Robot Chicken, Season 1

Robot Chicken is a series on Adult Swim that uses stop motion animation to make small sketches based on current events, or ad-libbed situations based off of pop culture.

Stix the Rabbit:
Ooh! Stix cereal! I gotta have some!

Boy & Girl:
Stupid bunny, Stix are intended for children!

Stix the Rabbit:
Just give me a little!

He touched me inappropriately!

[Stix gets sent to jail. In Jail, Stix rabbit meets Cookie Criminal]

Cookie Criminal:
Couldn't lay off the sugar right?

Stix the Rabbit:
[crying] But I can't help myself. My mother ate sugar when she was pregnant with me!

Cookie Criminal:
You wanna control the sugar? Stop using and start selling. Here, hook this guy up when you're out.

Rabbit, you're out.

Stix the Rabbit:
Really? But its only been an hour!

You in Alabama foo', an hour's all you get for touchin' a child

[Cut to a scene there a Gudie and Stix Rabbit going around in the jungle]

Toucan Sam:
Selling's a dangerous business rabbit! Had to kill the Fruit Brute, Yummy Mummy, even the Cinnamonkey!

Toucan Sam:
Well, just follow my snout. It's never in doubt.

Jungle Guide:
(whispers to Stix) A snout that big, it should know more than Einstein. Heh! Heh!

Toucan Sam:

[All the refugees around Toucan Sam shoot the guide rapidly. We then see a few chiefs made Sugar]

Stix the Rabbit:
[referring to the cocaine] Wow! Do you have any idea how rich am I going to be selling this cocaine...SUGAR! [realized and telling the audience] I meant to say 'SUGAR'! Okay! (long pause) There!

[After Stix the rabbit uses sugar to get money wee see children eats suger instead for chocolate, a Bee is used as leverantor. The Stix Rabbit and the Leprechaun are sitting naked in the spa.]

I tell ya, the bleeding boys were following me around, and one little brasser says, "We're after your charms." And so I says, "Forget about me blue diamonds, and worry about me blue balls, ya whore!" Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Stix the Rabbit:
Ha, ha, ha. Oh, yeah. I never have any idea what you're saying.

[Stix Rabbit's assistant steps into the scene.]

(Whispering in Rabbit's ear) Bad news, boss: the Rice Boys are talking to the cops.

Stix the Rabbit:
(standing up with his censored pelvis out) Bastards are always talking!

[Scene cuts to the Rice Boys sitting down and talking to the police officer in a dark room.]

Okay, okay, I'll crack!

I'll crinkle!

I'll plop!

The Stix Rabbit made us sell the stuff!

Uh...we only brought you in 'cuz someone turned in your wallet.

[Officer holds up wallet. All the Rice Boys look nervous.]

Heh...Must-must've lost it.

[Scene Cuts to Tony the Tiger and Capitan Crunch shooting the police]

Tony The Tiger:
Use the hollow-point bullets. They're G-r-r-r-roovy!

Capn' Crunch:
Their bones will stay crunchy even when it's soaked in blood! Ha ha!

[Then the cops kill First the two assistants, then Captain Crunch, Then the police kill Tony the Tiger, who is falling down]

Stix the Rabbit:
Don´t Shoot! I give up!

Policeman 1:
He is giving up! Shoot him!

[Policemen start shooting on him, and Stix Rabbit is soon in heaven]

Stix the Rabbit:
(Sees a Box of Stix Cereal) Yes! Finally!

[An Angel appears and says]

Stupid bunny, Stix are intended for children!

Stix Rabbit:


Bloopers Host:
[walks on and bows to the audience] Is everyone ready for more of those hilarious bloopers? You know, being a TV reporter isn't all fires and double homicides. When you can't get your lines right, sometimes the biggest story is you!

[Cut to a zoo. A giant panda sits on some rocks, chewing on a piece of bamboo. In front of her stands reporter Jerry Poppendaddi who is looking rather nervous]

On the hunt-with Jerry Poppendaddi]

Jerry Poppendaddi:
There's nothing like some tasty bamboo, especially when you're Ling Ling who's travelled all the way from China to'm sorry, I just don't feel safe next to this animal.

It's completely harmless, Jerry.

Jerry Poppendaddi:
Er, ah, are you sure? It's just that...ah...alright...

Still rolling.

Jerry Poppendaddi:
There's nothing like a nice piece of bamboo...ah...when...crap!

Stop being such a wuss.

Jerry Poppendaddi:'s...fine. Fine!


Jerry Poppendaddi:
There's...ah...nothing like a nice piece of bamboo, especially when...

[The panda leans over and bites Jerry's head off, killing Jerry. Cut back to the host. The audience is laughing]

Bloopers Host:
You just can't trust the Chinese! There certainly weren't any Chinese in Hazzard County, but Bo and Luke had problems of their own!

