadillac of minivans.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Harry Zimm, how you doing? I'm Chili Palmer.

Jesus, if I have a heart attack, I hope you know what to do.

Where you been, Harry?

Have we met? I don't recall.

We just did. I told you my name's Chili Palmer.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Harry, look at me.

I'm looking at you.

I want you to keep looking right here, okay?

That's what I'm doing.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So you're thinking what if I was to put you next to my dry cleaner. Ask him if he wants to invest his money in a movie.

That, or I'm thinking what if some tragic accident were to befall the widow Saffrin...

I'm not gonna pop her, Harry.

Just a thought.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bo Catlett:
There's nothin' to know. You have an idea, you write down what you wanna say. Then you get somebody to add in the commas and shit where they belong, if you aren't positive yourself. Maybe fix up the spelling where you have some tricky words... although I've seen scripts where I know words weren't spelled right and there was hardly any commas in it at all. So I don't think it's too important. Anyway, you come to the last page you write in 'Fade out' and that's the end, you're done.

That's all there is to it? Then what the fuck do I need you for?

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You have a piece of a movie, that's all. You don't have a piece of Harry. He told you we're doing another movie first. And that's the way it's gonna be.

Excuse me. But who the fuck are you?

I'm the one telling you how it is. That's not too hard to figure out, is it?

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey... Karen. How ya' doin'?

What're you doing here?

I wanted to come by, apologise for coming into your house like I did last night.

Lemme get this straight, you broke in again to apologize for breaking in before?

No, no... you let the patio door open. You gotta stop doin' that, all the nice things you got around here.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You read Harry's new one? He says it's the best thing he's ever read.

He must mean after "Slime Creature 3".

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I was never much into it. All that bullshit having to do with respect. It's bad enough having to treat those guys like they're your heroes, having to smile when they make some stupid remark they think's real funny.

And you think the movie business is any different?

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What a spectacular view.

Yeah, lovely. Last night I watched two guys carjack a Camero down on the corner of Argyle there.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Martin, look at me.

I'm looking at you.

No, I want you to look at me the way I'm looking at you. Put it in your eyes, 'You're mine, asshole,' without saying it.

Like this?

What you're telling me, you're tired? You wanna go to bed?

Wait. How about this?

Now you're squinting like you need glasses. Look at me. I'm thinking, You're mine. I fuckin' own you. What I'm not doing is feeling anything about it one way or the other. You understand? You're not a person to me, you're a name in my collection book, a guy owes me money, that's all.

How about this?

That's not bad.

That's what I think of you, asshole. Nothing.

I believe it.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You ever wanta go to the beach, here's the freeway you take we're coming to.

Ray "Bones":
I live in Miami and you want to show me a fuckin' beach? The sun ever come out here, or you have this smog all the time?

They say the smog's the reason we have such beautiful sunsets.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now why would you do that? Put the money in a locker?

Bo Catlett:
Because there were a zillion DEA guys hanging around the terminal.

A zillion, huh? That's a lot.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The man you're standin' on happens to belong to me and my partner, bro.

Ray "Bones":
Well, this piece of shit owes me money.

Hey, get in line.

Ray "Bones":
Yeah, but I don't like waiting in lines.

Tough shit, bro. This ain't Miami. You want something, you gotta talk to me.

Ray "Bones":
No no no, fuck you fuckball. I mean, L.A is an open city, and I don't think I have to get permission from nobody for nothing.

Oh really? Well, I just closed it.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You see the paper?

Bo Catlett:
I seen it, but I don't believe it. Says Harry shot Ronnie five times. Four to the chest and one through his foot.

His foot. Jeez, poor Ronnie...

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What kinda food they serve at this Ivy place anyway?

Continental, but it doesn't matter. Martin won't order from the menu.

Why not?

Because a movie star can never order straight from the menu. They have to think of something they have to have that isn't on the menu.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You don't need that. You want to sit down and talk, it's fine with me. Get this straightened out. How'd you get in here?

Ray "Bones":
I told them I was you. I acted real stupid and they believed me.

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ray "Bones":
That man, he's got no respect for us.

No, he's got no respect for YOU!

Get Shorty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
Colonel? Colonel, darlin'. Rise up, me bucko. [Chamberlain groans.] Oh, I'm sorry, darlin', but we've got a bit of a problem here, Colonel, would ye like to hear about it? Would ye wake up, sir? We got a whole company comin', sir. This way. I'll give ye time to wake up, but we've got quite a problem. Altogether, 120 men are comin'. We're to be havin' them as guests.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
[still half asleep] What?

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
Yeah. Should be here any minute.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
Mutineers. Mutineers, Colonel, me lad. 120 men from the old 2nd Maine which has been disbanded.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
120 mutineers? [gestures for Kilrain to keep talking.]

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
Yes, sir. Ye see, what happened was the enlistment papers on the old 2nd Maine run out. So they were sent home. All except these 120 fellows who'd foolishly signed 3-year papers. 3 years, that is. So these poor fellows, they got one more year to serve, only, you see, they thought they was signin' to fight only with the 2nd Maine and the 2nd Maine only. So, they, uh, quit. They resigned, ye see. 120 men! [Chamberlain puts his head down.] Colonel? Are ye all right?

