Wikidude's Quotes Page #243

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Paul Heyman:
In just a few moments, at my leisure, I'm gonna call Vince McMahon out to his ring in front of his public on a television show that's owned by his grand company. At least, that is, until this Sunday at Survivor Series. I know how much you people appreciate what Shane and Stephanie and I have done. How Shane and Stephanie and I have stood up to the tyranny of Vince McMahon. And the way it is ladies and gentlemen is quite simple: the World Wrestling Federation will die this Sunday. But don't blame me for that. It's not my fault. I'm not the one who ruined everything that was accomplished by Stone Cold Steve Austin.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kurt Angle:
My name is Kurt Angle. And I'd like to answer some questions I've been getting from you fans ever since last Monday night. Questions like, "Why?" "What were you thinking?" "How could you do this to your country?" Well, let me assure all of you I'm still your Olympic hero. I'm still an American hero. I'm still everything that makes this country great, and you know why? Because I'm a winner! And with Survivor Series coming up, I started to think, who else is a winner? Who do I want on my side when everything's on the line? Well, let's see. Undertaker? He's been here forever, and what has he accomplished? I've done more in two years than he's done in a decade. Kane? Kane's not a winner. He's a follower. A guy who lets the man who burned him as a child lead him around on a leash? Just pathetic! Chris Jericho? Rock? Please! Those are the two most egomaniacal, self-absorbed jerks in the history of the business. I'm supposed to put my career in the hands of these four? I don't think so! There's only one man, one man who I can trust to get the job done. There's only one man who typifies everything this country should be. A role model to anyone who wants to be a winner. And that man is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Think about it. No Mercy, SummerSlam, King of the Ring, Judgment Day, to name a few. And oh yeah, WrestleMania after WrestleMania after WrestleMania. Does Austin cheat? Yes. Does he play fair? No. When it's all on the line, does he get the job done? Oh hell yeah! And that's who I want on my team. I feel safe putting my career in his hands. We may not be the best of friends, but the man backs up what he says. He is without a doubt, the toughest S.O.B. I've ever faced. And the bottom line is, the guy knows how to win. Because people, as much as I love my country, and I do, I love my job. And I'll be damned if I'm going to put my job in jeopardy by teaming with some WWF losers. And any of you people would do the same thing. In fact, how dare you people be upset with me! Hey, I didn't lie. I never said I wasn't defecting. I still have my intensity, my integrity, and my intelligence. [camera zooms out revealing Shane McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin standing side-by-side by Angle] And now that I'm on the side of Stone Cold Steve Austin and Shane McMahon, I know I'll be employed after Survivor Series. And you fans will still get to see your Olympic hero for a long, long time. Oh, it's true. It's damn true.

Shane McMahon:
Very good. [shakes Angle's hand] Very good.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:
I'm proud of you.

Thanks. [pats Austin's WWF Championship]

Don't touch.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Kurt Angle has interrupted Stone Cold Steve Austin's match with Tajiri]

Kurt Angle:
You know, Austin? When you threw my gold medals over that bridge a few weeks ago, you threw a piece of America into that water and I will never forgive you for that! Nor will I forgive you for what you tried to do to me tonight. Now I see you for who you truly are. You're a desperate man Austin. You don't wanna face me for the WWF title this Sunday at Unforgiven. Because when you look at me, when you look into my eyes, LOOK AT MY EYES! You know that I am the one man that in your mind, in your heart, and deep down in your soul, can beat you! And this Sunday at Unforgiven, I will walk out of my hometown the WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPION! OH IT'S TRUE! IT'S DAMN TRUE! And I promise you that I will have no forgiveness for you!

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Waking up on the morning of Tuesday, September 11th, to turn the TV on, to see the tragedy that took place left a feeling of disgust in the pit of my stomach. Never before have I ever seen nor heard of something so tragic. My only hope is, once again, America can pull together and overcome this tragedy. And we pray for the victims, the families who have lost their loved ones, to the people who are helping save people who may still be alive, and that swift justice is brought to the cowards - the faceless cowards that perpetrated this. God bless America and I truly hope that we can overcome this.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Stephanie McMahon:
A few years ago, some people tried to destroy my family. They attacked my father's reputation, they attacked my mother's reputation, and they attacked the World Wrestling Federation. They tried to rip us apart...but all they did was make my family stronger. And that's exactly how America feels right now. Because on Tuesday, America was attacked. Because America is a united nation. And together, we stand strong. I am incredibly proud to be an American citizen, and I will stand up for my rights and my freedom.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Booker T:
I just wanna give my condolences to everyone who had, you know, who was involved, you know, everybody who was on the flights, you know, all the - all the firemen, all the policemen soon as the thing happened, they rushed in there to help someone, they just wanted to save someone and to lose their own life is - is tragic, but those guys, in our eyes, in history is always gonna be remembered as - as heroes. That's the way I feel about 'em, and...for something like this to happen here in America, you know, it's givin' everybody's, you know, can we go out of our houses, and you know it's kinda crazy right now but I know it's gonna make us stronger, it's gonna pull us together, it's gonna make us a better people...