[Cut to Hazzard County. The General Lee sits in the drive. A clapperboard appears which reads:
"Dukes of Hazard: Take 1"]


Bo and Luke appear. Luke jumps into the car through the passenger window, but Bo slides over the bonnet into a tree. Cut to the same scene setup. The clapperboard claps, "Dukes of Hazard:
Take 2". Bo and Luke try again but this time Bo bounce off the bonnet, on his head]

Bo Duke:
Son of a bitch! Ow! Ow!

[Cut to the same scene setup. The clapperboard claps, "Dukes of Hazard:
Take 3". Bo and Luke try again. Bo slides perfectly into the driver's seat but Luke gets stuck in the window]

Luke Duke:
Wait! Wait, John! I'm stuck. I'm stuck! I'm stuck!

[Bo drives off regardless, hitting Luke's head on the mailbox. Cut back to the studio]

Bloopers Host:
When David Duchovny announced he was leaving The X-Files, producers had to scramble to find a new male lead. Check out these never-before-seen screen tests!

[Cut to Mulder's office on the X-Files set]

Keanu Reeves screen test, take one.

Gillian Anderson:
So, you're telling me we're dealing with a sort of missing link in the evolutionary chain?

Keanu Reeves:
That's right, Scully! The scientific name for this beast would be Rodanondus marcipius from the genus Simpleacles...huhhuhhuhhuh!

[Cut to Mulder's office on the X-Files set]

Mr. T screen test, take one.

Gillian Anderson:
So, you're telling me we're dealing with a sort of missing link...

Mr. T:
You damn right, Scully! Missing link between the bugs and the humans! Talking 'bout...bad for the kids...don't play me for no jibber-jabber, fool!

[Cut to Mulder's office on the X-Files set]

[sighs] Corky screen test, take 27.

Gillian Anderson:
So, you're telling me we're dealing with a sort of missing link in the evolutionary chain?

[Long pause]

I just made a my pants!

[Cut back to the studio]

Bloopers Host:
You know, Superman had a movie serial as far back as 1948, but the actor playing him had his share of super-problems!

[Cut to a black-and-white scene. A woman sits tied to a chair, with two armed villains behind her]

Help! Help me, Superman, help!

George Reeves:
[staggers onto the set, clutching a bottle] This looks like a job...for Superman! [burps loudly]

[The villains look at each other]

[to the director So, do we keep going? Yeah? Okay. Ah...ah...ah...even Superman can't outrun...ah...a bullet... [Reeves hits him in the face with the bottle] Oh, my face! You hit me in the eye! Why would you do that?

George Reeves:
Hooray! You're saved! Up, up and...away! [throws himself into the backdrop window, collapsing it]

[Cut back to the studio]

Bloopers Host:
His lawyers called it [winks] "heat exhaustion". Remember Diff'rent Strokes? We got our hands on some footage from that classic sitcom that's never been seen before!

[Cut to the Diff'rent Strokes set. Conrad Bain (Mr. Drummond) has Gary Coleman (Arnold) over his knee with his pants down and is spanking him]

Conrad Bain:
Someone's been a bad, bad boy! Bad, bad boy!

Gary Coleman:
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Floor Manager:
Conrad, Gary, you're on. Places, everyone.

[Gary jumps up and pulls his pants up]


Conrad Bain:
Who wants ice cream?

Gary Coleman, Todd Bridges and Dana Plato:
We do! We do!

[Cut to the Pikachu and Squirtle]

Bloopers Host:
[voiceover] Here's a rare blooper from that smash-hit cartoon, "Pokémon"!

Pikachu! Pika pika, pika pi!

Squirtle Squirtle! Squirtle Squirtle!

Pika pika, Pikachu! Pika pika!

Squirtle Squirtle! Squirt - What the [bleep] am I saying?! No I mean it! This Crap makes no sense at all!

Say the line Earl, or you'll get the gas.

For the love of Christ, kids, go read a book or something!

[Cut back to the studio]

Bloopers Host:
Next up is something I like to call [shouting] "BLOOPERS IN SPACE"!

[Cut to the set of the original series of Star Trek. The turbolift opens on the bridge of the Enterprise, and as William Shatner walks out, the doors slide closed crushing his groin]

William Shatner:
Aaarrrggghhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! [collapses to his knees, the doors close twice on his head, and he collapses]

Leonard Nimoy:
[runs up, laughing] Ah ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha!

[Cut to the set of Battlestar Galactica. Dirk Benedict (Starbuck) and Lorne Greene (Adama) stand in the corridor]

We're in big trouble, Starbuck.

Cylon Warrior:
[approaches] Stop right there, humans. [falls flat on his face]

[Benedict and Greene laugh]

Bloopers Host:
[voiceover] The actors playing those nasty Cylons on Battlestar Galactica had all sorts of problems manoeuvring in those bulky costumes. Just watch!

