[Meanwhile, meet the evil boy genius, Jack Spicer]
I want to rule the whole world! All of it! Not some of it. Not just Iceland or Fiji. I wanna rule the whole world!
Pardon me, sir.
What? Can’t you see I’m on an evil rant here?
Yes, sir, but your father sent you a gift from Hong Kong.
[Handing Jack a puzzle box]
Oh, a puzzle box. Oh, let’s see. And my prize is...[Opens up the puzzle box revealing to be a mask] a mask? Lame. [Throws the box away] All right, back to world conquest. My favorite pastime. Now, let’s see. Europe might not be a bad place to start. Or is that too obvious? Could go in for the unexpected, like Paraguay. But is that enough of an attention grabber? Could go down through Africa, over to South America and...
Onward to Asia.
[screamed in shock] Spooky ghost lady! Attack!
[Squad of Jackbots draw their chest blaster and fires at Wuya. Unfortunately, the projectiles ended up passing through Wuya's translucent ghostly form]
Plans for world conquest? My dear boy, we have much in common. What’s your name?
Jack Spicer. Who are you? What are you?
Me? I’m your new best friend.