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Stone Cold Steve Austin:
I don't have anything philosophical to say or anything that's gonna change the world. I just know that I was given an opportunity to speak about what's happening, so all I have to offer is my opinion...and...and my opinion, what I think is the people who did this are a buncha complete cowards. Ah, my heart goes out to anybody that lost loved ones in this whole ordeal. And uh...I think that tonight, by going back to work with the World Wrestling Federation, I think it's...uh...I think it's the thing to do. It feels strange, and I've had this uh, I've had this bad feeling come over me ever since this whole thing has happened and it doesn't seem like I can shake it. But uh, as a person, and I think as a country I think we have to shake it. We have to mourn the losses of the people that we knew, but we have to, uh...we have to get back - we have to get the gears rollin' again, and that's what we're here to do tonight. Uh, what happened this past Tuesday was the worst thing that I've ever seen in my life, and I hope that I never ever see anything like this again, except, to the people that when we find out who did this get a payback, because they deserve a payback, and they deserve exactly what they have comin'...

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Kurt Angle:
I just wanna say that my heart, my thoughts and my prayers go to the victims and their families. And you know, all my life I've always wanted to do something special to be considered an American hero. And after winning the Olympic gold medal at the Olympics, some people would consider me to be an American hero. But after watching this terrible tragedy - now I know who the true American heroes are. They're the police officers and the firemen, and the doctors and nurses, and the paramedics, and all the people that stretched out their arms to help the victims and their families. They're the true American heroes. THEY deserve a gold medal. Or better yet...they earned the right to be called Americans. It's true.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You know, I have heard and I have seen the cowardly acts that have happened before. The extermination of Jews by some maniac in Germany. The bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City by some maniac. And now some maniac has attacked America - attacked innocent men, women and children...husbands, fathers, parents...all because of some religious belief, or some other motive that he has, these people had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with you. We're running this show tonight because we're gonna show you that you cannot break, you cannot even bend the fiber, the backbone of the United States of America. There's gonna be some critics. There's gonna be some critics that wonder why we run this show. I wanna make this perfectly clear: go to hell. We're doin' this show because we love America. This is all we have to give you for tonight is this, is this evening. If I had to, I'd give my life, readily, for this country. I have relatives who have done that, who are buried overseas, who are buried in many different places. I would do the same thing 'cause I love this great country. George W. was one of the greatest governors of the state of Texas - it's time he become - it's time he will become a great president. You guys who are out there, we're gonna find your ass. We're gonna make whatever country's hiding you into a stinking parking lot. God bless this country - God bless this great state I live in, and God rest the sorry son of a (beep) that did this. We will find you.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Bubba Ray Dudley:
The one thing I did wanna say is that there's an old saying, "that which does not kill us makes us stronger." And yes, a lotta people died, but you can't kill America, and you can't kill American spirit. And somebody's gonna pay for this, and I hope it's soon, and...

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Ahh, besides the Pentagon and the plane that went down outside of Pittsburgh, and all the bomb scares in New York, it's scary for me right now, to be here in Houston and be this far from my family, my parents live in Staten Island, um, my wife and son, I'm just worried, you know, because of all these bomb scares, and I just wanna be there to protect them and be there with them and I'm not - I gotta do what I gotta do and I'm here and I miss her and I miss my son, and ah...these people who are responsible for this - you know, they're gonna pay, and they're gonna pay hard. And I don't know who it was, the president or one of these Senator people, they said you know, we're gonna bring 'em to justice. Well to me that's a load o' crap. Don't bring 'em to justice, bring 'em down - to their knees, to their stomach - until they're not breathing. You gotta fight force with force, and that's just what they did, and...I don't know when I'm going home...but it'll be in New York, that's where my home is, and I can't wait to go home, uh...I don't know what home looks like now, so...

