Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,800

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Yeah, it's jumping floors, Lieutenant!

Well, where's the second-in companies, huh?

Sorry, man, John Wayne time. You're on your own, boss.

Backdraft  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jesus Christ, Axe!

You don't understand. My cousin, my cousin, Sally, used to work at Swayzak's office. She saw the files, Stephen. She saw what he did!

You set me up with those chemicals on the boat?

I'm trying to explain.


You back off!


Somebody had to stop these pricks, Stephen!

Would you look at me, Axe?

Would you please listen to me?

What were you thinking? You burned people!

You didn't see.

You're a fireman!

When Sally showed me what was in Swayzak's files...

You saw Swayzak's files?

I should've told you. I should've let you on it.

Let him in on what, John? Murder?

Let you in on it while Swayzak and those assholes were closing firehouses. They were getting our friends killed for money! I had to, Stephen! I had to do it for the department!

Did you do it for Tim, John?

That was an accident!

Did you start that fire?

Jesus Christ! Why'd you have to go in there so fucking early?

That's why you wanted me to wait.

Let me finish Swayzak!

No, John! It's over!

You shut up! Your dad would fucking puke if he saw how you shit on his department!

What would he say about what you're doing, John?!

Your dad died saving my life. Died saving my life, and these people were killing firemen for money.


He killed our friends for money! What the fuck would you do?

Look, you're his lieutenant, Stephen! You've gotta handle this!

Backdraft  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Brian(to candidate):
You're doing it wrong!



Backdraft  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowrey walk into a basketball court to meet up with Captain Howard over last night's incident, where Howard is seen shooting the basketball badly by himself.]

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Howard:
Ho! What did I say? Did you hear what I said? I heard what I said 'cause I was standing there when I said it. I told you. I told you to secure a witness. Not to shoot up a neighborhood! Not to do another dead body! Just get the dope back, and do it quietly.

Marcus Burnett:
Look, Captain, this whole situation is getting out of control.

Captain Howard:
You're goddamn right it's getting out of control!

Marcus Burnett:
Look, man, I damn near had to pass a pop quiz before she believed I was him.

Captain Howard:
[Shoots the ball] Going, it's going...[Missed shot] Shit. A little off.

Mike Lowrey:
I haven't killed anybody yet today, Captain.

Captain Howard:
Hey, do you want me to yell at you? 'Cause I can do that. Let me tell you something. This witness—is my only good news I got, okay? The only good news. You guys are bad news. So what does that mean? It means if you have to be Mike Lowrey, Santa Claus, FD Hutton—I don't give a shit, that's what you're gonna be!

Mike Lowrey:
Wait a minute, what the hell is going on here?

Captain Howard:
[Missed another shot] I was getting them all in before you showed up.

Mike Lowrey:
Can somebody talk to me, please? Can I know what's going on?

Marcus Burnett:
Captain, these fools could have gotten a look at my license plate last night.

Captain Howard:
So where's the girl now?

Marcus Burnett:
[Points to Mike] ...His place.

Mike Lowrey:

Captain Howard:
You left her by herself? Our only fucking witness?!

Mike Lowrey:
You left a strange hooker alone in my apartment?!

Marcus Burnett:
The girl is not a hooker, as far as I know. See, I had to stash her someplace. Her and her dogs, Luke and Dukie.

Mike Lowrey:
Oh, so y-you left dogs in my house? There's dogs and a hooker in my house? How about you add some chimps, we can have a carnival.

Marcus Burnett:
[Talking over Mike] I said she isn't a hooker. Can you please—

Mike Lowrey:
[Talking over Marcus] Respect my stuff—

Captain Howard:
Shut up!! For years, Sinclair has been up my ass, trying to pin something on me. I'm always taking it for you. Do it for me! Now, if we can get this witness to IDs our shooters, maybe we catch our bad guys. But until then—until then— [to Marcus] YOU are Mike Lowrey, you be him, that's what you are, you're him—

Marcus Burnett:
[Talking over Howard] But I—

Captain Howard:
[Talking over Marcus] You're him—I don't wanna hear it! You're him! [to Mike] And you, you're you, you be you, but...not in front of her. [to Marcus] You're him! [to Mike] You're you! [Takes another shot and misses] Fuck!

