[Grissom, in his penthouse, reads a newspaper proclaiming Harvey Dent's plan to target organized crime in Gotham City.]
Carl Grissom:
Say this son of a bitch makes a connection with us and with Axis Chemicals. What kind of damage are we looking at?
If he ties us in with Axis Chemical, we're dead and buried. We should move immediately.
Jack Napier:
[fiddling with a deck of playing cards] I say we break into the place, trash the office, make off with the records, and say it was industrial espionage.
Carl Grissom:
Jack, smart thinking. That's the way to go. In fact, I'd like you to handle this operation personally.
Jack Napier:
[surprised] Me?
[He draws a Joker from the deck and sees Alicia entering the penthouse.]
Carl Grissom:
Hello, sweetheart! I wonder if - if you'd mind waiting in the next room.
[She does so, giving Napier a sultry look that Grissom spots.]
Carl Grissom:
That's all, gentlemen, thank you, thank you, gentlemen, that's all.
[The other mobsters file out, leaving Grissom and Napier alone.]
Jack Napier:
Carl, uh, can we get somebody else to do this? The fumes in that place...
Carl Grissom:
Jack...it's an important job. I need someone I can trust. You are my number-one guy. Now, don't forget... [sprays the deck into Napier's hat] ...your lucky deck.
[Napier leaves, still uneasy.]
Carl Grissom:
[to himself, picking up telephone receiver] My friend, your luck is about to change. [dials number]
Police dispatcher:
Police Department.
Carl Grissom:
Get me Lieutenant Eckhardt.