[Due to Laurie's injuries from the bullet ants, Miles made both elements of the costume which broke the instructions of the challenge; The Vegans then got eliminated while suffering a 30-minute penalty and by the time it has ended, every other team had surpassed them]
Rockers in 14th! Second-last place! Well, tofu break, ladies. You've been cut from the race. Maybe you can get a job at a tempeh agency. Soy long.
[disappointed] All our plans for the money.
[The Vegans walk sadly away as they're departed]
Now that the last truly unselfish players have been eliminated, things are gonna get ugly. Next time on The Ridonculous Race.
That millions dollars would've helped so many causes.
I know. And I ate meat. [weeps]
Your heart was in the right place. Not the one you ate. I mean, your heart. The one inside you. Like as they're both inside you. But, I mean the-
Please. Stop talking.