Mike Lowrey:
Can we get a time-out, Captain? What am I, the designated homeless?

Captain Howard:
Does it look like I care? Whatever it takes, all right? Whatever it takes. What did she say to you? The shooters are making their drop in four days? So we got four days.

Marcus Burnett:
Captain! What kind of plan is that? I can't be shacked up with that woman. I have a family to look after. My wife will kill my ass!

Captain Howard:
You don't like your job? Quit. [Missed another shot] Damn!

Mike Lowrey:
Look, I'll stay at the house with Theresa and the kids.

Marcus Burnett:
Thank you—Thank you, but no thank you. You wouldn't last five minutes with my family.

Mike Lowrey:
Please, married life is easy. You only got one woman to satisfy. [Picks up a basketball]

Marcus Burnett:
Yo, man, we ain't the Cosbys.

Mike Lowrey:
[in position to shoot] Let's go, I got this.

Captain Howard:

[Mike's shot went in, nothing but net]

Mike Lowrey:
[Posing] Everybody wants to be like Mike. [Walks off from the court]

Captain Howard:
Yeah, and you're going to be retired like him, too.

Marcus Burnett:
[Walks off from the court] I'd have dunked it on your ass...

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mike Lowrey:
What the hell are you doin'?

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Mike, Marcus, and Julie start arguing, nobody paying attention to his gun; Julie just walks out]

Store Clerk:
Hey, freeze bitch!

[as he points the gun her way, in a flash Mike and Marcus stop arguing and point their guns at his head]

Mike Lowrey:
You freeze, bitch!

Store Clerk:
Oh, shit! I'm fucked.

Mike Lowrey:
Now back up, put the gun down, and get me a pack of Tropical Fruit Bubblicious.

Marcus Burnett:
And some Skittles.

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Marcus, eating a sandwich, sits with Julie at a computer desk as they flip through the mugshots]

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Julie Mott:

Marcus Burnett:
[Notices Julie staring at his sandwich] Want some?

Julie Mott:
No, thanks. I don't eat flesh.

Marcus Burnett:
Say what?

Julie Mott:
That's flesh that you're shoveling into your mouth. You know, that was, like, a living, breathing creature. You know, it probably had a name.

Marcus Burnett:
It's just bologna. My bologna has a first name?

Julie Mott:
Actually, your bologna, has about thirty names because they take odd parts from all different ones, like the leftovers: The hooves and stomach lining...

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Marcus starts to feel grossed out as Julie explains]

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Julie Mott:
...ears, stuff like that. They put it into this machine and grind it all up. Then out comes this sheet. That's what you're eating now.

Marcus Burnett:
[Loss of appetite] You know what? I won't eat bologna no more. How about a pickle? Can I eat the pickle?

Julie Mott:
It has a lot of salt in it, but it's fine. It is a vegetable.

Marcus Burnett:
A lot of salt in the pickle? Let me rinse it off.

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Washes the pickle in the soda]

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marcus Burnett:
There we go. [Takes a bite out of the rinsed pickle] How's that?

Julie Mott:
[To the mugshots] Just keep going.

Marcus Burnett:
I don't even taste the salt now.

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Store Clerk:
[pointing gun at Mike] I blow you! [points gun at Marcus] And I blow you!

Marcus Burnett:
Blow me? What the fuck? Naw-naw. Hump me, all right?

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mike Lowrey:
[to the White Carjacker holding a gun to his head] Let me tell you how bad a day you're having: right now you're jacking a couple of cops.

White Carjacker:
Oh, yeah? Well, I'm a stand-up comedian. And I suck! That's why I need your car.

