Wikidude's Quotes Page #378

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[as Elmer Presley, singing] Every time I go hunting, try to catch a bunny, my gun expwodes and it really isn't funny.

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Babs is mocking the other toons]

Fifi La Fume:
[giggling] Do someone else!

Hmm... [as Fifi] Bonjour, my leettle cheese brioche of love. I hold all my men smellbound.

Fifi La Fume:
[angry] I am not like zat at all!

Le sigh, my boyfriends have stood me up more times zan ze French National Anthem.

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Babs dresses herself to look like Plucky.]

Who do you think you are?!

My name is Plucky Duck.

My name is Plucky Duck!

Déjà vu! It's to tell the truth!

I'm Plucky Duck!

I'm Plucky Duck!

No, I am, and I'm a silly green duck with an ego the size of Cleveland!

I'm the silly green duck with the ego the size of Cleveland!

You're right!

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Fifi La Fume:
Zis grape juice has a full body, no?

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Buster] By the way. I love your show! [to audience] Eh, Warner Bros. paid me to say that.

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[while fingering his chin causing to float] "Ahh, you're sweet, but I already promised Plucky I'd go with him."

[Just after she says it, Fowlmouth falls back to the ground upon hearing]

[Taken aback] "Plucky?!"

[The camera cuts back to Buster and the Babies]

[Flabbergasted] "Plucky?!

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Furrball] Bring back a mouse and your portrait will hang with the great ones. Better yet, make it a mouse sandwich. I missed lunch.

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Golly gosh Buster? F.M. you just said 3 whole sentences without swearing!

Sure. There's little kids here ya know. What, do you think I'm crude or something?

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Listen ears, I'm [bleep bleep] in love! I got to get Shirley to be my lovebird! Help me, will ya? WILL YA?

That's my weak spot. Venerable poultry.

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Aw dadgum it! I spilt some [bleep bleep] milk all over my [bleep bleep] feathers!

Did I say little problem?

I mean if I had a nickel for every [bleep bleep] time I spilt some on my clothes I'd be a rich [bleep bleep bleep] guy! [bleep bleep]! I don't believe this [bleep]! What?! I [bleep] don't believe it! I got my [bleep] lunch all soggy and... [burps] Pardon me.

Fowlmouth swears so much his beak has been declared a toxic waste dump.

Aw [bleep] Buster. Look what I did. [bleep bleep]. Now Shirley will never [bleep bleep] give me the time of day.

Uh uh. Not until you clean up your mouth.

I [bleep bleep] just got to ask her to the dance this Saturday.

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

So let's give 'em the magic chant!

There once was a girl from Nantucket...

Not that chant

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Bursting out from a closet] "It's mine! It's mine! Woohoo! What luck!"

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Montana Max:
He can't do this to me! I'm rich! I'll Sue! [then jumps into the picture of Acme Acres] He'll never work in this town again!

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Dizzy Devil:
Dizzy out of here! [spins to escape]

Elmyra Duff:
[jumps out] Elmyra just wants to hug you and squeeze you into itty bitty pieces! And then I'm going to change your diaper by myself!

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Plucky Duck:
Just a cotton-tailed minuto! You can't pull this show off without me! I am Plucky Duck. [hands them his card] My Resume. I'm a Swashbuckler! [turns into a 16th century swordsman] Oh, Ah! Perry, Thrush! [then changes into a superhero] Superhero! [flies up] Up, Up, and Up some more! [turns into a romantic man] A romantic lead, [then takes out a small mirror] Ah, you gorgeous hunk of duck! Let me take you away from this, and back to my place! [returns back in his normal clothing] And funny duck extraordinaire! [then takes out a pie and smashes it on his face] So what do you say uh, hmm uh?


You're in!

Great! what's my role? Musketeer? [turns into a musketeer] Romeo? [turns into Romeo] Or just king? [turns into a king, then Buster shows up next to him]

You're our sidekick. [then kicks Plucky into a pond, where he is standing in mid-air]

Sidekick?! no way! [then notices the pond and falls into it. He then returns] I am no sidekick! Hamton's the sidekick type! He has all the earmarks of a sidekick! [then shows one of Hamton's ears has the word SIDEKICK written on it, then tosses Hamton off-screen] I am a superstar, a super duper nova star! That's what I am! I'm exploding with talent!

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I'm Gogo Dodo, and I shall perform Hamlet's Soliloquy. Ahem. Two bees... [transforms into two bee versions of himself] Or not 2B... [transforms into a door marked 2B, which he crosses out, then transforms into the Riddler] That is the question.

Tiny Toon Adventures, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Lilly always forgets where she puts things.

She'd forget her head if it wasn't screwed on tight.

Timothy Goes to School, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[This episode's first half introduces Lilly's mom. Lilly's mom is named Susan. And this is Susan's first appearance in the TV series.]

[telling her mom how her day was at school] I remember everything about it. We drew pictures, I traded lunches, and I played hide and seek.

