Wikidude's Quotes Page #110

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I fear I have ruined the future.

Old Master Fung:
Remember this young monk, the future can always be changed.

Old Raimundo:
Every once in a while, the old dude still spits out words of wisdom. But mostly he just spits.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Old Raimundo:
Guys, this is a test we've been waiting for. I'd say we breaking in the palace, and take back of Sands of Time.

Old Clay:
Oh, we're not exactly the lame mean rotten machine we'll will once more.

Old Raimundo:
First, you were never lean. And second, we're still Xiaolin warriors. We fought together once, and we can do it again. It's up to us now. The Shroud of Shadows!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Old Raimundo:
Kimiko, take the Denshi Bunny and turn yourself into a electricity. Then, travel through the wires until you'll find the Wu vault where Jack keeps his Wu. I used the conch to the location.

Old Kimiko:
What's that? Oh, never mind. I'll look around to see where Jack keeps this Wu. [coughs] Denshi Bunny.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Old Raimundo:
Omi! Use the Sands of Time! Make sure it never happens. Go!

Sands of Time!

[Activates the Sands of Time to taking them back 1,500 years ago]

[sobs] No.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Grandmaster Dashi:
Dojo, you look different. Kinda...chunky

Hey! That's muscle!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

This is my HOME!?

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

I'd much rather fight evil than mud-wrestle some pig.

Woah there, partner. This is not "some pig". All pigs are special in their own way.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

And what makes you so sure?

That may be but it don't mean diddly, if we can't bust our way out of here.

We can escape! If I drink the Lao Mang Lone Soup.

No, you can't! It'll turn you evil!

But it'll give you guys enough time to escape.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

So, we need to stop Omi from freezing himself into the future, so he won't go into the past, where he did what he did which resulted in what happened. Simple!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

No, I didn't come this far to lose. We will find a way to win. It's our destiny.

[Jack Spicer falls from above while screaming and lands on the four villains as Omi, Raimundo, Kimiko and Clay walk backwards]

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

The game is Rescue the Damsel in Distress. First to save the damsel wins. Let's go.

Xiaolin Showdown!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Dojo, you're saved!

Oh, sweet prince. My hero!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

What's going on?!

My guess, two parallel universes running into each other in a cosmic timeline continuum power up.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[Omi, Raimundo, Kimiko, Clay and Dojo shake their bodies after they return to the temple]

Master Fung:
I hope you have learned well from your quest.

I'm not quite sure what just happened. But I'll know, I'll never forget it.

What happened? Really happened?

Jack Spicer:
[screams when he appeared behind Clay while Raimundo and Kimiko turn their heads] I wanna go home! [screams as he starts to run out of the temple while he freaks out]

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[Last lines of the series]

Master Fung:
As I told you, a leader would rise from the quest, and now... one has.

[Raimundo is suddenly lit up, and as he's engulfed by the light, his original red robes and his medallion soon disappear and are replaced with a black robe with a dragon on the sleeve and a red sash on him, revealing that he has become the official leader of the team]

Way to go, Rai! [Jumps into his arms and kisses him on the cheek]

You did it, partner!

[He has look of amazement, Kimiko jumps into his arms and kisses him on the cheek] I-I don't know what to say. Except I never thought it would be me...[Kimiko and Clay give him a look]...Well maybe a little.

[Raimundo then notices Omi standing behind Master Fung with a let down look on his face. However Omi comes out from behind Master Fung and sheds a few small tears... as from the moment Master Fung told Omi about the new students coming to the temple, Omi vowed to be a great leader. Omi, with tears in his eyes spreads a smile across his face. He and Raimundo bow to each other at the same time. Master Fung, Dojo, and the chosen ones smile too. Then, an explosion outside the temple occurs. Monks notice that every single villain they've encountered during the series are there with their original enemy, Jack Spicer smiling]

Master Fung:
[to chosen ones, especially Raimundo who's busy removing his bandages before taking a second to survey their enemies] Now that you have risen to Shoku Warrior, your job has only begun. The survival of the world depends on you.

[With that, the team launch themselves into battle against the Heylins]

Not too much pressure there...

[It then cuts to show Kimiko, Clay and Omi whose dots have begun to glow, running alongside each other and seconds later, Raimundo appears. As they edge closer, Raimundo then jumps into the air and prepares to launch a kick just as the screen goes black]

Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, and Clay:

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[Kim and Greg has just found Gloria, their babysitter, on their couch with a guy] Oh, I'm sorry... have you met my husband Guillermo?

