Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,401

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Quinn Abercromby:
What do we do when we are awake?

The Children:
Keep two eyes on the sky.

Quinn Abercromby:
What do we do when we sleep?

The Children:
Keep one eye on the sky.

Quinn Abercromby:
What do we do when we see them?

The Children:
Dig hard, dig deep, go for shelter, and never look back.

Reign of Fire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Coach Boone is motivating his team as they do intense physical exercise]

Coach Boone:
What are you?

Mobile, agile, hostile!

Coach Boone:
What is pain?

French bread!

Coach Boone:
What is fatigue?

Army clothes!

Coach Boone:
[Puts his hand to his ear] Will-you-ever-quit?

[shouts] NO! We want some mo'! We want some mo'! We want some mo'!

Remember the Titans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Coach Boone:
What, you say your name was Jerry?

[annoyed] Gerry.

Coach Boone:
No, you must have said Jerry, like Lewis, [to Ray] which would make you Dean Martin, right? [to a crowd of people including Gerry's mother] Ladies and gentlemen! I've got an announcement to make. We got Jerry Lewis, and Dean Martin going to camp with us this year. Jerry tells the jokes, Dean sings the songs and gets the girl. Let's give em a round of applause. [Boone claps]

Coach Boone:
Where's your folk's, Gerry? Parents, are they here? Where are they?

[points to his mother in the crowd] That's my mother.

Coach Boone:
That's your momma?


Coach Boone:
Very nice. How are you? Take a good look at her. Cause once you get on that bus, you ain't got no momma no more. You got your brothers on the team, and you got your daddy and you know who your daddy is, don't you? [Gerry says nothing] Gerry, if you wanna play on this football team, you answer me when I ask you, who is your daddy? Who's your daddy, Gerry? Who's your daddy?


Coach Boone:
Ah-hah. And whose team is this? Is this your team or is this your daddy's team?


Coach Boone:
Mm-hmm. Get on the bus. Put your jacket on first and get on the bus.

[Gerry walks to the bus and puts his jacket on]

Coach Boone:
[to Ray] Dean? Fix that tie, son.

Remember the Titans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[lying down on bed, looking at a poster of the Black Power salute that Julius is putting up.] I ain't looking at that for two weeks man. Take it down.

Well, you can close your eyes for two weeks for all I care. Why don't you look at your wall and I'll look at mine.

[getting up] I'll look wherever I want to, and I don't wanna be looking at that for two weeks.

Then you better use your X-ray vision, Superman, and look right through it, cause it ain't coming down.

[fight breaks out after Bertier forces the poster down]

[opens door, and shouts] FIGHT! [white and black players join in the melee]

Remember the Titans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bertier notices an Army officer and his son approaching the coaches]

Hey fellas! Look at that fruitcake!

Coach Yoast:
Gerry, just keep your mouth shut and get back on that field!

Col. Bass:
Coach Boone, I'm Colonel Bass. We just got transferred here from Huntington Beach, California. This is my son, Ronnie, he's a quarterback.

Coach Boone:
[shakes Sunshine's hand] How you doin' Ronnie?

Ronnie Bass:
Coach Yoast.

Coach Yoast:
[shakes Sunshine's hand as well] My pleasure.

Coach Boone:
We're pretty set at the, uh, quarterback, colonel. But if your boy's any good, you might want to check out Wilson or Annandale.

Col. Bass:
Well, I met Coach Taber. He won't let blacks play on his team. The way I see it, if these boys can fight a war together, they can play football together. Now, he's a pretty good runner...

[Sunshine throws football towards Gerry, who is standing at the other end of the field. The football hits Gerry square in the back. He turns around, angrily]

[laughing hysterically] Yeah, a fruitcake, huh?

Remember the Titans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Coaches Boone and Yoast argue about the harassment by racist residents]

Coach Yoast:
This is about setting a good example for our boys and the community.

Coach Boone:
I don't scratch my head 'til it itches, and I don't dance until I hear some music, I will not be intimidated. That's just the way it is.

Coach Yoast:
You want to carry your sinful pride to your grave, that's your business, but when your sins endanger on my little girl, it becomes mine.

Coach Boone:
My sins? You think my sins had something to do with what happened last night? I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter, I really am, but maybe you've got a small taste of what my girl has gone through. [Yoast is silent] Welcome to my life, Yoast.

Remember the Titans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Gerry Bertier has a word with Coach Boone after a missed block has led to a season-ending injury to the teams (black) starting QB]

Coach Boone:
What's on your mind, son?

Gerry Bertier:
I want Ray off the team, coach.

You know my policy.

I do coach, and I respect it, but I know [looks at Ray] Ray missed that block on purpose. Sometimes you just got to cut a man loose.

[considers] Well, you're the captain. You make your decision, but you support that decision.

Remember the Titans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Yoast realizes the Hall of Fame board have fixed the game against the Titans]

Coach Yoast:
[to referee] I know all about it, Titus.

What are you talking about, Bill?

Coach Yoast:
You call this game fair, or I'm going to the papers. I don't care if I go down with you. But before God, I swear I'll see every last one of you thrown in jail.

You dig your own grave.

Coach Yoast:
[Smiles] All right. DEFENSE, ON ME! [huddles players; to Petey] Petey, don't you go on the strong side.