[Lilly gets to the part about when she did not get ice cream after noting she didn't get it. She did not get any ice cream and neither did Charles. That is, not only did she forget her nickel but also, though Charles was supposed to share his ice cream cone with her, Grace had bought the last ice cream cone before Lily or Charles could get to it. Therefore, as she had to miss out with the ice cream, she tells her mom about the part when she didn't get ice cream]

[at this, she mentions how she didn't get any ice cream] But...! I didn't...! I didn't get any ice cream.

That seems like a lot of things to do in one day.

[Susan remembers that the same afternoon is tomorrow --"ice cream". So she understands about Lily who wasn't able to get ice cream and prepares to give her a nickel for it so she does get ice cream.]

Good remembering.

My friend Charles helps me sometimes.

Timothy Goes to School, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[bought the last ice cream cone from the ice cream truck] Look!

[Grace then brags that she bought the last ice cream item saying it was the last one. Then she shows it in front of Lilly and Charles's faces.]

I have the last one! (laughs)

[Grace then runs away with the last ice cream. By the time Lilly and Charles get to the ice cream truck, the ice cream man/ice cream vendor which is shown to be possibly a beaver due to the paws shown, he closes the window. This means he's all sold out. Then it drives away. Lilly and Charles end up missing out with the ice cream for some reason.]

Ice Cream Vendor:
[driving away and to Lilly and Charles about him being sold out] (Sorry! Sold out!)

[The ice cream man/ice cream vendor --off-screen-- puts a "SOLD OUT" sign near his selling window.]

[about Grace getting the very last ice cream] I am sorry, Charles. I've lost your place in line.

[also about Grace getting the very last ice cream] I know.

[Sadly, both of them miss out with the ice cream. Grace got the very last ice cream item. Now Lilly and Charles cannot believe that Grace bought the very last one. The ice cream truck was out of product. So as a result, before Lilly or Charles could get to the ice cream, they have to miss out on it for one day]

Timothy Goes to School, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What's that on your finger?

Mrs. Jenkins says if I tie a string around my finger, it'll help me remember where I put my things.

Does it work?

Not yet.

Timothy Goes to School, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Timothy stops running and founds a mop]

Hey. [waves the mop] Wow, great flag. I better ask Henry.

[Timothy enters the janitorial closet]

Henry? Henry?

[The mop falls down and pushes the door close and Timothy looked shocked. He tries to open the door but it won't open]

Oh no, help! I'm stuck, let me out. Help! Get me out of here! [Charles looks worried] Help! help! help! [Charles slides down and takes off his helmet] Help! Get me out of here! [Charles enters the hall] Hello? Is anybody here? help! [Charles looks at the door] I'm stuck. Hello?

[Charles grabs the bucket, climbs up and looks through inside]

I'm here, Timothy.

Charles, I think I'm locked in.

[Charles notices the emergency bell on the wall]

Don't worry, [pushes the bucket] I know what to do.

[Outside the school, Mrs. Jenkins looks at her watch. As she tries to pull the rope, she and the students heard the emergency bell]

Mrs. Jenkins:
Oh my, an emergency!

Timothy Goes to School, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Where were you at recess?

I was playing with Charles.

Charles doesn't like to play with anyone. He's shy.

Hmm, he wasn't shy at recess.

Timothy Goes to School, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[On the second "ice cream" day]

Lily, did you forget something?

[Now that Lilly has ice cream, she was going to give Charles the said ice cream cone after she ate the other one and does not know she has accidentally allowed the second to melt]

Nope. Two zoom ice creams. One for me and one for...!

[The ice cream cone --for Charles-- is melted. The good news is, Lilly like the rest of her friends except Charles got to have ice cream. So she got ice cream this time. The bad news is, Charles did not get any ice cream even though Lilly got it as she remembered her nickel. The ice cream for Charles, it is now melted and inedible. Charles ends up missing out with the ice cream like Lilly did the day before, even though Lilly got ice cream this time]


Oh, Charles...! I am sorry.

[Lilly notes about her own and Charles's sympathy about their "ice cream" effort. Charles --reacting to this-- shrugs sadly and sighs as he had to miss out with the ice cream as a result. He has the same problem as Lilly did the previous day. Because the one that was for him had melted, even though Lilly was able to get ice cream for some reason. But he knows that there is always a "next time".]

Timothy Goes to School, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Yoko is drawing lions and tigers]

I'm drawing lions and tigers. What are you drawing, Timothy?

A pirate ship.


[Timothy looks surprised]

Charles is drawing creepy crawlies!

[Charles stops drawing]

It's a sunrise. [picks up the drawing] See?

[Charles' drawing is finished. Doris really believes the sun is a big yellow spider]

Eww! It's a spider! A big yellow spider! I'D HATE SPIDERS!! [runs away]

Timothy Goes to School, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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B Carol Burnett
C Tobias Wolff
D Abraham Lincoln