Kim Warner:
No, I don't believe I have.

Well, if you do, don't tell him about Lou.

Yes, Dear, Season 1  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

What's going on?


Look. I don't know how the other guy understands you, but I have no idea what you're saying. How do I get outta here?

[Blue leaves a paw print on the screen.]

I get it. That's how I'll figure it out. I have to find clues. Blue's Clues. I have to find a paw print. That's the first clue. We put it in our notebook, and then what do we do? Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues!

Come on.

Jimmy, what are you doing here?

Come on. You've lost your mind. Let's get outta here.

But, I'm about to play Blue's Clues. I have to find the notebook. Where's the notebook?

Let's go.

[Jimmy and Greg both skidoo to the "Yes, Dear" set. Jimmy wakes Greg up with his hand.]

What?! I'm playing Blue's Clues!

You use the tape to keep the little guy quite, didn't you.

Yeah I was, dreaming I was in the show.

Yeah, those tapes will drive you crazy.

I'll tell you what, Greg. Why don't you get out of the house and, and I'll watch Sammy.

Yes, Dear, Season 1  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[first lines]

[Sammy watches The Wiggles on TV. Greg eats ice cream.]

Hey. Look at you. Watching The Wiggles. Yeah.

Dance, Daddy, Dance!

Oh, no. Daddy doesn't want to dance right now. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ice cream. Okay?

Dance, Daddy, Dance!

You want me to dance? Okay. If you want to do The Wiggles, let's get our arms going. Get your arms moving. Do the monkey. Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah! Do the monkey. Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!

[Sammy steals Greg's ice cream as he runs upstairs.]

Hey! That's my ice cream! Sammy! Sammy, stop it! Sammy! All right. That's it, mister. I'm telling.

[Greg walks away.]

Sammy stole my ice cream, again!

Yes, Dear, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Greg Wiggle:
And Hoop-Dee-Doo! You know what? For this next song, we're gonna need some volunteers to help us out with some dancing. Yeah!

You should get Logan up on stage. He loves that.

Oh, Yeah! I can get it on videotape. Hey, buddy. Want to get up on stage?


Yes, Dear, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Hey buddy, how about 20 bucks to get my kid here up on stage?

Captain Feathersword:
I can't take your money, sir. That wouldn't be fair.

Fair? You're a pirate!

Yes, Dear, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

The Wiggles:
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. We'll travel near and we'll travel far. Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Greg Wiggle:
Jimmy's in the front seat. With a chocolate bar. Jimmy's in the front seat.

The Other Wiggles:
Of the Big Red Car.

The Wiggles:
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. We'll travel near and we'll travel far. Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. We're gonna ride the whole day long.

[final lines]

Yes, Dear, Season 3  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

Christine Hughes:
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Did you guys clean up your toys in there?

Dominic Hughes #2:

Christine Hughes:
Well, go back in there and pick 'em up. You want your mom to trip on a Power Ranger again and break her other ankle?

Logan Hughes:
No, we're sorry.

Kim Warner:
Christine, you broke your ankle trying on slutty shoes at the mall.

Christine Hughes:
Shh! Knowing their mom's a clumsy tramp isn't going to keep their room clean for the next 6 to 8 weeks.

Yes, Dear, Season 5  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[First lines. The episode opens at night with people on a balcony, including Minister James George "Jim" Hacker and the Mayor, who is announcing the results]

David Lloyd Evans, 4,106...

And here at Birmingham East, the Returning Officer is just declaring the result.

...James George Hacker: 21,793! Arthur William Gaunt: 19,321!

So Jim Hacker's back with an increased majority, and after many years as a Shadow Minister, seems almost certain to get a post in the new Government.

Yes, Minister, Series One (1980)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

[Hacker is in his new office with Principal Private Secretary Bernard Woolley]

A sherry Minister?


Oh, gin.

No, no, Jim, Jim. Call me Jim.

Oh. Oh, well I think it was all the same to you. I would prefer to call you Minister, Minister.

Minister, Minister? Oh quite, quite. I see what you mean. Does that mean I have to call you Private Secretary, Private Secretary?

No, do call me Bernard.

Thank you, Bernard. (Bernard gives him a glass)

You're most welcome, Minister.

Cheers, Bernard.

Your health, Minister.

Well what now?

[Sir Humphrey Appleby enters the office]

Ah, Minister, allow me to present Sir Humphrey Appleby, Permanent Under Secretary of State and Head of the D.A.A..