Marcus Burnett:
Look, now I ain't no Wesley Snipes! I just hang out with stupid ass friends, that drive stupid ass cars, that attract a lot of mother fuckin' attention!

Mike Lowrey:
You know what, I need to jump over this car and smack you in your peasy ass head that's what I need to do.

Marcus Burnett:
Well, you know what you're arguin' over a mother fuckin' french fry.

Mike Lowrey:
It's not about the french fry, it's about your lack of respect for other people's property!

White Carjacker:

Black Carjacker:
Shut the fuck up!

Marcus Burnett:
[to Black Carjacker] Hold the fuck on! [to Mike] You want some bad enough, come get some!

[Marcus suddenly throws coke in the Black Carjacker's face and kicks him in the crotch, while Mike punches the White Carjacker in the face]

Marcus Burnett:
[Pointing gun at the Black Carjacker, who is on the ground] You like that shit? Wesley Snipes, "Passenger 57"! Now gimme a motherfuckin' Handy Wipe!

Mike Lowrey:
[Pointing gun at the White Carjacker, who is on the ground] Now let's hear one of those jokes, bitch.

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marcus Burnett:
[while pursuing Fouchet, who is up ahead in a roadster] You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law.

Mike Lowrey:
Yo man, what the fuck are you doing?

Marcus Burnett:
Getting it out the way.

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marcus Burnett:
[trying to imitate Mike] Hello, this is Mike Low-rey.

Captain Howard:
He doesn't talk that way. Try to talk like him, like him! Try to talk sexy. Sexy, you don't talk sexy enough!

Marcus Burnett:
Cap, Cap! I've been there.

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Driving the "ice-cream truck"]

Marcus Burnett:
What am I smellin'?

Mike Lowrey:
Just drive!

Marcus Burnett:
What am I smellin'?!

Julie Mott:
[Sees barrels hanging in the back of the van. Reads the label] Ether. Extremely flammable ether. Oh, shit!

Mike Lowrey:

Marcus Burnett:
Oh, you-you-you-you da man. Oh you're the fuckin' man tonight! How'd you go and pick an ice-cream truck that's a damn bomb!

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Stake-out crook:
Watching the place was my first gig.

Detective Sanchez:
Oh, so does that make you union?

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marcus Burnett:
[to Mike] I'm not understanding, I-I really don't.

Store Clerk:
[pointing gun at Marcus] Shut up!

Marcus Burnett:
I mean, do you just attract violence?

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Cell phone rings, Casper answers it]


Mike Lowrey:
Yeah, can I speak to Romeo?

No, there ain't no Romeo here, asshole.

[Ferguson laughs]

[to Ferguson] What the fuck are you laughing at?

Bad Boys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Mike and Marcus pose as Klansmen during a drug drop; they expose their cover and point their guns at the launderers]

Mike Lowery and Marcus Burnett:
[singing] Bad boys, bad boys/What ya gonna do?/What ya gonna do when we come for you? [Marcus ad-libs the first verse]

Mike Lowery:
Dude, you gotta learn the words.

We usually only do the chorus.

Bad Boys II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marcus Burnett:
[after Mike accidentally shots Marcus in the butt] What you mean, "We"? Motherfucker shot me in the ass, man.

Mike Lowery:
Who shot you in the ass?

Who? That "who" would be you.

Me? I shot you?


I mean, I was shootin'...yeah, I was...I did a lot of shootin'. I mean, I ain't saying that I shot you in the ass. I mean, I ain't saying I didn't shoot you... [looks] But damn! Somebody shot you in the ass!

Tell me about it.

Yo man, how does it feel?

It's hot man. smell my ass is burning.

Bad Boys II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Marcus and Mike arrives at the Miami Police Headquarters to go see Captain Howard...]

Bad Boys II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A The Princess Bride
B Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
C The Wizard of Oz
D It's a Wonderful Life