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Uh, I really - I don't know what to say about something so...devastatingly evil...uh, that could even make a difference to anyone, so, um...I try to delve below, I've got, you know, this layer of numbness over me and I try to discover the emotions that I have and they're, you know, sadness, anger, fear, help- helplessness, it's like all in one, you know, and so we start to look for answers. I mean, who would do something like this? Why? What are they trying to accomplish? You know, it's...we don't understand. We start to watch...and we get some of the suspects, and the motives, you know, for an event like this, and...but what I wanna know, what do the answers solve? It doesn't change anything that's happened. And, um, you know, I've watched the TV ever since Tuesday morning like I'm sure everyone else has, and um...the only thing that's changed is become more of a reality, and um...all I can say is I've never felt anything like this, um, personally or on a national level. Um, I can', I would never have the audacity to say that I do know what to do in a situation like this. Um, but on a personal level, whenever I have a problem, large, small of any level, it always begins with stopping everything and taking a deep breath. So tonight I hope the entertainment that we provide for you can help you kinda relax and get your mind off things, just for a short time so that you can relax, maybe start to take that first deep breath.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Chris Jericho:
To be quite honest, I'd like to, I'd rather be in New York City going through the rubble and seeing what I could do to help right now...but since I'm not, maybe - maybe we can help in a different way - maybe we can begin with ourselves, and maybe we can learn from this and become a more peaceful nation and a more peaceful race in the long run. being a little bit nicer to each other. I think it's one thing that we've learned from this is that we never know what's gonna happen tomorrow, in the next five minutes, in the next ten minutes. And maybe above everything else, ah, you know, maybe tonight, you know, hug your loved one a little bit harder, or give him or her an extra kiss. Be a little big nicer to a stranger on the street. Be a little more kind, a little more gentle. Um, like I said, if anything else. that our fate and our destiny lies in our hands now...

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Rock:
First and foremost, I have to say that I can't fathom or comprehend the pain and the suffering and the anguish that the families and friends of the victims are going through...the workers, working diligently, 24 hours a day - sifting through the rubble and looking for...any remnants of life. It's talk about this and I will say that I can't...I couldn't imagine what it must be like to be there, I couldn't imagine, I couldn't imagine if my own family were there. I, ah, I will offer my condolences and certainly say that everyone is in my heart and in my prayers, and I umm - I just wanna say to everyone out there, again to the families and friends of the victims and everyone involved is to...just stay strong. Stay strong.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I was actually contemplating whether to do this or not, because I don't know if all of you really care what Edge, or better yet Adam Copeland has to say about this. What else can be said? And I actually contemplated whether this show was the right thing to do. And once I contemplated it, I decided that, as the WWF family, we need to do our job tonight, and our job is to bring smiles to the faces of all your families. And if we can do that, then we've done our jobs, and...this can't be forgotten, it shouldn't be forgotten, and it never will be forgotten...but if we can do that, then this show was the right thing to do. And, I'd just like to send my prayers out to all those affected.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Vince McMahon:
Tonight - tonight, the spirit of Houston, Texas! On behalf of everyone here in the arena, and a worldwide television audience, we would like to extend our condolences to the victims, and the families and friends of the victims of the terrorist acts that occurred on Tuesday in New York City and Washington, DC. Our nation's leaders have encouraged us to continue to live our lives...the American way...they've encouraged us to practice and exercise our Constitutional rights. And, as such, tonight I believe this is the first public assembly of its size since the tragedy of Tuesday. Make - make NO MISTAKE about what - and make no mistake about the message this public assembly is sending to terrorism tonight. And that message, quite simply, is that we will not live our lives in fear. The citizens of Houston are NOT afraid...the citizens of Texas are, indeed, not afraid...and by God, the citizens of the United States are not afraid! For we are a proud people - proud of who we are, proud of our nation, and damn proud to be Americans!


And we...and we will fight. We will fight for our families, we will fight for our rights, and we will fight for our great nation. America's heart has been wounded. But her spirit - her spirit shines as a beacon of freedom - a beacon of freedom that never has been, nor ever will be extinguished. The World Wrestling Federation would like to thank each and every one of you here in the Compaq Center tonight. The World Wrestling Federation would like to thank each and every one of you watching on television. We would like to thank you for the honor and privilege of performing before you here tonight.

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Rhyno attacks Chris Jericho after his match with Hugh Morrus]

Michael Cole:
Wait a minute! Rhyno! Rhyno from The Alliance ambushing, attacking Jericho from behind! Where the hell did he come from?

Well I guess Jericho's mouth will be shut finally.

