Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule is an American comedy television series that is a spin-off of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! starring John C. Reilly as Dr. Steve Brule. The series premiered on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim, on May 16, 2010. The program parodies 90's public-access television programs and follows Brule as he examines different facets of living. His severe naivete and social awkwardness generally land him in embarrassing situations, though he largely remains ignorant of any embarrassment he's causing himself. As the series progresses, he reveals shocking and sometimes horrifying details about his past and personal life. The series has completed four seasons of six episodes each. In the series Reilly interviews real people, whose reactions are genuine according to executive producer Tim Heidecker. He states that he intends for the humor to derive from Brule's character rather than the reactions of his guests. In post-production, the video is piped through a VCR to simulate poor production value. Critical reception has been positive, with several reviewers highlighting the character of Brule while noting the aesthetic qualities as similar to other productions. The A.V. Club's Brandon Nowalk compared it to The Day Today and Brass Eye, while DVD Verdict's Dawn Hunt compared it to This Is Spinal Tap. The first two seasons were combined onto a single DVD release, made available on October 16, 2012 in Region 1.


Dr. Steve Brule:
Today with Dr. Dan Dungus (Dr. Don Davis), who's a sexpert from U.C.L. of A. Welcome to the show, Dr. Don.

Dr. Don Davis:
It's my pleasure to be here.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Doctor to Doctor, what is sex?

Dr. Don Davis:
It's about two people having fun with their bodies.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Like tickling?

Dr. Don Davis:
Yes, yeah. Any type of touching can be part of it.

Dr. Steve Brule:
H-How do you make sex?

Dr. Don Davis:
Well, one of the ways is you can start to learn to touch yourself. You can start, you know, just from your face, you know, caressing your face, working down, you know, the front of your body -- Your nipples, especially. For some --

Dr. Steve Brule:
Pencil erasers. [laughs]

Dr. Don Davis:
That's how most people learn, both men and women. And that's what your learning.

Dr. Steve Brule:
What about your pennis? Let's not beat around the bushes. Are there any uses for a pennis besides pee or...sperms?

Dr. Don Davis:
That main use of the penis is intercourse.

Dr. Steve Brule:
[giggles[ H-H-How do you know if the lady wants a pennis in her vagina? [laughs]

Dr. Don Davis:
Well, you better be very sure about it before you put it in there.

Dr. Steve Brule:
I know! [laughing]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Where else could you put your prennis?

Dr. Don Davis:
The penis can also go in anally.

Dr. Steve Brule:
This makes farts. [chuckles] Well, you are a typical hunk who thinks you know everything about everything. Doctor to Doctor, appreciate it.

Dr. Don Davis:
You're welcome. Anytime.

Dr. Steve Brule:
For your health.

Dr. Steve Brule:
We're back with a very special segment on sleeping and how to share a bed. And with me, of course, is Jan Skylar. Jan, what's the most important thing for when you have to share a bed for sleeping?

Jan Skylar:
Well, it's very easy. The first things you do is you want to get into a very comfortable sleeping gown. This is my sleeping attire that -- I'm -- We'll be demonstrating with tonight.

Dr. Steve Brule:
I just have my underwears.

Jan Skylar:
Okay. That's fine. This is what I do every night. I get into bed, and I lure Wayney in. I lure him in like this. Sometimes it's nice to give a little reward.

Dr. Steve Brule:
[sees Jan's butt] And it's a nice view from here. Now what?

Jan Skylar:
Now you have to get into bed.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Jan Skylar:
You got to get up in here.

Dr. Steve Brule:
It's wobbly.

Jan Skylar:
I always have a hard time falling asleep, but if I'm with someone I love, I usually have them bring their arm around like this, and they can put their hand wherever they want.

Dr. Steve Brule:
And it's right on your roast beef.

Jan Skylar:
Oops. [sniffs[ Ooh, that stickin' around like a potato-salad smell.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Jan Skylar:
It's in my tongue. And then we just give ourselves a kiss good night. We don't have to do that here.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Well, we could.

Jan Skylar:
Or we can give it a little...

Wayne Skylar:
Jan! [straining]

Jan Skylar:
Real close. And this is just for...for the viewers.

[Jan and Dr. Brule kissed in bed]

Jan Skylar:
And just like that.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Just a little peck.

Jan Skylar:
Try closing your eyes. That's what I always do. I'll just give you... [kisses Dr. Brule a couple times] right on the lips.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Jan Skylar:
And you can kiss me, too. Where would you want to kiss me if you could kiss anywhere?