[A montage of Cylons falling over is shown:
a Cylon approaches a director's chair and falls onto it; two Cylons bump into one another in a corridor; a Cylon falls into a fruitstand; two Cylons fall over each other, another trips over them, and a fourth Cylon falls from the ceiling; a Cylon guard falls over backwards; a Cylon falls down a flight of stairs; a Cylon with a shopping cart knocks over a product display, then falls over; a Cylon runs through a pane of glass carried by two others; a Cylon pushes another on a swing and is knocked over; a Cylon is polished by a makeup girl]


Cylon Warrior:
By your command. [falls over; fixing his Cylon Raider and it falls on top of him; slips on a skateboard, crushing Muffy the Daggit; his arms and head fall off; walking towards a banana peel, but a wrecking ball knocks him into space]

[Cut back to the studio]

Bloopers Host:
That's all the time we have today, but come back next week for more outrageous bloopers! [pulls out a noose and hangs himself, making the audience laugh harder. He kicks the stool, and dies]

[The end credits roll]

The year is 1966 and Walt Disney is dead! [scene cuts to Disney's dead body] The beloved cartoonist, moviemaker, and hero to the American Family, left specific instructions to be carried out upon his death.

Roy Disney:
Okay, do it.

[The doctor decapitating Walt's head with a chainsaw]

Did he really said this should be done with a chainsaw?

Roy Disney:
[punches the man] Never question him!

The public would never know what mad experiments took place under the Matterhorn that day!

[The scientists finished a robotic experiment with Walt Disney's head]

Guard 1:
Did it work?

Walt Disney:
[waking up] I...hunger.

Guard 2:
Bring in the first Cuban Child! [scientists bringing the Cuban boy, who is scared] Walt Disney must feed!

Walt Disney:
Yes. Yes!

Cuban Boy:
[crying and scared] Ayúdame! Ayúdame!

Walt Disney:

[The scene cuts to outside Mattel hole as the child screaming in agony was heard. Years later at Orlando, Florida]

As the years went by, Disney's power would grow. He demanded a Disney park be built in Florida so he could be closer to his Cuban food supply.

[We cut to the janitor cleaning the floors while whistling. Then he heard the noise and noticed the robotic Disney walking along the corridors, eating the Cuban child. The janitor freezes in terror]

Walt's Secretary:
Sir, I need your approval on these extension plans.

Walt Disney:

Guard 1:
[walks toward the janitor in a threatening way] You didn't see anything, you got that?!

God, help me!

[The guard kicks Janitor in the crotch as he screams in pain]

Walt Disney's lust for the flesh of Cuban children, was kept under control, until one fateful day...

[Fade to the living room where the robotic Walt Disney and the guards are watching the news on TV]

Dick Hertz:
The long journey of Elián González has finally come to a close. After being taken by Federal Agents from his temporary home in Miami, Little Elián has been reunited with his family in Cuba.

Walt Disney:
[reacts, negatively] Elián? ELIÁN?!

[Disney grows into a giant crushing his Secretary and Guard and destroying the park]

Gigantic Walt Disney:

[Cuban Soldiers are alerted]

Cuban Soldier:
Andale! Andale! Arriba! Arriba!

[Disney destroys soldier flying war planes. As he reached Cuba, all the Cuban People screamed in terror]

Gigantic Walt Dianey:
ELIÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁN!!!!!!!!! [shoots lasers on Cuban homes]

Elián González:
[walking towards Disney] Here I am.

Gigantic Walt Disney:

Elián González:
If it will stop devastation on my beloved Cuban people, I will sacrifice myself to you.

[Disney walks to take Gonzalez]

Fidel Castro:
[pushes Elián aside] Die, American beast!!! [shoots Walt Disney in forehead and dies]

[Cuban people cheer]

Elián González:
We must always remember the sacrifices made today by the brave Cuban soldiers, whose deaths will not be known outside of Cuba thanks to the American embargo.

[Annoyed Castro shoots him dead; record scratch heard in the background]

Fidel Castro:
I love doing that!

[The Tooth Fairy is flying outside as the sweet music plays. The Tooth Fairy arrives at a house and gives a boy a quarter for his teeth and strokes his hair. The boy wakes up due to his mom and dad arguing]

[from outside] Where the hell have you been?!

[from outside] It's none of your business!

[from outside] None of my business?! It isn't my business that you come home every night at 2 am?!

[to the Tooth Fairy as his parents continues to fight] Are you really a Tooth Fairy?

Tooth Fairy:

[from outside] Damn right, it isn't.

[from outside] Maybe you'd rather be with your whore.

[from outside] Don't you DARE call her that!

[from outside] You admit it! You unbelievable bastard!