Rhyno, on that steel ramp, [Rhyno suplexes Jericho on the ramp] suplexing Jericho! His back and head, bouncing off that steel!

Shut his mouth, Rhyno! Shut it!

Wait a minute! [Rhyno is calling for Jericho to get up] Oh my God! What the hell's Rhyno doing?

Can you feel it Cole? Can you feel it?! [Rhyno charges at Jericho and gores him through the SmackDown! titantron]

A Gore!


A Gore! A Gore through the screen!

Y2J just got Gored into the next millennium! Shut his mouth!

Rhyno with that devastating Gore through that video screen, and onto the steel behind, and Jericho grimacing in pain!

That was amazing! I don't hear Jericho yapping now, do I?

WWE SmackDown!, 2001  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Miss Dewey:
Oh, I'm also sorry I didn't believe you, Tobey.

Apology accepted. Now, if you have a spare moment, I'd like to check out that ten volume series on super advanced robotic engineering.

Miss Dewey:
I'll be happy to loan you those books.


Miss Dewey:
Once you put back each and every one of these books where they belong.

That would take all day! Tell you what, if you give me the rest of the weekend, I can program my robot to do the work for me.

Miss Dewey:
You will be doing it without the help of a robot. The only helper you'll have is... Becky.

[shocked] Me? What did I do?

Miss Dewey:
Says you accused Tobey of losing your book without any evidence, so you can help him clean up. Now, get to it, you two. And please be quiet, this is a library. [leaves]

WordGirl, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Mick Foley as Mankind appears while Triple H insults a fake Mankind on the ring]

Mick Foley:
Triple H, that is enough! Is this what you get off on? Making fun of me? How much more, do you want from me? First, you take away my job, then you bring this idiot out there and you take away my dignity then Monday night, in what should have been the greatest night of my life when I was reinstated on RAW is WAR, you take me and you ruin my shirt and you ruin my face and I'll be honest when I stepped onto the shower and I let the cold water run down on my head and I looked down at the pool of blood as it swirled down the shower drain, I started thinking a little big about what Mankind was. Well, Mankind is an entertaining son of a gun. Mankind is a pretty damn good author, Mankind is one tough SOB and Mankind is one hell of a fighter. So it saddens me to say that after the beating you gave me on Monday night one thing Mankind is not is ready to face you in a streetfight at the Royal Rumble in Madison Square Garden because you are without a doubt, The Game. You are the best in the business right now and as you said Mankind in some ways is nothing more than a beaten-up pathetic fool. But I think the WWF fans deserve a substitute in that match. What I'm gonna do, Triple H, is I'm gonna name him right now - as a matter of fact, I think you know the guy. [walks down, removes mask and shirt, revealing the Cactus Jack Wanted Dead shirt to huge response] And I think you know him pretty damn well. His name, is Cactus Jack! And his first official act as part of the WWF is to kick your teeth all over the city of Chicago!

WWE SmackDown!, 2000  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Piper's Pit; Rowdy Roddy Piper has Frank Williams as his guest.]

Being the kind person that I am and I'm giving everyone a fair break, what I'm doing out of the kindness of my heart, I have a gentleman named Frank Williams. Frank Williams, first of all, I don't know where you come from.

Frank Williams:
Columbus, Ohio.

From Columbus, Ohio. I've wrestled in Columbus, Ohio. I've never lost a match in Columbus, Ohio. Have you ever lost a match?

Frank Williams:

You have. See, it seems odd to me when you're talking about fighting careers and a career like myself, I went on the premise of never having to lose a match. I've never lost a match in my whole career. I've had different things happen to me, but I've never actually lost a match because I figured once you were defeated one time that it would take that oomph away from you that you needed. Yourself, you are just the opposite. I have never seen you win a match in my whole career of watching you and I've seen you with tremendous fighters. I've seen what you've done, but you lack the guts, you lack the authority to go in there. You lack the guts and when you're against the ropes, you stand there instead of going after the man. You just back off of him, maybe a little cowardism. Maybe what you should do, maybe you should be making pizzas.

Frank Williams:
(grabs mike) I'm not a coward of nobody! I'm not afraid of nobody! I'm always in that ring!

Wait a second, wait a second! Just relax, relax. This is, this is verbal, this not physical. Pizzas or something like that.

Frank Williams:
I said I'm not afraid of nobody. I'm always inside of ring no matter what and I don't run from nobody!

