Wikidude's Quotes Page #343

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Want a drink?

Oh, I'd love a cup of non-fat decaf mocha latte with a little nutmeg on the side.... Or a cup of Joe?

I got iced tea.

Well, I haven't worked up to tea yet but how about a nice cup of water?

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[At dinner with her daughter Sydney and granddaughter Beth]

I think the last lover I had in Rome was a New Wave director. Now what was his name?

For Heaven's sake, Mother!

Don't give me that holier-than-thou pious look of yours, Sydney. When was the last time you had a lover? Might do you some good, you know.

[interjecting] A good brisk walk in the morning always does me a lot of good.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

People are too busy to meet themselves anymore. Everybody's faxing and modeming and on-lining and inputting and downloading. You don't like it? Change the channel. Push the button: Escape. Delete. You know, you can say anything to anybody anywhere in the world in seconds. But it still takes as much time as it ever took to know a soul or mend a broken heart or give birth to a child. Even in this world of change, some things don't. And children like her get lost in the in-between.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Trying to threaten Robin's ex-boyfriend]

You know, bookmaking is illegal.

So's putting jerks in comas.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Tess, isn't it amazing the different ways people think of to protect their feet.

That's nothing. Look what they start thinking of when they start trying to protect their hearts.

Charles? Poor dear. I can't even see his heart from here.

Then you just gotta get closer.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

How could one person buy so many shoes, so many UGLY shoes?

Probably because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no taste.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[When Charles found out he gave the money to the wrong person, he visits Robin again]

Am I to assume you purchased these items with the money we gave you yesterday?

Yes. It was incredible! All my life, I'd wanted to spend an entire day in a shoe store and not even look at the prices.

Well.... I'm afraid you're going to have to give those back.

Yeah, I know. They make my calves look really fat.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Honey, you are plunging into the lion's den. You're dealing with a lawyer.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[To Cassie] You made your decision. The Feldmans were there. Everything was planned. Except for how you'd feel. That's the only thing no one thought of.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

How am I gonna take care of her? I never knew being a mother would feel like this. It's so...every moment. I'm just a kid. I'm not a good mother.

Oh, Cassie, you are a good mother because you know what it is to love your baby more than yourself.

But how do I know the Feldmans are the right parents for her?

No one knows the future, Cassie. I can tell you this. Your daughter's going to have a wonderful life. She's going to have freckles just like you. And she'll have skinned knees and maybe a broken arm but she'll win the fourth grade spelling bee and become president of her sophomore class. And she'll fall in love... a few times. And Cassie, she'll play the violin in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

How-How do you know all that?

Because I'm an angel.

You mean like a psychic or something?

[Chuckles] No, this is not a prediction, Cassie. It's a message. Do you remember when you were a child and you used to pray at night: "Please, God, let me make beautiful music"? Well, that prayer will be answered for generations to come because the beautiful music, it started with you.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Tess, what am I supposed to be doing with Cassie? Am I supposed to get her to go back to the Feldmans? Or am I supposed to help her keep her baby?

You're supposed to help her become a good mother.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What kind of nurse are you? Aren't you a little far from the hospital?

I'm a floater. I go where I'm needed.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I know I'm not supposed to see the baby because then I won't want to give her up and the baby won't want to go either. But all I can think of is how down that hall, there's a part of me I may never see again. What's it gonna be like in 20 years from now if I never saw her? What's it gonna be like if I did? What should I do?

Cassie, that's a decision that only you can make. But I believe that if you truly make that decision out of nothing but love, it'll be a decision you can live with.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[When Craig, the boyfriend, arrives]

Shannon, we need some privacy.

Oh, right. Just remember privacy got you into this.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Witnessing a birth] I've never seen it from this side before. Oh, isn't it something?

How long have you been working on OD? I haven't seen you around here before.

I've been working upstairs.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I never had a grandchild before. It's just a little tough to get one and lose one all on the same day.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Cassie during a painful contraction] Cassie, I want you to imagine you're playing a beautiful flute solo. A strong, simple melody. Can you hear it? And now the melody is joined by an oboe, and a clarinet, and a horn. And now the strings take it up, playing faster, until it rises on a wave of percussion, until...until it's over.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

God loves you.


Because you're Elizabeth. Not Elizabeth the journalist or the prizewinner or the alcoholic but because you're you. God loves you. Elizabeth, this is not who you were created to be. You spent your whole life running and running and trying so hard to catch up to something that was never there for you. But all you've done was go farther and farther away from that precious love that is always there for you. Now you've almost lost that completely.

[Incomprehensibly, in tears] I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Oh, God, I'm so sorry!! What am I gonna do?

You just did it.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I love your accent. You must be from the old country, huh?

Yes, Very, very old.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I'm afraid of the water.

Say that again?

I never had to work near lakes and oceans. I always asked to be excused from those and I was. Bad memories of the Flood, I guess.

This is ridiculous! What is the first thing an angel says? "Fear not. Be not afraid. Except for large bodies of water." Is that it?

I know there's nothing to be afraid of. I know it doesn't make any sense.

Well, actually, it makes good sense now. The thing you're terrified of is something she loves.


Your next assignment, Angela Evans. She's fighting a terrible fear. The kind that comes in the night and whispers in your ear 'til dawn and then sends you running to the sea just to get the voices to quit for a little while. But Angela's voices won't quit. Not until her own voice drowns them out.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Any marimba playing going on in there?

Beautiful music, Tess. Beautiful music.

That's gonna be some kind of interesting book of memoirs she's gonna write.

Right. It'll be worth waiting for.

It always is, baby. It always is.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Why didn't you tell me from the start?

Well, when you met Elizabeth, you made friends with a very strong and talented and interesting woman. If you had known then what you know today, you might have just seen the alcoholic and not the woman. And that's who we love and that's who we wanna help.

But she doesn't want any help.

Then it's up to you to help her want it.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Do you have any idea what it's like to watch your own mother self-destruct? I love her. She's ... She's my mother but I've given up.

No! You must never give up, Sydney.

You know ... You know what the really hard thing is? It's that I know. I know what I need to do. I know what it's gonna take. It's just I can't do it alone.

Well, then. I'll help you.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

People only carry on in the dark when they don't want you to see what they're doing.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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Which film is the following quote from: "The Frost. Sometimes it makes the blade stick."?
A Romans
B Gladiator
C The Three Musketeers
D Spartacus