[from outside] That is IT! [the sound of the mom getting hit while the boy and Tooth Fairy look shocked] I'm gonna shut you up once and for all!

[from outside] You put that down!

[from outside] You get your hands off me! GET OFF! [shoots her dead]

Tooth Fairy:
Shhh. [walks out of the boy's room, to confront the father outside]

[from outside] Who the hell are you?! [the Tooth Fairy is fighting him offscreen] Get off of me! Get off of me!

[Then a gunshot is heard again]

Tooth Fairy:
[comes in to the boy again with blood on her clothes. She sits down with the boy a couple minutes, then she gives him another quarter, much to the boys delight] You be good now. [leaves out the door]

[Alternative Ending:
Part 1]

[from outside] You admit it! You unbelievable bastard!

[from outside] That is IT! [the sound of the mom getting hit while the boy and Tooth Fairy look shocked] I'm gonna shut you up once and for all!

[from outside] You put that down!

[from outside] You get your hands off me! [shoots her dead]

Tooth Fairy:
Shhh. [walks out of the boy's room, to confront the father outside]

[from outside] Who the hell are you?! [the Tooth Fairy is fighting him offscreen] Get off of me! Get off of me! [then a gunshot is heard again. The father opens the door with a bloody shirt and a suitcase] Hey, Champ! Uh...Okay, pack up! You and me are going on Disneyland!

Is mom coming?


[Alternative Ending:
Part 2]

[from outside, hitting his wife] I'm gonna shut you up once and for all!

[from outside] You put that down!

[from outside] You get your hands off me! [shoots her dead]

Tooth Fairy:
Shhh. [walks out of the boy's room, to confront the father outside]

[from outside] Who the hell are you?! [the Tooth Fairy is fighting him offscreen] Get off of me! Get off of me!

[Then the sirens are heard, followed by a gunshot. Then the police arrive the house offscreen]

Police officer 1:
[from outside, confronting the father] Freeze!

[from outside] FREEZE?! When I drop a FAIRY?! You know I am ONLY getting started, mother[bleep]er!

Police officer 1:
[from outside] Hey, sir, put down the weapon! Put down the wea- [the father starts shooting until the police arrest him] Stay down!

Police officer 2:
[from outside] On the ground!

Police officer 1:
[from outside] Stay right down!

Police officer 2:
[from outside] Spread your legs.

Police officer 1:
[from outside] Don't move.

Police officer 2:
[from outside] Put your hands behind your back, sir.

[The father is taken away in a police car, leaving the child alone in the house. Then the marching band, an award presenter, the hula dancer, the father, and the Tooth Fairy entered the child's room with a large check]

Award Presenter:
Congratulations! This is the darkest sketch in television history!

Award Presenter, Hula Dancer, Dad & Tooth Fairy:
[chanting] Darkest Sketch! Darkest Sketch! Darkest Sketch!

[The title "Bloopers!" comes on the screen as the Bloopers Host walks in and bows]

Bloopers Host:
Is everyone ready for more of those histerical bloopers? [audience applaudes] You know, The Today Show has been a trusted source of morning news for more than 50 years! But it's not always boring. JUST WATCH!!!

[Cut to Katie Couric]

Katie Couric:
And sadly, Ling Ling the panda was destroyed by federal wildlife officials. In a related story... [Spider-Man swings in the scene and lands on the window glass, he slides down the glass] In a related story: traffic on New York City's Brooklyn Bridge was brought to a standstill today... [Tarzan is heard screaming he lands on the glass and slides off the glass] Traffic was brought to a... [gasps as an obese Al Roker in a loincloth hits the glass]

Al Roker:
[muffled] H-Hi, Katie!

[Katie waves to him. We cut back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
Someone get the Windex! Everyone remembers Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. But things weren't always hunky dory in the hood!

[Cut to Mister Rogers]

Mister Rogers:
Do you know what sharing is? Sometimes it's nice to sh... [touches the track and gets a static electricity shock] Ow! Peter, come over here please. [Peter walks into the scene] The train track's too close to the lake. I got a shock. Weren't we gonna solve this problem?

I'm sorry It's...I-It's just that you know that the lake is...

Mister Rogers:
[grabs Peter and starts to drown him in the lake] We're solving the problem Peter, solving the problem, solving the problem, solving the problem, [Peter drowns and dies] and problem solved!

[Cut back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
Now get ready for one of the biggest bloopers of all time!

[Cut to CNN studio]

CNN Reporter 1:
This just in; CNN calls the state of Florida for Al Gore! That means that Gore has won the Presidental election! Thank you, Jesus!

CNN Reporter 2:
[laughing] We sure dodged that bullet!

[Cut back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
Oops! The top-rated CSI is full of twist and turns, as well as it's share of unexpected Blooper action!