Hello, Sir Humphrey.

Sir Humphrey:
Hello, and welcome. (Shakes hands with Minister Hacker)

Thank you, Sir Humphrey.

I believe you know each other.

Sir Humphrey:
Yes, we did cross swords when the minister gave me a grilling over the estimates in the Public Accounts Committee.

I wouldn't say that.

Sir Humphrey:
You came up with all the questions I hoped nobody would ask.

Opposition's about asking awkward questions.

Sir Humphrey:
And Government is about not answering them.

Well, you answered all mine anyway.

Sir Humphrey:
I'm glad you thought so, Minister. (Bernard gives him a glass) And Good luck.

Now who else is in this department?

Sir Humphrey:
Well briefly, sir, I am the Permanent Under Secretary of State, known as the Permanent Secretary. Woolley here is your Principal Private Secretary. I, too, have a Principal Private Secretary, and he is the Principal Private Secretary to the Permanent Secretary. Directly responsible to me are ten Deputy Secretaries, 87 Under Secretaries and 219 Assistant Secretaries. Directly responsible to the Principal Private Secretaries are plain Private Secretaries, and the Prime Minister will be appointing two Parliamentary Under-Secretaries and you will be appointing your own Parliamentary Private Secretary.

Can they all type?

Sir Humphrey:
None of us can type, Minister. Mrs Mackay types: she's the secretary.

Pity, we could have opened an agency.

Sir Humphrey:
Very droll, Minister.

Very, very amusing, sir.

I suppose they all say that, do they?

Sir Humphrey:
Certainly not, Minister. Not quite all...

Right, now then, to business. Now you'll have to forgive me if I'm a bit blunt, but that's the sort of chap I am. Frankly, this depart... (Sits on a brown leather swivel chair) Don't care for this chair very much.

We can change it, Minister.

Can you?

We can change anything, Minister. The furniture, decor, office routine - Your wish is our command.

In that case, I'd like a new chair. I hate swivel chairs.

It used to be said there were two kinds of chairs to go with two kinds of Minister: one sort folds up instantly; the other sort goes round and round in circles.

Now then, gentlemen, frankly this Department has got to cut a great swathe through all this stuffy Whitehall bureaucracy. We want a new broom. We're going to throw open the windows, let in a bit of fresh air, cut through all the red tape, streamline this creaking old bureaucratic machine.

Sir Humphrey:
You mean a clean sweep, Minister?

That's it. A clean sweep. Far too many people just sitting behind desks. (Admires his desk) Not like us, of course. But we've got to get rid of all those people just making work for each other.

Get rid of them?

Sir Humphrey:
I think you mean "Redeploy them", Minister.

Yes. Good Lord no, I don't mean put them out of work. No, no. Open Government, that's what my party believes in, that was the main plank of our manifesto. Taking the nation into our confidence. Now how does that strike you? Do sit down.

Sir Humphrey:
May I? In fact, just as you said in the House on May 2nd last year, and again on November 23rd, and in your Observer article and in your Daily Mail interview, and as your manifesto made clear.

You know about that?

Sir Humphrey:
I'd like to have a look at these proposals, Minister. They outline the ways in which this policy could be implemented, and contain draft proposals for a white paper for your approval. We thought the white paper might be called "Open Government".

You mean it's all been...

Sir Humphrey:
It's all been taken care of, Minister.

Who did all this?

Sir Humphrey:
The creaking old bureaucratic machine. No, quite seriously. We are fully seized of the need for reform and we have taken it on board.

Must say, I'm rather surprised. I expected to have to fight you all way along the line with this.

Sir Humphrey:
People do have funny ideas about the Civil Service. We're just here to help you formulate and implement your policies.

(Reading the piece of paper) "Proposals for shortening approval procedures in planning appeals"?

Sir Humphrey:
Hansard Volume 497, page 1102, Column B. Quote "Mr. Hacker: Is the Minister aware that planning procedures make building a bungalow in the 20th century slower than building a cathedral in the 12th century? Opposition laughter and Government cries of shame".

Well they didn't actually cry shame.

Sir Humphrey:
Quite so, Minister.

Yes, Minister, Series One (1980)  Show Quote

added 7 months ago

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What TV show has the quote "man hands on misery to man it deepens like a coastal shelf"?
A The Inbestigators
B Greenhouse Academy
C A Series of Unfortunate Events
D Prince of Peroria