[Dr. Brule kisses Jan's breasts]

Jan Skylar:
Oh. That's fine. That's fine.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Right on the roast beef.

Jan Skylar:
They deserve it.

Wayne Skylar:
[angrily exhales deeply]

Wayne Skylar:

[Wayne gets in bed with Jan and Dr. Steve Brule]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Don't squash me.

[Jan slaps Wayne's butt]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Is everything okay?

Wayne Skylar:
Everything's fine, Steve.

Jan Skylar:
Damn it, Wayne.

[Jan and Wayne both slaps butts at each other]

Dr. Steve Brule:
You're making the bed jiggle.

[then Dr. Brule gets in on the fun]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Shh! For your health.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Am I my brother's keeper? I don't know, but my brother is here as my next guest. His name is Stan Brule, and he's the coolest person of my whole world. Welcome to the programs, Stan. Good to be here.

Stan Brule:
Good to be here, Steven.

Dr. Steve Brule:
What's it like being the coolest guy in town?

Stan Brule:
I have a lot of friends all over the world.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Stan Brule:

Dr. Steve Brule:

Stan Brule:

Dr. Steve Brule:
Does anyone ever call you "Stanley"?

Stan Brule:
I own my own pizza oven in my house. Could have as many extra ingredients as I want, and it doesn't cost me any extra.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Stan, tell out audience about your inventions. Did you ever invent a jet pack?

Stan Brule:
I invented, um....a jet pack. I was gonna invent a skrateboard, but I already have 5 hundred of them. So I was like, "Forget it, I'll just make a flying surfboard instead with a jet-ski engine on it".

Dr. Steve Brule:
[excited] Really?

Stan Brule:
I have about 150 jet skis.

Dr. Steve Brule:
[laughs] That's cool!

Stan Brule:
Just ride them around the ocean or in a pond.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Tell me, Stan -- What's your favorite food?

Stan Brule:

Dr. Steve Brule:

Stan Brule:
Or egg rolls. I was flying my own jet, and I was like, "I'm out of egg rolls. Where am I gonna go? I'll go to the Great Wall of China and see if they have egg rolls there", and they did.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Is that -- Is that right?

Stan Brule:
[nodding his head meaning "yes"]

Dr. Steve Brule:
It's been a pleasure talking with you 'cause you're my older brother and I really look up to you.

Stan Brule:
I know.

[Dr. Brule and Stan Brule shake hands in air style]

Stan Brule:
I know. It's good to see you, Steven. Stay cool.

Dr. Steve Brule:
[to the crew] Does it look good? Does it looks real?

[sees Stan Brule was just a edited mirror reflection]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Just wanted to see what it would be like to have a brother. [chuckles] Gotcha. Check it out.

Dr. Steve Brule:
My guest, Sanfia Dangus, is registered by the United States Department of Beauty for a beauty expert. Cynthia, how do I -- Can tell if I'm yugly or handsome?

Cynthia Driscoll:
What this computer does is scientifically determine whether you are handsome or ugly.

Dr. Steve Brule:
This little number.

Cynthia Driscoll:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Steve Brule:
It's like an easter basket.

Dr. Steve Brule & Cynthia:
[both laugh]

Cynthia Driscoll:
But it's not. It's not an easter basket.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Could be. You could hide a chocolate egg in there. I don't know how you could get prettier. [starts to handshake Cynthia]

Cynthia Driscoll:
Uh, no!

Dr. Steve Brule:
[air smooches]

Cynthia Driscoll:
Uh, what we're gonna do is I'm gonna attach these to your trouble areas. I place these on --

Dr. Steve Brule:
Ooh! Oh. My skin's kind of oily.

Cynthia Driscoll:

Dr. Steve Brule:
I had too many potato chips for lunch.

Cynthia Driscoll:
God, I just -- It's hard to get in there, but...okay.

[as Cynthia managed to attach the circles on Dr. Brule, she turns on the Beauty Identifier to see the results for Dr. Brule's trouble areas]

Dr. Steve Brule:
If I -- If I end up being handsome --

[computer beeps]

Cynthia Driscoll:
Oh! [sad] Oh.

[the Beauty Identifier confirms him as ugly]

Cynthia Driscoll:
Okay. Uh...hmm.

Dr. Steve Brule:
What did it -- What are the results? [felt pain after taking off the things attached to him in a sec] What was the result?