[Cut to Dr. Al Robbins about to operate on a patient when snakes pop out of the patient, startling him]

[laughing] You guys! Oh, that was-that was really funny! [looks at his hand and realizes that when he was startled, he accidentally cut himself] Oh, Jesus, I-I-I [bleep]ing cut myself! [chuckles] It's really bad, it's-it's deep! [Bleep]! OW!

[Cut to two detectives at the scene of a shooting, where the victim's body is in a bag on a gurney]

This bullet casing shouldn't be here if the shooting came from ten meters west-

[farts, laughing] Sorry that was me!

I'm Sorry!

Sorry, I'm Sorry! Sorry! [farts again] Sorry about that!

[Cut back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
Now it's time for the amazing sports bloopers! [picks up a baseball bat] There always a home run!

[Cut to a basketball game where a guy is laughing when the basketball hits him, an old woman catches it and an old man laughs at him. Then it shows a boy, from Car Jumper, skateboarding on stairs, he then falls off the board. Then it shows two people riding their bikes, one takes out a staff and hits the girl on her bike, making her fall in the progress. Then it shows a man exercising, he hits his crotch and groans in pain. Then cuts back to the boy still falling on the steps. Then it goes to four football players, one gives the one in the front of him a wedgie, he groans. Then it shows a baseball player getting beaten by two mascots. One is a leopard while the other resembles a Teletubby with baseball bats, the leopard punches and kicks him. Then it goes to a baseball game, where one of the people falls of their seats and lands in another row. Then a kid runs with a football, and gets tackled by three football players. Then it cuts to the Hindenburg disaster with a lot of people. including Grandma Fu, running. Then a player is using a pole vault to hop over a football wire, he jumps but he screams in pain as he gets impaled by the pole vault and slides down it, killing him. We cut back to host]

Bloopers Host:
That's all for today, but come back next time for more of those cr-crazy bloopers!

[The Bloopers Host swallows a fistful of pills with whiskey; his heart stops, and slides off his chair, dead; credits roll]

[Cut to a trailer rating screen rated "R" for Righteous. Then, cut to a plane landing in Nazareth as music that sounds similar to the music from the trailer for Kill Bill plays. Then, cut to Jesus on the cross as the Easter Bunny watches in the crowd, and angrily opens his eyes. Then, the title card appears (Kill Bunny). Then, cut to Jesus riding a motorcycle in the jumpsuit worn by The Bride in Kill Bill. Then, cut to Jesus ordering a drink at a bar. Then, cut to a black and white shot of the Easter Bunny playing the flute. Then, cut to Jesus slamming Buck's head in a door]

Jesus Christ:
Where's the bunny?! [cut to him sword-fighting, then cut to him sitting in a car] Wiggle your big toe. Great. I am Jesus, you know.

[Cut to the Jewish man with a crown on a throne pulling out a katana, then cut to Santa and his rabbi ninjas]

Santa Claus:
Yashi mana!

[The rabbi ninjas run downstairs and cornered Jesus]

Rabbi Ninja:

[Then Jesus fights the rabbi ninjas with his katana sword]

Rabbi Ninjas:

[Then, cut to Jesus and the Easter Bunny sitting down together]

Jesus Christ:
Five-fingered palm of death! [attempts the move, and the Bunny lays a giant pile of eggs; to the camera] Let me try that again.

[Cut to Jesus, dodging his head from the flying axe as he continues to fight the rabbi ninjas, then cut to him sword fighting with Santa in the snow, then a trailer. Elle Driver from Kill Bill walks in and swordfights with Jesus. Jesus punches her in the eye and heals her]

Elle Driver:
[surprised] Thanks!

Jesus Christ:
It's what I do. [then cuts her in half]

[Cut to Jesus training with George Burns (God), then sword fighting. The title card comes up. Cut to the Easter Bunny and Jesus]

Easter Bunny:
You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?

Jesus Christ:
For a second there, yeah, I kind of did.

[Cut to Jesus sword fighting again, then "Coming Soon", then static as the sketch ends]

Pat O'Brien:
The new Fall TV season is starting, and The Insider has the scoop on all the new series. P.S. to the competition: go fuck yourselves! This year's Amazing Race will be more amazing than ever, now that religious deities are joining the action.

[Scene changes to a man and a woman in the middle of a desert with a flat tire]

Oh, Jesus, please help us! Jesus!

I'm here. I've brought you a tire iron, my son.

Praise Jesus!

[Jesus is fixing the tire when more contestants arrive]

Woman on camel:
Mr. Christ, please help steer this camel!

Man in taxi:
Oh, Lord Jesus, we could really go for some cab fair.

Man #3:
[offscreen] Whoo! Buddha's the way to go, jackass!

