Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,801

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Mike Lowery:
Vargas, we're not gonna make it to the tunnel! Go to Plan B! We're going to Plan B!

Marcus Burnett:
What Plan B?!

[pause] Man, you don't pay attention to shit, do you?!

[as they start arguing in the middle of the gunfight] Are you fucking shitting me?! Let's go!

Detective Mateo Reyes:
[in the escape tunnel] Plan B? What the hell is Plan B?

Bad Boys II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marcus Burnett:
[driving with Mike down a hill, through cocaine-processing shacks, in a stolen Hummer] Is this still Plan B?

Mike Lowery:
Naw, this is definitely Plan C!

Bad Boys II  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Man, they look woebegone and far away.

Oh, I'll only be here twenty-four hours.

In a place like this, it could be a lifetime.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

He's no salesman, that's for sure. Unless he's peddlin' dynamite.

Maybe he's a cop or somethin'.

Ever see a cop with a stiff arm?

Maybe his arm's all right. Maybe he's just hangin' onto something tight in his pocket.

Like what? A pistol? A stick of TNT so he can blow up the whole mangy, miserable town.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You don't know anything about Komoko, now do you, Tim?

I do not. That's the point.

The point is, what you don't know won't hurt you.

Maybe there's something that I ought to know. Maybe there's something that I ought to ask you before the stranger comes back here and starts breathing down my neck.

Tim! You're just a lost ball in the high weeds. I told you a long time ago, nothing happened for you to worry about.

Thing is, I do worry. Maybe I ain't much else, but I'm sure a worrier. And I'm still the law.

Then do your job, Tim.

What is my job, Mr. Smith? Maybe I'd better find out before Macreedy does it for me.

Macreedy'll do nothing - and neither will you, Tim.

Suppose I decide to try?

That might be dangerous. Tim, you got the body of a hippo but the brain of a rabbit. Now don't overtax it.

[He lowers his eyes and looks away] Yes, Mr. Smith.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I think Macreedy's a nothin', a nobody...So there's nothin' to worry about...What can he find out? That Komoko...Suppose he finds out.

A nobody like Macreedy can raise a pretty big stink. The point is - who'd miss a nobody like Macreedy if he just, uh, say, disappeared? Who, Coley?...

Why don't we wait?...I mean, maybe he won't find anything. Maybe he'll just go away.

Not Macreedy. I know those maimed guys. Their minds get twisted. They put on hair-shirts and act like martyrs. All of 'em are do-gooders, freaks, troublemakers.

Let's wait and see. There's no danger yet.

No danger, he says. This guy's like a carrier of small pox. Since he's arrived, this town has a fever, an infection, and it's spreading.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Let Smith find himself a new boy. I can't take it another day. Four years ago, if I'd of done my job, if I'd of checked up and found out what happened. But I didn't! It was just like Smith figured...I didn't even try to find out. Don't you understand? You know, when you wear this badge, you're the Law. And when somebody does something against the Law, then you're supposed to do something about it. Me - I did nothin'. That's what's eatin' me. What kind of prescription you got for that?

I don't know. I haven't found one for myself. But there's one thing, Tim, don't quit.

Why not?

Because maybe this feller Macreedy's got the prescription.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Things change.

Sure do. And Smith is the kid who changes 'em, isn't he?...What's wrong with this town of yours, Miss Worth?...

I don't want to get involved.

Involved in what?

Whatever you're up to. Whatever happens, I've got to go on living in this town. These people are my neighbors, my friends.

All of 'em?

This is my town, Mr. Macreedy, like it or not.

Well, if you don't like it, why do you stick around?

My brother Pete, he'd never leave.

Didn't it ever occur to you that you might leave without him? You look like a pretty independent young lady. Your brother seems to me...

Weak. Yeah, I know. That's why I couldn't leave him.

What did your brother do?

What do you care? What do you care about Black Rock?

I don't care anything about Black Rock. Only it just seems to me that there aren't many towns like this in America. But one town like it is enough and because I think somethin' kind of bad happened here, Miss Worth, somethin' I can't quite seem to find the handle to.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Well, I know this much. The rule of law has left here and the gorillas have taken over.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why would a man like you be looking for a lousy Jap farmer?...I believe a man is as big as what'll make him mad. Nobody around here seems big enough to get you mad.

What makes you mad, Mr. Smith?...The Japanese make you mad, don't they?

Well, that's different. After that sneak attack on Pearl Harbor...Bataan.

Komoko made you mad.

It's the same thing. Loyal Japanese-Americans, that's a laugh. They're all mad dogs. What about Corregidor, the death march?

What did Komoko have to do with Corregidor?