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
Well, the point is, sir, these Maine fellows; they won't fight no more. And nobody can send them home and nobody knows what to do with them. Til they thought of us. Being as we are the only other Maine regiment in the Fifth Corps. So they've been assigned to us. Yes, sir. I've a message here from the new commanding general. George Meade, sir, that's right! Our very own general of our very own corps has been promoted to command of the whole army. The latest, if ye keep track of them as they go by. [pulls out message, reads] The message says, uh, they'll be arrivin' this mornin', and they're to join us, oh, and if they refuse to follow orders, please feel free to shoot 'em.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
To... to shoot 'em?

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
Yes, sir.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
These are Maine me?

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
[nods] Mm-hm.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
[takes the note, reads] "You are hereby authorized to shoot any man who refuses to do his duty." Buster, are these all Maine men?

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
Yes, sir, and fine big fellows they are, too.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
[sighs] Mutiny. I thought that was a word for the navy.

Gettysburg  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
What's your name?

Pvt. Joseph Bucklin:
I don't feel too kindly, Colonel.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
Yes, well, I'm not usually this informal. I just, uh, just took command of this regiment a few days ago, so somebody ought to welcome you to my, uh-- to our outfit. They, uh, they tell me that, uh, they're holding you fellas because you signed 3-year papers-- I'm sorry. Would you like some coffee? [Bucklin shakes his head] You sure? Go ahead, sit down, Mister...

Pvt. Joseph Bucklin:

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:

Pvt. Joseph Bucklin:
Joseph Bucklin. Listen, Colonel, I've been in eleven different engagements. How many have you been in?

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
Not that many.

Pvt. Joseph Bucklin:
It ain't the papers. I done my share. We all have. Damn good men. Should not to be used this way. Lookee here. [Bucklin pulls up his pants leg to reveal a bullet wound scar] Went clean through.

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
[walks up] Colonel, we got a courier comin'. [walks off]

Pvt. Joseph Bucklin:
Listen, Colonel, I'm tired. You know what I mean? I'm tired. I've had all this army, and all these officers, this damn Hooker, this damn idiot Meade. All of them. The whole bloody, lousy rotten mess of sick-brained, potbellied scareheads that ain't fit to lead a johnny detail! They ain't fit to pour pee out of a boot with instructions written under the heel. I'm tired. We are good men and we had our own good flag. These damn idiots used us like we were cows or dogs or worse. We ain't gonna win this war. We can't win no-how with these lame-brain bastards from West Point. These damn gentlemen, these officers!

Gettysburg  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lt. Tom Chamberlain:
One thing about this brigade is we got our own special bugle call. Ever hear tell of Dan Butterfield?

2nd Maine Soldier:
What, General Butterfield? What was with Hooker?

Lt. Tom Chamberlain:
That's the same fellow. See, he used to be our brigade commander.

2nd Maine Soldier:
Yeah, he was a pistol. No man like him for having a good time.

Lt. Tom Chamberlain:
I don't know about that. But I know he used to like to write bugle calls. The problem with this army is, we got too many calls. We got a call for artillery, infantry, get up and eat, retreat. Anyway, old Butterfield, he wrote a special call for this here brigade. Say there is an order for this brigade, you and me. Some blame fool'll be blowing his bugle, we will think that order's for us when it wasn't. We'll follow that order anyway, and then we'll look around and we'll be in a world of hurt.

2nd Maine Soldier:
Yeah, that happened to me once. Us, that is. Half the regiment charged, the other half retreated. You had your choice.

Gettysburg  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
Tell me something, Buster. What do you think of Negroes?

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
Well, if you mean the race, I don't really know. This is not a thing to be ashamed of. The thing is, you cannot judge a race. Any man who judges by the group is a pea-wit. You take men one at a time.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
To me, there was never any difference.

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
None at all?

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
None at all. Of course, I haven't known that many freed men, but those I knew in Bangor, Portland, you look in the eye, there was a man. There was a "divine spark," as my mother used to call it. That is all there is to it. Races are men. "What a piece of work is man. How infinite in faculties, in form and moving. How express and admirable. In action, how like an angel."

Pvt. Buster Kilrain:
Well, if he's an angel, all right then. But he damn well must be a killer angel. Colonel, darling, you're a lovely man. I see a great vast difference between us, yet I admire you, lad. You're an idealist, praise be. The truth is, Colonel, there is no "divine spark." There's many a man alive no more of value than a dead dog. Believe me. When you've seen them hang each other the way I have back in the Old Country. Equality? What I'm fighting for is the right to prove I'm a better man than many of them. Where have you seen this "divine spark" in operation, Colonel? Where have you noted this magnificent equality? No two things on earth are equal or have an equal chance. Not a leaf, not a tree. There's many a man worse than me, and some better, but I don't think race or country matters a damn. What matters, Colonel, is justice. Which is why I'm here. I'll be treated as I deserve. Not as my father deserved. I'm Kilrain, and I damn all gentlemen. There is only one aristocracy, and that is right here. [taps his temple] And that's why we've got to win this war.

Gettysburg  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
Sergeant Owen, let's get these fellows some muskets.

Sgt. Owen:
There are no muskets, sir.

Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain:
[to 2nd Maine men] You just wait here for a bit. There'll be guns available in a little while.

Gettysburg  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said:"I have not begun to fight yet!"
A Alexander the Great
B George Washington
C John Paul Jones
D George III of England