[Buddha drives onscreen in a motorcycle with the man sitting in a sidecar]

Buddha's all up in your grill! [drives away]

Pat O'Brien:
Tired of their liberal shenanigans, Fox owner Rupert Murdoch fired Simpsons creator Matt Groening, and promises same show, brand new attitude this season.

[Scene changes to Homer Simpson and Apu Nahasapeemapetilon at the Kwik-E-Mart]

Morning Apu! One order of Freedom Fries, please.

Oh, for the love of my heathen God! They're called french fries, you fat, stupid American!

[Suddenly, officers of the Department of Homeland Security barge through the door holding rifles]

Homeland Security Officer:
Department Of Homeland Security, don't move!


[The Department Of Homeland Security officer knocks Apu down with the butt of his rifle and all the officers point their guns at Apu; scene changes to The Simpsons family at a barbeque]

Happy birthday, America!

Mmm, I hope Apu has learned his lesson.

[Scene then changes to a naked Apu chained to the neck by Lynndie England in a detention prison]

I am so sorry I ever dared question the wisdom and strength of the United States of America.

Lynndie England:
Damn straight! Yee-haw!

Pat O’Brien:
Uh-oh! J.Lo's new bow is a no-go on the phone-o. But take it from P.O., her new line of Day-Glo Faygo will make fans say "HO!" And now we enter day three of our Kirsten Dunst headache watch. Kiki's representatives insist the megastar's just fine, but eyewitness accounts say otherwise.

[A woman is at a duty-free shop being interviewed]

I saw Kirsten Dunst in a duty-free store, uh, buying Tylenol. A LOT of it.

[Scene changes to a medical expert sitting at his desk]

Pat O'Brien:
Even medical experts agree.

Medical expert:
Well, a headache can be indicative of a failed movie deal, or possibly a pregnancy.

Gary the Nerd:
[sitting in front of his computer in his room] If I own enough noobs, I can raise my rank in the server from 3 to 1. Hee-hee!

Radio DJ:
Be our 99th caller right now to be a winner in our Mission: Impossible III contest!

Gary the Nerd:
Ooh, ooh! [grabs his phone and speed dials the number to the radio station]

Radio DJ:
[answers phone] Hello! You're our 99th caller!

Gary the Nerd:

Radio DJ:
You win your choice of a GameBoy Advance or a date with M:I III star, Scarlett Johansson!

Gary the Nerd:
[shaking nervously] Can I have both?

Radio DJ:

Gary the Nerd:
Do I have to choose right now?

Radio DJ:

Gary the Nerd:
[makes drawn-out moans as he makes up his mind for several seconds] I guess I choose Scarlett Johansson.

[Cuts to the scene to outside food stand. Gary is standing in a white tuxedo as he anxiously waits for Scarlett Johansson's arrival. A limo pulls up to the stand. Cut to Scarlett and her manager inside the limo]

Scarlett Johansson:
[to her manager] Look, can I just roll down the window and shake his hand?

No, the contest specifies lunch.

Scarlett Johansson:
[to her dismay] Crap in a hat.

[Scarlett and Gary are shown sitting at one of the tables at the stand. Scarlett looks very disinterested as Gary attempts to break the awkward silence between them]

Gary the Nerd:
So, do you ever play "The Sims"? [spit flies out of Gary's mouth and lands in Scarlett's face, which she wipes off with a napkin] I made a Scarlett Johansson Sim and she lived in my house and sometimes we went in the hot tub together, [Scarlett face-palms out of annoyance] but I forgot to buy a fire extinguisher. So there was a grease fire in the kitchen and Scarlett died.

Scarlett Johansson:
[in a bored and uninterested tone] Mm-hmm...

[Two armed men wearing black from top to bottom suddenly appear out of nowhere to hassle the couple]

Burglar 1:
Give us all your money!

Gary the Nerd:
[surprised] Ah! [jumps to his feet] Leave us alone, you hooligans! Hi-yah! [starts doing karate moves in front of the two burglars]

Burglar 1:
He fights like a tiger!

Burglar 2:
Let's get out of here! [they flee behind the food stand. Scarlett is awestruck at what she witnessed. Behind the stand, it turns out the burglars are Gary's friends who helped stage the scenario] That was so stellar!

Burglar 1:
Gary's totally gonna score now!

[They attempt to high-five, but Burglar 1 misses and falls forward]

Scarlett Johansson:
You..You saved me! You're my hero!

[Gary lets out a lovesick sigh. A montage begins to play. Scarlett and Gary are skipping hand and hand on the beach together. Then the two are seen playing out a scene in Star Trek. The scene cuts to a Star Trek themed marriage of Gary and Scarlett, with a Klingon acting as the minister]

Do you take this be'hon to be your be'nal?

