Wikidude's Quotes Page #229

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I'll handle this.

I'll handle this!

I'll handle this!

I can't handle this.

The Young Ones, Series 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You saw him? Mulder?

They've accused him of murder?

And they have him believing that he did it.

Of murdering who?

Knowle Rohrer.

Knowle Rohrer? It can't be. I watched Knowle Rohrer die.

He can't die. Knowle Rohrer's a super soldier.

(Skinner hangs up phone) Mulder side-stepped security at a facility known as Mount Weather - a place where they say our so-called shadow government is installed.

What about this murder charge?

Thirty government workers are ready to testify they witnessed Mulder push a military officer to his death.

Killing a man who can't be killed? (Scully begins to leave, Doggett turns to her) Where are you going?

..To beg mercy with the man upstairs.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Gabe Rotter:
(standing in Scully's kitchen as she performs an ad hoc necropsy) You gotta be freakin' kidding me. I can't believe you're cutting up a dead cat on your kitchen table.

Will you keep your voice down, please? You're going to wake my baby.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Agent Mulder wasted no time closing that case. I just try to think like him. What would Agents Mulder and Scully do if they were in this situation?

Agents Mulder and Scully aren't in this situation - Agents Doggett and Reyes are. I don't know about Agent Reyes, but Agent Doggett's going to sit his tired ass down.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Agent Leyla Harrison:
Agent Doggett.. Both of you got in this car believing a little boy may be in danger. What's changed since then? Even if this isn't an X-file - which it is - what will it hurt to keep going? If Mulder were here, he'd keep going.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What's this about numbers?

(exasperated) Will you just..!

I'm very good with numbers.

The killer is driven by an impulse we believe is numerological.

Of course, he's a serial killer.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What are you doing here?

I'm waiting for a friend.

At midnight? In a parking garage?

(looks to his arm where a watch would be, except there's no watch) He should be here any minute.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You really are a card.. But I love you.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

2,598,960 possible five-card hands. 1,277 flushes in any given suit. 1,098,240 ways to make two-pairs and yet.. the game can't beat a man - Man only beats himself.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[End of the episode, where Reyes talks to a rattled Doggett, who is unable to believe that the one killer had two different appearances, one being the one that was shot, and the other now the one taken away, dead]

..So all that tonight was just you imagining things?

I can't accept this.. If you can, God love you - But that's not the way my mind works.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Somehow this person materialized inside a maximum security prison, killed an inmate, and then vanished into thin air.

Materialized how, like Casper the Friendly Ghost?

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

A cop I know, a man I respect deeply, he told me one time you don't clock out at the end of your shift unless you know you did everything you could. That's what this is about - me not clocking out.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Audrey Pauley:
Your name is John, right? She has a message for you. She says you're a dog person.

Wait - Where did you get that? Who said that to you?

Audrey Pauley:
I told you. She's not gone.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

It's true, John. She's gone.

I don't accept that - Look at her breathing. Her heart's still beating. There's got to be hope.

There's no measurable electrical activity in her brain. Brain death is... indeed death, John. I'm sorry.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Reciting from his memory of a Desert Storm engagement, where he lays dazed seeing a 'Super Soldier' team trot away after effortlessly wiping out the enemy squad.]

Zeke Josepho:
Behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, and a brightness was about it.. And out of the midst came the likeness of four living creatures, and they had the likeness of a man... I knew why my life had been spared - That I was to deliver the message of these angels, of these sons of God.. To deliver the message of the god who came before all other gods.

[Concludes showing him in the present, standing on top of a dug-up alien spacecraft.]

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Detective Van Allen:
(looking at Doggett) You Reyes?

I'm Doggett. She's Reyes.

Detective Van Allen?

Detective Van Allen:
That's right.

I appreciate your help on this.

Detective Van Allen:
What help is that?

On this investigation.

Detective Van Allen:
There isn't a lot to investigate. I mean, Victor Potts wasn't exactly one of the FBI's ten most wanted.

I think she means your insight into the way he died, Detective.

Detective Van Allen:
Don't have any. But I'm sure you'd rather talk to somebody who actually gives a damn, right? (walks off)

(to Reyes) ..Hate to say it but, he probably sums up most peoples feelings.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(talking about his recovered memories) I'll take the bad, so long as I remember the good.

The X-Files, Season 9  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(angrily) Look, there is something down there and I am not going to risk bringing it up here 'till I figure out what it is!

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What are you scared of? ..Why does it scare you?

..I gotta believe I did everything I could to find.. my son.

You did do everything to find your son.

I gotta believe I did everything I could to save him. To get him back safe. To not let him down. I gotta believe I did everything humanly possible.. 'Cause if I can't believe that.. then these-these 'other possibilities' that you talk about, that Mulder talks about, that Agent Scully talks about - If they're real.. If they're real, then.. that's something else I could have done to save my son.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Talking about Doggett) Can you help him?

You can't help a man who can't help himself.

He's worth the effort, Mulder.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Doggett is called to look at a body at a crime scene to see if he was a 'vision' of it appearing burned/ashen.]

Sorry, Agent Reyes - I don't see it. (turns and begins walking away)

I think you do.. You're just afraid to go there.

Whew.. Man, you just keep shooting 'til you hit something, don't you?

You'd rather blind yourself to the connections, but I can't.

You keep talking about these connections - Connections to what? To who?

What if this is a thread of evil, connecting through time.. though men, through opportunity - Connecting back to you? ..In India, in Africa, in Iran, in the Mid-East, in the Far East, most of the world - they take it as a given. They see evil in death the way other people see God in a rose.

I saw Elvis in a potato chip once.

(To Mulder) You know what I'm talking about.

Yes, I do. I do. But if this man doesn't see it, he doesn't see it, right?

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Hey, good morning, Agent Scully. How ya feelin' today?

..I'm fine. How are you feeling?

Me? Good. But then, I don't have a little J. Edgar to lug around.

A.D. Skinner just called. He told me about your meeting with Kersh.

Well, whatever he told you, I'm still going to be here to drive you crazy with questions and nagging doubt.

..You'd be crazy to stay, Agent Doggett. This is a huge career opportunity for you.

It's not my career he's got in mind.

What do you mean?

In six weeks, you go on maternity leave. Kersh transfers me out, guess what? He gets to lock that door over there for good. (motioning to the door to the X-Fills office)

You don't owe me anything, Agent Doggett.

They put me down here to find Mulder - I found him. So what? We still got an open file on this case, and I got big questions.

[Scully considers him a moment and chuckles and smiles very slightly.]


I heard the same speech come out of my mouth seven years ago.. (goes and sits down at Mulder's desk) Get out while you can, Agent Doggett.. Or you may never get out at all.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Then why did you shoot him?

Because it's what the boy saw. And in an instant, I realized that it's what Mulder would have seen.. or understood. Because that's just how he came at things - without judgement and without prejudice.. (starting to sob) ..and with an open mind that I am just not capable of.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

In my experience, dead men don't tip, Agent Scully.

The X-Files, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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Who said : "Children are completely egoistic; they feel their needs intensely and strive ruthlessly to satisfy them."?
A William Shakespeare
B Helen Keller
C Sigmund Freud
D Socrates