Petey Jones:
Coach they're calling a holding penalty on me every time-

Coach Yoast:
Did I ask for your excuses? You wanna act like a star, you'd better give me a star effort, do you hear me? [Petey leaves] Forget about him. Allan, you're in, come on. All right now, I don't want them to gain another yard. YOU BLITZ ALL NIGHT!! If they cross the line of scrimmage, I'm gonna take every last one of you out! You make sure they remember, FOREVER, the night they played the Titans! [players cheer and get back to the field] LEAVE NO DOUBT!

Remember the Titans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Coach Yoast counsels an injured Gerry Bertier]

Coach Yoast:
Well, Gerry I think this is a time for reflection, for prayer...

Coach, I'm hurt. I ain't dead.

Coach Yoast:
[smiles] No, no you're not.

You know, I've been reading on activities for people in wheelchairs and such...[Smiles] They've got Olympics.

Remember the Titans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Remo Williams:
Do you always talk like a Chinese fortune cookie?

[striking Remo] Chinese! I am Korean! The Korean is the most perfect creature ever to sanctify the earth with the imprint of its foot.

Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Remo dangles from a car on the Wonder Wheel]

Remo Williams:

Concentrate. This is no time for prayer.

Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Women should stay home and make babies. Preferably, manchild.

Major Rayner Fleming:
[to Remo] I see you both went to the same charm school.

Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Remo Williams:
You know, Chiun, sometimes you're a real pain in the ass.

That is because it is the shortest route to your brain.

Remo Williams:
Chiun, you're incredible!

No!... I am better than that...

Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Otto is eating out of a can labeled "Food - Meat Flavored"]

Mrs. Maddox:
Put it on a plate, son. You'll enjoy it more.

Otto Maddox [blankly]:
Couldn't enjoy it any more, Mom. Mm, mm, mmm.

Repo Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Duke hurts his hand trying to open the trunk of the Malibu.]

Aw, Dukie Wookie hurt his wittle hand.

Fuck you, Archie! Just for that, you're not in the gang any more.

I'm taking over now.

Oh, leave it!

King Archie! The Invincible!

Shut up, Archie!

Hey Debbie! Watch this!

[Archie opens the trunk and is vaporized by the contents.]

J. Frank Parnell [blankly]:
Oh, my. What a shame.

Duke, let's go do those crimes!

Yeah. Let's get sushi... and not pay!

Repo Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Duke has been shot in a botched holdup.]

The lights are growing dim. I know a life of crime led me to this sorry fate... And yet, I blame society. Society made me what I am.

Otto Maddox:
Bullshit! You're a white suburban punk, just like me!

But it still hurts!

Otto Maddox:
You're gonna be all right. [Duke groans pitifully] Maybe not.

Repo Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Miller is in the glowing car and gestures to Otto to come with him]

What about our relationship?

[after a pause] What?

Our relationship!

Fuck that! [gets up and walks towards the car]

[angrily] You SHITHEAD! I'm glad I tortured you!

Repo Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How come you know more about medicine than a doctor?

Believe me, Ma: I know.

Requiem for a Dream  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tappy Tibbons:
We got a winner, I said we got a winner, we got a winner! Our next winner is that delightful personality, straight from Brighton beach Brooklyn, Please give a juicy welcome to Mrs. Sarah Goldfarb!

The Audience:
Juice by Sarah, juice by Sarah, juice by Sarah oh, Sarah's got juice, Sarah's got juice, ohhhhhhhh Sarah

Tappy Tibbons:
I'm delighted to tell you, that you've just won the grand prize!

Oh no!

Tappy Tibbons:
Now let me tell you what you've won. Your prize has a sweet smile, and his own private business. He just got engaged, and is about to get married this summer, please give a warm, and juicy welcome, Harry Goldfarb!

The Audience:
Juice by Harry, juice by Harry, ohhhh Harry's got juice, Harry's got juice ohhhhhh Harry.

I love you Harry.

I love you too, ma.

Requiem for a Dream  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Waking up after his arm was amputated] Marion? Marion?

Angelic Nurse:
Don't worry, you're in a hospital.


Angelic Nurse:
Who's that? She'll be sent for, she'll come.

No... she won't.

Angelic Nurse:
She'll come.

[crying] No... she won't come.

Requiem for a Dream  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Young Tyrone:
I told you I would make it Mama.

Tyrone's Mother:
Oh, you don't have to make anything, my sweet, you just have to love your mother.

Requiem for a Dream  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about the failed drug score] Some dumbass junkie...

Did what? Some dumbass junkie did what? You mean, you fucked it up?

The fuck is wrong with you?

You promised me that everything was going to be okay, remember? I fucked that sleaze-bag for you, then I put myself through fucking hell for you?

There's nothing out there!

I don't give a shit! You fucking loser!

Requiem for a Dream  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Getting the money's not the problem, Harry.

Then what's the problem?

You don't know what I'm going to have to do to get it.

Requiem for a Dream  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Prison Doctor:
Can you hear me? Can you see me?

Yes sir.

Prison Doctor:
OK for work. Can you hear me? Can you see me?


Prison Doctor:
[hits Tyrone] Say "sir". Goddamn New York dope fiend niggers, learn some manners.

Requiem for a Dream  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Name the film "I've seen seambeams glittering in the darkness near Tannhauser Gate"
A Bladerunner
B The Abyss
C The Big Blue
D All Quiet on the Western Front