Gary the Nerd:

[Both Gary and Scarlett kiss after the exchange of vowels. The montage continues with the arrival of their first child as well as the two fighting off a giant spider. The scene jumps to many years later, when Gary is on his deathbed with Scarlett at his side]

Gary the Nerd:
Scarlett, my love...there's something I must tell you before I die.

Scarlett Johansson:
What is it, my love?

Gary the Nerd:
I staged the whole fight on our first date. I won your heart under false pretenses.

Scarlett Johansson:
[gasps and then lets out a sigh of relief] Oh, thank god! I have something to tell you, too. I'm not really Scarlett Johansson! I was just a professional Scarlett Johansson impersonator! [clears her throat. Her voice changed into a man's voice] My real name is Raymond DeBonatello from Queens, New York.

Gary the Nerd:
[gasps in shock as he looks at the camera] That explains why Scarlett Johansson had a...giant Johansson! [spasms for a second and dies. The EKG flatlines]

Raymond DeBonatello:
[sobbing] Go in peace, my angel!

[A message appears at the bottom of the screen, reading:
"For your Emmy consideration- Robot Chicken"]

[We start with the "Bloopers!" title zooming up to us, and the Bloopers host comes into the shot to push it off-screen]

Bloopers Host:
Is everyone ready for some hilarious home videos? [the audience laughs in approval] We here at Blooper Central ask you to send in your tapes so we can produce this show for almost nothing. We thought we'd seen nut shots and seniors fall down, [collapses as he says this] but these tragedies kicked it up a notch. BAM! [we cut to a hobo out on the street that pushes a cart of junk next to a railroad] Did I say, "BAM"? Let's hope for this guy's sake that I didn't!

[A jeep with four teenagers in it drives up to the hobo]

Girl in Front:
What's that smell?

Just move it, punk!

Girl in Front:
Is that some sort of a fart?

Out of the way, old man!

Boy in Back:
Shave your head, damn it!

Go! Woohoo!

Boy in Back:
Oh, we're going!

[The teenagers back up to run over the hobo, but suddenly, a train quickly pushes them and the car down the tracks, killing the teenagers in the process]

Ha-ha-ha! That's what you get!

[But just as suddenly, a bus zooms by and run over him, also killing him. Then we cut back to the host]

Bloopers Host:
Well, they say you can't solve a homeless problem. [the audience laughs some more] Some problems can't be solved by sticking your nose into where it doesn't belong! [walks closely to the camera as he says this, and we snap to another man that is trying to fix a lawnmower]

[filming him] Honey, be careful.

Shut up!

Maybe a mechanic could fix it better?

I can do it if you'd just shut up!

[A few seconds later, their daughter comes into view, crying]

Mom, I'm pregnant!

Husband and Wife:
[shocked] No!

[We cut back to the host]

Bloopers Host:
Hey, she told me she was on the pill... [the audience laughs again] eighteen. Hidden camera can yield cherished memories...or incriminating evidence. [pulls out a tissue from his jacket] The only ex-factor is you!

[The next scene is of Robot Chicken co-head writer Douglas Goldstein about to have sex with his wife, setting up a camera to film them]

Mrs. Goldstein:
What are you doing, sweetie?

Oh, nothing, nothing. [walks onto the bed and removes the blanket, revealing Mrs. Goldstein's breasts] You're ready?

Mrs. Goldstein:

[sighs in calmness and starts the sex, but suddenly gasps with pain in his private parts] Oh-Oh, God! Oh, I-I'm sorry!

Mrs. Goldstein:
[shocked and furious] You [bleep]ing loser! [slaps him on his cheeks, gets out of bed, shakes him by his shoulders, and pushes him back down] You have failed me as a boyfriend and have failed yourself as a man, Robot Chicken co-head writer Douglas Goldstein!

[We cut back to the host again]

Bloopers Host:
I'll bet you didn't see that coming; as a matter of fact, neither did she. [the audience laughs some more] This video was sent in by someone that found it in the woods. Let's watch!

[The next shot is of Michael C. Williams from "The Blair Witch Project" running through the basement from the same movie as Heather Donahue films him from behind]


[totally panicking] Michael!

I'm coming, Josh!

[The camera dissolves to another part of the basement, where Michael continues to try and find Josh and Heather tries to catch up with him]

Wait for me! Michael! Michael, wait for me! Michael!

[The camera dissolves again to the end of the cave, where Heather starts to scream at the sight of Michael standing with his back turned to her. A few seconds later, she is stabbed in the back and falls over, dead. Then we cut back once more to the Bloopers host]

Bloopers Host:
Rumor has that those kids were torn limb from limb. Sometimes, the best home videos can be taken away from home. [as he talks, a video plays of a motorcyclist that flies off of a cliff and drops into a flying helicopter's blades, killing him instantly, splattering his blood, and tearing his motorcycle apart. Then another video of some kids that ride spinning teacups at an amusement park plays; the boy in the red one looks more dizzy and sick as he swings by. He also covers his mouth to keep from vomiting] Just watch these crazy vacation videos!