Cynthia Driscoll:
The conclusion is that,'re ugly.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Shoot. Darn it. Sanfia Dagless, what can a man like me do to help my ugliness?

Cynthia Driscoll:
So, if you look in the mirror and you think, "Oh, I look fat. I look -- [sees Dr. Brule coming close to her] NoOOOOOOOO!

[Dr. Brule talks to Puppet Jan Skylar and Wayne Skylar]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hey, what have you guys been up to?

Puppet Jan Skylar:
Well, we were just talking about sharing and how amazing it is to share.

Puppet Wayne Skylar:
And how sharing is important to any friendship.

Puppet Jan Skylar:
You know, I share the candy in my candy box.

Dr. Steve Brule:
And what else can you share, Janey?

Puppet Wayne Skylar:
Well, Steve, I share my heart and my body to my loved ones, especially my wife.

[PWS starts to smother PJS]

Puppet Jan Skylar:
Mm, okay. No, we don't need that. We don't need it.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Aww, you two are always bickering. [chuckles]

Puppet Wayne Skylar:
I'd like to just take a ride through the tunnel sometimes before work. And Jan, says, "No, that tunnel is closed".

Dr. Steve Brule:
I don't have to take the tunnel. I just use the expressway.

Puppet Wayne Skylar:
2 years, no access to the tunnel. That could make any man depressed.

Puppet Jan Skylar:
Well, there are certain people here in the studio's had plenty of access.

Puppet Wayne Skylar:
Are you letting people inside of this tunnel, in that clam house?

Dr. Steve Brule:
[happily] Is this still the show?

[Jan and Wayne Skylar gets done with their puppet acting when they started having an argument]

Wayne Skylar:
Are you letting people touch you here?

Jan Skylar:
Don't you touch me! Don't you touch me!

Wayne Skylar:
Let them touch you here? And they go in your tunnel here!

Jan Skylar:
Don't touch me! YOU DON'T TOUCH ME!

[then Wayne took off Jan's hair]

Jan Skylar:

Dr. Steve Brule:

Dr. Steve Brule:
I'm here with one of my neighbors from Bixburrough Apartments, Hippy Joel. He's here to talk about pleasure.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Sometimes the things that give you pleasure could hurt you, like I got hurt real bad from candy?

Hippy Joel:
Hurt by candy?

Dr. Steve Brule:
I tried, uh, a hard lollipop.

Hippy Joel:
The best part of the lollipop is the stick. You suck and suck and suck. Then you get pleasure.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hippy Joel, what is the secret to happiness? I can't seem to find it myself. Pleeease?

Hippy Joel:
I brought with me a mystical root that will help you reach that level of serenity, peace. It will free you in a fertile soil of ecstasy.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Tastes like a cow bathroom.

Hippy Joel:
[looks at the camera] Unleash your mind. Let it flow from the feet to the top of your head. You will release that pressure, that pain.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Hippy Joel:
You will be filled with unbelievable pleasure.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Feels like my a**hole's on fire!

Hippy Joel:
That means the negatives are releasing from your body. Let it flow.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Feels like my a**hole's on fire!

Hippy Joel:
Don't pucker.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Hippy Joel:

Dr. Steve Brule:
[laughs] Feels like my a**hole's on fire! IT FEELS LIKE MY A**HOLE'S ON FIRE!

Hippy Joel:
Yeah, baby!

Dr. Steve Brule:
[distorted] YEAH, BABY!

Hippy Joel:
[laughs] Go with it! [distorted laughter]

[then Dr. Brule starts to experience some crazy hallucinations after taking a mystical root]

Hippy Joel:

Dr. Steve Brule:
[whispered] Feels like my a**hole's on fire.

Hippy Joel:

Dr. Steve Brule:
I can't find my teeth.

[Dr. Brule sees a scene of a naked spa guy who's been sitting with him in the heating room this entire interview]

Dr. Steve Brule:

Hippy Joel:

Hippy Joel:

Dr. Steve Brule:
I can't find my teeth.

Hippy Joel:
Here we go! I think you need a little lube. [gives Dr. Brule more of the mystical root making Brule more insane] Lubricant, baby!

Dr. Steve Brule:
Tell me about, uh -- About h-how you make money.

Ronald Barker:
Well, basically, I play, um, um, blackjack, and I use a counting system called high-low.

Dr. Steve Brule:
I know.