He was a Jap, wasn't he? Look, Mr. Macreedy, there's a law in this county about shootin' dogs. But when I see a mad dog, I don't wait for him to bite me. I swear, you're beginning to make me mad.

All strangers do.

No they don't. Not all of 'em. Some do when they come around snooping.

Snooping for what?

I don't know. Outsiders coming in looking for something.

Looking for what?

I don't know. Somebody's always looking for something in this part of the West. To the historians, it's the "Old West." To the book writers, it's the "Wild West." To the businessman, it's the "Undeveloped West." They say we're all poor and backward and I guess we are. We don't even have enough water. But to us, this place is our West. And I wish they'd leave us alone.

Leave you alone to do what?

I don't know what you mean.

What happened to Komoko?

He went away, I told you. Shortly after he left, some kids went out there. They got foolin' around and burned his place down. That's how it was. You know how kids are.

[Macreedy laughs]

I don't believe you. There's somethin' buried up there....[He pulls the wildflowers from his pocket] That means a grave. I suppose you knew that. I saw a lot of it, you know, overseas. I figured it wasn't a human grave because it wasn't marked. Kind of a mystery, isn't it?

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

They're gonna kill you with no hard feelings.

And you're gonna sit there and let 'em do it.

I try to live right. I drink my milk every day. But mostly, I try to mind my own business - which is something I'd advise you to do.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm half-hoss, half-alligator. You mess with me and I'll kick a lung outta ya. Whaddya think of that?

No comment.

You know, talkin' to you is like pullin' teeth. You wear me out. You're a yellow-bellied Jap lover. Am I right or wrong?

You're not only wrong - you're wrong at the top of your voice.

You don't like my voice?

[To Smith] I think your friend is trying to start trouble.

Why ever would he want to do that?

Well, I don't know. Maybe he thinks that if he needles me enough, I might crack. I might even fight back. And then either he or your other ape sittin' over there could beat me to death and cop a plea of self-defense.

I don't think that'll be necessary. You're so scared now you'll probably drown in your own sweat.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Wouldn't it have been easier to wait until I turned my back? Or are there too many witnesses present?

You're still in trouble.

You're in trouble. Whatever happens, you're sunk.

You got things a big twisted.

You killed Komoko, Smith, and sooner or later you're gonna go up for it. Not because you killed him, because I think in a town like this, you can get away with it. But because you didn't have guts enough to do it alone. You put your trust in guys like this - and Hector here - not the most dependable of God's creatures. And one of these days, they're gonna catch on that you're playin' 'em for a sap. And then what are ya gonna do? Peel 'em off, one by one? And in the meantime, one of 'em's gonna crack and when they do, you're gonna go down - but hard. 'Cause they got somethin' on ya, Smith. Something to use when the goin' gets tough. And it's gettin' tougher every minute.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

My memories are so pleasant as it is...

It's gonna take an awful lot of whiskey to wash out your guts. Go on, go on! Swill it! What is there left for you to do? You're as dead as Komoko and you don't know it....

You don't have to remind me. I've never forgotten.

Oh, isn't that noble of you. You haven't forgotten. And you're ashamed. That's really noble of you. I suppose four years from now, you'll be sittin' around here tellin' people you haven't forgotten me either. That's real progress. In the meantime, I'll be as dead as a - WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED? [To Doc] What happened?

Why did you come here, Mr. Macreedy?

Did Komoko have any other family besides his son Joe?

Son? Nobody around here ever knew he had a son.

Yes, he had a son. He's dead too. He's buried in Italy...Why, this Komoko boy died trying to save my life. They gave him a medal. I came here to give it to his old man. I figured the least I could do was give him one day out of my life.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Smith owned Adobe Flat. He leased it to Komoko. He figured he had cheated him because you gotta have water to raise anything. There never was any water on Adobe Flat. Komoko dug a well. He must have gone down sixty feet.

He got plenty of water. That made Smith pretty sore. He didn't like Japs anyway. The day after Pearl Harbor, Smith went to Sand City.

Yeah, he got turned down, trying to enlist.

Well, when he got back, he was pretty sore. Around ten o'clock, we all started drinking.

Ten in the morning.

Yeah. Smith, Coley, Sam, Hector, and me - we were all drunk. Patriotic drunk. We wanted to go out to scare the Jap a little and have a little fun. Well, when we got there, he heard us comin' and he locked the door. And then Smith started a fire. And the Jap - he came running out. His clothes were all burning. And then Smith shot him. I didn't even know he had a gun.

Then you got scared and buried him, and kept your mouths shut, hmm?


[He shoves the bottle toward Pete] Well, go ahead and have your drink now. You're gonna need it.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Help me up, Smitty.

You were gonna help me, Liz. I still need your help.

[confused] I did everything you said.

