Wikidude's Quotes Page #386

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

You gotta stop sending me all those nudies.

Oh, I will never stop sending nudies. That's my First Amendment right!

The Mindy Project, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I'm actually happy that Danny's gone, 'cause I'm his secret Santa and I don't know what to get him.

Golf balls.

No, that's for white people; Danny's Italian.


No, I'll just eat them.

The Mindy Project, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Ledreau:
I'm working on this recommendation for Dr. Lahiri, and I'm wondering if you know any adjectives other than Indian. I'm stumped.... I'd prefer to please here, especially if there's a possibility of her following through on any of those threats.

The Mindy Project, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

So the girl Danny picked for me is dating you, but thinks you're me?

Yes! It only took you twenty minutes to understand that. Please, help me!

I'm fighting two urges here: Date a smart, beautiful woman I have earned through self-improvement, or help a bro get a girl by lying.

You should know we slept together.

She's all yours, Morgan.

Thank you, Peter.

The Mindy Project, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Mindy and Morgan are interviewing potential nannies for Leo]

Nanny 1:
Child is like mule. It must be trained and broken.

Nanny 2:
I will raise your child like it was one of my own weasels.

Do you smell weed Dr. L?

I do.


Nanny 3:
I love the way babies smell. [sniffs]

I just got an Amber Alert on my phone.

Get him outta here.

The Mindy Project, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The lesson I want you to learn is; it doesn't matter what you look like. You can be tall or short or fat or thin or ugly or handsome like your father, or you can be black or yellow or white, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the size of your heart and the strength of your character.

The Munsters  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Same-sex marriage, by any name, civil union or otherwise, is the ultimate smashed-mouth in-your-face insult to God almighty, and you think he's going to let England and America and the rest of this evil world get by with it? God almighty has not joined fags in holy wedlock. God no longer keeps America safe, America is doomed. We're getting the pants beat off of us, in Iraq, in Afghanistan. God is now America's terrorist, that's who Bush is fighting, that's the terrorist that he best be afraid of. You tweaked his nose you jackass, you tweaked his nose! God put it in your earth wicked heart to start that war. That's the message we've got at the funerals of these dead soldiers. God duped you into starting a war, so he could punish you. And any preacher preaching it any other way is a lying hell-bound false prophet. So almost eighteen months now and the siege has got people eating their babies, and their small children, and each other! You're going to eat your babies! God himself duped Bush into a no-win war, and he did that by the technique of putting a lying spirit in the mouth of all his trusted advisers, to punish America.

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Billy Graham, hell-bound false prophet. I've known Billy Graham more than fifty years, and Billy, you are headed straight and irreversibly for hell. You are a lying, money grubbing, Arminian heretic . . . At 88, Graham will soon die, and split hell wide open. And Westboro Baptist Church will picket your funeral. Amen.

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I will not have my kids call themselves dating anyone, or doing any activity that would remotely resemble what this generation calls dating. To what end would they do that? What would be the purpose? So they can fornicate?

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The streets of this nation are full of married men having fag sex. That's adultery. So don't try to pretend that you don't come under the umbrella of adultery just because you're a fag.

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

If you see a nation or a people who have risen up with one voice to say that it's OK to be gay, you're looking at a doomed people. Those people have crossed the line. When you say "gay pride," you obviously have given over any trace or any notion that you're going to admit that you're sinning.

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Don't think of fags as just those guys who are taking it up the tailpipe. Think of it as people who are involved in some perverted sex act, and I'm talking about anything other than one man, one woman, in their marriage bed.

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

God hates Louis Threox, God hates Louis Threox, therefore God hates America and all of his military. Don't be a faggot.

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The Jews killed Christ! You're going to try to tell me that they worship the same God as I worship? They killed Christ, what more do you...

Newsflash, brainiac, Christ was Jewish.

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Did you rejoice yesterday when that church burned down?

You're supposed to rejoice over all of God's judgements.

And do you rejoice when soldiers die in Iraq?

Absolutely, I do.

And do you rejoice when people are knocked over by cars and they get cancer?

Absolutely, I love it. And I can tell you right now because it's the righteous judgement of God almighty.

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I was struck by your preaching, you referred mainly to the Old Testament and it was almost as though you felt that we were living in a time of biblical prophecy. Is that accurate?

No, it's not accurate. If you had just a little knowledge of the Bible, you would know that what you just said is stupidity in spades. I don't know how to deal with a question like that. You're just too dumb, sorry. You've got a duty to know the Bible as well as I do.


Because you're a human being, because God almighty made you, and God almighty is going to send your ass to hell.

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Noah, do you know what fag troops are?

Noah (age 8 approx):


It's this nation. Of these fags. It's this nation of fags. That's what fag troops means.

It is the nation of fags, that's right . . . Noah, do you know what else you could be besides a fag, to be in trouble with God and be included in that sign? If you're not just a fag, but what else?

Erm . . . and . . . soldiers and . . .

But what are you if you're not a practicing fag, what are you? What if you support fags, what does that make you?

A dyke?

The Most Hated Family in America  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I'm great with kids. My Uncle Randy got kicked in the head by a mule, he had the brain of an infant. Took care of him for years. Now he's a Mississippi state senator.

The Mindy Project, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Why would you think it was OK to take a photo of my son in an anti-vaccination onesie?

But I thought you said you wanted him to be famous!

Yeah, of course I do! But if you want him to model, you gotta go through his talent agent, who I don't have, because no one will accept us as a package. Also, he is vaccinated.

What?! Why? Vaccines are just toxins pumped into our children by Big Pharma!

No! You know what Big Pharma did? They got rid of Big Mumps and Big Polio.

Yeah, but no one even gets those anymore!

Because of vaccines!

The Mindy Project, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I only do coke to have fun after work. And to work.

The Mindy Project, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Doing cocaine once doesn't make someone a cokehead. Don't jump to conclusions. I hit a bicyclist once with my car, does it make me a murderer? I have no idea, I drove off.

The Mindy Project, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I knew I shouldn't have told you, but it's not my fault! I have ADHDTV.

The Mindy Project, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[holding a pregnancy test] Yeah, this one is positive. Which makes 30 positives. But there was that one negative!

The negative was a popsicle stick.

Do you even bother telling your boyfriend if there's only, like, a 96% chance you could be pregnant?

100% chance. It was a popsicle stick! I saw you eat the popsicle, and then draw this little minus sign on it and then pee on it, for some reason!

The Mindy Project, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Hey girls! I'm back! Did you miss me?

You were gone?

Well of course she was gone! She was picking up her Nobel Peace Prize. Your head healed real nice.

She thinks you're Malala.

The Mindy Project, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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Who said: "The art of leadership is saying no, not yes – it’s very easy to say yes.’"?
A Mao Tse-Tung
B Tony Blair
C Donald Trump
D Franklin Delano Roosevelt