Ronald Barker:
Basically, it's a counting system that you use--

Dr. Steve Brule:
You gonna do a magic trick? My Uncle Gary is a magician, and he knows all -- All kinds of card tricks.

Ronald Barker:
[chuckles] But we'll get back to Blackjack. The reason why you're betting in blackjack is--

Dr. Steve Brule:
Wh--What if you -- You use coin money or paper money in a crasino?

Ronald Barker:
Oh, typically, you're gonna use chips. What you're gonna do is --

Dr. Steve Brule:
Like Tortilla chips.

Ronald Barker:
No, no tortilla chips. We us gambling chips.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Oh, or sour-cream-and-onion chips for your health.

Ronald Barker:
I tell ya, if they were scented that way, more people would probably play.

Dr. Steve Brule:
I know.

Ronald Barker:
When you're counting cards, you're basically watching the hands come out.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Well, all this talk about chips is making me hungry. Denny, give me some chips.

[Denny gives Dr. Brule some chips]

Ronald Barker:
And so when we're playing blackjack, if the dealer has a face card up, we assume that the card down is a face card, but we'll show one hand. So, we got an 8, and we got am 18. So, basically, on 18 -- Very close to 21 -- You might want to stay.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hit me. [quickly eats a chip]

Ronald Barker:
28. We just lost.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Want some chips?

Ronald Barker:
No, I think I'm gonna pass right now.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Ronald Barker:
Alright. We'll run another one.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Who cares? I have a whole bowl.

Ronald Barker:
Now you have a 13 against a 9.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hit me.

Ronald Barker:
Hit you?

Dr. Steve Brule:
[gurgles] Okay.

Ronald Barker:
So, basically, do you want to play another hand?

Dr. Steve Brule:
That's enough of this dribble-drabble. I think I got the brasics down. Let's go to the crasino and, uh, make some big bucks. See you later, doctor.

Dr. Steve Brule:
What if your home is at a baseball field? My next guest is Dango Rangus (Darin Rossi). he is a baseball umpire. Very nice to meet you [kisses Darin's hand] I'm Dr. Steve Brule.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Why is it called home base?

Darin Rossi:
The whole object of the game is to get home.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Right. I knew a boy, before I had to stop going to high school, and he used to talk about baseball all the time. "Hey Steve, I got to first base -- Touchin' titties". "Hey Steven, I got to third base -- Fish finger".

Darin Rossi:

Dr. Steve Brule:
"Hey Steven, I got to home base. Home run -- Milk out of my dingus".

Darin Rossi:

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hey Django, let's play a little game. I'll pretend like I'm a croach, and I'm gonna give you a hard time. You be the ump. Ready?

Darin Rossi:

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hey, what the hell was that?

Darin Rossi:
Don't be arguing balls and strikes!

Dr. Steve Brule:
My guy was SAFE!

Darin Rossi:
Don't even go there.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Darin Rossi:
He's not at base two.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Darin Rossi:
Don't scream at me. Give me space.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Darin Rossi:
Stop spitting on me!

Dr. Steve Brule:

Darin Rossi:
I was there. I did my best.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Well, I did my best, too! I tried my very best, and you're a hunk!

Darin Rossi:
Alright. Thank you very much.

Dr. Steve Brule:
That was my guest. He was a ump! GOODBY-- [music cue interrupts]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Horses are for riding and for petting, but they're also for eating, aren't they?

Pablo Myers:
Yeah, they sure are. Horse meat is nutritious and affordable. It's a fine meat to can. Would you like to try a can?

Dr. Steve Brule:
Ooh, yes! Want to get my lips around some horse.

[Dr. Brule opens the can of horse meat]

Pablo Myers:
I hope you enjoy it.

[Dr. Brule eats the horse meat]

Dr. Steve Brule:
A little bit tough.

Pablo Myers:
Here's my problem -- I have 3 tons of horse meat in the backyard, so I have to can it and make a horse-meat sale for you.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Cubed horse beef. Yep. That's the good stuff. I just might eat this whole can. I don't want to hog the horse, Pablo. Want some?

Pablo Myers:
Don't mind if I do.

Dr. Steve Brule:

[Dr. Brule and Pablo Myers both eat horse meat together]

Pablo Myers:
When you're sick of that dry horse, try the creamed horse.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Let's get into the cream.

Pablo Myers:
Creamed horse meat -- It's horse meat in horse yogurt.