[Finally, the boy in the red cup can't hold it in anymore and vomits onto the three adults that are watching the kids. After that, we see two scuba divers in a shark-proof cage under the ocean. The left diver lets out a huge fart with green gas and the right one, in response, tries to pry the cage open to get out. The left diver laughs at the reaction, and then we snap to a woman that pushes her baby in a carriage on the same cliff where the motorcyclist was. However, she also falls down on the same helicopter's blades, which splatter her blood and kill her instantly along with her baby. Next, a double-Decker bus drives under a bridge; people that stand on the roof get their heads chopped of by its height, and one takes a few seconds to come back down. Lastly, a man gets into another helicopter, tries to fly it off of the cliff, and drops it onto the other one, resulting in a big explosion and killing him instantly. Then we pop back to the Bloopers host one last time]

Bloopers Host:
That's all the time we shave for this episode, so come back next week for more hilarious home videos!

[The audience claps in approval, and to close the episode, the host grabs a plastic bag and suffocates himself in it, making the audience laugh harder. Towards the end, he loses air in the bag and drops over, dead]

Blackula versus Blackenstein Versus the Black Mummy will not be seen tonight, so that we may bring you the following program.

["You Can't Do That On Robot Chicken!" parodies the Canadian Comedy show "You Can't Do That On Television!". Scene changes to colorful lockers]

Seth Green:
[pops out of the locker] Hey, Sarah.

Sarah Michelle Gellar:
[pops out of another locker] Yeah, Seth?

Seth Green:
Hey, did I ever tell you about my cousin? She eats nothing but pancakes.

Sarah Michelle Gellar:
Wow. Is she overweight?

Seth Green:
Are you kidding? She's stacked!

[The audience laugh as Seth and Sarah popped back inside the lockers. Then the Mad Scientist and Robot Chicken popped out of the lockers, and held up signs. The Mad Scientist's sign says "Hey, Robot Chicken!". Robot Chicken's sign says "Bawk?" as in "What?". The Mad Scientist's other sign says "Why did the chicken cross the road?". Robot Chicken's sign still says "Bawk?" as in "I don't know.". Then the Mad Scientist's last sign says "To die in the name of science!", before grabbing the chainsaw and chases after Robot Chicken out of the lockers as the audience laugh]

Chinese Restaurant Guy:
[pops out of another locker] Hey, Breckin Meyer!

Breckin Meyer:
[pops out of another locker] Yeah, Chinese restaurant guy?

Chinese Restaurant Guy:
Yeah, yeah. You ever see a cat-gopher?

Breckin Meyer:
Cat-gopher? What's a cat-gopher?

Chinese Restaurant Guy:
Cat go for $6.00 if I put enough MSG on it. [pops back inside the locker]

[The audience laugh]

Breckin Meyer:
Ha ha! Seriously, is this the only part of the sketch I'm in? [steps out of the locker] I just spent an hour and fifteen minutes in traffic getting here. Granted, it's in a Benz, but this is horse[bleep]! Oh, [bleep] you! You know what? I'm going home, okay? You can kiss my ass. [leaves] I was in Garfield, mother[bleep]!

[We cut to the firing squad sketch where the Bloopers Host is chained up by El Capitano]

El Capitano:
Soon you will be free.

Bloopers Host:
Blue skies! Barthy burgers! Girls!

El Capitano:
I meant soon you will be free to watch our movies on demand service.

Bloopers Host:
That's still pretty good.

El Capitano:
Unfortunately, the only movie we have on demand is Christmas with the Kranks.

Bloopers Host:

[We cut to Barth's Burgers sketch where Barth gave Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis plates of ugly, disgusting burgers]

Mila Kunis:
Mac, you know I'm a vegetarian.

Macaulay Culkin:
Mila, this is Barth's. The only real meat here is in the cockroaches.

I heard that! [squashed the cockroach flat]

[Mila threw up, followed by Macaulay, and finally Barth. Then the dog licks vomit]

Macaulay Culkin:
Now, that's comedy.

[We cut to Seth Green in front of the orange round couch]

Seth Green:
Please welcome our special guest tonight, Vice President of Adult Swim, Keith Crofford.

Keith Crofford:
[walks over and shake Seth's hand] Thanks, Seth. [sits down along with Seth] I just wanted to say that y'all are doing a really good job on Robot Chicken.

Seth Green:
That's great! So, when are we getting renewed for another season?

Keith Crofford:
Uh, I don't know. [now showered with green slime. The studio audience laughs. Crofford stands up, wiping slime from his eyes] Hahaha. You're cancelled.

[Seth is shocked and stares angrily at the camera]

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