[Top Cat receives a crate of bananas from Africa]
Top Cat:
[reading an attached note] "Compliments from a wide and grateful family. Signed, Eek-Eek."
Choo Choo, Benny, Fancy-Fancy, Brain, Spook:
Officer Dibble:
What's all this "Eek-Eek" stuff?
Top Cat:
Oh, the boys got a touch of indigestion. Have a banana, Dib...
Officer Dibble:
Who're the bananas from?
Top Cat:
Oh... they're from an anthropoid!
Officer Dibble:
An anthropoid? That's nice. But getting back to chimpanzees, I'll always remember Marvo.
Top Cat:
[holding a banana] So will I, so will I! And why shouldn't I remember him? [eats the banana] After all, he remembered me!