[Dr. Brule sniffs the creamed horse meat]

Dr. Steve Brule:
I think we got a bad can.

Pablo Myers:
Dive into my creamed horse.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Will do.

[Dr. Brule eats the creamed horse meat]

Pablo Myers:
Oh. I have a special for you -- Our horse milk.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Down the hatch.

[Dr. Brule drinks the horse milk]

Pablo Myers:
I rode that horse the other day before I milked her.

Dr. Steve Brule:
See you at Myer's. I'll be in the horse aisle. For your horse.

Pablo Myers:
I am proud of my cans of horse meat. [kisses his can]

Dr. Steve Brule:
[narrating] I went to go visit Brown's Day Care, and I met the boss who runs the whole show -- Name of Brown.

Dr. Steve Brule:
So, what time of day is this for the boys?

This is snacktime.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Dr. Steve Brule:
[narrating] Then Brown took me upstairs to the very top of the house, where they actually keep these lucky kids.

[as Dr. Brule comes to the top of the room to meet the kids, some of the kids were grown midget men]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Oh, here they come. Can I feed the boys?


Dr. Steve Brule:
Can I give them a snack? Here, boys. Here, boys. Go get it.

Enough candy. Come on. Go away. Go. Shh, shh, shh, shhh. Shush, shush, shush.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Why do all the boys have cotton in their ears?

I do a lot of screaming. It dulls down my voice and the screaming.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Why do you scream so much, Brown?

I do a lot with my brain. I just explode with -- And I'm sorry about that.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Well, we got candy. We got clowns.

And kids.

Dr. Steve Brule:
And kids. What more could you want? I like this place.

Dr. Steve Brule:
[narrating] Then Brown said it was time to change the dirty cotton with good, clean cotton. Nothing's too good for these boys at Brown's Day Care.

Just replace the cotton. They're having their time of they're life. [to the kids] Give 'em some candy.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Can I have a piece of candy? I like brutterscotch.

[Dr. Brule gets a candy out of Brown's bag]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Ha ha, Denny. I got a piece of candy.

[then a kids took Dr. Brule's candy away from him]

Dr. Steve Brule:
HEY, BOY! THAT DANG BOY STOLE THE CANDY RIGHT OUT OF MY HAND! Give him the poison spray, Brown! That poison smells bad. That one -- That boy stole my candy, Brown!

Take that poison, boy! Sheesh! Sheesh!

Dr. Steve Brule:
Brown runs a tight ship.

Dr. Steve Brule:
We'll be right back with more Brown's Day Care after this next segment. Watch it.

Dr. Steve Brule:
My Mama and Mobin Salahari moved to this new apartment building. Can't wait to see the smile on her face.

[knocks on his Ma's door]

Dr. Steve Brule:

[Dr. Brule's Ma opens the door]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Oh, hi, Mommy!

Dorris Pringle-Brule:
Get out of here, dummy.

Dr. Steve Brule:
What's wrong, Mommy?

Dorris Pringle-Brule:
I'm with child again. Don't you get it?

Dr. Steve Brule:
Please I just want to meet my baby brother.

[Dr. Brule's Ma closes the door on him]

Dr. Steve Brule:
[knocks on his Ma's door a few times] MOMMY! Dang it.

[as the door opens, Sunshine Brule appears]

Sunshine Brule:
Hi, Steven.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Sunshine Brule, what the heck are you doing in there?

Sunshine Brule:
Steven, you can't come in right now.

Dr. Steve Brule:
You're just Gary's girl. Open the door. I want to talk with my Mom.

[Sunshine lets Dr. Brule into Ma's new apartment]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Who's the boy?

[sees the kid banging pots like a crazed maniac]

Dr. Steve Brule:
You're my brother.

Sunshine Brule:
Syran, behave!

Dr. Steve Brule:

[snarling cointunes]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Here, boy! Down. Where's your Daddy?

[Syran points to his daddy, Mobin by the door who already hanged himself to death]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Whoa. Oh, boy.

Sunshine Brule:
Mobin couldn't hack it.

Dorris Pringle-Brule:
Mobin's dead, but his baby's still coming.

Dr. Steve Brule:
What's that, mama?

Dorris Pringle-Brule:
The pains are getting really sharp. The baby's gonna be coming out of my vagina. Will you take that baby out of me, Steven?

Dr. Steve Brule:
Right now?

Dorris Pringle-Brule:
Right now.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Sunshine, get a tarp!

Sunshine Brule:

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