You two started out in a car and that's the way you're gonna end up. Over a cliff - burning. You can blame Macreedy for that. He said I had too many witnesses.

But why me? Why start with me?

I gotta start with somebody.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

about Joe Kokomo's Medal of Honor Maybe we need it. It would give us something to build on. This town's wrecked, just as though it was bombed out. Maybe it can come back.

Some towns do and some towns don't. It depends on the people.

That medal would help.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What's all the excitement? What happened?

A shooting.

Thought it was something. First time the Streamliner's stopped here in four years.

Second time.

Bad Day at Black Rock  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Chipeska is seen arguing with a man who had been the Chamberlain's Santa for years.]

Bob Chipeska:
Harrison, will you listen please? Financially--

Fired Santa:
Well, you get what you paid for, Chipeska. Five Christmases I've been here, and now you flip me for some stranger who'll do it for peanuts and happens to work with a real midget. Well, let me tell you something, though: nobody cares! Nobody comes for the elf; Santa's the main attraction. I do Burl Ives songs. Does this schmoe even play guitar?

Bob Chipeska:
Look, Harrison, it's not about the money or the midget. Believe me if it was-- I don't think they like the term midget. I think you're supposed to call them--

Fired Santa:
Oh, just forget it! [Walks away as Willie and Marcus enters the store, then yells to them] Hacks!

Bob Chipeska:
[to Marcus and Willie] Hi. Bob Chipeska. Welcome. Great photo and resumè by the way.

Thanks. You know, we've been at this for a long time and all, so we like to think we do a good job.

Bob Chipeska:
I'm so glad you two can come at such a short notice. You two are perfect for this job, truly.

[Willie drones out the conversation between Bob and Marcus, eyeing a woman's ass as she walks]

Bob Chipeska:
So, I don't want his unpleasantness affect your performance in any way.

Oh, no, we--


Bob Chipeska:
Yes. Your performance. You know, the...

Performance, like, sexual?

[Bob looks up at Willie in confusion]

Bob Chipeska:
Excuse me?


Are you saying there's something wrong with my gear? Is that what you're saying to me?

Bob Chipeska:
I'm sorry, your gear?


My fuck stick!

[Bob makes a shocked and disgusted look, Marcus quickly saves the situation by shoving Willie]

Willie, take a seat. You know how your blood sugar is.

Bob Chipeska:
He's not going to say "fuck stick" in front of the children, is he?

No! It was just a joke. An adult joke for us adults. It's a joke. Just a joke.

Bad Santa  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[smoking a cigarette in his office] "Fuck stick"?

Bob Chipeska:
Yeah, I know it's odd, but as our security manager, I want you to be well aware of this. His little friend promised he won't say it in front of the children which is fine. There is an adult's world and a child's world and that's OK. I'm no censor.

Bad Santa  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Willie, this has been a long time coming. Every year, you're worse. Every year, you're less reliable. More booze, more bullshit, more butt-fucking.

Sure, the 3 B's.

Bad Santa  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're pretty regular for a Santa.

It's not that much of a big fucking deal. It's just a job, you know what I mean? I'm just an eating, drinking, shitting, fucking Santy Claus.

Prove it.

[cut to Willie and Sue having casual sex in Willie's car with Willie still wearing his Santa uniform]

Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa. Fuck me, Santa!

Can't I at least take this hat off?

NO! I love the hat.


Bad Santa  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I've always had a thing for Santa Claus. In case you didn't notice. It's like some deep-seeded childhood thing.

So is my thing for tits.

Bad Santa  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Marcus is scolding Willie for dry-humping an underage lady in the arcade]

That's just the kinda shit that's gonna get us pinched.

She said she was 18.

But you promised no arcades! You said you'd only hustle Big and Tall.

What, you shat me outta your womb? You're my fucking mom now? I don't need any goddamn lectures outta you. I know how to keep a low profile, thank you. [unlocks the stolen BMW]

[referring to the car] What the fuck is this, Mr. Low Profile?!

Mind your own goddamn business. [opens the driver's side door, and several empty beer bottles and cans spill out onto the ground. Willie gets in, starts the car and drives off]

[shouting after Willie] Ever hear of the open-bottle law?!

Bad Santa  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Woman in Food Court:
Look who's here, Jimmy! It's Santa!

Great. Fucking great.

Woman in Food Court:
Let's tell him what you want for Christmas.

Fuck. [turns to the woman and son and yells] I'M ON MY FUCKING LUNCH BREAK, OK?!

Woman in Food Court:
[offended] Are you insane?! Management's gonna hear about this.

Think that's a threat? You really think you can make my fucking life any worse, you go right ahead. Be my fucking guest. Take a shot.

Bad Santa  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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