Wikidude's Quotes Page #383

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Guillermo Ortiz:
[to Jake] You can't hurt a man who lost everything. I'm already dead. God took my family, my wife, my son, on the blackest day. The day you were born.

Touch, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[voiceover, to Guillermo Ortiz] But you also knew love, before you turned to death.

Touch, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Guillermo Ortiz:
[to Jake] Stop it. Stop it, boy. Whatever you thought you could accomplish tonight, you failed. But we both know what that date means to me. It's all the more reason you can not exist here.

Touch, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[voiceover, to Guillermo Ortiz] She loved you. I know you're in pain, unbearable pain.

Touch, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Jake] It's okay, there's another way.

Touch, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[voiceover] An arctic storm moving southward can suddenly crash into a tropical hurricane that's traveling north. And when these collisions of weather systems occur, it causes the storm to explode. The sum total of their destructive energy is far greater than what any of them would have been had they remained on their own, creating what meteorologists sometimes call perfect conditions for a deadly storm. A perfect storm.

Touch, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[voiceover] In a vacuum, radio waves travel at the same speed as all forms of electromagnetic radiation. That is, 299,792,458 m/s. But human beings do not live in a vacuum. Wherever we are, we're surrounded by stimuli, both positive and negative. When negative stimuli is perceived, it travels from its source to its destination, the sensory cortex, at a mere 100 m/s. But regardless of its relatively slow speed, this unpleasant sensation registers as something we call pain, and as humans, we are conditioned to do anything and everything to avoid it.

Touch, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[voiceover] Sometimes storms do not arrive full blown. Sometimes they build over days, or even weeks. An arctic storm moving southward can suddenly crash into a tropical hurricane that's traveling north. And when these collisions of weather systems occur, it causes the storm to explode. The sum total of their destructive energy is far greater than what any of them would have been had they remained on their own, creating what meteorologists sometimes call perfect conditions for a deadly storm. A perfect storm.

Touch, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[voiceover] "From the smallest amoeba to the grandest of galaxies, we define ourselves by our borders. Our boundaries. I am me, therefore, I am not you. We are safe within our territory. But borders can be places of instability, of danger. Cold fronts collide with warm. Dynamic energy explodes. And yet... it's at the edges, the frontiers between us, where ideas are exchanged, where knowledge is gained. I am me, but I must push past my borders if I'm ever to truly know you."

Touch, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[voiceover] 89 degrees, 15 minutes and 50.8 seconds. That's the current position of Polaris, the northern star. Viewed from another planet, it's just one among many. But on earth, it's uniquely important. Fixed in place, an anchor, no matter where you are in the northern hemisphere, if you face Polaris, you face north. You know where you are. But there are other ways to get lost. And the choices we make and the events that overwhelm us, even in our own minds, what can be our anchor then? What beacon can we turn to, to guide us from darkness into light? What if it's other people; the lives that touch our own, in ways big and small? Because unlike Polaris, the light they bring will never fade.

Touch, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You'll never get away with your crazy scheme. By the way, what is your crazy scheme?

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[hiding Oinky in his suit] I wanted it to be a surprise, [as Oinky's head pops out of the suit] but Oinky hasn't learned the art of stealth yet.

[to Oinky, excitedly happy to see him] Oinky! You've come back to me! DREAMS DO COME TRUE! [Oinky runs out of Jerry's suit up to Alex, squealing, who catches him in her arms. They nuzzle each other, happily] Aw!

[photographing their moment with his phone] Now, there's a sentimental moment for the W.H.O.O.P. photo album.

[to Oinky, cuddling him] Oh, did you miss me? Did you have enough mud to play in? Do you need your little hooves buff?

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Sam, about Oinky] But-but-but-but he could find truffles for us. He's cleaner than a dog, and he's SO cute!

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Good luck, ladies. [as Oinky sits on his desk next to him] I'll take care of Oinky until you return. [He pets Oinky, who oinks]

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Oinky] Oink, oink. [Oinky oinks] Oink, oink. [Oinky oinks] Oink, oink, oink. [Oinky oinks] Really? Wow, that's incredible.

[to Alex] Well? What did he say, Alex?

[to Clover] I have no idea, Clover.

[Clover faints while Alex pets Oinky]

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Mandy, about Oinky, who is wearing a bodyguard uniform] Oinky, is OUR new bodyguard.

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(about Oinky, after he brings them a truffle) I had no idea Oinky's a truffle pig.

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[after summoning the girls and Oinky to headquarters from their penthouse] Hello, ladies. [Oinky oinks, landing on Alex's head] Hello, Oinky.

[Oinky oinks, sitting in Alex's lap]

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Since I have sworn off boys, I have tons of free time, Sam. Last night, I completely reorganized my handbag closet.

You have a handbag closet?

I told you, I have tons of free time.

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

We've got a villain to catch.

Yeah, and we also have one to save.

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Time to go to Plan B!

Do we even HAVE a Plan B?

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[as the girls are tangled in seaweed while making a getaway] Now I know what sushi feels like.

[the girls get trapped in a net]

And this must be what cooked sushi feels like.

I think they just call that seafood.


Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

There isn't a single night that I don't lie in bed and ask myself: Did Katie cry and I didn't hear? Did I turn the television up too loud? Why didn't I just walk into the room and kiss her goodnight again?

It's time to forgive yourself.

I can't.

I'll help you. I'm an angel. [Christine refuses and wants to drive away only to find that there is no car] I'll give it back, I promise. Really, I am an angel.

You're an angel?! You're an angel, so what?! What are you doing here now? Where the hell were you a year ago? Where was the angel when my baby died alone in her crib? Why didn't an angel come down and take me out of my bed and drag me into that nursery? Why didn't an angel dial 9-101 for me? Where the hell was the damn angel then?!! [breaks down in tears] Oh, God, why did you send an angel?

[embraces her] Christine, there was an angel with your baby that night. That's what she was there for. And it's the same angel who's with her right now and forever. God loves you, Christine. So much you can't even imagine. And so do I.

Touched by an Angel, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[after destroying a spy-droid's ankles] Someone has to take the fall.

Totally Spies!, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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"Dirt in the fuel line... just blowed it away."
A Casablanca
B The godfather
C Bonnie and Clyde
D Gone in 60 seconds