[Piper's Pit; Rowdy Roddy Piper has Frank Williams as his guest.]
Being the kind person that I am and I'm giving everyone a fair break, what I'm doing out of the kindness of my heart, I have a gentleman named Frank Williams. Frank Williams, first of all, I don't know where you come from.
Frank Williams:
Columbus, Ohio.
From Columbus, Ohio. I've wrestled in Columbus, Ohio. I've never lost a match in Columbus, Ohio. Have you ever lost a match?
Frank Williams:
You have. See, it seems odd to me when you're talking about fighting careers and a career like myself, I went on the premise of never having to lose a match. I've never lost a match in my whole career. I've had different things happen to me, but I've never actually lost a match because I figured once you were defeated one time that it would take that oomph away from you that you needed. Yourself, you are just the opposite. I have never seen you win a match in my whole career of watching you and I've seen you with tremendous fighters. I've seen what you've done, but you lack the guts, you lack the authority to go in there. You lack the guts and when you're against the ropes, you stand there instead of going after the man. You just back off of him, maybe a little cowardism. Maybe what you should do, maybe you should be making pizzas.
Frank Williams:
(grabs mike) I'm not a coward of nobody! I'm not afraid of nobody! I'm always in that ring!
Wait a second, wait a second! Just relax, relax. This is, this is verbal, this not physical. Pizzas or something like that.
Frank Williams:
I said I'm not afraid of nobody. I'm always inside of ring no matter what and I don't run from nobody!
You got no room for nobody. That's a wonderful thing. You got no room for nobody, but you're a lousy wrestler! It's as simple as that.
Frank Williams:
I might be a lousy wrestler, but I'm still in there and I'm not afraid of nobody!
[Piper starts beating up Williams]
Piper hammering away! Oh no! Piper all over Frank Williams! Unbelievable!
It's as simple as this! [beats up Williams some more and throws him to the back]
Oh no! That's incredible!
Just when they think they got the answers, I change the questions!