You got no room for nobody. That's a wonderful thing. You got no room for nobody, but you're a lousy wrestler! It's as simple as that.

Frank Williams:
I might be a lousy wrestler, but I'm still in there and I'm not afraid of nobody!

[Piper starts beating up Williams]

Piper hammering away! Oh no! Piper all over Frank Williams! Unbelievable!

It's as simple as this! [beats up Williams some more and throws him to the back]

Oh no! That's incredible!

Just when they think they got the answers, I change the questions!

WWE Championship Wrestling  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Piper's Pit; Piper has Andre the Giant as his guest.]

I'm not really that well acquainted with you. First of all Andre, here we have this week on Piper's Pit of course, Andre the Giant. Supposedly the biggest man in the world ever. It's a pleasure to have you. Where are you from Andre? (Andre doesn't respond) I'm sorry, do you speak English? Andre,

None of your business!

If the questions are too hard for you, I will try to bring them down for you so you can understand. Big body, little tiny weeny brain. I can understand that, that's very simple. Let's get down to facts. Is it true that John Studd himself took the largest man like yourself supposedly in the world and picked him up and slammed him? Is it not true that John Studd slammed you?


Are you telling me that John Studd never slammed you? Are you trying to tell me at 540 pounds, whatever you are, you cannot be slammed?

Do you understand English or no? I told you that one time already.

At 520 pounds, if I've given five minutes, I could slam you myself! I don't care, you say John Studd, at 520--

[Andre rises from his seat, grabs Piper by the collar and tosses him around a bit.]

You think you're tough?! Come on!! You ain't nothing! You ain't nothing! I'll tell you one thing right now! You want a fight Andre? You're going to find out one thing, you do not throw rocks at a man who's got a machine gun!

WWE Championship Wrestling  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[last lines of the series]

Oh, hello, girl I don’t know! My name is Violet! Is this swing taken? [Becky looks stunned and Bob invites Violet to sit] Thank you kind monkey, sir! [sits next to Becky on the empty swing]

Uh, Violet? What are you doing?

Well… I just thought maybe it would be nice if you and I started over. So… I’m Violet. What is your name?

I’m Becky! [Violet gives her a look, expecting more] But… sometimes, I fight crime as WordGirl!

Wow! That’s some pretty amazing info to give someone you just met!

[jumping up from the swing] What can I say? I have a feeling you and I are going to be best friends! [Violet gets up from the swing, and gives Becky a big hug] Ahh… Are we really going to start our friendship over from the beginning?

Nah… but people always say that in the movies, and I just wanted to see how it sounded!

And so… once again, chaos is averted, and our hero is no longer forlorn. [Bob joins the two of them] Anyway… gather up your best friends, and join us next time for another amazing, colossal adventure of… WordGirl!

[A five-headed robot shows up. On top of it are Chuck, Granny May, Tobey, Dr. Two-Brains, and The Butcher. Becky looks over at Violet, and she gives her a nod. Becky changes into WordGirl and goes after the robot. Violet puts her hand onto Bob’s shoulder.]

[last lines] Since we’re coming clean, I always knew you were a monkey.

WordGirl, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Scout Leader Botsford, there has to have been an error. My robots worked... I mean, I worked tirelessly. And Violet, she was playing in a field somewhere.

Getting her stop and smell the roses badge.

And then I saw her tickling a chipmunk.

And that's the coveted tickling a chipmunk badge. Very difficult.

Oh, WordGirl was going to see me.

Oh, I'm sorry, Tobey. There will be another chance to win the key to the city eventually.

[angrily] Eventually? Eventually?! [he pulls out his controller] Robots attack!

[gasps] Oh, my!

[presses his controller] Robots attack! Robots attack! [nothing happens and he looks around confused] Well, congratulations, Violet. Much deserved. Got to be going. Ta ta. [he walks off as Mrs. McCallister pops up from a tree and grabs Tobey by the ear]

WordGirl, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Tobey, I know you're cheating. You're using your robots to help win this award.

Becky Botsford, you don't know the first thing about this award, or any other award, so shoo.

I know that an award is a prize a person wins for being the best at something.

Yes, like me at badges.

No, not like you. Like the fastest runner in a race. He or she might win an award, say, a gold medal for being the best runner. But someone who cheats isn't the best, and they don't deserve an award.

This award was meant for me, and besides, I made those robots so in a way I'm earning those badges myself. Now, if you'll excuse me.

WordGirl, Season 8  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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A Nelson Mandela
B Pep Guardiola
C William Wallace
D Che Guevara